Flying Ash

Chapter 10


On the night of returning home, Yi Hui received a call from Tang Wenxi: "Why did you leave so soon?"

Yi Hui told the truth: "I have nothing else to do after the game, so I went home."

Tang Wenxi regretted: "What a pity... There is an art exhibition in the school this weekend, and we would like to invite you to see it together."

The word "we" reminded Yi Hui of the old friend he happened to meet when he was talking to Tang Wenxi last time. He couldn't help but get nervous, and the empty hand clenched his fist into his sleeve subconsciously: "You, just see for yourself. ,Do not bother me."

"It doesn't matter to you? What's the matter? We are old classmates. You left in such a hurry the day before yesterday that you didn't have time to have a meal together, so don't push it again next time."

Hearing the same enthusiasm as when facing face to face, Yi Hui gradually relaxed.

When they parted, Tang Wenxi wanted to leave his mobile phone number, but he didn't expect to call so soon. Seeing Yang Chengxuan at that time, Yi Hui was panicked. Now sitting at a house far away from the capital, he felt safe enough to think about this friendship that belonged to Jiang Yihui.

From the few words in the previous chat, Yi Hui noticed that Tang Wenxi admired Jiang Yihui somewhat. He called Jiang Yihui an "art genius", and he sounded only envious but not jealous, indicating that Jiang Yihui's talent was recognized by the people around him.

But Yi Hui is different. He started art in elementary school simply because he liked it. In addition, his family conditions were good, and no one put pressure on him. The level of Jiang Yihui, who is a professional learner of painting, is definitely different.

The lack of confidence made Yi Hui very embarrassed. Without saying a word, he was anxious to hang up the phone.

Tang Wenxi on the other end didn't notice his discomfort, and chatted with Yi Hui a few more words about art-related topics. Seeing that Yi Hui was secretive and unwilling to talk more, he complained, "What's the matter with you, classmate Jiang? It’s not like this, although I usually don’t talk much, when it comes to painting, I get excited, and a class is not enough for you to speak alone.”

Yi Hui was stunned for a moment. He looked at the window glass, and he couldn't imagine how confident and eloquent this face was.

"I-I don't know what to say, no one will listen."

"How come?" Tang Wenxi raised his voice, "I listen, we all like to listen. Promise me, if you have time in the future, you must go back to school often."

Hanging up the phone, Yi Hui sat alone in the studio for a long time.

He knew that what they liked was Jiang Yihui, not him.

Nobody will like him.

Even if someone once said "like" to him, it was against his intentions and had other purposes.

Who's "like" like that? Rough, perfunctory, and extremely insulting, but anyone who is a little smarter can see how much he hates himself.

Yi Hui walked outside, crouched down in front of Tie Jasmine, which had been moved indoors because of the cold weather, reached out and touched its dark green leaves, and exhaled slowly.

Either way, no one likes it, no one cares about it, no one cares about it, and no one will be sad.

What Yi Hui didn't know was that in S City, more than a thousand kilometers away, everything was messed up because of him.

On the outskirts of the south of the city, the sound of sirens echoed in the mountains and forests. High-wattage LED lights illuminated the surrounding plants and trees, and the small houses not far away also received a little light, casting low black shadows on the muddy ground.

The road was heavily blocked, the mountain road was slippery in rainy days, and it took a lot of time to climb the mountain. Zhou Jinheng stepped on the mountain road to find it here, and a wave of police was withdrawing from the hut.

The night on the mountain was dank and cold, and his hair and body were soaked by the rain. Zhou Jinheng didn't realize it. He pushed aside the crowd and rushed into the hut.

The person who called him to report the news was still there, pulling him by the arm and dragging him out, as if he thought it was gloomy inside: "Young Master Zhou, you come out first, the person has already been transported away, I just called you. You didn't answer several calls..."

Zhou Jinheng, as if he had never heard of it, left him and continued to walk inside.

He rummaged through the small room in a minute, leaving behind the curtains, under the wooden table, and under the bed, wherever he could see. He pursed his lips tightly, without saying a word, his sharp eyes searched every corner, with an aura of never giving up until he found it.

In the end, he was dragged out by the police at the scene. Seeing that he was obsessed with going in, he seriously said that he would be held accountable for obstructing official business and destroying the scene.

Zhou Jinheng suddenly reacted after hearing this: "What scene?"

Police: "The crime scene."

"What case?"

"Murder case." The police thought he was looking for trouble, and after answering, he blasted him outside the cordon, and by the way announced in a loud voice, "Start cleaning up the scene, and the unrelated people will be evacuated as soon as possible."

