Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 39: XXXIX


Just as Wei Que breathed a sigh of relief, Qin Nuo popped up.

One shock after another, his eyeballs almost fell onto the screen. After confirming that the source of the news was not fake, Wei Que just wanted to send Lin Yi an emoticon pack that said "You are worthy of me".

A small number of netizens who are concerned about gossip are now searching carefully for relevant content with a magnifying glass.

First, Qin Nuo followed Lin Yi, which was an established fact; secondly, Lin Yi did not follow Qin Nuo back, which could be explained by the fact that Lin Yi was currently offline; finally, not long ago, the emperor and queen's accounts also followed Qin Nuo one after another, but Qin Nuo ignored them.

Comparing Lin Yi with the emperor and the empress, it is obvious which one is more important. From this, it can be deduced that perhaps Qin Nuo did not even know that he was following Lin Yi. It is very likely that he was just watching the news and felt injustice and then his hand slipped.

Anyway, no matter whether it is true or not, many netizens have accepted this statement.

Wei Que suppressed his excited heart and trembling hands, and first confirmed with Lin Yi: Do you know the marshal

Lin Yi replied quickly: I know him, what’s the matter

Even though he was mentally prepared to a certain extent, Wei Que still almost fainted.

He felt that he had to call Lin Yi "big brother". Not only did he recognize Qin Nuo without making a sound, but he was also so calm when he mentioned the marshal.

Wei Que: Did you see the online marshal talking to you

Fortunately, this time Lin Yi finally expressed some other emotions: Hmm

Lin Yizheng hadn't noticed it yet. After he opened his personal homepage, he saw the message prompt that was made public on the entire network. He spent a few minutes connecting the details before and after and couldn't help laughing.

He had never expected that Qin Nuo would defend him from this level. Lin Yi could almost imagine Qin Nuo's serious expression and tone through the words, which combined made him look strangely cute.

Lin Yi opened the chat box with Qin Nuo, tapped a few times with his fingertips, and an emoticon package flew out immediately.

Qin Nuo immediately heard a message. He looked up and noticed it was from Lin Yi. He then looked at Song Qinsong and said, "Stand up and turn your back to me."

It’s not his fault for being too cautious. It’s just that Lin Yi’s expressions most of the time were not within his expectations, and were not suitable for Song Qinsong to see.

Song Qinsong obeyed the order subconsciously, stood up and turned his back to Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo then opened the dialog box, and the emoticons in it flew out and landed on the table.

It was a chubby stick figure, with his hands on his hips, his head tilted, and a mischievous smile with his eyes squinted. After pausing for a second or two, the figure pouted and blew a kiss at Qin Nuo.

Just an emoticon, Lin Yi said nothing, but also said everything.

Qin Nuo touched his lips with the back of his fingers, concealing his emotions and said, "I'm working, you should rest early."

Fortunately, Song Qinsong turned around.

Qin Nuo stared at Lin Yi's profile picture in the dialog box. It was a selfie. He was sitting on the carpet hugging an old intelligent computer. The sun was shining on their heads from the side. The intelligent computer had a silly smile on its face, while Lin Yi covered half of his face with a book, leaving only a pair of bright eyes.

Before today, Qin Nuo's understanding of Lin Yi came from their interactions with him in person. Only now did he realize the malicious attacks Lin Yi had suffered and was suffering on the Internet.

"Don't take things on the Internet to heart." Qin Nuo thought about it and sent another message to Lin Yi, vaguely worried about Lin Yi's mood.

"I can't let go of those things in my heart." Lin Yi said. His typing speed was simply incredible. The second half of the sentence continued, "My heart is all about you." He followed it with a wink expression.

Qin Nuo blushed as expected, and his worries vanished. Lin Yi seemed to have seen his embarrassment from a distance, and sent him a series of haha ...

Qin Nuo's rank was not as good as Lin Yi's, so he held it in for a long time and only replied with one message: "Good night."

After sending this message, about thirty seconds passed, and when the redness on his face completely subsided, he let Song Qinsong sit back in his original seat, and acted seriously as if he had just finished a conversation with the emperor.

Meanwhile, Wei Que was still talking nonstop: What kind of person is the Marshal? Is he fierce and scary? Does he drink Chaoyang brand nutrient solution? Does he step into a pit every time he walks? Can he kill an ordinary alpha with just a flick of his little finger? Does the whole army tremble when he coughs

Lin Yi: ...Where did you hear all this nonsense

Wei Que couldn't help but say: Brother, you are so awesome, I don't know what to say. When will you come back? I will welcome you and prepare the best nutrient solution for you.

Lin Yi thought that he was still having trouble with the nutrient solution: There’s no need to be so troublesome, I don’t have a particular nutrient solution I like anyway.

Wei Que argued with him for a few more sentences before he covered his chest and rolled over on the bed, stopping his crazy questioning.

However, Wei Que reminded Lin Yi of something very important. Not only did he not like to drink the nutrient solution, he was even more resistant to drinking it every day. It was just that he still had Xiao D on the deserted planet, but if he returned to the capital planet, he would not be able to cook for himself every day.

