Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 59: Flame Knife VS Wooden Sword


"The master of the Blood Knife Sect is probably exaggerating. That young man is Xiao Feng, or Zhang Wuji." Hong Antong chuckled, with a look of obvious disbelief.

Yuan Chengzhi also smiled slightly in his heart. Over the past few years, he has integrated the martial arts of Huashan School, Jin Snake Langjun, and Tie Jianmen to form a school of his own. Although his martial arts is not the best in the world, he is not inferior to anyone else.

"Hong Jiao mainly asks himself that his martial arts are better than mine, so he can teach him a lesson." The blood knife ancestor narrowed his eyes, and tightened his hand holding the blood knife.

Hong Antong's white hair was calm and automatic, he smiled lightly, and his body disappeared in place. He had already hit the blood knife ancestor's big acupoint on his chest. Although the blood knife ancestor was surprised by his speed, he was experienced and prepared, and he punched him with a knife.

In the blink of an eye, the two disassembled more than ten moves. Hong Antong's pure martial arts attainments were slightly higher than that of the ancestor of Xue Dao, but in actual fighting, they could only fight a dead end, feeling extremely depressed.

Seeing that the two of them were almost fighting, Sang Jie at the side jumped into the arena quickly, making a few imaginary handprints with both hands, and separated the two of them immediately.

"Humph!" Hong Antong snorted, turned around and sat down, "The Mahamudra of the Esoteric School really deserves its reputation."

The ancestor of the blood knife also put the blood knife in his waist, and sat down slowly.

Yuan Chengzhi was taken aback when he saw it, and thought to himself that he would be sure to win against any one of the three. The two opponents teamed up to maintain invincibility at most.

"Old Blood Knife. Is that young man really so good?" Yuan Chengzhi originally wanted to deal with Wei Xiaobao, but when he saw a few people with the same goal as him, he thought that he had no enmity with them, and there was nothing wrong with joining forces once.

A frightened expression appeared on the face of the ancestor Xuedao: "I ask myself that I have seen many masters in the martial arts, but this is the first time I have seen someone who can perform exquisite swordsmanship with an ordinary wooden sword." The situation was described in detail.

The other three were amazed when they heard it, and Yuan Chengzhi was also in doubt, thinking that half of his kung fu was devoted to this golden snake sword. If it were an ordinary wooden sword, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to beat these three.

Having seen the martial arts of the blood knife ancestor, everyone believed his judgment, and Yuan Chengzhi was also moved, but he still had to ask some doubts in his heart: "Everyone is the overlord of one party, why do you work together to deal with a small Wei Xiaobao?"

Sang Jie glanced at the ancestor of Xuedao, clasped his palms together, and said, "Golden Snake King, we will not hide it from you. The master of Xuedao Sect and I have now taken refuge in Prince Ali Buge, the grandson of the Seventh Emperor of Mongolia. The old man is at odds with Man Qing." For a long time, those of us who are subordinates have been thinking about whether we can share his worries and get rid of the right-hand man of the little emperor Kangxi. As for Hierarch Hong, he also intends to join our lord recently, intending to make a great contribution before meeting the lord..."

Hong Antong nodded slightly, but he was thinking secretly in his heart Chapter 59 Flame Knife vs Wooden Sword

: When I find Wei Xiaobao and force him to tell the secret of the forty-two chapters, wouldn't it be better to establish a kingdom overseas by myself, and I have to come over to be some kind of slave.

"According to our repeated investigations, Wei Xiaobao seems to be traveling separately from the main force. He should be in the territory of Gusu, Song Dynasty. We will ambush him on the way back to Yanjing, Yangzhou!" As soon as the four giants decided to join forces, they soon Start planning.

"We must let him stay in Yangzhou for a period of time, so that we have enough time to collect the net."

"What weakness does Wei Xiaobao have?"

"Lust, love to gamble, good money."

"Yangzhou has always been a place of fireworks, so we might as well use beauty as bait..."

"But Wei Xiaobao is a high-ranking official in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and he has never seen such a stunning beauty. I am afraid he will look down on ordinary vulgar fans."

"The wife of this seat can barely be called a beautiful woman, and she could be considered a suitable candidate. It's a pity that the little thief has already seen her. It would be bad if he became suspicious in advance."

