Flower of Azure

Chapter 54: Alliance Mountain Conference


The clouds and rain block the Wu Gorge, and the heartbroken people are at the end of the world. The time is spent in vain with no words of brocade.

Liuli glared at him fiercely. She hated this kind of old man the most. She wanted to see him but didn't dare to look at him openly. He looked like a cat-stealing son with a sly look on his face. He looked like he was laughing so hard that his saliva was about to flow out. It’s no wonder that his wife couldn’t keep him safe and was fooling around with the beggar behind his back, hum!

"The Master of the Immortal Palace is here, and I am not expecting you from afar. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Please take a seat!" Xuanyuan Zhan's high-spirited voice blocked the music a little bit, and everyone suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved.

Along the way, Lu Yang Feixue still loved to visit the mountains and rivers, looking so leisurely that Liuli wanted to jump up and squeeze him to death several times. But I finally arrived at the foot of League Mountain one day before the conference. There were martial arts people with swords and knives everywhere. All inns and hotels, big and small, have already been booked by famous sects. Fortunately, the Lu Yang family's property is spread all over the world, and they can find a business, teahouse, or the like wherever they go. Otherwise, they would really have to sleep in brothels.

Alas, the spring water is half full of red leaves, and the east wind is still and the curtains are hanging low.

Liuli was speechless looking at the Tongtian Avenue going up the mountain. She thought it was such a high and steep mountain! It was paved with fine marble so flat and wide that it could accommodate six four-horse carriages! Is there any justice

A sudden hand was placed on her waist, and Liuli shuddered. The young master's body was always so cold, and it soaked into her bones.

Ah, that Song Qinggong is also there, with a beautiful woman standing next to her, looking proud. Damn, I really want to rush forward and take revenge! Then there are others who are very good-looking, and some who look very sci-fi, none more so than those with relatively high status in the martial arts and well-known martial arts figures. Some Liuli knew their names, but some didn't. After all, time was limited, and Zhao Xiangji didn't know everything. It was impossible to tell her all the gossip and so on. But what can be seen at a glance is of course the leader of the Beggar Clan who is dressed in rags. After looking carefully for a long time, he has thick eyebrows, big eyes, big muscles and 55, which completely subverts Qiao Feng's image in her mind.

He finally dragged Lu Yang Feixue up from the bed. Although he had to eat a lot of tofu on the way, he had no choice but to swallow his anger, bear the humiliation, and endure hunger (?).

The eyebrows are painted lazily, and the small peach blossoms are placed sideways on the elegant temples of the palace.

"Ah! No!" Liuli shook her head quickly and stood farther away from him. If she had done anything intimate with him in public, she would have been shot to death with a hidden weapon dart as soon as she turned around.

What fun! How about covering her face, or dressing up as a female ghost and going up to the roof for a walk

After taking a look at the surrounding buildings, I realized that these people were here to watch a football match!

Just as she was wandering in the sky, there was a sudden tremor of celestial music, and the sound of an unknown musical instrument resounded through every corner of the entire venue. It was like singing and weeping, but it was also slightly weird. Liuli felt that her internal energy suddenly surged in her body, and she suppressed it in a panic but didn't know what was going on. Jin Xi held her hand and slowly guided her chaotic inner energy. Liuli turned to look at him, only to see that Jin and Xi also had a serious face, frowning and a pale face.

Unexpectedly, her young master still had some dignity, so he was led to sit in the east corner. He was so high up that he could look around the entire venue at a glance.

Although standing on such a high platform and being looked at by so many people (Guoguo: Who do you think you are taking advantage of?), I am still a little used to it, but when I think that I have changed my appearance, I will show off my flawless face. Come out and exhibit! I was so excited that I wanted to jump to the middle stage and do a peacock dance. Anyway, no matter how embarrassing the person is, it won't be her, haha! It’s a pleasure to be admired a few times!

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

Lu Yang Feixue said with a smile on the side: "Liu Li, you don't understand. In this martial arts sect, there are gatherings every three days, competitions, arenas, etc. There must be a fixed place! Don't look at this Although the small Mengshan sect has spent a lot of money building roads and building several competition venues, over the years, venue fees, travel fees, and ticket fees have long been earned back, and the sect has also earned it. In recent years, there has been rapid development and expansion! Even the small towns at the foot of the mountains have rapidly prospered. This is called sitting on the mountain and eating the mountain! Hahahahaha... "

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

"Ah! No!" Liuli shook her head quickly and stood farther away from him. If she had done anything intimate with him in public, she would have been shot to death with a hidden weapon dart as soon as she turned around.

When she came back, she thought her eyes were dazzled. After rubbing it, she saw the ghost-like light green figure of Lu Yang Feixu, hanging precariously on the branches outside He Xi's window like the wind. Are you actually following me like this

Liuli looked at the white clouds in the sky in a daze. She was tired from standing and wanted to run behind the young master and squat down, but she was afraid that if she got out of the way, the young master's beautiful figure would be exposed to the many eyes in the audience! Fortunately for the young master, she knew he had fallen asleep again without having to guess. It turns out that wearing a mask has such benefits! Unlike her, she could only move her arms and legs by tilting her body and twisting her butt.

Excited and excited, I rushed forward, touching here and there and sniffing, wanting to open my mouth and bite when I saw something golden. Jin Xi coughed slightly from behind: "Wuxia!"

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

Finally, we got to the interesting part. In order to resolve the dispute between the so-and-so faction and the so-and-so faction, people from the two factions went on stage to have a fight. Liuli was bored. After seeing Brother Xuan’s martial arts, what did they think? ah? Even the cameras are many times better than them! What's more, there are also the weird and inexplicable martial arts of Young Master and Jin Xi.