Zhou Jinheng was pushed to the outside, nearly ten meters away from the hut, he still didn't give up, rushed in regardless, and was dragged by the shoulders and arms by several people at the same time, unable to move in place, staring at the building. A small house hidden in the dark.

His eyes were filled with red blood at some point, his chest heaved violently due to his rapid breathing, strands of wet hair were stuck to his forehead, his trouser legs were soiled by muddy water, and his clothes were also mottled with rain. , where is the usual glamorous look.

In the pattering rain, there was the sound of the police taking notes for the owner of the house who had just arrived—

"How old is this house?"

"I can't remember. It's been around for more than ten years, right? It's in the wilderness, and no one has lived there for so many years. Who remembers?"

"Then how did you deal with the dead?"

"I live at the foot of this mountain, here, in the bright southern part. I was walking up the mountain that day, and when I saw him wandering around here, I asked him what he was doing. He heard that I was the owner of this house, and he was very happy. Incredible, ask me if this house is for sale."

"And then you sold it to him?"

"Hey, how can I do this? This broken house has no property rights. How could I, a good law-abiding citizen, do this kind of business? It was him. He came back a few days later and said he wanted to buy this house, but I refused to sell it. , he chased after my ass and said how much money it would pay. I saw that he was very sincere, so I thought about renting it to him for two days, and even helped him move the table and chairs in from the bottom of the mountain. "

"Give him the keys together?"

"Give it, can you not give it, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand."

The police called up a photo from the mobile phone and showed it to the owner: "Are you sure it's him?"

"It's him, I'm sure it's him, a handsome young man who speaks stupidly, here—" The owner pointed to his head and lowered his voice, "There may be something wrong, he's an idiot, I gave him the key, and he confirmed several times with me. Over and over, ask if the house belongs to him from now on..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a noisy riot next to him, Zhou Jinheng suddenly broke free from the shackles, rushed over at a very fast speed, grabbed the owner of the house by the collar, looked down at him with his chin up, and shouted: "Who are you calling a fool? He is not? Fool, you read it wrong, right? Quickly say you read it wrong!"

The owner of the house was stunned, unable to say a complete sentence, and the surrounding people hurriedly pulled Zhou Jinheng away.

In the chaos, he saw the photo on the screen of the policeman's mobile phone that was still lit. The man on it had a white face, with a few strands of soft short hair covering his forehead, covering most of his black pupils.

The man smiled brightly at the camera, just like the lock screen wallpaper that Zhou Jinheng was holding in his palm, grinning, revealing two pointed little tiger teeth on the left and right.

When he came to the hospital, Zhou Jinheng was still confused and could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

He was very clear about his goal of coming here. He asked the doctor's desk and hurried to the morgue. He didn't want to miss it. The staff said that the body had just been transported away by relatives.

"It was his brother who said he would be sent to the capital for cremation, and his father also signed and agreed."

Zhou Jinheng's heart was still beating very fast, and his brain was racing: "Don't you need to do an examination?"

The staff replied: "You mean an autopsy? After the examination, the hypoxia and the cardiac arrest caused by hypothermia seem to have no signs of external injury." Seeing Zhou Jinheng's dazed expression, Yu Xin couldn't bear to add, "I can't go. It's very painful, and it's been cold recently, and the corpse is not beyond recognition."

After coming out of the hospital, those words were still circling in Zhou Jinheng's head - the corpse, the scene of the crime, a fool, beyond recognition.

Unrecognizable, how is it possible? Yi Hui's appearance was so clear that when he closed his eyes, he could see that he was smiling at himself.

Not knowing where to go, he returned home again, the Doraemon doll was lying on the bay window, and the unfinished painting was still there, Zhou Jinheng was suddenly relieved.

The little fool didn't take his favorite things with him, and he didn't finish painting, how could he die

He will not die.

The person who notified Zhou Jinheng was probably afraid of his accident and had been following him since the beginning of the mountain. Seeing his relaxed expression at this moment, he thought he had recovered, and said a few words like "My condolences and change", and saw that he was nothing special. He responded boldly and said boldly: "As the saying goes, the old won't go and the new won't come, it's all God's will, we have long said that you and Young Master Yi are not worthy, how can he be worthy of you? "

Anyone who has heard of their relationship knows that Zhou Jinheng hates Yi Hui. He never attends various parties together, and he hangs around in the bar all night when he is free. Occasionally, when Yi Hui is mentioned, his eyes are full of contempt, and the fool can see that if he hadn't been involuntarily, he would have kicked Yi Hui long ago.

