Flower of Azure

Chapter 6: Stalking


The cracked stone penetrates the clouds, the jade tube should be horizontally clear and cleaner, the desert is frosty, and the partridges want to be deflected in the wind.

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

She saw Liuli's big, sparkling eyes looking at her eagerly, squeezing tears out of her eyes. He was dumbfounded and just shook his head.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Liuli helped Luo Xuan sit down in a small inn. Luo Xuan was getting better with the slowly exerting power of the elixir. He ordered Liuli to go to the small pharmacy opposite to buy several strange medicinal materials, and then asked the waiter to get them. Let’s go fry it. Seeing that Liuli was staring at the food on the next table without any care and swallowing her saliva, she had no choice but to order two light side dishes. He didn't even move his chopsticks, he just looked at her as if she had been hungry for days, sweeping away all the food in a hurry. Liuli ate with great interest, adjusted her glasses, and kept saying to Luo Xuan: "You're welcome, you can eat too." Luo Xuan was speechless.

Depend on…

Luo Xuan's head suddenly started to hurt again. It was over, he had gotten into trouble with a difficult person. Seeing the side glances from everyone around him, he coughed lightly and lowered his head.

With great effort, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured two more golden elixirs and swallowed them. He was poisoned by a mixture of multiple poisonous plants, and not to mention whether the poison was indestructible. Even if he could continue experimenting and finally prepare the antidote, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive until then. Now the only way to suppress the toxicity is to use drugs first, and then go straight to find rare and exotic flowers and herbs that can cure hundreds of poisons.

The dusk clouds cover the Phoenix stage, and the plum blossoms are shocked by the dusk snow.

Depend on…

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

People are still, and the moon blows down from the river.

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

Luo Xuan's head suddenly started to hurt again. It was over, he had gotten into trouble with a difficult person. Seeing the side glances from everyone around him, he coughed lightly and lowered his head.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

At this moment, Liuli was more determined than every moment in the past...

Luo Xuan unceremoniously opened the beauty's hand.

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

There are gods in this world. Moreover, they are all the best and kindest gods.

Luo Xuan almost choked on his tea and saved his life. When he was burning with desire yesterday, she suddenly appeared and almost killed him. After I woke up, I was almost scared to death by her, and I was almost crushed to death by her on the way. She is simply a disaster. With her strange clothes, she doesn't know where she came from, and she doesn't know what will happen in the future.

"Where is the girl from?"

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

Liuli almost knelt down in front of him, determined to kiss her future husband no matter what. Otherwise, if I am alone, I will really starve to death on the ancient streets. It seems that there is no time-traveling heroine on TV who died like this, right

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

"I, I..." What am I? Is it like in a science fiction movie that I come from the future? Forget it, it's better not to be accidentally caught and locked up in a mental hospital as a lunatic. Just make one up at random. Hey, what do the heroines in trouble in TV dramas usually say

The dusk clouds cover the Phoenix stage, and the plum blossoms are shocked by the dusk snow.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

People are still, and the moon blows down from the river.

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

Luo Xuan unceremoniously opened the beauty's hand.

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Depend on…

Luo Xuan's head suddenly started to hurt again. It was over, he had gotten into trouble with a difficult person. Seeing the side glances from everyone around him, he coughed lightly and lowered his head.

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

People are still, and the moon blows down from the river.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

With great effort, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured two more golden elixirs and swallowed them. He was poisoned by a mixture of multiple poisonous plants, and not to mention whether the poison was indestructible. Even if he could continue experimenting and finally prepare the antidote, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive until then. Now the only way to suppress the toxicity is to use drugs first, and then go straight to find rare and exotic flowers and herbs that can cure hundreds of poisons.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

"Where is the girl from?"

Luo Xuan fell down at the sound, and then Liuli imitated the deeds of ancient heroes who rescued beauties, her body floated over, and she gracefully stretched out an arm to catch him in time.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Luo Xuan fell down at the sound, and then Liuli imitated the deeds of ancient heroes who rescued beauties, her body floated over, and she gracefully stretched out an arm to catch him in time.

"Where is the girl from?"

I had a vague feeling that something had happened. He saw the leading yamen officer holding a portrait of him and repeatedly asking him to hand over the stolen items.

