Flower Master in the City

Chapter 90: hacker


The two girls were doubtful, but thinking that Qiao Feng'er's arms had returned to their original state after that night, they had a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If their strength could really soar in just three days, they would naturally be willing.

As bodyguards, although they are relatively relaxed most of the time, if they encounter an assassination incident like yesterday's, they may lose their lives at any time. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are fighting with their lives. If they had stronger With skill, the chances of surviving when encountering danger will naturally be greater.

"Can you really double our strength in three days?" Qiao Feng'er finally couldn't help but ask.

"Believe it or not." Xia Tian didn't like being doubted and didn't bother to explain. If it weren't for his wife, he wouldn't bother to deal with the two girls.

Qiao Huanger gritted her teeth and finally made a decision: "Okay, let's learn from you!" After all, the two women couldn't resist the temptation of doubling their strength. Even if they still had doubts in their hearts, it was only three days after all. After three days, they will know whether what Xia Tian said is true. If everything comes true, then they will make a lot of money, and even if it is false, it will only delay three days, and there will be no big loss.

Only half an hour later, the two women looked at the dozens of circles on the ground and felt a little dizzy. Is this the martial arts that Xia Tian wants to teach them

Xia Tian first drew a large circle with a diameter of about one foot, and then drew sixty-four small circles inside the large circle. Each circle was marked with a number, from one to sixty-four, and then told them that they What you have to do is very simple, just keep walking in this circle, from the first circle to the sixty-fourth circle, in a continuous cycle, but there is a requirement, the body cannot leave the scope of the big circle. .

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Qiao Feng'er couldn't help but ask.

Xia Tian explained this time: "This is a kind of footwork. With your qualifications, if you practice diligently for three days, you will have some success. As long as you keep practicing, it will not be difficult to dodge bullets." "Practice this. Can you dodge bullets with your footwork?" Qiao Huanger was surprised and even more doubtful.

"Of course, this is what the fairy sister taught me. Apart from me, you two were the first to learn it." Xia Tian was very dissatisfied with Qiao Huang'er's suspicion, "You guys hurry up and practice, I will go back to accompany Xiao Qiao." Xia Tian finished After saying this, he left this temporary practice room and returned to Qiao Xiaoqiao's bedroom.

"Do you really want to practice?" Qiao Feng'er glanced at Qiao Huang'er and looked at the circle with some suspicion.

"That pervert seems to be quite powerful, let's give it a try." Qiao Huanger hesitated and said.

"That's right, what if this is really some kind of peerless magic?" Qiao Feng'er walked into the circle and walked slowly step by step.

"Feng'er, do you think this is the Lingbo Weibu in the novel?" Qiao Huang'er followed Qiao Feng'er and walked in those small circles.

"Who knows, don't worry, just practice for three days and see the effect." Qiao Feng'er stepped on the circle and suddenly made an oops, her body tilted, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Damn, the circles drawn by this perverted wolf seem to be really good. It's not easy to walk through them all!" Qiao Huang'er also immediately noticed something was wrong. This so-called footwork requires a lot of coordination of the body. Gao, if you want to walk down easily, you need to constantly adjust your body, which is never easy.

"Yeah, I also found it's not easy!" Qiao Feng'er, who almost fell down, also paid attention, her pretty face was a little excited, "Huang'er, we may have really found a treasure!" "Then let's practice quickly!" After returning, the two finally devoted themselves to footwork training.

When Sun Xinxin learned that the last bouquet of flowers had been delivered, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. But at this time, it was already after six o'clock in the evening.

"Fat man, you can treat everyone to a meal later." Sun Xinxin handed the fat man two thousand yuan, "Thanks for their hard work." "Sister-in-law, how can I let you treat everyone to a meal?" The fat man did not dare to accept, " It's their duty to help you, so how can they dare to ask for your money?" "Take it, I know you have never done this kind of thing. You should have given me more money, but I only have the money I have. With so much cash, I can make do with it." Although Sun Xinxin earned nearly 20,000 yuan today, it was all on the card and she didn't have time to withdraw the money, leaving only more than 2,000 yuan in cash.

"Sister-in-law, I really can't ask for your money." The fat man said with a grimace. He wanted money to do such a small thing for the boss, but the younger brother didn't take it that seriously.

"Just take it if I let you. Don't you think it's too little?" Fang Xiaoru said angrily.

"Fang Xiaoru, is there anyone who spreads rumors like you?" The fat man suddenly became anxious, "How could I think it's too little? I'm afraid that my elder brother will beat me!" "Come on, your elder brother doesn't care about this little money, take it quickly, or I will Go complain to your elder brother!" Sun Xinxin looked unhappy.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." The fat man had no choice but to accept the money. He didn't dare not accept it.

