Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 67


Lin Yi did not sign with any company. Many things that should have been done by the company or assistants were now done half by Zhinao and half by the studio led by Wei Que. Everything was done quite well.

Wei Que was good at many media matters, so he took care of them. He spent half of his time every day following the trends on the Internet, and the focus was of course on all the content related to Lin Yi.

In addition to the current attention on the incident between Lin Yi, Song Shu and Ye Jin, another point that people are concerned about on the Internet is the relationship between Lin Yi and Qin Nuo.

Although the military had previously directly distanced itself from Lin Yi, it was not difficult to see from many subsequent actions that the military was still involved. At least the military only distanced itself from Lin Yi as long as the relationship did not exceed the scope of cooperation, and it did not really cut ties with Lin Yi.

The changes in the attitudes of Yunxiao TV and the North District Police Department seemed to be influenced by the military. Of course, the main reason why Lin Yi and Qin Nuo were directly linked together was that a dynamic picture exploded on the Internet early that morning.

The pixels of the dynamic picture are very blurry. In this era, it is more difficult to take such a photo than to take a high-quality photo. The image quality alone has already made many netizens complain.

But let’s get back to the people in the picture.

The animated image is only two seconds long and shows two people standing next to a flying machine. From their appearance, it is obvious that one is an alpha and the other is an omega. This is not particularly special, but what has caused discussion is that the two people in the picture look familiar, and they look like Lin Yi and Qin Nuo.

If the pixels were a little clearer, it would basically be a positive statement. But because of the pixel problem, many people can take it for granted that this is a misunderstanding.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why Lin Yi and Qin Nuo were together, let alone appearing together in a slum with such unstable public security.

"It is impossible for the time, place and people to appear together in this picture, so this photo must be fake."

"Just say it's the Marshal and Lin Yi, what direction are they leading?"

Qin Nuo's fans still hold the same tune that no one in the world is worthy of being the marshal, but this time there are some slightly different mainstream voices.

"Whisper, actually, if Lin Yi could still have children, I think he would be a good match for the Marshal. His talent is enough to make up for his family background."

"I remember Lin Yi said a long time ago that the ability to have children cannot be the criterion for judging a person's value, and I agree with that. From my perspective, Lin Yi is already far beyond the average person, and using the inability to have children to lower him is a bit mean."

"I think only omegas can relate to this. They have been bound by the so-called omega code of conduct since they were young, as if there is no other meaning in life besides having children. And when they really do this thing seriously, they don't get any recognition of their value. They are just considered to be doing it as a matter of course. Although Lin Yi is very unorthodox, I envy him very much."

The voice opposing the constraints of traditional ideas on omegas has never disappeared in the empire, but not many people listen to this voice, and it has not become popular in the empire.

Even though there are some omegas who have achieved success in their careers, they are still a minority. Lin Yi is a representative example, who has broken through and then rebuilt himself, and whose appearance rate and influence in public are so high, so he is the first one.

As a result, discussions on omegas' rights have increased day by day, and many omegas who strive to break through traditions have gathered in Lin Yi's fan group.

As usual, these days many media and programs want to contact Lin Yi and have a face-to-face conversation with him.

"It's actually a good idea to accept one or two interviews and make some responses at this time." Wei Que suggested. But after he said that, he was prepared for Lin Yi to refuse immediately, because he had suggested it many times and Lin Yi always did the same.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi, who was sliding the virtual reader, raised his head and nodded, saying, "Well, help me choose one with large traffic and more credibility."

Wei Que showed surprise on his face and agreed immediately. After a moment, a candidate jumped out from a list of potential candidates and asked Lin Yi: "How about the Empire TV's "Face to Face" dialogue program? It's a long-established program with stable ratings and a very good host who doesn't ask random questions."

The capital within Empire TV is complex and involved with several large families. Therefore, relatively speaking, it is the channel that dares to report most and is the most fair and objective when it comes to matters that do not involve the fundamental interests of the large families.

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay."

Wei Que hummed a song and ran to contact Empire TV. He was not worried that the other party could not arrange it. According to Lin Yi's current popularity and the heat of the incident, and the fact that the other party had contacted him and was waiting for a reply, after a positive response from this side, the other side would immediately arrange it.

Sure enough, after Wei Que indicated that he was willing to be interviewed, the "Face to Face" production team immediately said that if it was convenient in the afternoon, they could come over for an interview and broadcast the latest episode during prime time in the evening.

Then, as if he was afraid that Lin Yi would go back on his word, he directly sent over several main questions that might be raised, so that any sensitive questions or things that should not be asked could be eliminated in advance.

"I think we can avoid the ones like 139 for now." Wei Que took a look and estimated.

