Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 19


Although the conditions for filming here are difficult, the hardship is only for minor roles and low-level staff like Lin Yi. People like Li Xingzhou and the film's male lead Chen Qiaoxu can basically maintain the standard of living in the capital.

As the main garrison of the First Legion, more than 60% of the land on the desolate planet is off-limits to civilians. Most of the ordinary residents who actually live here are ordinary people who serve the troops, and many of them are people who cannot survive on other ordinary small planets.

Who would come to this place where chickens don't lay eggs and birds don't shit to suffer if they have a good life? So when I heard that someone came here specifically to film a movie, many people found it strange.

In fact, this kind of on-site shooting is indeed unique at this time. Because special effects can be completely true to the current level of imperial technology, and it is difficult to see with the naked eye. At most, there will be some minor bugs in some details, which are so small that they can be ignored.

Therefore, in many TV dramas and movies produced by the Empire, the protagonist only needs to show his face, and the intelligent brain can make up for the rest of the body language. It only takes one or two days to shoot a drama, which is amazing.

Of course, this assembly-line operation method has been criticized in recent years. In order to prevent the intelligent brain from developing too quickly and causing a crisis conflict between humans and the intelligent brain, the intelligent brain's understanding and learning ability of emotions are always limited, so as to prevent them from being truly similar to humans.

As a result, the plot content evolved by the intelligent brain based on the script is particularly insufficient in terms of emotional expression. In other words, the film and television works of the Empire tend to be reserved and reserved, and the requirements for actors are not high, which makes such fast-food shooting dominate the mainstream.

However, there are people who are dissatisfied with the status quo and want to change it. For example, Fred, the director of the film "Into the Badlands", is completely immersed in the world of art. His requirements for both films and actors are completely different from other directors, which also earned him the title of a madman.

During the three days on the way here, Lin Yi had already thoroughly read Fred's previous works and resume, and was fully aware of Fred's style. This was an artist who was immersed in his own world and only wanted to shoot works that suited his own wishes.

Although Fred has a reputation for being moody, in Lin Yi's opinion, such people are the easiest to get along with, because they express their emotions directly and truly, without any sophistication.

This time, Xiao A originally wanted to bring his own robot body along to take care of Lin Yi. Lin Yi had no objection at first, but before departure he was told that his share of the luggage could not cover Xiao A, so he had to give up, leaving Xiao A at home in tears with Wei Que.

Originally, Lin Yi thought that this was the common treatment for extras, but after getting off the aircraft and seeing everyone's checked luggage coming out of the cargo hold, and even the assistants on the lower level bringing the machine shell to match the intelligent brain, he knew he had been duped.

Lin Yi carried his luggage expressionlessly and stood in the queue waiting for military inspection.

A lot of the filming had to take place in military buildings. Although no confidential content was involved, all personnel entering were still subject to strict inspection.

For many staff members queuing in the queue, it would be fine if they were alphas, but betas or omegas are feeling extremely uncomfortable now.

The first legion has no shortage of alphas, who are usually carefree. When they gather together, they put enormous pressure on the other genders, making all the staff and actors very uncomfortable.

This was an important issue that needed to be overcome during filming. For example, the alphas in the army had to inject certain drugs daily to suppress the hormone levels in the body to a stable stage. Over time, the body has adapted to the effects of such drugs. Even if the staff and actors who arrived on the deserted planet for filming injected the corresponding drugs, it was difficult to fully adapt to such an extreme environment. If they were not careful, it might cause a disorder in the secretion of pheromones in the body, affecting overall health.

In comparison, such negative effects have no effect on Lin Yi at all.

Others lined up in the queue. The sky was gray, the air was stuffy, and even the ground seemed to be shaking, making it difficult to stand. Facing the soldiers with guns and serious faces around them, almost everyone dared not breathe and accepted the inspection honestly.

Omegas like Li Xingzhou, unable to withstand such an environment, had already gone through a special passage to rest.

Only in Lin Yi's eyes, the alpha pressure emanating from the soldiers had no effect at all. The sky was clear, the air was fresh, and the land under his feet made him feel real and solid. As for the guards, Lin Yi occasionally looked at them and didn't think they had any supernatural powers.