"It's a pity that Mrs. Hong's fame has spread far and wide, it's a pity."

A group of men were looking at each other, worrying about the bait. At this time, the big tent was pulled away. Although she was not very old, her hair was already in a bun, and she looked like a married woman. "Brother Yuan, I heard that some people came here guest?"

Several people looked at each other one after another, secretly shouting in their hearts: If you break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to come, it doesn't take much effort!

Yuan Chengzhi's head was full of black lines: Qingqing, you didn't come in sooner or later, but you came in at this time.

Unexpectedly, when Xia Qingqing heard the plans of several people, she became very excited: "It's fun! Just let me go, I don't believe that brat Wei Xiaobao won't bow down under the skirt of my... madam."

Looking back at the contest between Song Qingshu and Jiumozhi, Jiumozhi didn't take Song Qingshu seriously at first, but the two confronted each other from a distance, and Jiumozhi quickly realized his mistake, and the opponent looked like a master. Compared with myself, it is really not much better.

Song Qingshu knew that the other party was afraid of face and refused to attack first, so he used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms "Miyun Buyu", two palms alternately clapped, and the shadow of palms appeared all over the sky, and attacked.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?" Jiumozhi is very knowledgeable, he recognized Song Qingshu's martial arts at a glance, and was puzzled, "I heard from those women just now that his surname seems to be Song, so it must not be Qiao Feng. And Guo Jing, but I have never heard of any masters in the younger generation of the Beggar Gang."

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Jiumozhi used one of Shaolin's seventy-two unique skills "Prajna Palm" to meet him. The two fists and palms intersected and fought with each other dozens of moves. One is the strongest palm in the world, and the other It is the most profound and never-ending palm technique in Shaolin Temple.

It's a pity that Song Qingshu has never been able to get a glimpse of the realm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, so it is only seven or eight percent powerful when playing it, and Jiumozhi also played it by tricks. Chapter 59 Flame Knife vs. Wooden Sword

If you are in the palm, you only have the shape, but not the spirit, so the two half-hands can fight for so long.

If it was Xiao Feng or Guo Jing who used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at this moment, Jiumozhi would have been defeated by simply using Prajna Palms to meet the enemy; in the same way, Song Qingshu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms could not be stopped if the Prajna Palms were used by a sweeping monk Live ten strokes.

Even so, the moves of the two were exquisite, and the surrounding tables and chairs were swept away by the power of the palm, and everything was broken, and the two men and three women beside them were smacking their tongues.

"This group of goddamn martial arts people, what should I do with my loss?" The boss went upstairs and saw the mess, couldn't help feeling sad and crying.

"Shut up, don't disturb Grandpa's interest in watching." Wei Xiaobao was looking at it enthusiastically, and threw a handful of banknotes to the boss, "It will be considered as compensation for your loss, don't say it is not enough!"

"Enough is enough, masters call slowly, I'll make a pot of tea for you." Seeing the amount of the bank note, the boss immediately smiled and ran down.

Interrupted by this, the two took the opportunity to separate, Jiumozhi looked at Song Qingshu in amazement: "Mr. Song is the one with the highest martial arts level that the poor monk has encountered since he entered the Central Plains."

"Shaolin Temple Prajna Palm takes thirty-four years to achieve small success. This foreign monk must have only learned it for a few years. It is really puzzling that he can practice to such a level." Wang Yuyan murmured to herself, lowering her head Thinking hard, seeming bewildered.

"Ming Wang is really amazing, one year of practice is worth ten years of Shaolin monks!" Song Qingshu admired sincerely, although he knew that the other party was driven by the little non-phase kungfu, but it was just a flattery. No one will die.

Even though Jiumozhi was a generation of eminent monks, he still couldn't see through the fame and fortune of martial arts. Hearing the other party's praise, although he felt ashamed, there was a faint smile on his face, and he came to acquiesce.

Unexpectedly, Song Qingshu was startled when he saw his smile, and hurriedly dodged to hide aside. When everyone looked at it, they saw that Song Qingshu had left a few deep holes in the position just now. If he didn't hide, he might have been seriously injured at this moment .

"Being able to easily avoid these few fingers of the poor monk shows that the young master has a profound foundation in Buddhism. Ordinary people don't know the essence of the Buddha holding a flower to show off to the public, and Venerable Kassapa smiling, so naturally they don't realize the timing of this flower finger..." Jiu Mo Zhi slowly retracted his fingers one by one, admiring the young man in front of him more and more.

