Flower Master in the City

Chapter 6: Rogue, liar, psychopath


"Rogue!" The girl glared at Xia Tian fiercely.

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Looking at the girl's leaving figure, Xia Tian couldn't help but murmured.

A slender young woman curled up, and Xia Tian greeted her: "Sister, I have the best breast enhancement cream made from a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation. It only takes one month to guarantee your transformation from A to C..." Slim The young woman was immediately annoyed: "What's your look? I'm not talking about A, it's obviously B!" "Oh, that bag changes from B to D. Sister, do you want to buy it? It's very cheap." Xia Tian said quickly, But I muttered secretly in my heart, it is obviously a.

"Really useful?" The young woman was a little tempted.

"Of course, I made this with thousand-year-old papaya juice!" Xia Tian nodded quickly.

"Is there thousand-year-old papaya juice?" The young woman looked at Xia Tian suspiciously.

"Of course there is, it's been there for thousands of years!" Xia Tian affirmed.

"Then, how much is it?" the young woman hesitated and asked.

"One hundred thousand a bottle, very cheap." Xia Tian felt happy, and he was about to make money.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" The young woman gave Xia Tian a fierce look, turned around and left, and cursed from a distance, "You damn liar!" Xia Tian felt very innocent, and it was really cheap, if not In need of money urgently, he still wants to sell it for one million.

"Sister, you're sick..." "You're the one who's sick! You're crazy!" "Brother, you're sick in your head..." "Damn, you're the one who's sick in your brain!"

An hour later, Xia Tian sat on the side of the road in an extremely depressed mood, cursing his three masters in his heart. Didn't they say that making money was easy? Why is it so difficult for him to make some money now

An hour ago, he had never thought that making money was a problem. The master could earn tens of millions just by treating people. But he was obviously more powerful than the master, so why couldn't he earn several thousand yuan

Looking at the Xinxin flower shop opposite, Xia Tian began to consider whether to go directly to Qiao Xiaoqiao? However, he was a little unconvinced. Could it be that he really couldn't make money

At this time, a man and a woman came to the flower shop holding hands. The boy was tall and tall, and the girl was quite beautiful. After a while, the boy held a bouquet of red roses and handed it to the girl. The girl was very excited and gave the boy a scent in public. kiss.

Seeing this scene made me more determined to buy flowers in the summer, but at this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded: "Zhang Li, what are you doing?" This sudden voice came from a fat man's mouth, he He rushed towards the girl who had just received the rose, with an angry look on his face.

The girl's face changed at first, and then she immediately returned to normal. She hugged the arm of the tall boy next to her and looked at the fat man with her head held high: "Wang Jie, since you saw it, I will tell you. I want to break up with you!" "Why?" the fat man named Wang Jie roared, "Is it because he is richer than me?" "Wang Jie, this has nothing to do with you. In short, we have nothing to do with you from now on. Don't come. Annoy me!" The girl named Zhang Li looked at the fat man with disgust.

"Zhang Li, you will regret it!" Wang Jie clenched his fists.

"I want to regret it, and I regret that I actually became your girlfriend before!" Zhang Li snorted, hugging the tall boy and walking towards the school, "Ziqiang, let's go, ignore him, he is sick!" The two kissed They left intimately, while Wang Jie stared at the backs of the two of them fiercely from behind, gritting his teeth.

"Hey, brother, your wife has been robbed?" Xia Tian quickly ran to Wang Jie, "Give me 10 million, and I will help you kill that man, how about that?" Wang Jie, who was in anger, turned to look at Xia Xia : "What did you say?" "I said give me 10 million, and I will help you kill that man and help you get your wife back!" Xia Tian said quickly.

Wang Jie looked at Xia Tian with strange eyes, and after a while he held back a sentence: "Are you sick?" Xia Tian was depressed again.

"Hey, man, I'm serious. I'm really in a hurry for money. I'll give you a discount. I'll do it for eight million." Xia Tian doesn't want to give up this business. "Damn, I have eight million fucking million, why do I need Zhang Li? I can find a woman ten times a hundred times better than her!" Wang Jie said angrily.

"You didn't have the money to tell me earlier!" Xia Tian was a little dissatisfied, it was a waste of his time!

"Hey, I just have eight hundred yuan on me, why don't you go beat that kid up?" Wang Jie suggested.

Xia Tian just left and became a thug, which was beneath his status.

His stomach suddenly growled, and Xia Tian immediately discovered a very cruel fact, that is, he was hungry. It was no wonder that he hadn't eaten anything since morning.

"My wife said that it costs money to eat out. It's really troublesome. It's better in the mountains." Xia Tian suddenly found that he missed the life in the mountains a little, but he missed it, and the problem of eating still had to be solved, and this came back to As for the previous issue, that was that he had to make money.

