Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 66


When Song Shu was frustrated, she also noticed the discussion about Ye Jin on the Internet. Before she looked at it carefully, she thought it was nonsense. But after she glanced at it casually for a few times, she was stunned.

Ye Jin's family background is also very good, but it is still far behind Song Shu. The reason why the two of them are together is because of Ye Jin's passionate pursuit. After being together for so many years, although Song Shu has always been concerned about her health and has no plans to have children, Ye Jin has always followed her wishes. In addition, Ye Jin also takes good care of Song Shu in all aspects of life.

Song Shu is very dependent on and trusts Ye Jin.

But she didn't expect that if she took off her identity as a wife and looked at their marriage and many of Ye Jin's behaviors from a third-party perspective on the Internet, the taste would be so different.

Even though Song Shu did not completely believe the rumors on the Internet, when she returned home and looked at Ye Jin again, she felt more doubtful and hesitant.

"Lin Yi was really like that at that time," Song Shu asked after some hesitation.

Ye Jin seemed to be greatly insulted by this suspicion. He looked unhappy and answered in a rare stern voice: "What else? Do you also believe the slanderous words about me? Don't you know how much I love you?"

Song Shu was speechless, feeling that she really shouldn't ask that.

Ye Jin continued, "My mother wanted to talk to you earlier, but I refused. You should have a good rest and don't think about the outside world. I will take care of everything."

In fact, he couldn't do anything, but it didn't cost anything to say a few nice words.

Song Shu fell for it, and with Ye Jin's comfort, she reluctantly lay down on the bed and fell asleep. As for Ye Jin, who was awake, he couldn't fall asleep, but he couldn't think of any solution, so he could only stay up until the next day.

When Song Shu opened her eyes in the morning, she saw Ye Jin, who looked a little haggard, putting on his clothes with his back to her. She raised her upper body and asked him, "Are you going out?"

"Well, I'll go back to my mother's place and discuss it with them. You should rest for a while."

"I can't sleep."

This was the first time Song Shu felt so unsure. Although she fell asleep last night, she had nightmares all night. The current situation was so unfavorable to her, how could she rest well

"This matter," Ye Jin turned around and sighed in front of Song Shu, "After all, it is impossible to do it by Lin Yi alone. We are now caught between Williams and the Song family and have become victims. There are probably few people in your family who are willing to intervene in this matter. Although it is useless to ask my mother for help, I always have to go back and try. I can't always let you run around."

The more Ye Jin said this, the more Song Shu felt relieved and wanted to get up.

She got out of bed and dressed, "No, I don't think it's that bad. I'll go to Mrs. Williams again."

Even though she and Ye Jin were squeezed in the middle, from Song Shu's point of view, the biggest crisis for her and Ye Jin was the damage to their reputation, and other things should not fall on them.

He is just Lin Yi. It is impossible for him to influence the conflict of interests between the two big families.

A big part of the reason why Song Shu thought this way was that she had no empathy for Lin Yi's experience at all, and didn't think that the pain she inflicted on Lin Yi was a big deal.

But when online public opinion tilted slightly against her, she felt uncomfortable and chest tightness.

There was no shortage of guests in Williams' old house today.

Mrs. Williams, who was well prepared for Lin Yi's visit, couldn't help but keep her eyes on him for a while when she saw Lin Yi for the first time.

She was indeed a rare beauty. At this moment, Mrs. Williams understood and forgave Qin Nuo's infatuation and preference for Lin Yi.

"Hello, ma'am." Lin Yi gave her a noble salute.

Mrs. Williams nodded, extended her hand to touch Lin Yi's, and quickly withdrew it, "Hello."

In the past few days, she had heard a lot about Lin Yi, and knew that there seemed to be a lot of quarrels on the Internet. Mrs. Williams was a little dissatisfied and felt that this kind of thing was not decent, but if the target was Lin Yi, she could relatively forgive him.

After all, he is just a vulgar person from a small place.

With such expectations, Mrs. Williams originally thought that Lin Yi would be frightened or uneasy when he saw her, and would show petty-mindedness. However, she unexpectedly found that there was no trace of timidity in Lin Yi's every move. When he and Qin Nuo stood side by side in front of her, Mrs. Williams felt like a random omega aunt on the street.

Mrs. Williams's family background was indeed not very high. She was just a bastard daughter of a low-ranking noble family. If she had not given birth to Qin Nuo, the outcome might be completely different now.

