Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 41: The dream is boundless and self-enjoyed (Section 3)


Shao Qiao frowned and looked at him, the scholars in this meeting are obviously normal, she must store the wine well in the future. Seeing him spread his hands on the bruise and face his fingers after applying the ointment, his face immediately darkened: "There is no doubt that this is indeed your masterpiece."

The scholar didn't smile: "It won't happen in the future."

She is not used to seeing his serious face, but she seems to be used to the scholar's foolishness. This must be an illusion, and a clearly serious person is more reassuring.

The scholar suddenly remembered, carefully compared the marks of the five fingers, and touched his chin: "What kind of posture was it at that time to be able to grasp it like this... why did your lip break the spoon? Do you want to apply ointment?"

The haze of last night immediately swept over my heart, and the spoon lifted the table angrily: "You have the nerve to say it! I want to fight to the death with you!"


All the monsters outside the window shook their heads: "Boss, this is the rhythm of death."

Of course, the spoon is still fine, after throwing the scholar out, he fell into bed and went to sleep, and then found that he didn't care about the matter that he had been struggling with for so long last night, and the scholar was still the same scholar. Turning over, she felt wrong again, what does it have to do with her if he is normal!

I couldn't figure it out after tossing and turning, so I just gave up thinking about it and fell asleep soundly.

When I woke up in the morning, I took the washbasin to fetch water to wash my face, and found that the bruises on my hands were gone. The ointment was really miraculous. After washing up, she jumped into the kitchen to get a vegetable basket and went to buy ingredients for the day.

Although Zhuangyuan Town is not big, it is not a major commercial road, so it is not too lively, and it is still so early.

The spoon squatted down to pick vegetables carefully, and the vegetable sellers talked about the big and small things in the neighborhood as usual. After buying the vegetables, I went to the meat stall again, and heard the same thing again, so I raised my head: "How many people are asleep?"

The butcher chopped the ribs for her and said, "That's right, Aunt Qin from Dong's house, brother Zhang from Yunxiang, his mother Yuan'er, wife Song San, and Laojiao's father, for some reason, they couldn't fall asleep."

A person next to him said: "The people you mentioned are not usually energetic. Either something happened or this trouble caused them to cry for death several times. Maybe it's just a dream and they refuse to wake up."

The butcher stared: "Go, go, you can talk nonsense after spending two days with a Taoist priest, can you not wake up from a dream?"

Everyone talked and laughed, Shao Shao frowned slightly, and took the bones and meat back. It's probably not a coincidence that so many people fell asleep all of a sudden. Could it be that some ghosts and ghosts have entered the town? Be good, but don't get involved with the inn, and don't let her touch you. In the past few months, she has become a flower demon who loves to help others.

With the idea that he must keep his business out of business this time, Spoon happily returned to the inn with a basket of vegetables. I saw the sugar painting old man on the side of the doorpost set up a stall again, and was lighting a stove for burning syrup.

The old man looked up at her, smiled very kindly, and the spoon immediately thought of the old shopkeeper. It would be great if grandpa was still here... If she had come out to be the mistress at that time and tried to guard the inn with grandpa, then when grandpa decided to leave, she would be able to persuade him to stay.

Just as she was thinking about it, someone suddenly shook her and called softly, "Spoon."

She looked back in a daze, it was the shopkeeper, but it was not grandpa, but a scholar. The tip of his nose couldn't help sour: "What are you doing out here?"

The scholar watched her sniffing and sniffing innocently. After she left, he turned his eyes slightly to look at the sugar painting old man. The syrup has melted, and the sweetness is faintly wafted into the nose. The scholar's eyes froze, and he went in when he heard the spoon beckoning him to go in and move the pot.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with a sick face and bright clothes came over and said hoarsely, "Zhizhi will like to eat, give me one."

The old man Tanghua smiled lightly: "Please turn a painting."

The man twirled a monkey, and the old man poured sugar into a painting, handed it to him, and said, "Take a bite, too. Eat it, and you will forget your sorrows."

The man's expression was a little dazed, he lowered his head and took a bite, the sweetness really entered his mouth, and slowly entered his heart... The sorrow seemed to dissipate in an instant, and there was no more pain.

Seeing him in a trance, the servant reminded: "Master, it's time to order a banquet."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "You give the menu to the shopkeeper, I'll go back."

