Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 40: The dream is boundless and self-enjoyed (section 2)


The scholar bowed his head and kissed her, and said seriously: "Don't cry, whoever bullied you, I'll beat him up."

The spoon is covered with black lines...

Seeing that her crying stopped suddenly, the scholar thought it would be effective, kissed her again, and continued to look serious: "I'm serious, I won't let people bully you again, definitely not."

The spoon couldn't take it anymore, and the crying sound came out of his throat: "Now you are bullying me!"

The scholar was shocked, and hurriedly let go, the spoon immediately sat up, his wrist was about to break, and he was angry when he saw it: "Look, there are bruises on your hands."

The scholar wanted to look at her hand, but the spoon retracted in horror, leaning against Taotie. The scholar didn't dare to scare her anymore, he knelt down on one knee to look at her, it was rare that the alcohol dissipated quickly, he became a little sober, seeing her face covered with tears, he stretched out his hand slightly: "Spoon..."

"I hate you!" The spoon stood up tremblingly, not only her hands hurt, but her mouth also hurt, do you want to kiss so hard, she is not a bone. As soon as he turned around, he met Taotie's big eyes, his face twitched, and he was swallowed by it.


The world is too dangerous, she wants to go back to the demon world!

In the early morning, the sound of birds chirping is melodious, and the scholar wakes up. When he leans over to put on his shoes, he finds that the shoes on his feet are not taken off at all. He touched his chin, what was he doing last night. Why does the tongue hurt a little, and the mouth also hurts slightly, did he get stabbed by gnawing on a fish bone last night

Puzzled, he got up, washed his face, opened the door and went out, just as the spoon came out of the room, his mood immediately improved, and he said with a smile, "Morning spoon."

Hearing the sound, Shaoba shivered, raised his head and glared at him, then went downstairs with the washbasin in his arms.

Then the scholar was troubled by a question all morning: Why didn't the spoon talk to him

Not only did he not talk, he didn't even give him a straight look, he didn't call him the shopkeeper, and he didn't even lie down beside the cash drawer to watch him set his abacus.

Shaozi was very bitter in his heart, and he was afraid and hated of him, but the saddest thing was that he kept telling himself that he was just drunk.

After lunch, the scholar sat down and said softly, "Shaozi, what's wrong with you? Did I make you unhappy?"

The spoon puffed its cheeks: "Think for yourself."

The scholar has thought about it a thousand times. Last night he came back with a pot on his back, and then... nothing more... When the spoon left, he thought of the demons in the backyard, and immediately went into the backyard, brought a bucket of water up, and fed them After drinking enough water, he squatted in front of the rhododendron and said with a smile, "May I ask you something?"

Before Du Juan could speak, she heard "Ah Da~", and she was kicked away in an instant... She flew to the sky and was angry, Xin Niang! You ungrateful fellow!

Xin Niang bent the branches, shook her head full of green leaves, and said with a smile, "You ask."

The demons squint at...

The scholar coughed twice and asked, "The spoon suddenly ignored me, do you know why?"

"Ah... this..." Xin Niang winked, "You really don't remember? You, cough, bullied the boss on the roof last night."

The scholar suddenly gasped, he actually bullied Shaozi! He didn't let anyone bully her, but he actually did that kind of thing!

The spoon was sweeping the floor in front of the door, and the sugar painting old man was still concentrating on pouring sugar into silk paintings. There is a vaguely sweet and tangy smell, which smells very good, and even the mood is much better. The old man has always been here, echoing the antique inn, it is also a unique scenery.

Just as she was watching, she saw a woman being dragged over by a child, pointing to the candy painting to eat. The woman was dressed very plainly, and there was even a patch on the corner of her clothes. The child was making a lot of noise, and the woman was full of bitterness: " Yuan'er is good, my mother will give you a piece of candy to eat."

The child refused to follow him and quarreled and refused to leave. The old man suddenly said: "Turn one, it doesn't cost money."