The glands in the original owner's neck were deliberately damaged by surgery, and almost all of them were removed from his body, which caused him a lot of pain in the early days. However, so far, the disordered hormones in the original owner's body have returned to normal. With the decline of many omega hormones and proper exercise, Lin Yi can clearly feel that his physical condition is getting better.

The existence of omega hormones is actually a hindrance.

The entire inspection took about an hour to complete.

After the military personnel took them to an independent building, they used simulated images to seriously explain to them the places they could enter on the entire deserted planet and what kind of punishment they might receive if they illegally entered restricted areas.

As a marginal planet, Desolate Planet was actually an experimental planet of the former empire. The overall environment is basically the same as that of the Earth, and many areas still maintain unique landscapes with diverse biodiversity.

Lin Yi listened carelessly, but was more interested in some of the beautiful scenery in the picture. He would stay here with the entire crew for about half a month, but there was not much to shoot, so he should have a lot of free time. He didn't know if he would be able to go around freely at that time.

Just treat it as a vacation, Lin Yi has a very good attitude.

Meanwhile, in the military office, Song Qinsong was looking at the inspection data being inputted from the backend. The images and movements of each person on the screen kept sliding down.

Song Qinsong yawned and crossed his arms impatiently.

A colleague beside him called out to him, "Are you going to eat?"

Song Qinsong said, "Why go? Just drink a bottle of nutrient solution. Is the food in the cafeteria edible?"

The meals in the cafeteria are nutritious and are specially provided for military training. At the same time, they are also intended to solve the problem that the nutrient solution cannot bring a sense of fullness. The taste is just a bit hard to describe.

The soldiers in the army didn’t think much of it, but the braised pork made by Lin Yi in “Where Are We From” a few days ago tasted so good that it made people wonder if they had been eating pig food before, and they seemed to be eating it with great relish.

Due to this reason, the number of people eating in the legion's cafeteria has dropped sharply in the past two days, which has made the intelligent computer that manages the kitchen very worried.

When eating, everyone would rather start the reality experience and stuff fake meat into their mouths than eat a bite of the real braised pork made by the intelligent brain in the kitchen.

Although the show "Where We Come From" broadcasted the entire process of Lin Yi's cooking, it is difficult to find out what seasonings he used and how much he put in.

The intelligent computer in the kitchen tried to make it several times, but the taste was always a bit weird and few people liked it.

The colleague grinned, unable to refute Song Qinsong's words.

Song Qinsong's gaze lazily fell on the screen, watching the faces flash by. When he was about to get up and leave in anger, he suddenly saw a face and a name flash across the screen, and he perked up.

He manually pulled time forward and froze the picture on the content that lifted his spirits.

Name: Lin Yi.

Of course Song Qinsong knew Lin Yi. He had been eating meat cooked by him every day these days. How could he not recognize who this person was

He had been longing to taste the braised pork himself, and even thought about how to ask Lin Yi to make a plate of meat for him in person after returning to the capital star so that it would not seem awkward. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that Lin Yi came to his door himself.

I don’t know what to say in the capital star, but now that I’m in my home court, don’t I have enough reasons and excuses

At this moment, the two words "Lin Yi" automatically turned into braised pork in his eyes.

Song Qinsong laughed and slammed the table, scaring his colleagues around him so much that they almost drew their guns. "Song Qinsong, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to eat meat." Song Qinsong rubbed his hands together, pushed the stool away and rushed out, more reckless than a rookie.

At the same time, the military inspection had ended, and Lin Yi was waiting at the back of the line for the crew to arrange check-in.

There are basically no single rooms provided by the military. Only a few main actors and important staff members can live in single rooms. The rest of the people have to live in dormitories with four people in a room.

Because there are all kinds of genders mixed in the crew, there may be many inconveniences when people of different genders live together, so this will be taken into consideration when arranging dormitories, and the three major categories of ABO will be distinguished.

Many omegas share a room with two or four people.

Therefore, when Lin Yi saw that he was assigned to the same dormitory with three alphas, he felt even more that he was being deliberately targeted.

Even though in Lin Yi's eyes, the gap between the three genders of ABO is basically zero, there is no reason for him to swallow this kind of bullying.

"I have a question," Lin Yi took a step forward and looked at the crew member in charge of logistics, "Why was I assigned to a room with three alphas when there were so many rooms available?"

