Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 73


If Song Shu was not knocked down by the overwhelming abuse on the Internet, then Ye Jin's words at this time would be enough to be the final push to knock her down.

After Ye Jin impulsively said out what he had hidden in his heart for a long time, he paused for a few seconds. Seeing Song Shu's face suddenly change, he felt that he was a little impulsive.

"What about you? Do you want those lowly people out there to give birth to your children, or have you ever really planned to do so?" Song Shu was not without doubts. After all, she had read many revelations about Ye Jin on the Internet. However, she had always firmly believed in her lover, so she selectively ignored those reports.

However, at this moment, combined with Ye Jin's tone and expression, the hidden disgust in it, which Song Shu had not usually noticed, deeply hurt Song Shu's eyes and became a good medicine for her to wake up.

Maybe what the Internet said was right, Ye Jin was not as innocent as he said. If so, what position did Ye Jin have to act like a gentleman and put all the blame on himself

Song Shu's question made Ye Jin feel guilty, but he frowned and hid his expression very well. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Anyway," Ye Jin glanced at the call request that kept flashing on Song Shu's hand, and changed the subject abruptly, "Let's see what your mother plans to do first."

Song Shu looked down at the call requests on her personal terminal, and saw that her mother's name was indeed among the names listed.

Song Shu's mother doted on her, so she indulged Song Shu's dominance. In the past ten years, the main industries of the Song family have changed, and Song Shu's parents did not live in the capital planet, but went to a more distant planet for retirement.

Song Shu opened the call with trembling fingers, and the first words she said were in tears: "Mother, you must help me solve this problem."

When Song Shu's mother heard her daughter crying, she felt so distressed that she couldn't even utter the accusatory words she wanted to say before. She repeatedly promised to help Song Shu plead with the Queen and let the royal family intervene to resolve the matter.

"Don't cry, don't cry, this matter has not reached the point where it cannot be solved."

If the royal family is willing to suppress all the things, it is not impossible, or it can be considered feasible. The queen has even thought of this method, but after the people raised this to the point that the entire aristocratic circle was harboring filth, the royal family began to restrain their hands.

Forcing things back for Song Shu and Ye Jin would not only not help the royal family, but would make the people more suspicious of the royal family and doubt the royal family's credibility. It would make the goodwill that the royal family had worked so hard to build up among the people disappear, and it would benefit Qin Nuo who was consolidating his power.

The public will unhesitatingly lean towards Qin Nuo, who is represented by the military. Even though Qin Nuo himself is of noble origin, he is indeed different from most of the prestigious nobles in the empire. When he joined the First Legion, he worked his way up from the bottom. The military is also the place where civilian alphas can get fair promotion channels. From this point of view, it is enough to win the favor of a large number of people at this juncture.

After weighing the pros and cons, the royal family might as well make good use of the treatment of Song Shu and Ye Jin to restore the royal image that is about to slide to the brink of precariousness.

Song Shu's behavior caused a lot of anger among the people. Most of the people in the empire were civilians, not to mention that the discussion about whether the privileges of the nobility were too great had a strong public opinion base.

It took less than half a day for the anger to spread to the petition page of the royal family's official website. Someone initiated a petition to cancel Song Shu and Ye Jin's noble status and launch a special investigation into them. In just one hour, it received more than one billion supporters, while the number of people against was less than one million. The disparity was huge and almost set a record for the largest number of votes since the petition page was established.

The royal family soon had to come out and make a statement.

First, it expressed shock and criticism of Song Shu's remarks, emphasizing that the obligations that nobles need to bear should be far higher than power, and nobles should use their status to serve the empire and protect the people. Second, it stated that the royal family would immediately respond to public opinion and set up a special investigation team to investigate whether Song Shu and Ye Jin were involved in the cases mentioned in the online rumors, and welcomed public supervision.

Once a group is doubted by the public and loses its credibility, no matter what it says, it will be opposed and doubted by the people.

Even at this time, the royal family's statement was considered timely and quick, but it still attracted a lot of dissatisfaction and criticism from the public.

"The obligations of the nobles far outweigh their rights? This made me laugh. How many decent nobles have emerged in the past few decades? Even the aristocratic tradition of military service has disappeared. How many young people in the royal family have refused to serve in the military, and how many excuses and reasons have they made to avoid their obligations?"

"Lord Qin Nuo is the only qualified noble in my heart. I cannot praise the others."

The royal family's statement was generally considered by the public to be evasive, directing all conflicts onto Song Shu and Ye Jin, and blurring the public's criticism of the entire aristocratic group.

Of course, the royal statement did have this meaning, and it was also the plan after discussion between the Queen and the Emperor.

In addition, the royal family's announcement of setting up an investigation team also made the public suspicious, believing that the royal family would definitely cover up for Song Shu and Ye Jin to a certain extent.

Corresponding to this trend against the royal family is the 100% protection of Lin Yi.

Once Song Shu's remarks came out, the few people who still believed that Song Shu would not do such a thing were speechless. At the same time, looking back at Lin Yi's helplessness and pleading in front of the interview camera a long time ago, it was simply a naked accusation of their collective violence.

Many people even felt terrified, thinking that they had pushed an innocent person into such an abyss.

The media that had originally interviewed Lin Yi one-sidedly were also sorted out and posted on the pillar of shame one by one. Even some of their latest news criticizing Song Shu were ridiculed. They had a hard time.

Lin Yi contacted many people on the list according to Qi Ming's request, and after the "Face to Face" program ended, Lin Yi also received help and contact from many people.

A large part of them had nothing to do with Ye Jin, but the situation was also very bad. Some of them were either afraid of retaliation or they were unable to protect their rights.

As long as there are people who want to defend their rights, Lin Yi will help them to the best of his ability. The face-to-face broadcast has a great positive effect, but a large number of people who have been hurt by Ye Jin and Song Shu who contacted Lin Yi still dare not resort to the law, let alone reveal their identities. They are afraid that they will be suppressed by Ye Jin and Song Shu.

After all, they had experienced darkness for a long time and knew that Song Shuye Jin was well-connected. If they failed, they would face a life even more miserable than before and now.

However, after Song Shu's remarks were exposed and online public opinion completely turned and began to attack Song Shu and Ye Jin, many people who had originally hesitated still contacted Lin Yi and expressed their willingness to give it a try.

"Is it okay?" Lin Yi's fingertips gently stroked the back of Qin Nuo's hand, and he could feel the tendons hidden beneath the skin.

Qin Nuo held Lin Yi's fingertips with his backhand, turned his head and looked at Lin Yi intently, "What?"

"Can I help those people to fully protect their rights?" Lin Yi added. He had to find out Qin Nuo's attitude on this matter, because if it was just him, he would not be able to really fight against those people.

The two of them were sitting in Qin Nuo's aircraft, which was flying forward rapidly, preparing to go to Qin Nuo's main residence.

After Qin Nuo understood what Lin Yi said, a smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he raised Lin Yi's hand and stroked his face, "Of course, you can do whatever you want."

"No bottom line?" Lin Yi showed a bright smile in his eyes.

"Will you do something without bottom line?" Qin Nuo asked Lin Yi.

"Does it count if it's killing someone?" Lin Yi said.

"Song Shu and Ye Jin?" Qin Nuo answered seriously, "If it's them, it doesn't count, because I once had this plan."

If Lin Yi had not been able to handle things to this point today, Qin Nuo would not mind helping him deal with Song Shu and Ye Jin. This was originally an idea he had earlier, straightforward and simple.

"But I think the things in the upper aristocratic circle really can't stand digging. In this case, is it okay to continue to dig deeper?"

"It really can't stand further digging, and that's why we have to use it." Qin Nuo said, "It's not just the royal family, even the Williams family has a lot of problems. They should have made up their minds to cut off their own arms to stop the spread of this corruption."

Lin Yi glanced outside the aircraft and saw that it was completely dark, with only the city lights remaining.

The aircraft landed on the tarmac soon after. Lin Yi jumped out first, took two steps forward and stretched. Not far to the left of the tarmac was a seemingly endless beach, with waves constantly and regularly rushing towards it. The coastline was extremely vast.

This is indeed a huge swimming pool, but it imitates the appearance of a beach.

At this time, Lin Yi really felt that a big house had its advantages. Of course, strictly speaking, considering the area of the house where Qin Nuo lived, calling it a big house was definitely an injustice.