After the fat man left, Sun Xinxin gave Fang Xiaoru another five hundred yuan: "Xiaoru, let this be your bonus." "Thank you, Sister Xin!" Fang Xiaoru didn't refuse at all, she took it with a look of joy and said For her, this is a large amount of income.

"Okay, let's close the store early today, and let's go back and rest early." Sun Xinxin was really tired today, so she wanted to go home early.

But at this moment, a police car drove into Jianghai University and stopped in front of Xinxin Flower Shop.

"Who is the person in charge of Xinxin Flower Shop?" Two policemen walked out of the police car, and the older one asked.

Sun Xinxin couldn't help but be stunned: "I am, please..." "I am Xu Zhongjian, deputy captain of the Internet Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and this is my ID." Xu Zhongjian took out his ID and handed it to Sun Xinxin, "Your Xinxin Flower Shop is suspected of participating in a conspiracy. There is a large-scale hacker attack. Please follow me to the police station to investigate. In addition, we need to take away your computer and other Internet equipment for search. This is a search warrant." Sun Xinxin was suddenly confused, hacker attack

"Officer, are you making a mistake? We are basically computer novices. At most we just go online to chat. How could we be related to hackers?" Fang Xiaoru said hurriedly.

"Miss, are you also an employee of Xinxin Flower Shop?" Xu Zhongjian asked.

"Yes." Fang Xiaoru nodded quickly, "Officer, please check again. Is it a mistake?" "Then please go to the police station with us. It's just a mistake. We will know after we investigate. Xu Zhongjian was unmoved and at the same time told the policeman beside him, "Xiaohong, go and seal up the computer and other equipment and bring it to the detachment." The policeman received the order and quickly went in and moved the laptop out.

"You two ladies, please get in the car." Xu Zhongjian was quite polite.

"Sister Xin, what should I do?" Fang Xiaoru was a little anxious.

"It's okay, let's go and explain the situation clearly." Although Sun Xinxin was a little uneasy, she quickly calmed down. She felt that since she had never done anything before, there was no need to worry.

"Do you want to call Xia Tian?" Fang Xiaoru asked in a low voice.

"Let's wait until we get to the police station." Sun Xinxin felt that she couldn't go to Xia Tian for everything. She hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't call Xia Tian right away.

The two got into the police car, went to the Municipal Public Security Bureau building, and finally arrived at the office of the Internet Police Detachment. Sun Xinxin and Fang Xiaoru were quickly taken to the interrogation room. The person in charge of interrogating Sun Xinxin was Xu Zhongjian, and there was a female police officer next to him. Responsible for recordkeeping.

Xu Zhongjian first asked about Sun Xinxin's basic information in a routine manner, such as her name, age, etc., and then came to the important point.

"Sun Xinxin, have you opened an online flower shop, also named Xinxin Flower Shop?" Xu Zhongjian asked.

"Yes, it was just opened last night." Sun Xinxin had a bad feeling in her heart. She had begun to realize that this matter was related to those strange orders today.

"Your online flower shop received forty orders in one day today?" Xu Zhongjian asked again.

Sun Xinxin nodded again: "Yes." "Do you think it's normal for a newly opened online flower shop to receive so many orders on such an ordinary day?" Xu Zhongjian's tone was quite calm, maybe because Maybe it's because Sun Xinxin is a beautiful woman.

"It's not normal. When I went to the flower shop in the morning, I thought someone was playing a prank." Sun Xinxin told the truth, "But since there is an order and the customers have paid, I have to deliver flowers, otherwise others will say we spent too much money." The store doesn't care about credibility." "Sun Xinxin, I won't beat around the bush with you. We have found out that someone used hacking methods to transfer all orders from online flower shops within Jianghai City to your website. Those people didn’t originally want to order flowers from your online flower shop, but in the end they were directed to your website by a hacker method. The vast majority of them have never even heard of your flower shop’s name.” Xu Zhongjian stared at Sun Xinxin, as if he wanted to put some pressure on her, "If you said this has nothing to do with you, do you think anyone would believe it?" "But it really has nothing to do with me!" Sun Xinxin quickly explained, "I don't at all. With that ability, all I can do when I go online is chatting about QQ, watching webpages, Landlords, etc." "Sun Xinxin, maybe you didn't do it yourself, but I believe that the hacker must be known to you." Xu Zhongjian paused slightly After a moment, he said slowly, "Perhaps, that hacker was instigated by you!" "Officer, it really has nothing to do with me. How do I know any hackers?" Sun Xinxin suddenly became anxious, "Besides, my whole day's income It’s less than 20,000 yuan, and I hired a lot of people to send flowers temporarily, so I made a few thousand yuan. Which hacker would attack so many websites just for such a small amount of money?” “It’s hard to say, some Hackers may just do it for fun." The policewoman taking notes on the side interjected, "Besides, who knows how many other hacking activities you have done that haven't been caught? Just the ring on your hand makes you scared. Wanba, if you open a small flower shop, can you make that much money?"