"Sir, drink tea! Ouch!"

Although standing on such a high platform and being looked at by so many people (Guoguo: Who do you think you are taking advantage of?), I am still a little used to it, but when I think that I have changed my appearance, I will show off my flawless face. Come out and exhibit! I was so excited that I wanted to jump to the middle stage and do a peacock dance. Anyway, no matter how embarrassing the person is, it won't be her, haha! It’s a pleasure to be admired a few times!

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

There are people everywhere, chatting with each other: How is your mother? My mom is fine! Where is the child's mother? She's pretty good too... so much hype. When she saw her young master coming in, the entire venue was suddenly silent for three seconds, and then the roar became even louder. It was also mixed with the discussions of various characters, and the screams and cries of some young girls in the world. Liuli had never seen such a battle before. She looked down at the audience with a smile and waved, as if she was the one receiving the most attention and admiration.

Lu Yang Feixue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Liuli's small figure consciously blocking her in front of her.

Feihua covered her mouth and laughed while He Xi tried his best to hold back while warning Lala Liuli's clothes. Liuli kept apologizing with an innocent face. Hey, she didn't expect the water to be so hot (Guoguo: That's weird)!

Looking up, I saw a woman with seven jingling rings, colorful clothes flying, and fluttering skirts flying slowly from a distance, with countless white petals scattered along the way, as if riding auspicious clouds, like a fairy descending to earth. Liuli and the people on the ground were stunned.

My heart suddenly felt so sour, why is this so painful

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

After saying that, he also took a walk outside in great interest.

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

A sudden hand was placed on her waist, and Liuli shuddered. The young master's body was always so cold, and it soaked into her bones.

"Ah! No!" Liuli shook her head quickly and stood farther away from him. If she had done anything intimate with him in public, she would have been shot to death with a hidden weapon dart as soon as she turned around.

Feihua covered her mouth and laughed while He Xi tried his best to hold back while warning Lala Liuli's clothes. Liuli kept apologizing with an innocent face. Hey, she didn't expect the water to be so hot (Guoguo: That's weird)!

Unable to withstand Feihua's hard work, he finally agreed to take her with him. Originally, Feixue had intended to let He Xi and Feixu stay alone in the village, but He Xi insisted on going. So Liuli Yi became flawless, and went on the road with Feixue, Feihua, past and present, and He Xi. Nephrite and Wenxiang were afraid that they would be tortured to death by Feixu if they stayed in the villa, so they waved their handkerchiefs with tears in their eyes and told them that Liuli would come back soon to collect their bodies.

Alas, the spring water is half full of red leaves, and the east wind is still and the curtains are hanging low.

Along the way, Lu Yang Feixue still loved to visit the mountains and rivers, looking so leisurely that Liuli wanted to jump up and squeeze him to death several times. But I finally arrived at the foot of League Mountain one day before the conference. There were martial arts people with swords and knives everywhere. All inns and hotels, big and small, have already been booked by famous sects. Fortunately, the Lu Yang family's property is spread all over the world, and they can find a business, teahouse, or the like wherever they go. Otherwise, they would really have to sleep in brothels.

When she came back, she thought her eyes were dazzled. After rubbing it, she saw the ghost-like light green figure of Lu Yang Feixu, hanging precariously on the branches outside He Xi's window like the wind. Are you actually following me like this

Liuli looked up at the sky. It was already noon and she was hungry. Could she take out the chicken drumsticks from the bag and eat them

Unable to withstand Feihua's hard work, he finally agreed to take her with him. Originally, Feixue had intended to let He Xi and Feixu stay alone in the village, but He Xi insisted on going. So Liuli Yi became flawless, and went on the road with Feixue, Feihua, past and present, and He Xi. Nephrite and Wenxiang were afraid that they would be tortured to death by Feixu if they stayed in the villa, so they waved their handkerchiefs with tears in their eyes and told them that Liuli would come back soon to collect their bodies.

The sky is above her head, and the world is beneath her feet!

The main arena in the middle (isn't that called too much?) is about the size of half a football field, square, and more than two meters higher than the surrounding ground.

Along the way, Lu Yang Feixue still loved to visit the mountains and rivers, looking so leisurely that Liuli wanted to jump up and squeeze him to death several times. But I finally arrived at the foot of League Mountain one day before the conference. There were martial arts people with swords and knives everywhere. All inns and hotels, big and small, have already been booked by famous sects. Fortunately, the Lu Yang family's property is spread all over the world, and they can find a business, teahouse, or the like wherever they go. Otherwise, they would really have to sleep in brothels.

Speaking of which, I miss Zhao Xiangji so much! I don’t know if he’s here, but with his temperament, he shouldn’t miss such a fun martial arts conference! However, isn't he being wanted? No one will send him an invitation. Then he must be as disguised as himself if he comes. The two of them are hiding from each other like QQ, and they can't find each other at all! Woohoo...so sad! Camera where are you? ! Oh I miss you so much!

Liuli was speechless looking at the Tongtian Avenue going up the mountain. She thought it was such a high and steep mountain! It was paved with fine marble so flat and wide that it could accommodate six four-horse carriages! Is there any justice

Unexpectedly, her young master still had some dignity, so he was led to sit in the east corner. He was so high up that he could look around the entire venue at a glance.