The child went to turn around immediately, and the woman thanked her repeatedly. The wooden pointer turned quickly, so fast that it was hard to see clearly, and flew across various graphics until it stopped on a pig. The old man immediately picked up the spoon, scooped up the syrup, and sprinkled it on the slate. His fingers were like painting with a brush. In a short while, a chubby pig was formed.

The old man handed the sugar painting to the woman: "Take a sip, too. After eating, you can forget your sorrows."

The woman gave a bitter smile, and the child was also letting her eat, so she took a bite, and the sweetness really entered her mouth, and slowly entered her heart... It seemed that the sadness really dissipated in an instant.

The spoon wanted to turn it again, but felt in his pocket, so forget it. She decided to save money by herself, and then redeem the inn. The scholar is too dangerous. Just as she was thinking, when she turned around, she saw him, jumped back in shock, looked at him vigilantly with a broom, and moved into the inn step by step.

The scholar smiled wryly: "Spoon... I was drunk last night."

Spoon gritted her teeth: "I know, but...it's too much." Her mouth was about to be bitten open!

Every time the scholar took a step forward, she would step back, and every step back was like poking his heart. After finally closing the distance, he... ruined it again. He looked up at her and said slowly, "Yes, but only to you."

After finishing speaking, he just stared at her and breathed a little. This is his confession, which is direct and straightforward. He waited for a long, long time, but he did not expect to say it on this occasion.

Shaozi stared at him with wide eyes, his brain was short-circuited for a moment, and it took him a long time to understand, he couldn't help but angrily said, "Sure enough, I'm the best bully!"

The scholar supports the forehead.

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the ground, and all the monsters in the backyard stretched their waists, bathed in the sun for a day, just waiting for the sunset to come out to play. Seeing Shaozi sitting by the well, soaking his hands in the bucket, they all leaned over to look, and saw five fingers bruises on the lotus-like jade wrist, they couldn't help shaking their heads: "Tsk, boss, you are hurt so badly."

Shaozi snorted softly: "You guys remember to kneel on the washboard tonight. You didn't come to rescue me when you saw me being bullied last night, and you squatted at the Fairview Inn to watch a play."

Brother Baishu laughed: "Didn't we think that you were really being bullied by the scholar... The scholar is so powerful, if you approach rashly, you will either die or be injured."

The spoon pursed his lips, the corners of his lips still hurt a little, he really wanted to swallow himself into his stomach. They shouldn't have carried him back into the house after he fainted. They should have dug a big hole and thrown him in. The soil should be filled until it is firm. She continued to soak in the cold well water sullenly, when she suddenly heard footsteps, looked up, and the gray gown came into view, she was so startled that she jumped up and jumped into the room through the window.

The scholar paused for a moment, then jumped up and entered his room.

Immediately, all the monsters smelled an aura that they could read the gossip immediately, and climbed up the magnolia tree branches to look in.

The spoon closed the door and window, but it was not safe to think about it. He moved the stool to block the door. As soon as he moved to the door, he heard the scholar knock on the door: "Spoon."

She was startled and didn't answer.

The voice outside was a little helpless: "Can you open the door with the spoon?"

The spoon said decisively: "No, I have something to say outside."

"Your hand is hurt, I brought medicine."

The spoon sat on the stool, but still wouldn't open it: "It will be fine tomorrow."

After not hearing anything for a long time, Shaozi poked his head out, only to see that he was still standing in front of the door, looking at her indifferently, and smiled when he saw her: "Open the door, good boy."

This smile was almost irresistible, Shao Qiao looked at him carefully to make sure that he was not malicious, then slowly moved the stool away and opened the door.

The scholar looked at her and said, "Roll up your sleeves, I'll give you medicine."

When I saw her by the well just now, I only knew that there was a vague injury there, but I didn't know that it was such a serious injury. The scholar frowned and applied the ointment to her. Hearing her gasp, he blew lightly to relieve her pain: "When the ointment dries, the injury will heal, so bear with it."