After all, I took the candy and left. The servant shook his head, could it be that he was sick and confused.

Put the bones into a large casserole with a spoon, simmer it, and add some medicinal materials. When the guests order noodle soup, the soup is poured on it, and the taste is very good. And adding salt when starting the pot can better lock the rich aroma of the soup. In this way, the soup is delicious, but the meat cooked together cannot be salty. If the main food is meat, salt should be added first, so that the meat will have more flavor.

Just put it into the casserole, the spoon can already think of the broth, it smells slightly meaty, and the porridge served with pickles in the morning is delicious. After waiting for a while, the scholar came in, and was about to call him, when he came in, took a list full of dishes, and said with a smile: "Mr. He's family is going to have a banquet, and we ordered twenty-three dishes. , send it over early the morning after tomorrow.”

The spoon's eyes lit up, and when I picked it up, I saw that every word was a big dish, and every word was like money, and I immediately burst into joy: "No problem, I will go buy ingredients tomorrow, and I will get up before dawn every day to cook."

After receiving this order, Shaozi was in a good mood, and the business of the inn was good today. At night, he was lying on the sidelines reading the students counting silver, and his eyes were like peas. The scholar turned his head to look at her: "Is your hand ready?"

"Okay." The spoon raised his finger and wiped the rosy and injured lips, "It still hurts, where is the ointment?"

The scholar said seriously, "I'll help you with the medicine."

Spoon sternly refused: "Don't touch me! Well, there's still wine."

The scholar looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back and sighed. It's fine if I can remember what I did last night, and I'm willing to be disgusted by her. But he couldn't think of anything and was disgusted. In human terms, yes, he was more wronged than Dou E!

Early in the morning of the third day, the spoon got up to cook. Since most of them are cold dishes, they are ready in no time. Chenshi loaded the food box into the carriage and drove it to He's house.

When I arrived at He's house, I knocked on the door knocker, and someone opened it after a while. Shaozi smiled and said, "Tongfu Inn has delivered food."

The servant welcomed her in, moved the dishes to the kitchen, and when they were done, the spoon said, "It's a total of forty-five taels and seventy-three Wen."

The man said: "I can't give you the money for the time being, so let's pay on credit first."

Spoon blinked: "We are a small business and do not pay on credit."

The man said helplessly: "I can't help it. Since the master came back the day before yesterday, he said that he was dizzy and fell asleep, but he still hasn't woken up. Maybe he has the sleeping sickness that has happened in the town recently. The key to the money bank is with the master. We How dare you ask for money. I guess there will be no banquet today, so I will give you the money when the master wakes up."

Shaozi stared wide-eyed: "This is impossible, who knows when Master He will wake up."

The man chuckled twice: "Then what can I do, if the girl has a way, wake up the master."

Seeing his rascal face, Shaozi really wanted to beat him, and said angrily, "If you have sleeping sickness, no one will tell us, and you're still reneging on your debt."

The man pushed her away: "Go, go, go wherever it is cool, I don't know if I will get paid this month, I still have time to report to you, and I won't go and beat you."

Shaozi angrily raised his hand to slap him, but after thinking about it, he endured it. If she slapped him, her food money would really be gone.

The scholar was cleaning in front of the door, when he saw the spoon driving the carriage around to the back, and when he came back, he came in angrily, drank a few cups of tea, and said angrily: "The shopkeeper, the He family has credit, and said that Mr. Pay in silver."

The scholar frowned slightly, and the spoon puffed up his cheeks with anger: "I'll go find out tonight, and see what kind of ghost is at work. If I want to owe money to our inn, don't even think about it."

So much silver is not a joke, Shaozi loves the money, and when it gets dark, he will go to Hefu. Push the door open, step over the railing, lean over and fly over there.

The He Mansion has been silent for a long time, and there is not even a guard servant in the huge house.

Ever since Mr. He suffered from sleeping sickness, the housekeeper took the lead in being lazy, and all the servants were also thinking about whether to steal the key to open the treasury, and take the money with their own deed of sale.

Shao Zi sneaked into He's house, just happened to hear a few people hiding in the room talking about it, and couldn't help shaking his head. After searching from room to room, I finally saw Mr. He. She stood by the bed and looked at him, she didn't look sick or unusual, just as if she was asleep.