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

It was late at night and Liuli couldn't sleep, thinking that Luo Xuan might be settling down somewhere nearby! Opening the window to look at the stars, I found that looking at the roof, there were three or two figures flying around secretly from time to time, wearing night clothes and covering their faces. I don't know whether they were seeking revenge for the grudges of various factions, or trying to find out some information. Liuli rolled her eyes helplessly, these people all regarded this as going to the market, right

When she came back, she thought her eyes were dazzled. After rubbing it, she saw the ghost-like light green figure of Lu Yang Feixu, hanging precariously on the branches outside He Xi's window like the wind. Are you actually following me like this

Liuli glared at him fiercely. She hated this kind of old man the most. She wanted to see him but didn't dare to look at him openly. He looked like a cat-stealing son with a sly look on his face. He looked like he was laughing so hard that his saliva was about to flow out. It’s no wonder that his wife couldn’t keep him safe and was fooling around with the beggar behind his back, hum!

He finally dragged Lu Yang Feixue up from the bed. Although he had to eat a lot of tofu on the way, he had no choice but to swallow his anger, bear the humiliation, and endure hunger (?).

"The Master of the Immortal Palace is here, and I am not expecting you from afar. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Please take a seat!" Xuanyuan Zhan's high-spirited voice blocked the music a little bit, and everyone suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved.

Lu Yang Feixue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Liuli's small figure consciously blocking her in front of her.

After saying that, he also took a walk outside in great interest.

The sky is above her head, and the world is beneath her feet!

Only then did Liuli come to her senses, and she quickly followed the young master with her head lowered, pretending to be a maid. My heart kept urging: Go faster! Go faster!

What fun! How about covering her face, or dressing up as a female ghost and going up to the roof for a walk

After passing through the main hall through the nine-curved corridor, my eyes finally lit up. Liuli's mouth was half-opened. It was so big, so big, so big! It’s almost like a stadium!

The eyebrows are painted lazily, and the small peach blossoms are placed sideways on the elegant temples of the palace.

After passing through the main hall through the nine-curved corridor, my eyes finally lit up. Liuli's mouth was half-opened. It was so big, so big, so big! It’s almost like a stadium!

The main arena in the middle (isn't that called too much?) is about the size of half a football field, square, and more than two meters higher than the surrounding ground.

Lu Yang Feixue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Liuli's small figure consciously blocking her in front of her.

When they rode the carriage up the mountain again, there were almost no people on the road. Everyone climbed up the mountain early in the morning before dawn and lined up, ready to enter the venue, and rushed forward to grab a seat regardless of their own safety!

After saying that, he also took a walk outside in great interest.

"Ah! No!" Liuli shook her head quickly and stood farther away from him. If she had done anything intimate with him in public, she would have been shot to death with a hidden weapon dart as soon as she turned around.

Liuli, who was stomping her feet, had no choice but to stand in front of the door and practice her voice. She sang an original Bel Canto Chinese version of "My Sun" by Papa. It was so beautiful that she was shocked. There are countless birds in the sky on earth! It made many martial arts people think that some major rape case had occurred in Jianghu.

Excited and excited, I rushed forward, touching here and there and sniffing, wanting to open my mouth and bite when I saw something golden. Jin Xi coughed slightly from behind: "Wuxia!"

As the saying goes, when the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a murderous night. With the help of Qinggong, which comes and goes without a trace, she thought that at least it would allow her to encounter two incidents where a hero could save a beautiful girl! However, in addition to seeing the eldest disciple of the Qingcheng sect and the junior sister of the Emei sect coming out to hold hands for a date, besides seeing Gu Muyan of the Huashan sect and the first Feitian Yizhi of Wudang, two bad old men sat arm-in-arm on the big tree and watched. The moon; except seeing how several members of the Qingyu sect plotted to kill the sect leader and replace him; except seeing the wife of the head of the Hengshan sect and the elder Qipao of the Beggar Clan running into the woods to have sex...andsoon. She really didn't see anything anymore.

The clouds and rain block the Wu Gorge, and the heartbroken people are at the end of the world. The time is spent in vain with no words of brocade.

Finally, we got to the interesting part. In order to resolve the dispute between the so-and-so faction and the so-and-so faction, people from the two factions went on stage to have a fight. Liuli was bored. After seeing Brother Xuan’s martial arts, what did they think? ah? Even the cameras are many times better than them! What's more, there are also the weird and inexplicable martial arts of Young Master and Jin Xi.

But what made her wonder was why there were many men in black lurking in the southeast, northwest and northwest outside the town. They were like Japanese ninjas, trained quickly and quietly. He doesn't look like an ordinary martial artist. Could it be that Hades took this opportunity to invade on a large scale? However, almost all the most powerful and famous masters in the world are gathered here. No matter how powerful Ren Ming Prison is, there is no chance of winning. But if poison is used, it might be different. If they were completely wiped out in one go, that would be the end. But Xuanyuan Zhan is no fool. He should have anticipated this and taken precautionary measures, right

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

Finally, we got to the interesting part. In order to resolve the dispute between the so-and-so faction and the so-and-so faction, people from the two factions went on stage to have a fight. Liuli was bored. After seeing Brother Xuan’s martial arts, what did they think? ah? Even the cameras are many times better than them! What's more, there are also the weird and inexplicable martial arts of Young Master and Jin Xi.

When she came back, she thought her eyes were dazzled. After rubbing it, she saw the ghost-like light green figure of Lu Yang Feixu, hanging precariously on the branches outside He Xi's window like the wind. Are you actually following me like this

The leader of the Hengshan Sect who happened to be sitting nearby smiled like a flower and politely said hello to Lu Yang Feixue. Lu Yang Feixue lazily nodded to him and said with a smile: "Oh! Leader Yan, long time no see. ! There’s an extra ring of flesh on my belly! It seems like you’ve been living a good life recently, and your martial arts skills have fallen a lot, right?”

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

My heart suddenly felt so sour, why is this so painful

The eyebrows are painted lazily, and the small peach blossoms are placed sideways on the elegant temples of the palace.

