Flirt [Interstellar]

Chapter 91


After Lin Yi finished speaking, he realized that it was not as difficult to say as he had expected. After he finished speaking, apart from a little bit of joy in his heart, there was not much hesitation or retreat at all.

He couldn't help laughing again, and his smile became brighter and brighter.

At this time, whether Qin Nuo's proposal will be passed is no longer so important to Lin Yi. What Qin Nuo has done is enough to make Lin Yi very excited at this time, so he is also willing to make new attempts for this excitement.

"I've thought about it. It doesn't matter if you want to marry a concubine in the future. At most," Lin Yi's fingertips slowly caressed Qin Nuo's shoulders. His movements were frivolous, but his words were serious. It was obvious that he was not joking. "We can just get a divorce then."

No one can predict how their relationship will develop in the future, but if the feeling at this moment is right, Lin Yi thinks it's okay to follow his feeling.

Besides, he has enough confidence to let go of it without any delay, so he might as well pick it up now.

After Lin Yi finished saying this, he felt Qin Nuo pressing down on his shoulder. Qin Nuo was obviously a little out of control at this time, and the strength of his hand was almost out of control. Lin Yi felt that his bones were hurt by him.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Lin Yi felt that he had to thank the good quality of the sofa. If he had used a harder sofa, his shoulder would probably be bruised for days.

Qin Nuo hurriedly retracted the strength in his hands, picked up Lin Yi and hugged him in his arms, the joy in his eyes seemed to be jumping out, "Don't talk about divorce... Was what you said just now true?"

Lin Yi has expressed his indifference to marriage more than once, and Qin Nuo was already prepared for a protracted battle.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "If you think the timing is not right, then we can reconsider it?"

"I think it's very suitable." Qin Nuo's movements were unusually rough, as if he wanted to rub Lin Yi at this moment into his bones so that the two of them could become one.

"Then," Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he grabbed Qin Nuo's collar with his backhand, looked down, before he could finish his words, Qin Nuo had already pressed his chest like a virgin.

He said: "After the marriage registration is completed."

Lin Yi blurted out one word, and Qin Nuo knew what he wanted to do.

Lin Yi lay back, kicked his feet in Qin Nuo's arms a few times, and said boredly: "Is there any difference?"

In other words, the physical differences between the two were too great, and Lin Yi had no way of using coercive means on Qin Nuo. Otherwise, Lin Yi felt that he would have done something beyond the bottom line to Qin Nuo eight hundred years ago.

"Of course." Qin Nuo's bottom line has remained unchanged for a hundred years.

Naturally, he could only linger at second base tonight, and Qin Nuo was unable to stay overnight.

But the next morning, Qin Nuo came again almost as soon as it was light.

When Lin Yi was woken up by Xiao A with sleepy eyes, he resisted the urge to sleep and thought it was already eight o'clock in the morning. When he was about to get up, wash up and go for exercise, he glanced at the time and realized that it was only half past six in the morning.

Lin Yi fell back onto the bed with his eyes closed, and said as he lay there, "Xiao A, are you itching for trouble? What are you asking me to do now?"

Xiao A said seriously, "Master, but Master Qin Nuo has been waiting for you in the living room for a while."

"What?" Lin Yi opened his eyes and looked at Xiao A again.

Little A quietly approached Lin Yi and said in a low voice, "Master Qin Nuo didn't let me disturb you, but I was afraid that he would wait too long, so I came secretly. Do you want to see him or sleep for a while?"

Lin Yi kept lying there, and after about five or six seconds, he sat up and walked towards the bedroom door.

Qin Nuo arrived at Lin Yi's place around six o'clock. Lin Yi had moved to a new residence, and the distance between them was not far. Qin Nuo also had access control, so it was easy for him to come in.

Lin Yi came out of the bedroom and walked around to the living room downstairs, and saw Qin Nuo's straight figure.

"Why are you here so early?" Lin Yi yawned slightly, his eyes half closed.

Qin Nuo turned around when he heard the voice and saw Lin Yi coming down the stairs and Xiao A hiding behind him stealthily and cautiously. He knew that Xiao A, who had said he would make tea for him, was actually going to call someone.

"I have something to give you." Qin Nuo stood up. He obviously slept less than Lin Yi, but at this moment Qin Nuo was full of energy and did not look tired at all.

Lin Yi was sleep deprived and had not yet fully recovered, so his movements were a little slow. When he heard Qin Nuo had something to give him and stretched out his hand to him, Lin Yi naturally extended his hand and pretended to receive the thing.