"Sun Xinxin, get out of here!" A shout attracted Xia Tian's attention, and he saw a young man with yellow hair standing outside Xinxin's flower shop. He wore a vest, shorts, and flip-flops.

"Zhang Dazhu, what do you want to do?" A woman came out of the flower shop. The woman looked about 24 or 25 years old, with fair skin and black hair. She was very beautiful, and her figure was convex and curvy. Needless to say, she exuded a mature and charming aura, but at the moment, her pretty face looked very annoyed.

"I have no money!" Zhang Dazhu looked at Sun Xinxin greedily, as a certain part of his body seemed to be swelling.

"I gave you two thousand yuan just yesterday!" Sun Xinxin looked at Zhang Dazhu angrily.

"Anyway, I want money today!" Zhang Dazhu stared at Sun Xinxin's plump breasts, "Give me five thousand, otherwise, come home with me and get married!" "You!" Sun Xinxin was furious, "Zhang Dazhu, why are you doing this? So shameless?" "I am shameless? You have money to support a pretty boy outside, can't I ask you for money?" Zhang Dazhu said nonchalantly.

"You, don't spit blood!" Sun Xinxin was so angry that her pretty face turned pale. She looked around with pleading eyes. Although there were already more than a dozen people watching the fun, and even the school's security guards, they saw her. Everyone stayed away from his eyes.

This is not the first time that Zhang Dazhu has come here to cause trouble. Everyone knows that this guy is a scoundrel. Some people helped call the police a few times, but when the police came, they couldn't do anything to him. So far, everyone is just here. Just joining in the fun.

"Sun Xinxin, are you going to pay me or not? If you don't, I will destroy your flower shop!" Zhang Dazhu continued to threaten.

"How about I give you money?" A voice suddenly answered, and everyone turned their heads in unison to see an ordinary-looking young man standing there with a smile.

"Who are you?" Zhang Dazhu was stunned.

"My name is Xia Tian, Xia Xia's Xia, Xia Tian's sky." Xia Tian smiled brightly, flicked his fingers, and the only coins he had on him flew towards Zhang Dazhu, "The money is here, catch it quickly!" Zhang Dazhu subconsciously stretched out his hand, but I felt a burst of severe pain, and immediately let out an earth-shattering scream: "Ah..." "Ding..." The coin fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"You, are you fucking plotting against me?" Zhang Dazhu covered his hands and stared at Xia Tian fiercely.

Xia Tian walked up to Zhang Dazhu leisurely, bent down to pick up the coins on the ground, put them into his pocket, straightened up, smiled brightly at Zhang Dazhu, then raised his hand, heard a crisp sound, and slapped Zhang Dazhu. A slap in the face.

"I won't do such things as plotting. I will beat you upright." Xia Tian said with a smile.

"You, you dare to hit me?" Zhang Dazhu was a little dizzy from the slap and had not yet fully reacted.

"Pah!" There was another crisp sound, and Xia Tian slapped Zhang Dazhu again: "Of course I dare to hit you." "I'll fight you damn hard!" Zhang Dazhu roared and rushed towards Xia Tian.

Xia Tian raised his foot and kicked Zhang Dazhu on the lower abdomen. Zhang Dazhu screamed and fell down.

Everyone was stunned for a while. This young man looked ordinary, but he was really capable of fighting.

"Okay, okay, Sun Xinxin, you bitch, how dare you let your pretty boy hit me, right?" Zhang Dazhu got up from the ground, "Wait for me... uh..." Zhang Dazhu screamed and flew backwards. A few feet away, he fell heavily to the ground, but Xia Tian kicked him again.

This time, after Zhang Dazhu got up, he ran directly outside the school gate without saying a word, running faster than the rabbit.

The onlookers dispersed in a hurry, obviously not wanting to get into trouble. Even the security guard quickly returned to his security room, acting as if nothing happened.

Sun Xinxin looked at Xia Tian blankly. Every time Zhang Dazhu came here to make trouble, she hoped that someone would help her. It was the same today. But after every disappointment, she had no hope of really helping her this time. Someone came to help, but at this moment, Xia Tian appeared. He beat Zhang Dazhu cleanly and drove him out.

In the past few months, Zhang Dazhu had come to make trouble from time to time, which had exhausted her physically and mentally. She had imagined countless times that a real prince charming would come to save her, but she never waited. However, a few days ago, someone opened her door. The uncle who drives the BMW is willing to help her get rid of Zhang Dazhu, but the condition is that she becomes his underground lover.

Looking at the young man's clear eyes and bright smile, Sun Xinxin couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. She suddenly had a premonition that her prince charming finally appeared. The only pity was that this prince was not as good as she imagined. He was so handsome and handsome, and judging from his clothes, he seemed to be very poor.

"Sister Xin, are you okay?" A girl ran out from the flower shop. The girl was not pretty, but she was petite and cute, and she was the only employee of Xinxin Flower Shop, Fang Xiaoru.