Unable to withstand Feihua's hard work, he finally agreed to take her with him. Originally, Feixue had intended to let He Xi and Feixu stay alone in the village, but He Xi insisted on going. So Liuli Yi became flawless, and went on the road with Feixue, Feihua, past and present, and He Xi. Nephrite and Wenxiang were afraid that they would be tortured to death by Feixu if they stayed in the villa, so they waved their handkerchiefs with tears in their eyes and told them that Liuli would come back soon to collect their bodies.

"Sir, drink tea! Ouch!"

My heart suddenly felt so sour, why is this so painful

She wanted to go over and talk to her, but the two of them had never even spoken a word. However, after all, Liuli still didn't go over, and just stood on the roof looking at her from a distance, and she looked at her, and the two looked at each other silently without saying a word.

The sky is above her head, and the world is beneath her feet!

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

"Come, let me hug you."

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

A sudden hand was placed on her waist, and Liuli shuddered. The young master's body was always so cold, and it soaked into her bones.

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

After passing the three mountain gates, we finally reached the top of Mengshan Mountain. The disciples of Mengshan Sect who were in charge of reception saw the group of people from Luyang Villa. They were frightened and welcomed them in with all due respect. Liuli got off the carriage and looked at the huge building complex built among the mountains and forests. She couldn't help but be stunned. Damn, it was so magnificent. It felt like it had followed the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was so majestic!

But the moment they stared at each other, they suddenly felt that they understood each other, all their love, hate and unwillingness, all their pain and struggles. It is a kind of resentful sympathy that is also based on love but not status.

The sky is above her head, and the world is beneath her feet!

Only then did Liuli come to her senses, and she quickly followed the young master with her head lowered, pretending to be a maid. My heart kept urging: Go faster! Go faster!

When she came back, she thought her eyes were dazzled. After rubbing it, she saw the ghost-like light green figure of Lu Yang Feixu, hanging precariously on the branches outside He Xi's window like the wind. Are you actually following me like this

With eyes wide open like this, it was dawn. I got excited, washed up, and was ready to go, but I found that the young master's pig hadn't woken up yet.

Looking at the wolf-like eyes around him, damn, the ground is probably flooded with saliva now! Who told her young master to be so beautiful? Isn't it just to show off to the people around me by coming to such a ostentatious place? She really wanted to wrap him up from head to toe with a piece of cloth!

He finally dragged Lu Yang Feixue up from the bed. Although he had to eat a lot of tofu on the way, he had no choice but to swallow his anger, bear the humiliation, and endure hunger (?).

Liuli waved hard at her, made a fighting gesture to signal her to keep working hard, and then returned to her room. She had a premonition that one day, she and Feixu would become the most good friends who talked about everything.

Speaking of which, I miss Zhao Xiangji so much! I don’t know if he’s here, but with his temperament, he shouldn’t miss such a fun martial arts conference! However, isn't he being wanted? No one will send him an invitation. Then he must be as disguised as himself if he comes. The two of them are hiding from each other like QQ, and they can't find each other at all! Woohoo...so sad! Camera where are you? ! Oh I miss you so much!

Many people with low martial arts skills in the audience have collapsed, their hands and feet twitching slightly.

Liuli looked around for Luo Xuan's fluttering figure in white clothes, but she couldn't find him. Was he not here? Or hiding in some corner? Then he looked at the people on the observation platform. The one in the center was the bad guy Xuanyuan Zhan who had been chasing Brother Xuan! He looks so handsome! I have never seen such a handsome man with sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples. He speaks and behaves in a very grand manner, but there is a coldness hidden in his body. Next to them were the abbot of Shaolin and the master of Wudang, two relatively immortal old men, so she didn't pay too much attention to them.

With eyes wide open like this, it was dawn. I got excited, washed up, and was ready to go, but I found that the young master's pig hadn't woken up yet.

With eyes wide open like this, it was dawn. I got excited, washed up, and was ready to go, but I found that the young master's pig hadn't woken up yet.

But the moment they stared at each other, they suddenly felt that they understood each other, all their love, hate and unwillingness, all their pain and struggles. It is a kind of resentful sympathy that is also based on love but not status.

It was late at night and Liuli couldn't sleep, thinking that Luo Xuan might be settling down somewhere nearby! Opening the window to look at the stars, I found that looking at the roof, there were three or two figures flying around secretly from time to time, wearing night clothes and covering their faces. I don't know whether they were seeking revenge for the grudges of various factions, or trying to find out some information. Liuli rolled her eyes helplessly, these people all regarded this as going to the market, right

What's even more damning is that he actually told him that no one would be allowed to come in and disturb his sleep.

The main arena in the middle (isn't that called too much?) is about the size of half a football field, square, and more than two meters higher than the surrounding ground.

Looking up, I saw a woman with seven jingling rings, colorful clothes flying, and fluttering skirts flying slowly from a distance, with countless white petals scattered along the way, as if riding auspicious clouds, like a fairy descending to earth. Liuli and the people on the ground were stunned.

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

A sudden hand was placed on her waist, and Liuli shuddered. The young master's body was always so cold, and it soaked into her bones.

Liuli looked up at the sky. It was already noon and she was hungry. Could she take out the chicken drumsticks from the bag and eat them

"Yes, yes, it's okay. I'll just wipe it myself. Just wipe it and it'll be fine." Yan Zhengkuan was so burned by the scalding tea that he grinned and had to force a smile. He kept up his appearance and patted away the people on the left and right who were hurriedly wiping him. He moved his hand and gently touched his important parts. Damn, he wouldn't be crippled like this, would he

Liuli, who was stomping her feet, had no choice but to stand in front of the door and practice her voice. She sang an original Bel Canto Chinese version of "My Sun" by Papa. It was so beautiful that she was shocked. There are countless birds in the sky on earth! It made many martial arts people think that some major rape case had occurred in Jianghu.