However, he didn't expect that Qin Nuo held his hand and just flipped it, and then with his other hand he somehow deftly put a ring on Lin Yi's finger.

The ring was inlaid with a gem that shone as brightly as the stars in the universe, dazzling and eye-catching.

Lin Yi was awakened by the flash of light and his sleepiness disappeared.

He raised his hand and looked at the ring on his ring finger, then asked Qin Nuo with a smile, "Engagement ring?"

"Yeah." Qin Nuo nodded. Seeing that Lin Yi had put on the ring, he felt fulfilled as if he had completed a mission.

The atmosphere between the two was better than ever, but the external atmosphere was not the same.

There were countless voices of opposition to Qin Nuo's proposal. This morning, the Empire News Channel even reported that a small group of opponents took to the streets, believing that Qin Nuo's proposal violated the Empire's moral ethics and demanded that Qin Nuo come forward to respond.

The old nobles hoped to use such public opinion to put some pressure on Qin Nuo, and this effect was indeed achieved.

When the new and old voices were arguing with each other, Qin Nuo unexpectedly posted a long message.

"I have something to say about some of the discussions that have been sparked in recent days. The theory of bloodline has long been the basis of the Empire's rule. I cannot say that such a basis of rule is unreasonable. It has indeed brought long-term stability and development to the Empire, but I think no one can say that a system is eternally perfect. In fact, there is no eternally perfect, universal system. Any status quo may change with future changes, and only a changing system is a truly reasonable system. The Empire's long-standing differential treatment of gender and class is contrary to the status quo and inappropriate. We cannot make immediate changes, but we should at least work in this direction."

As the most powerful and influential noble representative in the empire, Qin Nuo's words are completely contrary to the views of the old nobles and are actually more in line with the wishes of ordinary civilians.

Following Qin Nuo's voice, the vote on abolishing the concubine system entered the voting stage at the New Policy Council that afternoon.

After an entire afternoon of debate, the final vote resulted in a very tight margin of five votes, declaring that the concubine system that had existed since the founding of the empire was officially abolished.

The difference of only five votes also shows how thrilling the repeal of this bill was. Of course, this also shows that even for Qin Nuo, it is not easy for him to change the existing imperial system.

At the same time as the abolition of the concubine system, the bill also passed to protect omegas' equal right to education. The passage of this bill was not as difficult as the concubine system, and the proportion of votes in favor was much higher than those against.

Mrs. Williams had rarely completed something from beginning to end, and for this she received a lot of praise, which temporarily offset the unpleasantness caused by the abolition of the concubine system.

But in Mrs. Williams' eyes, the abolition of the concubine system was still Lin Yi's fault.

Mrs. Williams now only hoped that public opinion would focus more on Lin Yi in this regard. Anyway, she now realized that it was not only useless to say these things, but also it would cause Qin Nuo to be disgusted. In the end, not only would she be angry, but Lin Yi would not be in any trouble.

But Mrs. Williams' expectations were soon dashed.

The trailer of Fred's new film "The Thorns" attracted a lot of attention as soon as it was released. The equal education rights of omegas that Mrs. Williams has been vigorously promoting recently basically emphasizes the difficult situation of omegas in remote areas. The film "The Thorns" tells the story of an omega on a remote planet at the bottom of the society being swallowed up by life. All the enthusiasm that Mrs. Williams had generated for the bill in the early stage has now been sent to "The Thorns".

Before the main film was broadcast, Fred first released a documentary of the entire filming period, presenting the filming process to the audience from a third-person perspective. There were some funny parts, such as the second male lead looking at the camera with a sad face and saying that he was afraid that Qin Nuo would kill him, which triggered the barrage of comments, hahaha.

But more than that, everyone has a sense of admiration for the difficult filming environment and the dedication of the cast and crew.

At the end of the documentary, there is an interview with the actors. As the closing scene, Lin Yi said to the camera, "This is a movie, but it is also the real fate of many people. The difference between movies and reality is that reality is often more cruel and absurd. Therefore, we should always be grateful and kind. When we gather the power of the masses into a tower, we should not destroy anyone easily."

The filming process recorded in the documentary alone is hard for many people to imagine. Whether it was wrestling or high-altitude jumping and other dangerous actions, everyone including Lin Yi completed them personally. There was no part of the entire movie that used cutout special effects.

Especially as the lead actor, Lin Yi not only has a lot of dangerous scenes, but also some very nude scenes, such as the entire back, half of the chest, or the entire thigh. Even though these exposures are nothing in Lin Yi's eyes, for the Empire, which is used to the conservative omega actors, it is still a huge effect of dedication to art.