Lin Yi knew his own abilities, and he had no hands-on skills. Moreover, even if he could really cook decent meals, he didn't want to cook every day, as he didn't have the energy or patience.

With this in mind, Lin Yi had to think of more solutions.

Because he had already finished filming his last scene, the crew did not arrange any itinerary for Lin Yi in the remaining four days on the desolate planet, so he could plan his own time.

Qin Nuo apparently notified the relevant military departments quickly. The next morning, when Lin Yi was having breakfast in the military cafeteria, a soldier came to him and told him that the military had already intervened in the investigation of the accident that happened yesterday, and that they would inform Lin Yi as soon as there was any update.

"We will try our best to investigate this matter before you leave the deserted planet."

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Yi said, "If, I mean, if we investigate this matter further and find that the relevant people are not on the desolate planet, can we still find out the results?"

The soldier didn't expect Lin Yi to ask this, but he quickly answered his question: "Please rest assured, as long as it is within the empire, the military has the right to investigate."

Lin Yi understood and slightly widened his eyes, revealing a smile. He was good-looking, and through exercise and diet, he had gotten rid of his frail appearance. His smile made the soldier's cheeks slightly red, and his heart beat a few times.

Unfortunately, the soldier didn't have time to blush, because out of the corner of his eye he saw a chubby intelligent computer next to him looking at him sideways. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but the intelligent computer's eyes seemed to say "you don't deserve it", which made him sober up.

In the past, he only regarded Lin Yi as a recipe sharing expert, but the order for investigation this morning was said to be issued by the marshal himself. In this case, even if he didn't know the specific relationship between Lin Yi and Qin Nuo, it was better to keep his head down.

"Thank you." Lin Yi said.

"This is my job, you don't have to be polite, sir." The soldier said goodbye quickly.

Lin Yi retracted his gaze, took a sip of the soft and sticky white porridge, and lowered his eyes to look at Xiao D beside him.

Ever since Lin Yi gave Xiao D the suit, Xiao D has never worn a military uniform. He looks very serious all day long and even bought himself several sets of linings to match his jacket.

If I ask Xiao D directly, I wonder what kind of answer it will give? Lin Yi thought about it, he put down the porridge spoon and said: "Xiao D, can you leave the desolate planet?"

Little D opened his eyes wide and looked up at Lin Yi: "Why do you ask that, sir?" It said nervously, "I am an intelligent computer affiliated with the military cafeteria. I have a service period, and I have to spend the remaining fifty years in the cafeteria."

Lin Yi nodded: "I understand this. If you don't consider this, are you willing to leave the desolate planet?"

He carefully considered his future food problem yesterday and felt that the most reliable solution was to bring Little D back to the capital planet and keep him directly by his side.

Xiao D's wheels rolled forward, and he stood close to Lin Yi's legs, and hesitantly said, "But if I leave the desolate planet, I have nowhere to go."

Lin Yi chuckled, knowing what Xiao D meant, he did not try to hide it and said directly: "You can live with Xiao A and me, are you willing?"

Even though Xiao D had been expecting to hear such words from Lin Yi, when he actually heard them, his head was still buzzing and his processor was almost burned out.

But Xiao D reacted quickly. It rushed forward and hugged Lin Yi's legs, whimpering like a bride who had been proposed to successfully, "I do, I do, I do!"

Lin Yi touched its head and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

"But," Xiao D came back to his senses from the excitement, and a huge gap surged in his heart. He said dejectedly, "I still have to stay here for 50 years before I can leave. Can you wait for me on the capital star? I will work very hard and strive to retire early!"

"Don't worry about this. I will handle this matter so that you can leave the desolate planet with me." Lin Yi comforted Xiao D with a firm tone.

Little D felt dizzy again, looking at Lin Yi as if he were a god, and giggled, "Okay, okay."

So far, nothing Lin Yi said would fail to come true. Now Lin Yi said that he would take him away with him. Xiao D felt that if this could come true, he would be a happy little smart brain that would be loved and cared for by someone, and would be patted on the head when he lost and praised when he won.

After Lin Yi finished communicating with Xiao D and knew its wishes, the rest of the things became easy to handle.

He went straight to the military office.

The area of the military department is very large. Lin Yi found the generals of the minister of the military department in charge of the military department.

He was also familiar with Lin Yi, and he would occasionally see him in the military cafeteria. However, most of the time, Lin Yi sat at the same table with Song Qinsong or Qin Nuo. In comparison, this general was really a nobody.

So when he saw Lin Yi this time, he was still very polite, but he didn't expect that the words Lin Yi opened his mouth would shock him.

After listening to Lin Yi's purpose, he shook his head without hesitation and said, "This is impossible. If Xiao D leaves, we won't be able to operate here at all."

The recipes that Xiao D currently has in his mind are a huge source of daily happiness for the entire First Legion. Eating every day has become something that everyone looks forward to. How could the military cafeteria let Xiao D go at this time

"Besides, Xiao D is a new type of intelligent computer that the military cafeteria spent a lot of money to buy, and it has not yet exerted one percent of its efficiency." The general said seriously, "I am very sorry, even if it is you, I cannot agree to such a request."

Lin Yi had anticipated this and had already prepared reasons to convince the other party.