After passing through the main hall through the nine-curved corridor, my eyes finally lit up. Liuli's mouth was half-opened. It was so big, so big, so big! It’s almost like a stadium!

My heart suddenly felt so sour, why is this so painful

And among the seven women who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, there was a silver-white jade chariot. No one was carrying it, but it was flying into the air. Inside the curtain, Liuli swallowed her saliva, and inside the curtain was the Immortal Mansion that she had heard the name of for a long time. Lord Dongfang Ancient Emperor Yi Jianlian.

Lu Yang Feixue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Liuli's small figure consciously blocking her in front of her.

Speaking of which, I miss Zhao Xiangji so much! I don’t know if he’s here, but with his temperament, he shouldn’t miss such a fun martial arts conference! However, isn't he being wanted? No one will send him an invitation. Then he must be as disguised as himself if he comes. The two of them are hiding from each other like QQ, and they can't find each other at all! Woohoo...so sad! Camera where are you? ! Oh I miss you so much!

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

Then the southeast, northwest, and east are surrounded by people. Except for the east side, where there is a stand that is higher than the home court, and there are seats arranged specifically for the heads of various factions and alliance leaders to sit. The other three sides are all filled with surging heads. Looking up at the home court and the stands to the east, they are all disciples of various sects, wanderers or not-so-famous people in the martial arts world.

Although standing on such a high platform and being looked at by so many people (Guoguo: Who do you think you are taking advantage of?), I am still a little used to it, but when I think that I have changed my appearance, I will show off my flawless face. Come out and exhibit! I was so excited that I wanted to jump to the middle stage and do a peacock dance. Anyway, no matter how embarrassing the person is, it won't be her, haha! It’s a pleasure to be admired a few times!

After passing through the main hall through the nine-curved corridor, my eyes finally lit up. Liuli's mouth was half-opened. It was so big, so big, so big! It’s almost like a stadium!

After taking a look at the surrounding buildings, I realized that these people were here to watch a football match!

With eyes wide open like this, it was dawn. I got excited, washed up, and was ready to go, but I found that the young master's pig hadn't woken up yet.

Yan Zhengkuan was a little embarrassed, but he still forced a smile and nodded: "What the hell, I am not talented, and I have always worked hard to make up for my shortcomings. I hope Master Lu Yang will have the opportunity to give me some advice. But I didn't expect that this time, Master I will actually attend. It really makes me overjoyed."

He finally dragged Lu Yang Feixue up from the bed. Although he had to eat a lot of tofu on the way, he had no choice but to swallow his anger, bear the humiliation, and endure hunger (?).

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

In this age where knights and knights are idolized, being able to look up and witness the brilliance of the stars up close is such a coveted, fascinating, and soul-crushing (?) thing!

When they rode the carriage up the mountain again, there were almost no people on the road. Everyone climbed up the mountain early in the morning before dawn and lined up, ready to enter the venue, and rushed forward to grab a seat regardless of their own safety!

Suddenly seeing the whole place quiet down, Liuli turned her head and looked in. It turned out to be Xuanyuan Zhan standing on the podium looking like a leader and speaking. Oh my, she had seen a lot of presentations. She didn't even know about the three representatives. I've long been tired of hearing it. I didn’t expect this Xuanyuan War to be so boring. There is no better way than to summarize the attack on Hades a year ago, and then make a look forward to Hades’ reorganization and comeback, and then give guidance on the harmonious path that the martial arts will take in the future. Finally, Then we will reconcile the conflicts and struggles between the various martial arts sects, and then make plans for the future expansion and strengthening of each sect...

When they rode the carriage up the mountain again, there were almost no people on the road. Everyone climbed up the mountain early in the morning before dawn and lined up, ready to enter the venue, and rushed forward to grab a seat regardless of their own safety!

It is a lie to say that Liuli is not worried. Lu Yang Feixue is obviously in business. He has always said in the past that he would never interfere in the disputes of the martial arts world. So why would he receive an invitation and prepare to go? The martial arts skills of Jin Xi and Young Master are so unfathomable. Wow, what if her Young Master also helps those bad guys deal with Brother Xuan!

But what made her wonder was why there were many men in black lurking in the southeast, northwest and northwest outside the town. They were like Japanese ninjas, trained quickly and quietly. He doesn't look like an ordinary martial artist. Could it be that Hades took this opportunity to invade on a large scale? However, almost all the most powerful and famous masters in the world are gathered here. No matter how powerful Ren Ming Prison is, there is no chance of winning. But if poison is used, it might be different. If they were completely wiped out in one go, that would be the end. But Xuanyuan Zhan is no fool. He should have anticipated this and taken precautionary measures, right

In this age where knights and knights are idolized, being able to look up and witness the brilliance of the stars up close is such a coveted, fascinating, and soul-crushing (?) thing!

She wanted to go over and talk to her, but the two of them had never even spoken a word. However, after all, Liuli still didn't go over, and just stood on the roof looking at her from a distance, and she looked at her, and the two looked at each other silently without saying a word.

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

Liuli, who was stomping her feet, had no choice but to stand in front of the door and practice her voice. She sang an original Bel Canto Chinese version of "My Sun" by Papa. It was so beautiful that she was shocked. There are countless birds in the sky on earth! It made many martial arts people think that some major rape case had occurred in Jianghu.

There are people everywhere, chatting with each other: How is your mother? My mom is fine! Where is the child's mother? She's pretty good too... so much hype. When she saw her young master coming in, the entire venue was suddenly silent for three seconds, and then the roar became even louder. It was also mixed with the discussions of various characters, and the screams and cries of some young girls in the world. Liuli had never seen such a battle before. She looked down at the audience with a smile and waved, as if she was the one receiving the most attention and admiration.