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Liuli almost knelt down in front of him, determined to kiss her future husband no matter what. Otherwise, if I am alone, I will really starve to death on the ancient streets. It seems that there is no time-traveling heroine on TV who died like this, right

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

While Liuli was eating, she was still thinking about how ancient dishes were not much different from modern ones. He doesn't pay any attention to how he eats. Because she was really hungry, I believe Luo Xuan looked like he was dying and had no time to pay attention to what he was eating.

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

Liuli gave full play to her seductive nature and lay on top of him lazily for a long time, refusing to get up. Luo Xuan's energy and blood rushed to his heart, and he almost lost his breath again. He quickly used his inner strength to suppress the poison, and pushed Liuli away from his fiery body, fearing that she would cause the poison to come out again.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

He thought carefully in his mind.

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

With great effort, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured two more golden elixirs and swallowed them. He was poisoned by a mixture of multiple poisonous plants, and not to mention whether the poison was indestructible. Even if he could continue experimenting and finally prepare the antidote, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive until then. Now the only way to suppress the toxicity is to use drugs first, and then go straight to find rare and exotic flowers and herbs that can cure hundreds of poisons.

Liuli gave full play to her seductive nature and lay on top of him lazily for a long time, refusing to get up. Luo Xuan's energy and blood rushed to his heart, and he almost lost his breath again. He quickly used his inner strength to suppress the poison, and pushed Liuli away from his fiery body, fearing that she would cause the poison to come out again.

Liuli saw that his lips turned pale, and she panicked secretly, not daring to make any more nonsense. He quickly asked Luo Xuan what to do? Where to send him and whether to see a doctor.

The cracked stone penetrates the clouds, the jade tube should be horizontally clear and cleaner, the desert is frosty, and the partridges want to be deflected in the wind.

Liuli saw that his lips turned pale, and she panicked secretly, not daring to make any more nonsense. He quickly asked Luo Xuan what to do? Where to send him and whether to see a doctor.

While Liuli was eating, she was still thinking about how ancient dishes were not much different from modern ones. He doesn't pay any attention to how he eats. Because she was really hungry, I believe Luo Xuan looked like he was dying and had no time to pay attention to what he was eating.

"Where is the girl from?"

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

Luo Xuan fell down at the sound, and then Liuli imitated the deeds of ancient heroes who rescued beauties, her body floated over, and she gracefully stretched out an arm to catch him in time.

Luo Xuan unceremoniously opened the beauty's hand.

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Just as they were about to comfort them, a large number of officers and soldiers suddenly came and surrounded them. Luo Xuan sighed faintly. At first, he thought they were here to arrest Liuli, but he thought she was in trouble, so he followed him closely. To avoid disaster. Hearing the leading officer shouting, he realized that he was actually coming for him.

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

Depend on…

With great effort, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured two more golden elixirs and swallowed them. He was poisoned by a mixture of multiple poisonous plants, and not to mention whether the poison was indestructible. Even if he could continue experimenting and finally prepare the antidote, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive until then. Now the only way to suppress the toxicity is to use drugs first, and then go straight to find rare and exotic flowers and herbs that can cure hundreds of poisons.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

He thought carefully in his mind.

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

Just as they were about to comfort them, a large number of officers and soldiers suddenly came and surrounded them. Luo Xuan sighed faintly. At first, he thought they were here to arrest Liuli, but he thought she was in trouble, so he followed him closely. To avoid disaster. Hearing the leading officer shouting, he realized that he was actually coming for him.

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

Liuli gave full play to her seductive nature and lay on top of him lazily for a long time, refusing to get up. Luo Xuan's energy and blood rushed to his heart, and he almost lost his breath again. He quickly used his inner strength to suppress the poison, and pushed Liuli away from his fiery body, fearing that she would cause the poison to come out again.

Liuli almost knelt down in front of him, determined to kiss her future husband no matter what. Otherwise, if I am alone, I will really starve to death on the ancient streets. It seems that there is no time-traveling heroine on TV who died like this, right

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

Luo Xuan had a splitting headache and could not walk slowly with Liuli's support. Liuli was not very tall and just reached Luo Xuan's chest. He felt like he had become Luo Xuan's crutch, and it was very difficult to drag him. He walked forward with a heavy body. She was so ignorant that she didn't know what happened. When she asked Luo Xuan anything, he didn't say anything and couldn't say a few words. Although she was very worried, she still relied on her naturally blindly optimistic temperament to comfort herself.