Lin Yi glanced at the questions and didn't cross out any of them. "It doesn't matter, you can ask all of them."

Lin Yi's generous attitude surprised the program team, and then they were happy. The interview questions they arranged included some sharp and sensitive ones, and they thought that at least half of them would be cancelled by Lin Yi, but they didn't expect Lin Yi to accept all of them.

As soon as all the details were finalized, the contract was signed immediately. Almost immediately after the contract was signed, the "Face to Face" production team officially announced the news.

"Face to Face" official: Tonight at nine o'clock, Irene will take everyone to "Face to Face" with Lin Yi, from growth experience to career and love, to know what you think and answer your questions.

The "Face to Face" program team has always taken a realistic approach, with sensationalism, conflict, and facing the guests' life experiences directly. The interview type is like a face-to-face conversation between two old friends. The ratings have always been stable at a high level, and the people interviewed are all well-known.

This official announcement aroused the excitement of netizens.

It is something that most people know that Lin Yi rarely appears in public or responds to news events.

Therefore, at this time when the controversy was so heated and there was no result, the voices calling for Lin Yi to respond were not too loud. While most people were waiting for the follow-up results, they just felt unfair for the online violence that Lin Yi had suffered a few days ago.

But unexpectedly, Lin Yi would accept a public interview at this time.

Lin Yi did not accept the interview to respond to netizens. He just wanted to use the momentum of this program to make his own voice heard.

The program crew came to the door soon.

Compared with shooting in the studio, "Face to Face" directly interviews the guests at their homes.

Everyone can see how much money Lin Yi has made. The program crew originally thought that Lin Yi's home would also be a luxurious mansion, but after getting Lin Yi's address, they suspected that there might be something wrong.

When I arrived at Lin Yi's house, I almost thought I had walked into the wrong door.

Instead, Lin Yi was standing on the balcony greeting people, with his hands in his soft trouser pockets, looking very relaxed.

The host, Irene, is a female beta who is over 100 years old and looks very gentle. Even Irene, who has rich hosting experience and claims to have seen all kinds of environments, was surprised when she saw Lin Yi's residence for the first time.

She quickly noticed the little intelligent computer behind Lin Yi that looked quite nervous and cautious.

Lin Yi took a half step back to make way for her. Seeing that Ai Lin's eyes fell on Xiao A, he smiled and explained: "Sorry, my Xiao A is quite shy."

As he spoke, his fingertips lowered slightly and naturally touched Xiao A's head lightly.

Little A then poked his head out from behind Lin Yi and ran into the house: "I'll go get ready to entertain the guests."

A group of people walked in.

The interview time was limited, so everything had to be done quickly. Soon, various shots were laid out in the room, and Irene and Lin Yi sat on the sofa facing each other. There was a small coffee table in the middle of the sofa, on which was placed a bottle of wine and some freshly baked snacks, which looked very delicate.

Little A finally got used to the strangers in the house and began to take care of them diligently.

As the camera started filming, it was pouring wine into the glass, occupying a small corner of the frame.

Drinking some wine is a way to relax during the chatty shooting. As the host, Irene doesn't often do this on the show unless the interviewee is someone she really knows.

However, when Irene saw Xiao A put down the bottle and reveal the label on it, she immediately changed her mind.

If this bottle of wine is not a replica, then it was produced by the Williams family's private winery. Judging from the year of the bottle, this wine is completely priceless.

Irene looked at Lin Yi for a second longer and couldn't help but wonder if the rumors were true

The interview officially begins.

Irene had seen several of Lin Yi's previous interviews, and in the most recent one, Lin Yi was not very polite. She was mentally prepared for this, but she did not expect that Lin Yi would behave very gently, and did not look like he had a bad temper.

Maybe it's just a disguise, and it might explode when asked key and sensitive questions, Irene thought.

The first question was about the original owner's family and growing environment. Lin Yi answered them one by one according to the original owner's memory, and also recalled some very warm memories between him and his parents when he was a child, which made Irene smile as well.

This was the only relaxing part of the interview, because the next questions came out one after another. Even though she and Lin Yi had confirmed that these questions could be asked directly, Irene was still cautious before asking, and she carefully considered the wording before asking.

"So your growing environment is relatively traditional, and we know that you are still dealing with some controversial things. Are these things you have experienced directly related to your personality changes? Many netizens say that your personality has changed a lot."

Lin Yi didn't touch the wine glass in front of him. He looked at Irene's face gently. His tone was very calm, but his words were weird and creepy. "Of course there is a connection. Everyone's personality is shaped by his experiences. My experience once killed me and resurrected me. That's all."