Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 34: Peony blossoms attract people (section 4)


Hearing this, Shaozi was not afraid at all, because the stupid scholar was by his side! Looking up again, you can see that the scholar is already an expert. Seeing Gao Ren's expression turned slightly stern, she really wanted to ask if the tone of the two of you could be unified, she was almost dizzy.

As soon as the scholar picked her up, the door was suddenly opened, and a group of maidservants rushed in.

Shaozi raised his hands to hold the umbrella, seeing the crowd attacking him, he felt extremely dangerous. Just in an instant, the wind rose out of nowhere, and the scholar had already carried her out of the window, with shouts behind him.

The forest in the Demon Realm is like a maze. The roots of the low trees hang down like vines, and after jumping out of the window, they enter the maze.

The scholar held the spoon and flew forward, using the wind as a sword, everything touched by the wind circle would be cut into smoke. But Shaozi felt dizzy, and the hand holding the umbrella was trembling, trying to hold it up, shaking more and more frequently, the scholar hugged her tightly, and whispered: "I'll be out soon, give me the umbrella."

Spoon gritted his teeth and said, "It's all right!"

The scholar didn't expect the devil to trap the ladle in this place full of charm trees. No wonder the aura of the ladle has been lingering everywhere just now. That room is a protective cover, it's okay inside, but it's a terrible thing to go outside, not to mention it's a spoon without any demonic power.

There is an umbrella to support them, and no one can perceive that there is something wrong with them. The scholar walked faster, out of the woods, which is the junction with the human world, took a step forward, looked at the spoon again, he was already unconscious, but his hands were still raised. He leaned over and put her down, took the umbrella, and carried her back to the inn.

Seeing the familiar town, even he felt a sense of intimacy. Back at the inn, carefully put the spoon on the bed, and covered her with a quilt: "I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

Looking at the spoon in the dream, he frowned slightly, wondering what kind of nightmare he was having. The scholar looked at it for a long time, then got up and prepared to go downstairs to boil water, make tea with a spoon and drink it. Passing by the table, I saw a letter on it, the handwriting was very jerky, it was written with a spoon. Looking at the letter, I was taken aback by the "farewell letter" at the beginning. Looking down, the general idea is that I am about to be caught by the people of the devil world to make soup, shopkeeper, don't be lazy, open the door to welcome guests, rain or shine, and go recruit a good waiter. After reading two pages, I didn't see the spoon telling him to take good care of himself, but finally saw the word "take care of", and then read the next page, but told him to take good care of rhubarb, don't forget to feed it!

This kind of awkward feeling of sour vinegar... The scholar sat back on the edge of the bed and continued to read the letter. Then he said that even if he is a master, don't bully the monsters in the backyard, and live in peace. There are also daily watering and fertilization, regular loosening of the soil and so on.

The scholar sighed secretly, he obviously needed someone to take care of him, why didn't he tell him. After reading another page, there was only the last piece of thin paper in my hand, and a few crooked characters on it came into view, and my heart beat, beat... beat non-stop.

"Shopkeeper, the inn will be handed over to you."

He couldn't help being silent, Shaozi had always said that he was not allowed to sell the inn, and he had to take care of the inn. But before he felt that he was going to die, he gave him the most cherished thing to protect. She believed in herself, and finally in him. He stared at the sleeping spoon for a long time, his heart trembled slightly, and he leaned over to imprint a mark on her lips, lightly, almost like a superficial touch, and left immediately after touching, without even feeling the heat on her lips, he dared not touch her. Continue, afraid of waking her up.

The spoon didn't know it at all, in the dream he was still being chased by a monster holding a mace, help... he was about to be eaten...

The next day, Shao Meimei, who had slept until three days in the sun, turned over and moved her nose. The smell on the quilt didn't seem to be her own. Opening her eyes slightly, she saw that the color of the quilt was dim, not the style of her room at all, so she decided—this was not her room.

She hurriedly got up and looked around, oh... it belongs to a scholar. Touch the body, the clothes are still there. He got off the ground and stretched himself. Squatting down and squinting to look down, through the wide and thick wooden boards, he saw the scholar was knocking on the abacus at the cash drawer, he couldn't help but smile, he's very good, he would open the door to do business without her supervision.

