Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 29: XXIX


The discussion sparked by the photo posted by Wei Que reached its peak at noon on the capital planet.

Since there was no background information, and Lin Yi's role was originally a minor one, even the promotion of the movie "Into the Badlands" did not include Lin Yi, and the main focus was on the two leading actors, Li Xingzhou and Chen Qiaoxu.

In addition, the contact between the Wasteland crew and the outside world is basically cut off, official publicity has been completely suspended, and no one will come to claim this picture of Lin Yi.

After much guessing, netizens still couldn't guess the source of this photo.

The outstanding appearance of this photo is one thing, but the most important thing is that this photo is "clean". After seeing this photo, countless netizens' first feeling was to lick the screen, the second feeling was to wonder why this photo did not have the smell of pheromones, and the third feeling was that they suddenly realized that Lin Yi had no pheromones for a long time, and they were actually attracted by a photo without pheromones.

Wei Que knew how to seize marketing opportunities and took advantage of the situation to attract a lot of attention to Lin Yi.

Originally, there weren't too many people who hated Lin Yi to the core, and most of them were just following the trend and were indignant. After the last wave of public opinion led by Wei Que Entertainment, many people who were not firm in their positions turned against him. At this time, the positive and negative comments under Lin Yi's personal account were basically 50-50, and they were tearing each other apart every day.

And on the barren planet, filming is still in full swing.

After the miscellaneous filming that required Lin Yi to serve as the background was completed, it was already after noon.

Xiao D brought Lin Yi lunch as usual, which was of course more sumptuous than the day before. Lin Yi taught Xiao D two dishes a day on average. Although it was unfamiliar at first, it gradually mastered certain rules and read a lot of customer feedback. After just a few meals, the seasoning and everything came together.

Probably because he encountered an unpleasant situation when he asked the aircraft to deliver food last time, this time Xiao D did not ask the aircraft to deliver it, but came here in person.

It was noon and the light outside was scorching hot. Everyone had just finished their morning shoot and were gathering in the rest area to get their nutrient solution for lunch.

The mecha transport vehicle from the military cafeteria slowly turned in from the main road, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

When the mecha vehicle stopped and the door of the cab opened, everyone couldn't help but stretch their necks to look.

I originally thought that a tall soldier would come down from above, but unexpectedly I saw a machine brain that looked fat but had very agile and flexible movements jumped down and landed on the ground fat and lightly.

However, no one dared to underestimate such a machine intelligence, because the outer shell of the machine showed a neat military uniform, indicating that it was also a member of the First Legion. In the empire, anyone who had anything to do with the army had a higher status than most of the ordinary staff present, not to mention that this was currently the most powerful First Legion.

Little D made a grand entrance and then walked in front of Lin Yi as fast as lightning.

Lin Yixian was also stunned. Although he knew that Xiao D's appearance could change constantly, he had never seen Xiao D in a military uniform. It could be seen that this little guy was ready to support him.

"Sir, please follow me."

Seeing its serious look, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile. He reached out and touched the shell of Little D, praising him: "Little D is very handsome today."

Xiao D chuckled and said to Lin Yi, "Sir, I brought enough food. You can invite your friends to enjoy it together."

Lin Yi had this in mind. It was not right for him to eat alone at the scene all the time. At least, Lin Yi could not always leave out people like Fred and Chen Qiaoxu who were friendly to him.

He walked towards Fred and said, "Director, do you want to have lunch together?" Then he turned to Chen Qiaoxu and said, "Let's go."

Before Fred could say anything, Chen Qiaoxu had already taken over the conversation. He nodded rapidly, "That couldn't be better!" He then grabbed Fred's arm and said, "Fred, I promise you, you might regret missing this meal."

Fred followed them reluctantly and asked Lin Yi in confusion, "Lin Yi, how did you get these on the deserted planet?"

You have to know that a soldier's face is the hardest to buy. They spent a lot of effort just to come here for the filming, and all they had to do was be prepared to endure hunger and hardship for half a month.

"I told the recipes of several dishes to the military cafeteria, so I have some friendship with the cafeteria's intelligent computer, Xiao D." Lin Yi's explanation was simple, but also reasonable.

Fred nodded and believed it.

In addition to Fred and Chen Qiaoxu, the other more important person present was Li Xingzhou.

When Lin Yi passed by him, he stopped and asked him with a smile: "Do you want to come over to eat together?"

No matter how Li Xingzhou looked at it, he felt that Lin Yi was smiling but not really smiling. In addition, he didn't like Lin Yi in his heart. Although he was very greedy at the moment, his natural reaction was: "Who cares."

Fred and Chen Qiaoxu were both surprised: "..."

Fred glared at Li Xingzhou, then quickened his pace and said, "Go, go, go, leave him alone."

If Li Xingzhou wasn't so famous and influential, Fred would have definitely scolded him.

Chen Qiaoxu didn't take it to heart. He just gave Li Xingzhou a teasing look, which made Li Xingzhou even angrier. Even if he felt regretful in his heart, he had to hold back at this moment.

Lin Yi had expected this and didn't care at all.