The dusk clouds cover the Phoenix stage, and the plum blossoms are shocked by the dusk snow.

"I, I..." What am I? Is it like in a science fiction movie that I come from the future? Forget it, it's better not to be accidentally caught and locked up in a mental hospital as a lunatic. Just make one up at random. Hey, what do the heroines in trouble in TV dramas usually say

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Luo Xuan had a splitting headache and could not walk slowly with Liuli's support. Liuli was not very tall and just reached Luo Xuan's chest. He felt like he had become Luo Xuan's crutch, and it was very difficult to drag him. He walked forward with a heavy body. She was so ignorant that she didn't know what happened. When she asked Luo Xuan anything, he didn't say anything and couldn't say a few words. Although she was very worried, she still relied on her naturally blindly optimistic temperament to comfort herself.

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

He thought carefully in his mind.

Liuli helped Luo Xuan sit down in a small inn. Luo Xuan was getting better with the slowly exerting power of the elixir. He ordered Liuli to go to the small pharmacy opposite to buy several strange medicinal materials, and then asked the waiter to get them. Let’s go fry it. Seeing that Liuli was staring at the food on the next table without any care and swallowing her saliva, she had no choice but to order two light side dishes. He didn't even move his chopsticks, he just looked at her as if she had been hungry for days, sweeping away all the food in a hurry. Liuli ate with great interest, adjusted her glasses, and kept saying to Luo Xuan: "You're welcome, you can eat too." Luo Xuan was speechless.

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

Depend on…

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

While Liuli was eating, she was still thinking about how ancient dishes were not much different from modern ones. He doesn't pay any attention to how he eats. Because she was really hungry, I believe Luo Xuan looked like he was dying and had no time to pay attention to what he was eating.

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

She whimpered and kept making noises like a piglet's snort. She grabbed Luo Xuan's clothes and legs as if she was afraid that he would run away. Luo Xuan had no choice but to tell her to let her stay with a friend of his temporarily, and then find a place to settle her down later.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

He thought carefully in his mind.

"Where is the girl from?"

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

Luo Xuan unceremoniously opened the beauty's hand.

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

"No, don't leave me alone. Where can I go as a helpless and weak woman? In the end, I won't just have to live on the streets, begging on the streets... Okay... If you really don't care about me, if you don't care about me in the future, You really starved to death, were robbed, and were raped by evil people, and they didn't care about your affairs. You don't have to feel sorry at all in this life... "

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

"I, I..." What am I? Is it like in a science fiction movie that I come from the future? Forget it, it's better not to be accidentally caught and locked up in a mental hospital as a lunatic. Just make one up at random. Hey, what do the heroines in trouble in TV dramas usually say

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

He thought carefully in his mind.

Liuli was surprised and happy, wow... her husband is so powerful in martial arts. It turns out that not only did he come to ancient times, but he also stepped into the world. Wow, so romantic! In the future, I must learn two tricks from him, and then I can fly around like the people on TV. If I go back and show off, I can make a lot of money! Ha ha! She happily let Luo Xuan hold her hand, but found that his hand had no warmth at all and was as cold as ice.

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

Liuli was surprised and happy, wow... her husband is so powerful in martial arts. It turns out that not only did he come to ancient times, but he also stepped into the world. Wow, so romantic! In the future, I must learn two tricks from him, and then I can fly around like the people on TV. If I go back and show off, I can make a lot of money! Ha ha! She happily let Luo Xuan hold her hand, but found that his hand had no warmth at all and was as cold as ice.

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

There are gods in this world. Moreover, they are all the best and kindest gods.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

Liuli helped Luo Xuan sit down in a small inn. Luo Xuan was getting better with the slowly exerting power of the elixir. He ordered Liuli to go to the small pharmacy opposite to buy several strange medicinal materials, and then asked the waiter to get them. Let’s go fry it. Seeing that Liuli was staring at the food on the next table without any care and swallowing her saliva, she had no choice but to order two light side dishes. He didn't even move his chopsticks, he just looked at her as if she had been hungry for days, sweeping away all the food in a hurry. Liuli ate with great interest, adjusted her glasses, and kept saying to Luo Xuan: "You're welcome, you can eat too." Luo Xuan was speechless.