"It's indecent to come and not to go, King Ming please accept the move." Song Qing's expression was suddenly full of hostility, and he turned his palms into claws, attacking fiercely.

Wei Xiaobao saw several deep holes were left on the marble upstairs under Song Qingshu's grasp, so he couldn't help shouting: "Brother Song is awesome!"

Wang Yuyan on the side frowned and said nothing. After watching a dozen or so moves, she sighed softly: "Although the Nine Yin God Claw is extremely powerful, it seems that Mr. Song has not achieved great success. Now he is driven by martial arts instead. If things go on like this , I'm afraid it's inevitable that he will go mad."

Hear him soft Chapter 59 Flame Knife vs Wooden Sword

Duan Yu couldn't help being infatuated with the waxy voice. In his heart, the contest between two stinky men in the arena is nothing like staring at Miss Wang.

Mu Wanqing originally had half of her mind on him, but she immediately noticed Duan Yu's haunted look again, her heart was blocked and she focused all her attention on the situation on the court.

Sure enough, after Song Qingshu's vigor was exhausted, Jiumozhi used Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands, claw to claw, forcing Song Qingshu to retreat a few feet hastily.

Jiumozhi smiled faintly: "The poor monk is very curious about the wooden sword on Mr. Song's back. In the past few months, he has traveled eastward and seen many kinds of wonderful swordsmanship in the Central Plains. Sword, that is also the first-class swordsmanship in the world... However, I have never seen anyone use a wooden sword... Could it be that Mr. Song thinks that poor monks are not worthy of your sword?"

"I heard that King Ming's unique skill is the 'Flame Knife'. I don't know if I have the honor to learn it." Song Qingshu pulled out the wooden sword, and attacked with a life-threatening series of three immortal swords.

"Excellent swordsmanship!" Jiumozhi secretly praised, with luck in both palms, he pushed it out flatly.

Wei Xiaobao saw the two of them dancing their swords against the air on the spot, and the other repeatedly slashing their palms at the enemy a few meters apart, he just felt that it was boring, scratching his head and ears, his heart moved, and he spoke to Wang Yuyan with a smile on his side Said: "Miss Wang, do you know what they are playing?"

Seeing that he couldn't understand, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "The monk is using the 'flaming knife', the unique technique of the Nyingma Temple in Tubo. Every time he strikes with his palm, there is an extremely sharp and hot knife Young Master Song attacked; as for the swordsmanship used by Young Master Song, it should be based on the Wuyue School of Swordsmanship, but one move often turns into another move as soon as it is used. It has become an exquisite sword technique that I have never seen before."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, Jiumozhi's experience in the arena was even more intense. Every move of the man opposite him was a well-regulated, unremarkable swordsmanship, but when combined together they were incomparably exquisite. Only he, a master of eyesight, could understand it. What the opponent was playing was no longer swordsmanship, but sword intent.

"But the two of them are moving around on the spot, can they really hit each other?" Wei Xiaobao asked suspiciously, but he was very happy in his heart: dead dead, with such a nice voice, if I call me Xiaobao's husband in the future, I will be so young Live ten... oh no, one year is also willing.

"The fan monk's saber energy can attack several feet away. Mr. Song is using his exquisite swordsmanship to find the weakest spot of the opponent's saber energy, so every time he stabs out with his sword, he can knock out a blade of the fan monk's saber energy." Wang Yuyan Seeing that her face was shining brightly, the confrontation between the two top masters brought her understanding of martial arts to a higher level, and she thought that she must tell her cousin about it next time.

In the arena, Song Qingshu jumped out of Jiumozhi's attack circle, and immediately said: "I admit defeat."

Jiumozhi had a puzzled expression: "Young master's swordsmanship is superb, and the poor monk didn't take advantage of the slightest, how can you say that you admit defeat?"

Song Qingshu put the wooden sword in front of him with a wry smile, looked at the scorched body of the sword, and sighed: "Ming Wang's flaming saber is extremely hot, if I continue to hit this wooden sword, I'm afraid it will burn."

Song Qingshu knew very well in his heart that his skill was still inferior to the opponent's, otherwise it would be impossible for the sword body to be injured by the heat of the opponent's saber energy. The real flame can't hurt the wooden sword at all, wooden sword, wooden sword, you are so pitiful, he sighed secretly when he met such a disheveled master like me.

"Hahaha~" Jiumozhi let out a long laugh, "Mr. Song's swordsmanship is superb, and he is an upright person, which is really rare."

At this time, Wei Xiaobao had an idea and knew that it was time to play by himself, so he jumped out immediately: "Since you two orangutans cherish each other, why do you fight? We are brothers from all over the world. Sit down and have a glass of water together. Bar, shopkeeper, let's go to your shop. Serve me the best Vegetarian dishes."


Hearing the promise from below the store, Jiumozhi felt very relieved, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Wei Xiaobao: "Look at this little brother's attire, he should be from the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Master is indeed a master. I haven't introduced myself yet, you can tell at a glance." Wei Xiaobao's expression of exaggerated admiration made Jiumozhi very helpful. Chapter 60 Four Schools of Tantra

Seeing that he couldn't understand, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "The monk is using the 'flaming knife', the unique technique of the Nyingma Temple in Tubo. Every time he strikes with his palm, there is an extremely sharp and hot knife Young Master Song attacked; as for the swordsmanship used by Young Master Song, it should be based on the Wuyue School of Swordsmanship, but one move often turns into another move as soon as it is used. It has become an exquisite sword technique that I have never seen before."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, Jiumozhi's experience in the arena was even more intense. Every move of the man opposite him was a well-regulated, unremarkable swordsmanship, but when combined together they were incomparably exquisite. Only he, a master of eyesight, could understand it. What the opponent was playing was no longer swordsmanship, but sword intent.

"But the two of them are moving around on the spot, can they really hit each other?" Wei Xiaobao asked suspiciously, but he was very happy in his heart: dead dead, with such a nice voice, if I call me Xiaobao's husband in the future, I will be so young Live ten... oh no, one year is also willing.

"The fan monk's saber energy can attack several feet away. Mr. Song is using his exquisite swordsmanship to find the weakest spot of the opponent's saber energy, so every time he stabs out with his sword, he can knock out a blade of the fan monk's saber energy." Wang Yuyan Seeing that her face was shining brightly, the confrontation between the two top masters brought her understanding of martial arts to a higher level, and she thought that she must tell her cousin about it next time.

In the arena, Song Qingshu jumped out of Jiumozhi's attack circle, and immediately said: "I admit defeat."

Jiumozhi had a puzzled expression: "Young master's swordsmanship is superb, and the poor monk didn't take advantage of the slightest, how can you say that you admit defeat?"

Song Qingshu put the wooden sword in front of him with a wry smile, looked at the scorched body of the sword, and sighed: "Ming Wang's flaming saber is extremely hot, if I continue to hit this wooden sword, I'm afraid it will burn."

Song Qingshu knew very well in his heart that his skill was still inferior to the opponent's, otherwise it would be impossible for the sword body to be injured by the heat of the opponent's saber energy. The real flame can't hurt the wooden sword at all, wooden sword, wooden sword, you are so pitiful, he sighed secretly when he met such a disheveled master like me.

"Hahaha~" Jiumozhi let out a long laugh, "Mr. Song's swordsmanship is superb, and he is an upright person, which is really rare."

At this time, Wei Xiaobao had an idea and knew that it was time to play by himself, so he jumped out immediately: "Since you two orangutans cherish each other, why do you fight? We are brothers from all over the world. Sit down and have a glass of water together. Bar, shopkeeper, let's go to your shop. Serve me the best Vegetarian dishes."


Hearing the promise from below the store, Jiumozhi felt very relieved, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Wei Xiaobao: "Look at this little brother's attire, he should be from the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Master is indeed a master. I haven't introduced myself yet, you can tell at a glance." Wei Xiaobao's expression of exaggerated admiration made Jiumozhi very helpful. Chapter 60 Four Schools of Tantra

Seeing that he couldn't understand, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "The monk is using the 'flaming knife', the unique technique of the Nyingma Temple in Tubo. Every time he strikes with his palm, there is an extremely sharp and hot knife Young Master Song attacked; as for the swordsmanship used by Young Master Song, it should be based on the Wuyue School of Swordsmanship, but one move often turns into another move as soon as it is used. It has become an exquisite sword technique that I have never seen before."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, Jiumozhi's experience in the arena was even more intense. Every move of the man opposite him was a well-regulated, unremarkable swordsmanship, but when combined together they were incomparably exquisite. Only he, a master of eyesight, could understand it. What the opponent was playing was no longer swordsmanship, but sword intent.

"But the two of them are moving around on the spot, can they really hit each other?" Wei Xiaobao asked suspiciously, but he was very happy in his heart: dead dead, with such a nice voice, if I call me Xiaobao's husband in the future, I will be so young Live ten... oh no, one year is also willing.

"The fan monk's saber energy can attack several feet away. Mr. Song is using his exquisite swordsmanship to find the weakest spot of the opponent's saber energy, so every time he stabs out with his sword, he can knock out a blade of the fan monk's saber energy." Wang Yuyan Seeing that her face was shining brightly, the confrontation between the two top masters brought her understanding of martial arts to a higher level, and she thought that she must tell her cousin about it next time.

In the arena, Song Qingshu jumped out of Jiumozhi's attack circle, and immediately said: "I admit defeat."

Jiumozhi had a puzzled expression: "Young master's swordsmanship is superb, and the poor monk didn't take advantage of the slightest, how can you say that you admit defeat?"

Song Qingshu put the wooden sword in front of him with a wry smile, looked at the scorched body of the sword, and sighed: "Ming Wang's flaming saber is extremely hot, if I continue to hit this wooden sword, I'm afraid it will burn."

Song Qingshu knew very well in his heart that his skill was still inferior to the opponent's, otherwise it would be impossible for the sword body to be injured by the heat of the opponent's saber energy. The real flame can't hurt the wooden sword at all, wooden sword, wooden sword, you are so pitiful, he sighed secretly when he met such a disheveled master like me.

"Hahaha~" Jiumozhi let out a long laugh, "Mr. Song's swordsmanship is superb, and he is an upright person, which is really rare."

At this time, Wei Xiaobao had an idea and knew that it was time to play by himself, so he jumped out immediately: "Since you two orangutans cherish each other, why do you fight? We are brothers from all over the world. Sit down and have a glass of water together. Bar, shopkeeper, let's go to your shop. Serve me the best Vegetarian dishes."


Hearing the promise from below the store, Jiumozhi felt very relieved, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Wei Xiaobao: "Look at this little brother's attire, he should be from the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Master is indeed a master. I haven't introduced myself yet, you can tell at a glance." Wei Xiaobao's expression of exaggerated admiration made Jiumozhi very helpful. Chapter 60 Four Schools of Tantra

Seeing that he couldn't understand, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "The monk is using the 'flaming knife', the unique technique of the Nyingma Temple in Tubo. Every time he strikes with his palm, there is an extremely sharp and hot knife Young Master Song attacked; as for the swordsmanship used by Young Master Song, it should be based on the Wuyue School of Swordsmanship, but one move often turns into another move as soon as it is used. It has become an exquisite sword technique that I have never seen before."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, Jiumozhi's experience in the arena was even more intense. Every move of the man opposite him was a well-regulated, unremarkable swordsmanship, but when combined together they were incomparably exquisite. Only he, a master of eyesight, could understand it. What the opponent was playing was no longer swordsmanship, but sword intent.

"But the two of them are moving around on the spot, can they really hit each other?" Wei Xiaobao asked suspiciously, but he was very happy in his heart: dead dead, with such a nice voice, if I call me Xiaobao's husband in the future, I will be so young Live ten... oh no, one year is also willing.

"The fan monk's saber energy can attack several feet away. Mr. Song is using his exquisite swordsmanship to find the weakest spot of the opponent's saber energy, so every time he stabs out with his sword, he can knock out a blade of the fan monk's saber energy." Wang Yuyan Seeing that her face was shining brightly, the confrontation between the two top masters brought her understanding of martial arts to a higher level, and she thought that she must tell her cousin about it next time.

In the arena, Song Qingshu jumped out of Jiumozhi's attack circle, and immediately said: "I admit defeat."

Jiumozhi had a puzzled expression: "Young master's swordsmanship is superb, and the poor monk didn't take advantage of the slightest, how can you say that you admit defeat?"

Song Qingshu put the wooden sword in front of him with a wry smile, looked at the scorched body of the sword, and sighed: "Ming Wang's flaming saber is extremely hot, if I continue to hit this wooden sword, I'm afraid it will burn."

Song Qingshu knew very well in his heart that his skill was still inferior to the opponent's, otherwise it would be impossible for the sword body to be injured by the heat of the opponent's saber energy. The real flame can't hurt the wooden sword at all, wooden sword, wooden sword, you are so pitiful, he sighed secretly when he met such a disheveled master like me.

"Hahaha~" Jiumozhi let out a long laugh, "Mr. Song's swordsmanship is superb, and he is an upright person, which is really rare."

At this time, Wei Xiaobao had an idea and knew that it was time to play by himself, so he jumped out immediately: "Since you two orangutans cherish each other, why do you fight? We are brothers from all over the world. Sit down and have a glass of water together. Bar, shopkeeper, let's go to your shop. Serve me the best Vegetarian dishes."


Hearing the promise from below the store, Jiumozhi felt very relieved, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Wei Xiaobao: "Look at this little brother's attire, he should be from the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Master is indeed a master. I haven't introduced myself yet, you can tell at a glance." Wei Xiaobao's expression of exaggerated admiration made Jiumozhi very helpful. Chapter 60 Four Schools of Tantra

Seeing that he couldn't understand, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled, and explained softly: "The monk is using the 'flaming knife', the unique technique of the Nyingma Temple in Tubo. Every time he strikes with his palm, there is an extremely sharp and hot knife Young Master Song attacked; as for the swordsmanship used by Young Master Song, it should be based on the Wuyue School of Swordsmanship, but one move often turns into another move as soon as it is used. It has become an exquisite sword technique that I have never seen before."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, Jiumozhi's experience in the arena was even more intense. Every move of the man opposite him was a well-regulated, unremarkable swordsmanship, but when combined together they were incomparably exquisite. Only he, a master of eyesight, could understand it. What the opponent was playing was no longer swordsmanship, but sword intent.

"But the two of them are moving around on the spot, can they really hit each other?" Wei Xiaobao asked suspiciously, but he was very happy in his heart: dead dead, with such a nice voice, if I call me Xiaobao's husband in the future, I will be so young Live ten... oh no, one year is also willing.

"The fan monk's saber energy can attack several feet away. Mr. Song is using his exquisite swordsmanship to find the weakest spot of the opponent's saber energy, so every time he stabs out with his sword, he can knock out a blade of the fan monk's saber energy." Wang Yuyan Seeing that her face was shining brightly, the confrontation between the two top masters brought her understanding of martial arts to a higher level, and she thought that she must tell her cousin about it next time.

In the arena, Song Qingshu jumped out of Jiumozhi's attack circle, and immediately said: "I admit defeat."

Jiumozhi had a puzzled expression: "Young master's swordsmanship is superb, and the poor monk didn't take advantage of the slightest, how can you say that you admit defeat?"

Song Qingshu put the wooden sword in front of him with a wry smile, looked at the scorched body of the sword, and sighed: "Ming Wang's flaming saber is extremely hot, if I continue to hit this wooden sword, I'm afraid it will burn."

Song Qingshu knew very well in his heart that his skill was still inferior to the opponent's, otherwise it would be impossible for the sword body to be injured by the heat of the opponent's saber energy. The real flame can't hurt the wooden sword at all, wooden sword, wooden sword, you are so pitiful, he sighed secretly when he met such a disheveled master like me.

"Hahaha~" Jiumozhi let out a long laugh, "Mr. Song's swordsmanship is superb, and he is an upright person, which is really rare."

At this time, Wei Xiaobao had an idea and knew that it was time to play by himself, so he jumped out immediately: "Since you two orangutans cherish each other, why do you fight? We are brothers from all over the world. Sit down and have a glass of water together. Bar, shopkeeper, let's go to your shop. Serve me the best Vegetarian dishes."


Hearing the promise from below the store, Jiumozhi felt very relieved, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Wei Xiaobao: "Look at this little brother's attire, he should be from the Qing Dynasty, right?"

"Master is indeed a master. I haven't introduced myself yet, you can tell at a glance." Wei Xiaobao's expression of exaggerated admiration made Jiumozhi very helpful.