Xiao D had already opened the door of the mecha. The space inside was more than ten square meters, which was very spacious. It had been specially cleaned up by Xiao D before coming. When Lin Yi and the others walked in, they felt as if this was a private room in a high-end restaurant.

There is a wide variety of dishes on the table, all kept in the best condition.

After Lin Yi and the others went in, Xiao D closed the car door again. The sealing of the car door completely ensured the privacy of the people inside, while also ensuring that the sound outside would not be transmitted inside.

As soon as the car door closed, Little D slowly turned around and looked seriously at the group of dazed staff behind him.

Then Xiao D's roller started moving again. It walked to the middle of the crowd and began to speak: "The following words are spoken by me on behalf of the Military Department's Senior Canteen. They are subject to the confidentiality regulations of the First Corps. Anyone who tells others will be severely punished."

No one knew what Xiao D was going to say next, but everyone was shocked by his words and then became serious.

"As the chief chef of the First Corps, I am not satisfied with you," Xiao D said slowly, "Some of you have very poor moral character. It is good for you to come here to suffer. If it were me, I should have not given you any nutrient solution long ago, and let you go to the primeval forest to find poisonous mushrooms to eat every day. But Master Lin Yi was soft-hearted, so I let you pass the nutrient solution."

Xiao D's tone was sonorous and powerful, and he really had the demeanor of a soldier.

Everyone became a little nervous after hearing what he said, fearing that it might change suddenly and withhold the nutrient solution.

"By the way, you will be working with Master Lin Yi for the next ten days, so it is possible that you can help him in some areas. So I decided to give you some permissions regarding food. That is, I will send a car over every day at noon, and you can pay there to reserve lunch for the next day, and directly purchase certain drinks and snacks. The premise of these permissions is," Xiao D's eyes were sharp, and he quickly used the portrait capture function to memorize everyone's face, "In the next ten days, I don't want to know that anything will happen in the crew that will displease Master Lin Yi. Do you remember?"

To give a sweet reward after a beating, or to learn social etiquette, may be a little difficult for a silly boy like Little A, but for Little D, it is a piece of cake.

Everyone present was already stunned by Xiao D, and after hearing the advantages Xiao D mentioned, they all wanted to immediately recognize Lin Yi as their real brother.

What's wrong with complaining about lunch? We are almost vomiting after eating the same nutrient solution for three meals a day. Changing the taste is a life-saving thing.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and someone boldly asked Xiao D, "Excuse me, can we make a reservation now?"

Xiao D pointed to an electronic display screen outside the mecha vehicle and said, "Make a reservation over there."

With a rush, everyone swarmed over.

Li Xingzhou had felt a little embarrassed before, and although he felt itchy after hearing this, he couldn't help but ask his assistant to go over and order two as well, while he sat in the rest area with a stern face and a proud look.

Because everyone rushed towards the mecha vehicle, Li Xingzhou was left sitting alone during the break.

He was originally quite dissatisfied and was muttering to himself when he suddenly heard the sound of wheels rolling. He looked up and found that it was Xiao D who had somehow got in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Li Xingzhou had no good face towards anything related to Lin Yi.

Little D didn't say anything. Its stomach suddenly opened, revealing a lunch box with braised pork, white rice, fried eggs with tomatoes and some green vegetables. It then placed the food in front of Li Xingzhou.

Li Xingzhou finally understood what little D was here for, and thought that Lin Yi had asked it to come and show goodwill, and he felt a little proud for a moment. However, this pride did not last long, as he saw two black gun muzzles emerging from little D's belly, pointing straight at him.

Li Xingzhou had seen this kind of muzzle in the introduction to the First Legion. It was said that a small cannon could directly destroy a warship, and its power should not be underestimated.

Li Xingzhou felt that whoever came would know what was happening. He froze and dared not move. He could only say in a trembling voice: "You, what are you doing? I am a law-abiding citizen."

Little D's body became longer, so that his round head was at the same level as Li Xingzhou's eyes, and then he said sinisterly, "Eat your meal well, and stop humming and hawing in front of Master Lin Yi. Master is kind and soft-hearted, and he won't bother with you, but I won't. If I find out that you are giving Master the cold shoulder or bullying others again, I will find an opportunity to kill you, and I will make sure that the method is clean and no one will suspect it, and I won't even leave you any ashes."

Li Xingzhou saw a crowd of people in the distance from the corner of his eye, but his voice got stuck in his throat because he was too scared to speak. He shivered and finally squeezed out a sentence, "No, you can't."

Xiao D raised the muzzle of the gun upwards and pointed it directly at Li Xingzhou's heart: "Why don't you try? Most of the imperial laws don't apply to the barren planet."

Li Xingzhou had beads of sweat on his forehead and fear was rising in his heart. He knew that what Xiao D said was not a lie.

Little D asked coldly: "Did you hear what I just said clearly?"

Li Xingzhou nodded repeatedly, his palms sweating.

Seeing this, Xiao D snorted, put down the gun and restored it to its original state, then turned and left.

The author has something to say: I'm here! My computer couldn't turn on before, so the next update will be tomorrow morning, muah.