Liuli was speechless looking at the Tongtian Avenue going up the mountain. She thought it was such a high and steep mountain! It was paved with fine marble so flat and wide that it could accommodate six four-horse carriages! Is there any justice

Liuli, who was stomping her feet, had no choice but to stand in front of the door and practice her voice. She sang an original Bel Canto Chinese version of "My Sun" by Papa. It was so beautiful that she was shocked. There are countless birds in the sky on earth! It made many martial arts people think that some major rape case had occurred in Jianghu.

But what made her wonder was why there were many men in black lurking in the southeast, northwest and northwest outside the town. They were like Japanese ninjas, trained quickly and quietly. He doesn't look like an ordinary martial artist. Could it be that Hades took this opportunity to invade on a large scale? However, almost all the most powerful and famous masters in the world are gathered here. No matter how powerful Ren Ming Prison is, there is no chance of winning. But if poison is used, it might be different. If they were completely wiped out in one go, that would be the end. But Xuanyuan Zhan is no fool. He should have anticipated this and taken precautionary measures, right

It was late at night and Liuli couldn't sleep, thinking that Luo Xuan might be settling down somewhere nearby! Opening the window to look at the stars, I found that looking at the roof, there were three or two figures flying around secretly from time to time, wearing night clothes and covering their faces. I don't know whether they were seeking revenge for the grudges of various factions, or trying to find out some information. Liuli rolled her eyes helplessly, these people all regarded this as going to the market, right

Lu Yang Feixue said with a smile on the side: "Liu Li, you don't understand. In this martial arts sect, there are gatherings every three days, competitions, arenas, etc. There must be a fixed place! Don't look at this Although the small Mengshan sect has spent a lot of money building roads and building several competition venues, over the years, venue fees, travel fees, and ticket fees have long been earned back, and the sect has also earned it. In recent years, there has been rapid development and expansion! Even the small towns at the foot of the mountains have rapidly prospered. This is called sitting on the mountain and eating the mountain! Hahahahaha... "

Liuli weighed it and found that there were about two to three thousand people present. Suddenly the eyes became heart-shaped, Jianghu! Jianghu! What is Jianghu

The leader of the Hengshan Sect who happened to be sitting nearby smiled like a flower and politely said hello to Lu Yang Feixue. Lu Yang Feixue lazily nodded to him and said with a smile: "Oh! Leader Yan, long time no see. ! There’s an extra ring of flesh on my belly! It seems like you’ve been living a good life recently, and your martial arts skills have fallen a lot, right?”

Liuli lowered her head and played with her fingers, her head covered with black lines.

After passing the three mountain gates, we finally reached the top of Mengshan Mountain. The disciples of Mengshan Sect who were in charge of reception saw the group of people from Luyang Villa. They were frightened and welcomed them in with all due respect. Liuli got off the carriage and looked at the huge building complex built among the mountains and forests. She couldn't help but be stunned. Damn, it was so magnificent. It felt like it had followed the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was so majestic!

"Come, let me hug you."

After passing the three mountain gates, we finally reached the top of Mengshan Mountain. The disciples of Mengshan Sect who were in charge of reception saw the group of people from Luyang Villa. They were frightened and welcomed them in with all due respect. Liuli got off the carriage and looked at the huge building complex built among the mountains and forests. She couldn't help but be stunned. Damn, it was so magnificent. It felt like it had followed the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was so majestic!

Looking at the wolf-like eyes around him, damn, the ground is probably flooded with saliva now! Who told her young master to be so beautiful? Isn't it just to show off to the people around me by coming to such a ostentatious place? She really wanted to wrap him up from head to toe with a piece of cloth!

Yan Zhengkuan was a little embarrassed, but he still forced a smile and nodded: "What the hell, I am not talented, and I have always worked hard to make up for my shortcomings. I hope Master Lu Yang will have the opportunity to give me some advice. But I didn't expect that this time, Master I will actually attend. It really makes me overjoyed."

But the moment they stared at each other, they suddenly felt that they understood each other, all their love, hate and unwillingness, all their pain and struggles. It is a kind of resentful sympathy that is also based on love but not status.

Unfortunately, the pig still didn't wake up, and Jin Xiang stood by the door and couldn't get in. She was worried that she would be late for the meeting and miss some exciting parts, so she had to use the last killer scissors to dig a hole from the roof. Jump in and dig her out, haha, she's smart (crowd: Kicked away)!

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

Or was it just that the young man who had nothing to do all day but slept suddenly became interested and went to join in the fun? But how did he know where he wanted to go? He has been in the villa for so long, his life experience is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and he possesses peerless martial arts (Guoguo: Just blow the glass! Be narcissistic!). Why do the young master and Jin Xi not have any doubts about him? He didn't even ask about his origins. If he had any plans... would they really be so relieved about him? If any woman who fell into the water had the same romantic encounter with the young master as she did. I'm afraid you can see a bunch of corpses floating on the river every day.

Yan Zhengkuan was a little embarrassed, but he still forced a smile and nodded: "What the hell, I am not talented, and I have always worked hard to make up for my shortcomings. I hope Master Lu Yang will have the opportunity to give me some advice. But I didn't expect that this time, Master I will actually attend. It really makes me overjoyed."

After saying that, he also took a walk outside in great interest.

Excited and excited, I rushed forward, touching here and there and sniffing, wanting to open my mouth and bite when I saw something golden. Jin Xi coughed slightly from behind: "Wuxia!"

