Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 53: A pair of mandarin ducks will never leave (Section 8)


The next day the scholar woke up groggy, already three shots from the sun. The side is empty, but it is clearly full of peonies. He turned over and turned over again, looking serious, it was indeed not a dream last night. Spoon told him that he wanted to sleep with him, but he passed out.

The scholar got down to put on his shoes, and thought of a very serious question, hoping that the spoon wouldn't think that he... didn't lift it.

After washing up and going downstairs, Spoon was busy greeting guests. He went to the cash drawer calmly, and took the abacus as usual. After a while, a strong evil spirit came over, the scholar frowned slightly, and looked up, the girl from Tianzihao rushed downstairs angrily, followed by Yao Ba.

As soon as she went downstairs, she took the chopsticks from the nearby table and threw it at him, turning into a tigress: "Don't follow me!"

The scholar looked at the chopsticks that were broken due to touching the evil spirit, and turned up the abacus - ten pairs of chopsticks, a total of sixty-six copper coins.

Yaoba looked at her: "Qianqian, you can't have such a bad temper."

The girl named Qianqian stared, kicked the stool in front of him, and it shattered again, the scholar silently picked up two more beads.

"Where is my bad temper, you forced it! Don't think I dare not fight with you!"

The spoon who was clearing the table on the other side swallowed, how dare a mere mortal beat up the ancestor of the monster? Isn't she afraid of being stuck between her teeth

Yaoba still looked at her intently: "Calm down, let's talk about it."

The scholar raised his eyebrows lightly, looked at the abacus, tilted it, shook all the beads to one side, and cast an encouraging look there, Miss Qianqian, you can work hard.

If Qianqian smashed it again, the spoon probably jumped over and smashed her. Even if she could restore these things to their original state, it would hurt to see them.

When she ran out, Yaoba immediately caught up with them. Seeing them go, Shaozi heaved a sigh of relief, and finally bared his teeth: "Shopkeeper, if they dare to smash things again, they will be stuffed between their teeth."

The spoon is very big now—the scholar is in my hand, and I have a sense of pride in the world. Although I don't know his background, I have never seen anyone who can bully him, so I don't have to be afraid at all.

At dinner at night, the spoon was ready to cook, and after washing his hands, he came back, and saw that his rice bowl was piled up with vegetables halfway up the mountain. She blinked, looked at the scholar who was still picking up vegetables, and touched his forehead: "What are you doing, shopkeeper?"

The book grows with a smile: "It's nothing, eat enough."

Eat enough... to have the strength to toss.

The spoon was suspicious of eating vegetables, and waited for a bowl of rice to eat, and even drank a few sips of cold water, which was dead salty.

After dinner, several guests came one after another, and by the time it closed, it was almost midnight.

The spoon closed the store door, boiled water and took a comfortable bath. After draining the water in the tub, it occurred to me that I was going to sleep with the scholar tonight. After washing and washing, she hugged the pillow and jumped into his room from the window. There was another mist behind the screen. Before she could get around to the front, she heard the scholar's voice: "Spoon..."

In a moment, I saw her jumping over the screen with a big pillow in her arms, staring at her bright eyes: "Why do you take a bath every time I come in?"

The scholar looked at her, and he also wanted to ask why the spoon had to come at this time every time... Whether a man and a woman kiss or not, I really can't teach it several times. He looked solemn: "When other men are taking a bath, you won't barge in like this, will you?"

The spoon thought for a while: "Of course not."

Because no one would let her in.

"Okay, go clubbing, I'm going to sleep."

The scholar watched her jump over, rubbed the bridge of his nose, got up slowly, wiped his body dry, thought for a while, and put on the obscene pants again. When he returned to the bed, Shaohao had fallen asleep with the quilt in his arms. He lay on his side, looked at her for a while, and raised his finger to touch the tip of her nose, which felt a little cool. After staying for a while, she was slapped away and murmured: "Don't touch me, evildoer."

The scholar laughed uncontrollably, and wanted to take out the quilt, but she hugged her tightly, unable to do so, and whispered in his ear: "Spoon, let go of your hands, it will be cold to sleep like this. My arms and legs moved, I took out the quilt and covered it .”

The spoon turned over, waited for the quilt to be taken away, then turned back again, the quilt was covered, and it was warm immediately. She rubbed her eyes, and the drowsiness subsided a little: "Shopkeeper, tell me a story, it's better to be long and boring, so I can fall asleep quickly."

The scholar thought for a while, then took her into his arms: "Then say something... long and boring..."

The spoon moved to a comfortable position: "Let's talk."

"A long time ago, there was a boring person who heard that a peony flower with aura grew in a far away place..."

Shaozi smiled, yawned, and burrowed into his arms: "You're pretending to be self-serving, so give me a part in the show."

The scholar paused, and kissed her: "Yeah. Then because he was too bored, he went to find that peony flower... and it turned out..."

After waiting for a long time, Shaozi didn't hear him continue, so he opened his eyes slightly to look at him: "Why don't you continue?"

The scholar blinked: "It turns out that the peony flower can take shape. When that person passed by... she... happened to be in Tianchi..."

Shao Shao frowned: "Say it quickly, don't tantalize your appetite."

The scholar blinked again: "Take a bath."

The spoon thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "The shopkeeper... you mean... that person peeping at the peony flowers..."

The scholar rubbed the bridge of his nose.

The spoon made a pretty face and said: "Sure enough, she is a pervert, and even the stories she made up have perverts."

The scholar asked: "If someone peeks at you, will you kick him angrily?"

The spoon thought for a while, lost all sleepiness, stood up and clenched his fists: "Surely hit him! How can you look at the girl's body casually. And the protagonist is peony flower... Why do you have an innocent expression on your face, the shopkeeper, and I won't beat you. "

The scholar sighed, put one hand on the back of his head, looked at the slightly moving bed curtain, curled her hair, and said, "Then that person got a disease."

"What disease?"

"A disease that can't look directly at peony flowers, and will cause nosebleeds if you look at them for a long time."

Xiao Shao lay on his chest with a smile: "Who told him to peek. What happened later? Did he bring back the peony?"

"Well, peony flowers don't know anything. After he took her back, he planted them in his backyard, watered them every day, and took good care of them. But then a bad guy came and wanted to take her away."

The spoon shook and said angrily, "It's easy for us as Shaoyao!"

The scholar smiled and patted her head: "... Later, that person persuaded the bad guy and promised to find her something that could replace peony flowers, so she gave up. But I didn't expect that silly peony..."

The spoon flicked the knife, and the scholar coughed twice: "The peony flower was frightened, thinking that she was really going to be eaten, before he explained to her, in order to prevent that person from fighting with the bad guys, I left by myself. Unexpectedly, I foolishly fell into the cave."