Immediately, my heart was full of elation, and I silently felt as if I had forgotten something very important. Think about it carefully, pat your head, it's over, Fat Gourd and the others are still trapped in the soil by her! Although the spirit ball will break automatically after five days, has five days passed

When Shao Shao stepped up to the window sill, he felt as if he had just left the devil's lair and was about to jump into the wolf's lair. Taking a step forward, I felt like I was about to be beaten up by them. But when he was in the air, he saw the backyard was full of flowers and bustling like a street, and there was no sign of being sealed. They fell in astonishment, could it be that the scholar released them? That's right, otherwise, why would the scholar suddenly come to the devil world to save her.

When all the monsters saw the spoon, they all gave strange eyes. It was completely different from what the spoon thought. She looked at herself and touched her face: "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Brother Baishu looked at her many times, but said nothing, and rubbed his chin with a click of his tongue.

The spoon pulled his face, and then looked at the others, all of them had this look. Immediately, his face was full of black lines, and he clenched his fists: "What kind of reaction is this! If you want to beat me up, let the horse come over quickly! Let's fight!"

Climbing and raising his hand, he said loudly, "Last night we knew that the boss was back, and wanted to visit through the window, but saw the scholar secretly kissing you."

spoon:"… "

Xin Niang patted him on the head, and said earnestly: "Congratulations, you are about to fall into the clutches of the boss."

Climbing:"… "

The spoon blushed: "How could I not know anything, nonsense!"

After all, she turned around and left, her face turned red, wiping her mouth as she walked, muttering that it was impossible, she really didn't notice it.

When he got to the front hall, he saw the scholar, and immediately hid behind him again, and only went out after a while. When the scholar saw her, he smiled and said, "Are you awake?"


The spoon sized him up and shook his head. Seeing her strange expression, the scholar smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"


Although she said it was nothing, the scholar could clearly feel those two burning gazes when his back was turned to her. His unruffled heart immediately jumped again. Could it be that yesterday he succeeded in saving the beauty as a hero, and then Shaozi finally fell in love with him? Is it possible to go one step further!

The spoon couldn't bear it anymore, seeing that there was no one in the inn, he stretched out his hand and poked him on the back. Frowning and staring at him, the scholar staring at him was extremely uncomfortable. Is this the rhythm of confession? bring it on! He would nod immediately and walk together with the spoon... Wait, why is there no love in those eyes at all!

"... You... kissed me secretly last night?"


The scholar paused and turned his back. The spoon stared at him: "The shopkeeper! Tell the truth!"

"Ah... I couldn't hold it back for a while..."

The spoon covered his mouth, and actually kissed for real! The aunt Cai next door said that the first kiss in a girl's life is very important, but she was taken away without knowing it! It's okay to be unhappy! She immediately stepped on his foot: "Bah! A pervert!"

The scholar secretly complained, and turned around: "Shao..."

But the spoon has already run away angrily. He sighed, as expected, he shouldn't have done such a thing, he really couldn't hold back at that time... After seeing Uncle Mi coming from next door, he immediately changed his face and said with a smile: "Why is the shopkeeper Mi here, come in and have a cup of tea. "

Uncle Mi waved his hand, touched the rhubarb squatting at the door wagging its tail, and said, "Why did you cut down that magnolia tree in your house? It has grown for so many years, what a pity."

The scholar blinked, thinking that the neighbors noticed when the monsters were trapped in the goal two days ago, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Didn't Xin Yi stay there well?"

Uncle Mi also blinked: "Impossible!"

"It's really there, if you don't believe me, go and see."

"Huh? Huh!" Uncle Mi scratched his head, "Could it be that I was wrong..." Finally, he said, "It's fine if you didn't chop it up. They are all old neighbors, so I'm used to it."

The scholar smiled and nodded: "I will not disobey the old shopkeeper's orders."

After Uncle Mi left, he crossed his hands into his sleeves, looked at the somewhat dilapidated doorpost, and smiled. It wasn't just the monsters in the backyard who wanted to protect the inn, but also the neighbors.

When I went to sleep at night, just as the spoon got into the soil, Du Juan asked, "Boss, is the Demon Realm not coming to attack you? There has been no movement all day."

The spoon paused, moved to a comfortable position, and stretched out the flower branch: "I don't know, maybe, the scholar is amazing."

The fat gourd swayed on the shelf: "Then you still dare to step on him."