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

People are still, and the moon blows down from the river.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

The cracked stone penetrates the clouds, the jade tube should be horizontally clear and cleaner, the desert is frosty, and the partridges want to be deflected in the wind.

While Liuli was eating, she was still thinking about how ancient dishes were not much different from modern ones. He doesn't pay any attention to how he eats. Because she was really hungry, I believe Luo Xuan looked like he was dying and had no time to pay attention to what he was eating.

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

Luo Xuan almost choked on his tea and saved his life. When he was burning with desire yesterday, she suddenly appeared and almost killed him. After I woke up, I was almost scared to death by her, and I was almost crushed to death by her on the way. She is simply a disaster. With her strange clothes, she doesn't know where she came from, and she doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

She saw Liuli's big, sparkling eyes looking at her eagerly, squeezing tears out of her eyes. He was dumbfounded and just shook his head.

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

I had a vague feeling that something had happened. He saw the leading yamen officer holding a portrait of him and repeatedly asking him to hand over the stolen items.

He thought carefully in his mind.

Liuli almost knelt down in front of him, determined to kiss her future husband no matter what. Otherwise, if I am alone, I will really starve to death on the ancient streets. It seems that there is no time-traveling heroine on TV who died like this, right

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

Luo Xuan had a splitting headache and could not walk slowly with Liuli's support. Liuli was not very tall and just reached Luo Xuan's chest. He felt like he had become Luo Xuan's crutch, and it was very difficult to drag him. He walked forward with a heavy body. She was so ignorant that she didn't know what happened. When she asked Luo Xuan anything, he didn't say anything and couldn't say a few words. Although she was very worried, she still relied on her naturally blindly optimistic temperament to comfort herself.

She whimpered and kept making noises like a piglet's snort. She grabbed Luo Xuan's clothes and legs as if she was afraid that he would run away. Luo Xuan had no choice but to tell her to let her stay with a friend of his temporarily, and then find a place to settle her down later.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

"No, don't leave me alone. Where can I go as a helpless and weak woman? In the end, I won't just have to live on the streets, begging on the streets... Okay... If you really don't care about me, if you don't care about me in the future, You really starved to death, were robbed, and were raped by evil people, and they didn't care about your affairs. You don't have to feel sorry at all in this life... "

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

"No, don't leave me alone. Where can I go as a helpless and weak woman? In the end, I won't just have to live on the streets, begging on the streets... Okay... If you really don't care about me, if you don't care about me in the future, You really starved to death, were robbed, and were raped by evil people, and they didn't care about your affairs. You don't have to feel sorry at all in this life... "

She whimpered and kept making noises like a piglet's snort. She grabbed Luo Xuan's clothes and legs as if she was afraid that he would run away. Luo Xuan had no choice but to tell her to let her stay with a friend of his temporarily, and then find a place to settle her down later.

Liuli helped Luo Xuan sit down in a small inn. Luo Xuan was getting better with the slowly exerting power of the elixir. He ordered Liuli to go to the small pharmacy opposite to buy several strange medicinal materials, and then asked the waiter to get them. Let’s go fry it. Seeing that Liuli was staring at the food on the next table without any care and swallowing her saliva, she had no choice but to order two light side dishes. He didn't even move his chopsticks, he just looked at her as if she had been hungry for days, sweeping away all the food in a hurry. Liuli ate with great interest, adjusted her glasses, and kept saying to Luo Xuan: "You're welcome, you can eat too." Luo Xuan was speechless.

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

"Where is the girl from?"

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Luo Xuan's head suddenly started to hurt again. It was over, he had gotten into trouble with a difficult person. Seeing the side glances from everyone around him, he coughed lightly and lowered his head.

Just as they were about to comfort them, a large number of officers and soldiers suddenly came and surrounded them. Luo Xuan sighed faintly. At first, he thought they were here to arrest Liuli, but he thought she was in trouble, so he followed him closely. To avoid disaster. Hearing the leading officer shouting, he realized that he was actually coming for him.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

"Where is the girl from?"