Therefore, the man took it for granted that this was the result that Zhou Jinheng wanted, and flattered himself. He didn't expect Zhou Jinheng to react strongly and looked at him with a sharper look than before: "How many of you? How many of you?"

It was already completely dark.

When they arrived at the bar, the few people heard the wind and were about to leave, but were blocked by Zhou Jinheng at the back door.

"Who locked him inside?" Zhou Jinheng's face was gloomy and his voice was deep, "Speak!"

Those three people were still smiling just now, but they were so scared that they backed away. You look at me, I look at you, and none of them dared to make a sound.

They took a step back, and Zhou Jinheng took two steps forward. The ruthless aura from his whole body filled the narrow passage and surrounded several people. Obviously it was a one-to-many situation, but those few people broke out in a cold sweat without any hope, and their usual arrogance dissipated.

Until they were cornered and had nowhere to retreat, the three men shivered and began to blame each other—

"It's him. He first saw Master Yi coming to you and asked us to play with him together."

"You are talking nonsense! It's obviously you, you said that you wanted to see if he was really stupid, and he took me with you... "

"Young Master Zhou, listen to me. I didn't participate. This matter has nothing to do with me. When the two of them said they were going to send Young Master Yi up the mountain, I didn't follow him. I also advised them not to play too big."

"Fart! You were the one who made the most of the coaxing at the time, and you said you would help him see if Young Master Zhou liked the birthday present."

"Then I didn't do that prank, right? It's you, lock the door before leaving and let him wait in the room for Young Master Zhou."

"How did I know that you still brought the key out? It's in the wilderness, and no one hears the call for help."

"Who knew he was so stupid, let him wait and he would really stay still, but as long as his mind is normal, he will run out of the window."

The next bullshit Zhou Jinheng was impatient to continue listening. The anger that collapsed at the critical point was ignited without warning. He rushed up to hold down one person and beat him. They're all as brutal as they can.

When the police arrived, the three people were already paralyzed on the ground, unable to move. Zhou Jinheng was still riding on one of them, punching him tirelessly.

A second before being pulled away by the police, he still held the man's shirt and refused to loosen it. He stared at him with bloodthirsty eyes like a beast, and asked with a grim face, "Who are you calling stupid? Tell me the fuck. !"

While the three comatose were taken to the hospital by ambulance, Zhou Jinheng was sitting in the interrogation room of the police station. The new clothes specially changed to welcome someone home were covered in blood, and he could not tell which was his own and which was Someone else rubbed it on.

He was handed a tissue to wipe his face, but he didn't answer it and didn't cooperate with taking notes, so the police had to turn around and question another person.

The person who had been with Zhou Jinheng for a day wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't know how he was making up a lot of trouble by flattering himself, so he reluctantly made up a story to the police: "This young master Zhou, you should have seen it, right? Workers, when I experienced life in the bar just now, they were all joking, joking."

The police are well-informed and don't believe in this set: "Experience life? Is this a remake of Young and Dangerous, and beaten to death?"

Not long after, Zhou Jinheng's father, Zhou Huarong, arrived and slapped his face without saying a word: "Look at what you've done!"

Zhou Jinheng was beaten to the side by him, but he remained silent, not even lifting his eyelids.

After seeing the injury on his son's face clearly, Zhou Huarong softened his heart, sighed, and lowered his voice to explain the inconvenient words: "I have already told the lawyer about the cause and effect, and those people are fully responsible, it has nothing to do with you, the police will ask later. When you get up, you admit your mistake on a case-by-case basis, and you say it's a little contradictory on the spur of the moment, so I can bail you out as soon as possible."

Only then did Zhou Jinheng react a little bit. He turned to look at Zhou Huarong, and his voice was hoarse when he opened his mouth: "What's the responsibility?"

Zhou Huarong thought he was fighting and acting stupid: "Of course Yi Hui's death is their responsibility, and it has nothing to do with our family. After you go out, don't talk nonsense, just calm down for a while, and don't mess around..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Jinheng interrupted: "Who died?" Then he repeated to himself, "He is not dead."

His expression was indifferent, and if you look closely, you can see that it is not indifference, but a kind of numbness and stubbornness that does not listen to anyone's words and is completely immersed in his own world.

Sleepless nights.

In the early morning, the capital is already like autumn. The fog is like a layer of gauze. The air is dry and cold.

Following his impressions to find the corresponding house number, Zhou Jinheng had little hope when he pressed the doorbell. There might be no one inside, and even if someone did, he might not be able to open the door for him.

So when the door opened from the inside, he was stunned at first, and then hurriedly asked, "Where's Yi Hui?"

After being silent for a whole night, the CPR jumped. