Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 83


"The contract has already been signed, how can you cancel the cooperation without reason?" Jin Ge angrily asked the staff who contacted her.

The staff responded coldly, "Don't you know that all the new products in this batch of food factory are produced in cooperation with Lin Yi?"

"Why is it with him and not with the military?" Jin Ge asked back.

She did know that some of the new products had a cooperative relationship with Lin Yi, but as far as her part was concerned, it only reflected the presence of the military, so Jin Ge thought that her endorsement had little to do with Lin Yi.

Besides, whether it was Lin Yi's previous troubles with half of the aristocratic circle, the ongoing Song Shu case, or his remarks against the concubine system, they were enough to attract negative perceptions of him. At this time, Lin Yi seemed to have some conflicts with Qin Nuo again. No matter from which angle, Lin Yi's position was not in jeopardy, and he was not able to operate such a large amount of power.

"The military has never taken the leading position." This was the last reply from the staff there, and all of Jin Ge's subsequent questions were put into the do not disturb message box.

Only then did Jin Ge realize how serious his reckless words were, and how serious his underestimation of Lin Yi was.

This wave of cooperation projects by Empire Foods is very ambitious, and the product categories included will cover many previously blank areas. The fan enthusiasm on the pre-sale page has been very high. The value of food endorsements, which seemed very ordinary at the beginning, has risen sharply.

No matter how complicated the backers of the Imperial Food Factory are, at their core they are a group of old stubborn people who cling to the interests of the old aristocracy. Jin Ge originally thought that his words and deeds would win him benefits.

Looking back at the Imperial Food Factory, the announcement of severing ties with Jinge was originally made entirely out of pressure from above, but it unexpectedly received enthusiastic support from the young group, with the number of comments and likes more than a hundred times higher than usual.

"I always thought that Imperial Foods was an old-fashioned thing, but I didn't expect it to have such a distinct attitude. I love it."

"I've already ordered a whole shopping cart of new products!!"

“Buy it!”

Jin Ge's cancellation of the endorsement at this time would inevitably make some associations. Entertainment gossip is always keen on exploring such content, and in order to pursue hot topics, they will step on anyone, let alone Jin Ge.

Following the announcement of the cancellation of the cooperation from the official account of the Imperial Food Factory, almost all the official or unofficial entertainment accounts that could be named simultaneously made some comments on the recent hot topic of concubines, without caring about what role Jin Ge played in it.

Jin Ge fell into deep helplessness in a very short period of time. At this time, the message from her husband, who had not been heard from since last night and this morning, was not comforting or gentle, but a series of accusations and questions against her.

Jin Ge stared at the communicator blankly, and finally couldn't help covering her face and crying.

The aftermath of the controversy caused by Lin Yi's few words has not yet dissipated, and at this time in the morning, news came out that he and Qin Nuo seemed to be in discord, which made people want to know Qin Nuo's attitude towards this matter even more.

But Qin Nuo is not someone who can be interviewed casually, and even if he is asked questions right in front of the camera, he has to be cautious.

Lin Yi also noticed this situation, because at the same time when he and Qin Nuo were in the same room, countless people could use him or Wei Que to frantically try to find out Qin Nuo's attitude, but Qin Nuo himself was very peaceful.

"So in their eyes, I am the soft persimmon." Lin Yi tilted his head and leaned on Qin Nuo's shoulder. They sat on a sofa. Lin Yi bent his knees lazily, and Qin Nuo held him in his arms.

In the middle of the day, the two of them chose a compromise location to have lunch together.

"Speaking of which," Lin Yi turned around and faced Qin Nuo, and for the first time he talked directly with Qin Nuo about concubines, "How many concubines do you want?"

When Lin Yi said this, he couldn't help showing a teasing smile in his eyes. The lazy look in his eyes became brighter because of this smile, and the arc of his smile made Qin Nuo feel itchy.

Qin Nuo couldn't help but want to lean over and kiss his lips, but Lin Yi turned his head slightly to avoid him. The tips of their noses rubbed against each other, causing a slight itch and a burst of warm breath.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

"There will be no concubines between us." Qin Nuo compromised and clasped Lin Yi's hand, which was originally on his chest, tightly in his palm, "I only want you."

"Maybe." Lin Yi straightened up, lowered his eyes and lingered on Qin Nuo for a moment as if inspecting his territory. In the lingering atmosphere, he said something direct and explicit in a gentle tone, "Regarding whether you want it or not, can we have a deep discussion tonight?"

Qin Nuo then laughed softly, and Lin Yi immediately understood what he meant without him saying much.

Lin Yi knocked his head against Qin Nuo's shoulder, hugged his neck tightly, and leaned back to smell the back of his neck. In public, Qin Nuo always suppressed his pheromones, and Lin Yi could only smell some extremely faint residues when he was so close.

He smelled the faint scent of pheromones at the tip of his nose, then reached out and touched the scar on the back of his neck that was basically indistinguishable from the rest of his skin.

Qin Nuo noticed Lin Yi's action, reached out and held Lin Yi's hand, bent down and kissed his fingertips, and then asked him in a low voice, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering what my original pheromones smell like, and what it feels like in estrus." Lin Yi was purely curious, but Qin Nuo couldn't help feeling sad when he heard it.

He lowered his head and rubbed Lin Yi's ears. The intimate feeling brought by the warm skin touching each other made Qin Nuo's heart warm. "The feeling of estrus is not good. Reason will be dispelled by instinct, making people return to primitive animal nature. In short, it is extremely bad."

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing at Qin Nuo's comment. It seemed that few people knew that Qin Nuo viewed the estrus period in this way. "Have you ever had a complete estrus period?"

This question is like a disguised confirmation that Qin Nuo has had several unspeakable experiences.

Qin Nuo looked deeply into Lin Yi's eyes, and rubbed his fingertips against Lin Yi's fingertips, "Not even once."

"If you combine with me, will it trigger the same estrus period?" Lin Yi had a strong desire for knowledge and did not hesitate to use such questions to repeatedly jump within Qin Nuo's tolerance range.

It would be best if Qin Nuo couldn't bear it anymore, but unfortunately this hasn't happened so far, Lin Yi thought with some regret.

Qin Nuo's gaze deepened significantly in an instant because of Lin Yi's question. He suddenly held Lin Yi's hand, frowned as if suppressing some emotion, and then said, "No."

When Lin Yi thought that Qin Nuo meant that he couldn't trigger a normal estrus because of the lack of his glands, Qin Nuo continued to add, "If it were you, it would be a surge of passion that I couldn't control."

Lin Yi smiled suddenly and was about to speak, but the service robot came in to interrupt. It turned out that there were a lot of reporters gathered outside, and the number was obviously increasing.

Since the other party's behavior did not violate the law and did not cause any impact on the restaurant's business, the restaurant was unable to expel them and could only come to inform Lin Yi and Qin Nuo and let them prepare themselves mentally.

Lin Yi left Qin Nuo's embrace, pressed the switch of the glass mirror and looked down. Sure enough, he saw a lot of reporters and filming equipment gathered downstairs. Even though he didn't know the exact location of their box, he still kept shooting upwards.

Qin Nuo didn't have much time left for his lunch break, so the two of them simply got up and left.

Unexpectedly, the reporters did not just gather in front of the store, but also gathered at the helipad. When Qin Nuo and Lin Yi walked outside, the camera was almost instantly aligned, framing the two of them.

Qin Nuo walked in front with big strides, not even giving the camera a glance, but that didn't stop the camera from being enthusiastic about him.

Lin Yi was much more relaxed. One of his hands was held by Qin Nuo, and the other hand was in his coat pocket. His eyes swept across the camera that was pointed at the two of them.

Both of them are extremely handsome, which makes them the focus of attention and admiration of the camera.

In the distance before they walked to the aircraft, reporters kept asking loud questions, from Song Shu to the concubine system, from marriage plans to their future, all kinds of questions came up one after another, but none of them slowed down Qin Nuo's pace or changed the expression on Lin Yi's face.

Qin Nuo had no intention of holding a press conference in such a place. His impression of reporters was originally neutral, but recently, when it came to Lin Yi, this neutral impression had a tendency to shift to the negative side.

Because of this sudden interruption, the two of them couldn't even kiss properly.

Qin Nuo's mood became worse and worse. He stopped in front of Lin Yi's aircraft. Thinking that the farewell kiss that would usually take place before each of them boarded their own aircraft would also disappear because of these shots, Qin Nuo's expression could be described as stinky.

Looking through the camera, his already cold and distant aura became even more so, keeping strangers away within a hundred miles.

Even the reporters kept quiet because of this.

Qin Nuo let go of Lin Yi's hand and said, "Let's contact each other later." He was about to turn around and leave, but he didn't expect Lin Yi to hold his hand.

"Wait." Lin Yi held Qin Nuo's hand and pulled his collar, letting Qin Nuo lean towards him, then he tilted his head and kissed Qin Nuo's lips naturally.

The kiss was light and quick, and under the gaze of countless cameras, it made Qin Nuo's eyes smile in an instant.