"Where is the girl from?"

Just as they were about to comfort them, a large number of officers and soldiers suddenly came and surrounded them. Luo Xuan sighed faintly. At first, he thought they were here to arrest Liuli, but he thought she was in trouble, so he followed him closely. To avoid disaster. Hearing the leading officer shouting, he realized that he was actually coming for him.

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

She walked happily beside Luo Xuan (why did it look like she was gloating?). Next to him, Luo Xuan, who was pale and weak, frowned and covered his chest with his hands. He staggered forward without her support, and his body was obviously shaking.

Luo Xuan fell down at the sound, and then Liuli imitated the deeds of ancient heroes who rescued beauties, her body floated over, and she gracefully stretched out an arm to catch him in time.

"No, don't leave me alone. Where can I go as a helpless and weak woman? In the end, I won't just have to live on the streets, begging on the streets... Okay... If you really don't care about me, if you don't care about me in the future, You really starved to death, were robbed, and were raped by evil people, and they didn't care about your affairs. You don't have to feel sorry at all in this life... "

He thought carefully in his mind.

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

Liuli had never seen this posture before. She was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and immediately forgot to pretend to cry again. I just looked at their clothes, tone, and demeanor carefully with excitement and curiosity on my face. It felt like acting, which was very interesting. Seeing her looking around happily like a gorilla, Luo Xuan couldn't help but sigh in amusement.

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Luo Xuan almost choked on his tea and saved his life. When he was burning with desire yesterday, she suddenly appeared and almost killed him. After I woke up, I was almost scared to death by her, and I was almost crushed to death by her on the way. She is simply a disaster. With her strange clothes, she doesn't know where she came from, and she doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Luo Xuan almost choked on his tea and saved his life. When he was burning with desire yesterday, she suddenly appeared and almost killed him. After I woke up, I was almost scared to death by her, and I was almost crushed to death by her on the way. She is simply a disaster. With her strange clothes, she doesn't know where she came from, and she doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

The dusk clouds cover the Phoenix stage, and the plum blossoms are shocked by the dusk snow.

Liuli pinched herself hard, and tears of pain fell down. I was lying on the table and suddenly started crying loudly, not afraid of embarrassment at all.

I had a vague feeling that something had happened. He saw the leading yamen officer holding a portrait of him and repeatedly asking him to hand over the stolen items.

"I want to go back too (that's strange), but the little girl is really homeless. 555 Mr. Luo, please be kind and do good deeds. I saved your life yesterday and fished you out of the water." For the sake of getting up and helping you walk such a long way, you should take this poor little girl in, otherwise I will die without a burial place... (?)" Liuli thought hard about her lines, hating herself for why she didn't Watch more period films.

Depend on…

Liuli was surprised and happy, wow... her husband is so powerful in martial arts. It turns out that not only did he come to ancient times, but he also stepped into the world. Wow, so romantic! In the future, I must learn two tricks from him, and then I can fly around like the people on TV. If I go back and show off, I can make a lot of money! Ha ha! She happily let Luo Xuan hold her hand, but found that his hand had no warmth at all and was as cold as ice.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

"The little girl is originally from Hengxiang, Henan (Hengxiang? Is there such a place? Who cares, just make it up). This year's flood hit my parents and I traveled thousands of miles. I thought I would join my only relative here, but I didn't expect it. Relatives have passed away. Now I have no relatives, no one to rely on, and can only wander around. Master, please do a good job and take Liuli in. From now on, can you let Liuli make cows and horses for you..." As he said, Liuli returned. I wanted to pretend to squeeze my tears out, and I wanted to imitate a lady and wipe the barrier with my sleeves, whimpering twice, but my mother found that she was actually wearing short sleeves and suspenders, exposing her round shoulders. , there are really shocking things in this world!

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

"I, I..." What am I? Is it like in a science fiction movie that I come from the future? Forget it, it's better not to be accidentally caught and locked up in a mental hospital as a lunatic. Just make one up at random. Hey, what do the heroines in trouble in TV dramas usually say

There are gods in this world. Moreover, they are all the best and kindest gods.