Liuli looked around for Luo Xuan's fluttering figure in white clothes, but she couldn't find him. Was he not here? Or hiding in some corner? Then he looked at the people on the observation platform. The one in the center was the bad guy Xuanyuan Zhan who had been chasing Brother Xuan! He looks so handsome! I have never seen such a handsome man with sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples. He speaks and behaves in a very grand manner, but there is a coldness hidden in his body. Next to them were the abbot of Shaolin and the master of Wudang, two relatively immortal old men, so she didn't pay too much attention to them.

When they rode the carriage up the mountain again, there were almost no people on the road. Everyone climbed up the mountain early in the morning before dawn and lined up, ready to enter the venue, and rushed forward to grab a seat regardless of their own safety!

When they rode the carriage up the mountain again, there were almost no people on the road. Everyone climbed up the mountain early in the morning before dawn and lined up, ready to enter the venue, and rushed forward to grab a seat regardless of their own safety!

Only then did Liuli come to her senses, and she quickly followed the young master with her head lowered, pretending to be a maid. My heart kept urging: Go faster! Go faster!

Very "accidentally" spilled a bowl of hot tea on him.

Just as she was wandering in the sky, there was a sudden tremor of celestial music, and the sound of an unknown musical instrument resounded through every corner of the entire venue. It was like singing and weeping, but it was also slightly weird. Liuli felt that her internal energy suddenly surged in her body, and she suppressed it in a panic but didn't know what was going on. Jin Xi held her hand and slowly guided her chaotic inner energy. Liuli turned to look at him, only to see that Jin and Xi also had a serious face, frowning and a pale face.

As the saying goes, when the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a murderous night. With the help of Qinggong, which comes and goes without a trace, she thought that at least it would allow her to encounter two incidents where a hero could save a beautiful girl! However, in addition to seeing the eldest disciple of the Qingcheng sect and the junior sister of the Emei sect coming out to hold hands for a date, besides seeing Gu Muyan of the Huashan sect and the first Feitian Yizhi of Wudang, two bad old men sat arm-in-arm on the big tree and watched. The moon; except seeing how several members of the Qingyu sect plotted to kill the sect leader and replace him; except seeing the wife of the head of the Hengshan sect and the elder Qipao of the Beggar Clan running into the woods to have sex...andsoon. She really didn't see anything anymore.

Many people with low martial arts skills in the audience have collapsed, their hands and feet twitching slightly.

Alas, the spring water is half full of red leaves, and the east wind is still and the curtains are hanging low.

After passing through the main hall through the nine-curved corridor, my eyes finally lit up. Liuli's mouth was half-opened. It was so big, so big, so big! It’s almost like a stadium!

Ah, that Song Qinggong is also there, with a beautiful woman standing next to her, looking proud. Damn, I really want to rush forward and take revenge! Then there are others who are very good-looking, and some who look very sci-fi, none more so than those with relatively high status in the martial arts and well-known martial arts figures. Some Liuli knew their names, but some didn't. After all, time was limited, and Zhao Xiangji didn't know everything. It was impossible to tell her all the gossip and so on. But what can be seen at a glance is of course the leader of the Beggar Clan who is dressed in rags. After looking carefully for a long time, he has thick eyebrows, big eyes, big muscles and 55, which completely subverts Qiao Feng's image in her mind.

And among the seven women who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, there was a silver-white jade chariot. No one was carrying it, but it was flying into the air. Inside the curtain, Liuli swallowed her saliva, and inside the curtain was the Immortal Mansion that she had heard the name of for a long time. Lord Dongfang Ancient Emperor Yi Jianlian.

My heart suddenly felt so sour, why is this so painful

With eyes wide open like this, it was dawn. I got excited, washed up, and was ready to go, but I found that the young master's pig hadn't woken up yet.

A sudden hand was placed on her waist, and Liuli shuddered. The young master's body was always so cold, and it soaked into her bones.

Liuli looked up at the sky. It was already noon and she was hungry. Could she take out the chicken drumsticks from the bag and eat them

Lu Yang Feixue couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw Liuli's small figure consciously blocking her in front of her.

After taking a look at the surrounding buildings, I realized that these people were here to watch a football match!

Liuli was speechless looking at the Tongtian Avenue going up the mountain. She thought it was such a high and steep mountain! It was paved with fine marble so flat and wide that it could accommodate six four-horse carriages! Is there any justice

It was late at night and Liuli couldn't sleep, thinking that Luo Xuan might be settling down somewhere nearby! Opening the window to look at the stars, I found that looking at the roof, there were three or two figures flying around secretly from time to time, wearing night clothes and covering their faces. I don't know whether they were seeking revenge for the grudges of various factions, or trying to find out some information. Liuli rolled her eyes helplessly, these people all regarded this as going to the market, right

Suddenly seeing the whole place quiet down, Liuli turned her head and looked in. It turned out to be Xuanyuan Zhan standing on the podium looking like a leader and speaking. Oh my, she had seen a lot of presentations. She didn't even know about the three representatives. I've long been tired of hearing it. I didn’t expect this Xuanyuan War to be so boring. There is no better way than to summarize the attack on Hades a year ago, and then make a look forward to Hades’ reorganization and comeback, and then give guidance on the harmonious path that the martial arts will take in the future. Finally, Then we will reconcile the conflicts and struggles between the various martial arts sects, and then make plans for the future expansion and strengthening of each sect...

Looking up, I saw a woman with seven jingling rings, colorful clothes flying, and fluttering skirts flying slowly from a distance, with countless white petals scattered along the way, as if riding auspicious clouds, like a fairy descending to earth. Liuli and the people on the ground were stunned.