The staff member did not look happy about Lin Yi's question. He had already accepted the instructions from his superiors and thought that the more trouble they could make for Lin Yi, the better. At this moment, he did not care about Lin Yi's objection.

"This is the arrangement of the crew. You can stay here or not if you want. If you don't want to, you can sleep on the street and no one will care."

An alpha who was assigned to the same room with Lin Yi laughed and said, "What's wrong with living with us? You're an omega without pheromones, what can we do with you?"

The other two alphas also laughed obscenely.

Lin Yi chuckled, looked at the three of them briefly, and said carefully: "You can disgust me."

Regardless of how the alphas' expressions suddenly changed, Lin Yi turned his gaze to the worker. After seeing the name tag on his chest clearly, he said, "Archie, right? I refuse to live with the alphas. Please arrange another place for me."

Archie looked impatient and threatened, "This is a confirmed arrangement and cannot be changed. If you don't want to stay here, then you have to find a way to stay here for fifteen days. The crew will not be responsible for you. Lin Yi, you need to be clear-headed. This is a deserted planet, not a capital planet. There are no hotels open at any time for you to stay. If you insist on not living with roommates, then I hope you will be prepared to face the outdoor temperature dropping to minus fifty degrees Celsius in a while. The consent form you signed before coming to the deserted planet to shoot has already guaranteed that we will not be responsible even if you freeze to death here."

Lin Yi thought he was farting, so he walked out. Seeing that he really dared to leave, Archie thought that Lin Yi was just being stubborn out of spite, and felt a little proud.

If Lin Yi left at this time, he would not be able to endure the sudden drop in the room temperature outside. He would then have to turn around and beg him to let him enter the dormitory. Wouldn't he be able to torture the other party however he wanted

However, Archie's self-imagination had not yet ended, as Lin Yi stopped at the gate, then looked up and pressed the red alarm button at the door.

Everyone was startled by the sudden sound of the alarm. Archie came to his senses and shouted at Lin Yi with an angry face: "Are you crazy?"

Lin Yi pressed the emergency button connected to the army. Within a minute, someone from the army would come to investigate.

It was difficult for the crew to come here to shoot. If director Fred hadn't had some connections, it would have been difficult to get permission to shoot. The crew members were very terrified when dealing with the military personnel, fearing that they would be unhappy.

Now Lin Yi pressed the alarm for no reason. How would he explain it later

When Archie thought of this, he didn't even have time to wonder why Lin Yi was so bold. He just broke out in sweat.

Before Archie could come up with a solution, the intelligent computer that managed the building spoke first.

"It is detected that there is no dangerous situation in the room. Do you want to cancel the alarm?"

"Yes!" Archie shouted quickly.

"No," Lin Yi said, "According to Article 52 and Article 106 of the Imperial Constitution, I request the military to provide me with assistance."

Article 52 of the Imperial Constitution states that omegas have the right to special protection when their lives are in danger. Article 106 of the Imperial Constitution states that the military cannot ignore requests for help from civilians.

The intelligent computer received Lin Yi's voice and immediately responded: "If you insist, I will submit an application for you in thirty seconds."

Archie gritted his teeth and said, "Remove the application immediately!"

If the military is really disturbed by then, no matter what Lin Yi does, he will not end up well, and it is very likely that even his work will be affected.

Lin Yi said calmly: "Since the crew can't arrange accommodation for me, and you also said that the temperature outside will drop to a level that I can't bear, then I have no choice but to ask the military for help. This is legal and reasonable."

Archie's head buzzed. He never expected that Lin Yi could turn around and threaten him.

However, the current situation is like this, Archie didn't know how he was restrained by Lin Yi in just a few words. But if he didn't appease Lin Yi immediately, it would be difficult for the military to deal with this matter.

"The crew can arrange accommodation for you. Please cancel your application!" Archie frowned as he watched the dozen or so intelligent computers counting down.

"Arrange for me to live with three alphas?" Lin Yi asked back.

"Let you stay with the omega," Archie said, but he saw Lin Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, not looking satisfied. Seeing that the countdown had jumped to single digits, he had to say quickly in fear, "Damn it, I will let you live in a single room by yourself, cancel the application quickly!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said to the intelligent computer: "Please ask the building administrator to help me record this conversation as a prerequisite for lifting the application."

The intelligent brain paused and responded: "It has been recorded."

Now Archie didn't even have a chance to regret.