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

The cracked stone penetrates the clouds, the jade tube should be horizontally clear and cleaner, the desert is frosty, and the partridges want to be deflected in the wind.

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

"No, don't leave me alone. Where can I go as a helpless and weak woman? In the end, I won't just have to live on the streets, begging on the streets... Okay... If you really don't care about me, if you don't care about me in the future, You really starved to death, were robbed, and were raped by evil people, and they didn't care about your affairs. You don't have to feel sorry at all in this life... "

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Liuli was chewing cabbage in her mouth, with half of the outside falling out. She raised her head and looked at Luo Xuan through her glasses with wide eyes.

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

After finally reaching the crowded market, the two of them immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. One was Luo Xuan's unparalleled style and extraordinary appearance, and the other was naturally Liuli's nondescript outfit.

People are still, and the moon blows down from the river.

Everyone was shocked and backed away, no blood on their faces. Seeing Luo Xuan's white clothes fluttering away without a trace of dust, they didn't even dare to pursue him even half a step further.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

With great effort, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured two more golden elixirs and swallowed them. He was poisoned by a mixture of multiple poisonous plants, and not to mention whether the poison was indestructible. Even if he could continue experimenting and finally prepare the antidote, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to survive until then. Now the only way to suppress the toxicity is to use drugs first, and then go straight to find rare and exotic flowers and herbs that can cure hundreds of poisons.

Depend on…

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

She looked at her future husband like this, and her heart ached with pain. She thought that they had just met, he wouldn't just belch out of his mind, right? Then wouldn’t I become a widow? How can you live in this world and be unfamiliar with it? So for the hundred and one time, I couldn't help but run over and say to him: "I, let me help you..."

Liuli was surprised and happy, wow... her husband is so powerful in martial arts. It turns out that not only did he come to ancient times, but he also stepped into the world. Wow, so romantic! In the future, I must learn two tricks from him, and then I can fly around like the people on TV. If I go back and show off, I can make a lot of money! Ha ha! She happily let Luo Xuan hold her hand, but found that his hand had no warmth at all and was as cold as ice.

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

Luo Xuan's head suddenly started to hurt again. It was over, he had gotten into trouble with a difficult person. Seeing the side glances from everyone around him, he coughed lightly and lowered his head.

Luo Xuan sighed feebly. He couldn't protect himself now: "No, it's better for the girl to leave as soon as possible. Luo is now poisoned and in danger. I'm afraid he won't be able to take good care of the girl. We met by chance, and now, Just say goodbye here!"

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

Luo Xuan reluctantly walked to the end of the street, but finally couldn't hold on any longer. His throat suddenly felt hot, blood started to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly slid down against the wall. Liuli had never seen anyone vomiting blood except in martial arts TV series, and she immediately started crying anxiously.

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

What kind of figure is the miracle doctor Luo Xuan in the world? The first time I heard his name, I was already frightened. Now that he saw her again, that figure and spirit had already frightened his soul to the point of flying out of the sky. But due to the order, I had to wave my hand and call the people behind me to come up, but no one dared to come forward. Luo Xuan slowly stood up, and the stern look in his brows made everyone take a step back. He directly took Liuli's hand and strode out of the inn. No one dared to stop him, they all had no choice but to give way.

She whimpered and kept making noises like a piglet's snort. She grabbed Luo Xuan's clothes and legs as if she was afraid that he would run away. Luo Xuan had no choice but to tell her to let her stay with a friend of his temporarily, and then find a place to settle her down later.

In terms of medicinal properties, Snow Lotus, which has been available for hundreds of years, should be the most powerful. It is extremely miraculous in improving energy and removing poison. But it’s just past the flowering period, and the next bloom will have to wait another thirty years. The corals in remote waters are the treasures of the Immortal Palace and are used to purify the water of the sea. If there is any mistake, Qinghai and the Shrine will be in chaos. There is only one other heavenly fragrant cardamom left in the world, and its whereabouts have long been unknown. Xinxin Pills and Chenyuan Dew are offerings from Miao and Fanbang. Although they have miraculous effects, they are highly toxic to new and exotic flowers such as Kirin Vine, Skin Motherwort, Haotian Leaf, Acacia Tears, and Prajna Flower. The medicine can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Nowadays, the most favorable time and place should be the once-in-a-century dragon ascending to heaven. However, if you look at the huge Tianshan Mountains, the natural dangers are difficult to overcome, and it is even more difficult to find the dragon cave. Besides, slaying a dragon damages one's moral character, not to mention how can one defeat that ferocious dragon with less than 10% of his own skill