Suddenly seeing the whole place quiet down, Liuli turned her head and looked in. It turned out to be Xuanyuan Zhan standing on the podium looking like a leader and speaking. Oh my, she had seen a lot of presentations. She didn't even know about the three representatives. I've long been tired of hearing it. I didn’t expect this Xuanyuan War to be so boring. There is no better way than to summarize the attack on Hades a year ago, and then make a look forward to Hades’ reorganization and comeback, and then give guidance on the harmonious path that the martial arts will take in the future. Finally, Then we will reconcile the conflicts and struggles between the various martial arts sects, and then make plans for the future expansion and strengthening of each sect...

Many people with low martial arts skills in the audience have collapsed, their hands and feet twitching slightly.

After finally having the opportunity to witness the lively and grand martial arts conference in novels and TV, Liuli was so excited that she leaned forward and backward. But it happened that the conference was held to deal with Brother Xuan, so it was no different from a gathering of a cult organization. Normally, she would have secretly wreaked havoc and made a scene, but in order not to be discovered by Brother Xuan and the others, it was better to keep a low profile, a low profile!

The main arena in the middle (isn't that called too much?) is about the size of half a football field, square, and more than two meters higher than the surrounding ground.

Just as she was wandering in the sky, there was a sudden tremor of celestial music, and the sound of an unknown musical instrument resounded through every corner of the entire venue. It was like singing and weeping, but it was also slightly weird. Liuli felt that her internal energy suddenly surged in her body, and she suppressed it in a panic but didn't know what was going on. Jin Xi held her hand and slowly guided her chaotic inner energy. Liuli turned to look at him, only to see that Jin and Xi also had a serious face, frowning and a pale face.

"Wuxia, why are you so careless? Apologize to Master Yan quickly! This maid like me is always clumsy! But Master Yan has such deep inner strength, I believe that such a little hot tea shouldn't be a big deal!"

After passing the three mountain gates, we finally reached the top of Mengshan Mountain. The disciples of Mengshan Sect who were in charge of reception saw the group of people from Luyang Villa. They were frightened and welcomed them in with all due respect. Liuli got off the carriage and looked at the huge building complex built among the mountains and forests. She couldn't help but be stunned. Damn, it was so magnificent. It felt like it had followed the Forbidden City in Beijing. It was so majestic!

Very "accidentally" spilled a bowl of hot tea on him.

Liuli looked at the white clouds in the sky in a daze. She was tired from standing and wanted to run behind the young master and squat down, but she was afraid that if she got out of the way, the young master's beautiful figure would be exposed to the many eyes in the audience! Fortunately for the young master, she knew he had fallen asleep again without having to guess. It turns out that wearing a mask has such benefits! Unlike her, she could only move her arms and legs by tilting her body and twisting her butt.

Unexpectedly, her young master still had some dignity, so he was led to sit in the east corner. He was so high up that he could look around the entire venue at a glance.

Then the southeast, northwest, and east are surrounded by people. Except for the east side, where there is a stand that is higher than the home court, and there are seats arranged specifically for the heads of various factions and alliance leaders to sit. The other three sides are all filled with surging heads. Looking up at the home court and the stands to the east, they are all disciples of various sects, wanderers or not-so-famous people in the martial arts world.

Suddenly seeing the whole place quiet down, Liuli turned her head and looked in. It turned out to be Xuanyuan Zhan standing on the podium looking like a leader and speaking. Oh my, she had seen a lot of presentations. She didn't even know about the three representatives. I've long been tired of hearing it. I didn’t expect this Xuanyuan War to be so boring. There is no better way than to summarize the attack on Hades a year ago, and then make a look forward to Hades’ reorganization and comeback, and then give guidance on the harmonious path that the martial arts will take in the future. Finally, Then we will reconcile the conflicts and struggles between the various martial arts sects, and then make plans for the future expansion and strengthening of each sect...

Liuli looked around for Luo Xuan's fluttering figure in white clothes, but she couldn't find him. Was he not here? Or hiding in some corner? Then he looked at the people on the observation platform. The one in the center was the bad guy Xuanyuan Zhan who had been chasing Brother Xuan! He looks so handsome! I have never seen such a handsome man with sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples. He speaks and behaves in a very grand manner, but there is a coldness hidden in his body. Next to them were the abbot of Shaolin and the master of Wudang, two relatively immortal old men, so she didn't pay too much attention to them.

Liuli lowered her head and played with her fingers, her head covered with black lines.

And among the seven women who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, there was a silver-white jade chariot. No one was carrying it, but it was flying into the air. Inside the curtain, Liuli swallowed her saliva, and inside the curtain was the Immortal Mansion that she had heard the name of for a long time. Lord Dongfang Ancient Emperor Yi Jianlian.

Just as she was wandering in the sky, there was a sudden tremor of celestial music, and the sound of an unknown musical instrument resounded through every corner of the entire venue. It was like singing and weeping, but it was also slightly weird. Liuli felt that her internal energy suddenly surged in her body, and she suppressed it in a panic but didn't know what was going on. Jin Xi held her hand and slowly guided her chaotic inner energy. Liuli turned to look at him, only to see that Jin and Xi also had a serious face, frowning and a pale face.

Unexpectedly, her young master still had some dignity, so he was led to sit in the east corner. He was so high up that he could look around the entire venue at a glance.

Liuli, who was stomping her feet, had no choice but to stand in front of the door and practice her voice. She sang an original Bel Canto Chinese version of "My Sun" by Papa. It was so beautiful that she was shocked. There are countless birds in the sky on earth! It made many martial arts people think that some major rape case had occurred in Jianghu.

Yan Zhengkuan was a little embarrassed, but he still forced a smile and nodded: "What the hell, I am not talented, and I have always worked hard to make up for my shortcomings. I hope Master Lu Yang will have the opportunity to give me some advice. But I didn't expect that this time, Master I will actually attend. It really makes me overjoyed."