Before Lin Yi arrived, Qin Nuo had seriously told Mrs. Williams to be gentle in her words, which made Mrs. Williams think that Lin Yi was a weak beauty. However, she did not expect that after the formal conversation, every word of Lin Yi could make her angry.

"I have no objection to your dating or marriage." Mrs. Williams set the main tone with one sentence, but the second half of the sentence changed the tone, "Even after Qin Nuo gets married, it's the same. I believe Qin Nuo's wife will not object to this."

This was very impolite, and Qin Nuo immediately said, "Mother, please be polite."

"Get married?" Lin Yi looked at Mrs. Williams, who was very well-maintained and looked very decent. "I haven't thought about it yet." His tone was calm, as if he was not offended by Mrs. Williams' words at all.

Mrs. Williams was speechless. Lin Yi's words seemed to make her the one who was anxious to confirm the marriage. In addition, Qin Nuo spoke so harshly in front of Lin Yi, which made Mrs. Williams feel even more embarrassed. "Now that you have my permission, you should be grateful instead of being stubborn."

Lin Yi must be trying to be strong, otherwise why wouldn't he dream of marrying into the Williams family

"I'm not being stubborn. Marriage is still a long way off for me. It's not within my consideration in the short term. If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine, but he is a marshal after all. Marrying him means a lot of responsibilities and obligations. That's a very tiring thing, isn't it?" Lin Yi had a smile on his face. He was neither angry nor worried, and his tone was still calm.

After hearing what he said, marrying the empire's richest bachelor seemed like a burden.

Qin Nuo held Lin Yi's hand under the table, and his emotions began to fluctuate.

Lin Yi didn't look at him, but turned his palm and clasped his fingers with Qin Nuo's. "I came to visit you today according to etiquette, and I don't intend to discuss too much about marriage or not."

Mrs. Williams didn't even want to maintain a calm tone. She was indeed annoyed by Lin Yi's attitude. "You don't seem to understand that the initiative to get married is not yours. How can someone who can't give birth to the next generation for Qin Nuo have the initiative to get married?"

"That's true." I thought that mentioning the infertility issue would eventually hit Lin Yi's sore spot and make him lose his rationality, but I didn't expect Lin Yi to nod in agreement. "From a traditional point of view, or from your perspective, I understand your idea."

This is the mainstream idea of the empire. Lin Yi does not agree with it, but he can expect Qin Nuo's mother to have such a view.

Mrs. Williams seemed to want to say something else, but was interrupted by Qin Nuo's words: "Mother, please stop. I brought Lin Yi to see you today out of respect for you, not to ask him to come and seek your approval. If you insist on this, then I can only make it clear to you that your approval or not does not affect the relationship between Lin Yi and me, or Lin Yi's position in the family."

Qin Nuo's meaning was very clear, telling his mother not to be too aggressive and take advantage of him.

Qin Nuo's unhappiness overflowed, making the atmosphere around them more oppressive, making Mrs. Williams feel a little suffocated.

Seeing her frown, Lin Yi stroked Qin Nuo's palm with his fingertips, gently reminding him to correct his demeanor, and stood up with Qin Nuo.

"Madam, I will take my leave first." Lin Yi bowed slightly, then quickly raised his head and completed the formalities. Then he left with Qin Nuo without saying a word.

Mrs. Williams was left very angry.

The spacious courtyard at this time displayed a scene that was completely inconsistent with the season. There was a large green lawn that seemed to have no end, lush flowers and plants of various colors, and the temperature gave a pleasant feeling of late spring and early summer.

Lin Yi and Qin Nuo walked on the stone path, and Qin Nuo's handsome face was full of apology.

Lin Yi didn't really care. He walked with ease and said with his back to Qin Nuo, "After this meeting, I shouldn't see your mother again in the short term, right?"

"Yes, I will talk to her again. Don't take her words to heart."

"It's okay. I didn't take her words to heart." Lin Yi stopped and there was a small pool in front of him. He couldn't help but bend down and touch the water in the pool with his hand.

The touch was very real, but when Lin Yi pulled his hand up, there was no trace of wetness. The whole courtyard scene was indeed virtual.

Lin Yi is not someone who would lie to get by. Qin Nuo knows this very well, and at the same time, he feels a little flustered because of this.

So when Lin Yi said that he hadn’t considered it and would not consider getting married in the short term, wasn’t that a lie

Qin Nuo is completely opposite to Lin Yi. The reason why he proposed to bring Lin Yi to meet his mother was that he thought marriage was completely reasonable and acceptable.