Liuli gave full play to her seductive nature and lay on top of him lazily for a long time, refusing to get up. Luo Xuan's energy and blood rushed to his heart, and he almost lost his breath again. He quickly used his inner strength to suppress the poison, and pushed Liuli away from his fiery body, fearing that she would cause the poison to come out again.

Luo Xuan looked at the strange face in front of him that was constantly shedding tears. He suddenly felt that it was so familiar. Why was it so familiar? Who is she…

I had a vague feeling that something had happened. He saw the leading yamen officer holding a portrait of him and repeatedly asking him to hand over the stolen items.

The cracked stone penetrates the clouds, the jade tube should be horizontally clear and cleaner, the desert is frosty, and the partridges want to be deflected in the wind.

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, one of his arms was weak and his center of gravity was unstable. He fell down with him, and accidentally fell on Luo Xuan. Liuli was originally round and had a little baby fat. She was the type of girl that her classmates and friends said was not pretty but very cute. So Luo Xuan almost made her vomit blood under the pressure.

Luo Xuan looked at her feebly, wondering why this little girl was following him all the time. He thought things were not chaotic enough, but he didn't have the strength to drive her away for the time being.

Luo Xuan had a splitting headache and could not walk slowly with Liuli's support. Liuli was not very tall and just reached Luo Xuan's chest. He felt like he had become Luo Xuan's crutch, and it was very difficult to drag him. He walked forward with a heavy body. She was so ignorant that she didn't know what happened. When she asked Luo Xuan anything, he didn't say anything and couldn't say a few words. Although she was very worried, she still relied on her naturally blindly optimistic temperament to comfort herself.

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Liuli stood still and squinted her eyes, watching him struggle to move forward, counting silently in her heart: one, two, three...

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

Depend on…

How could the Waizui Yamen just let them go so easily? He attacked from behind them with a skill, and he was actually a practicing master. Luo Xuan saw that although they were weak, they were powerful in numbers. He was poisoned, and if he continued to fight with them, it would definitely be a thankless task. He made a quick decision, used his inner strength, turned around and hit the crooked yamen servant on the left shoulder. The yamen servant instantly flew far away, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and fell to the corner of the wall, where he immediately passed out.

He tried his best to finally say the three words "Qinzhu Pavilion", and then he didn't know anything else...

Luo Xuan looked gloomy and remained silent. The leading yamen servant was nervous and sweatdropped on his head. He had no idea in his heart. He seemed to know who was in front of him and did not dare to take action easily. Next to him, a wretched-looking official with a crooked mouth encouraged him vigorously, saying that it was reported that Luo Xuan had been seriously injured, with his meridians severely severed, and that any ordinary person could take him down. The leading yamen servant was still hesitant. I didn't dare to step forward for a long time.

Liuli gave full play to her seductive nature and lay on top of him lazily for a long time, refusing to get up. Luo Xuan's energy and blood rushed to his heart, and he almost lost his breath again. He quickly used his inner strength to suppress the poison, and pushed Liuli away from his fiery body, fearing that she would cause the poison to come out again.

I had a vague feeling that something had happened. He saw the leading yamen officer holding a portrait of him and repeatedly asking him to hand over the stolen items.

"I, I..." What am I? Is it like in a science fiction movie that I come from the future? Forget it, it's better not to be accidentally caught and locked up in a mental hospital as a lunatic. Just make one up at random. Hey, what do the heroines in trouble in TV dramas usually say

Slowly, his vision gradually blurred, and he heard the girl calling him uncomfortably: Husband, you don’t want to die... Husband, you don’t want to die... (Who can tell him what a husband is?)

She saw Liuli's big, sparkling eyes looking at her eagerly, squeezing tears out of her eyes. He was dumbfounded and just shook his head.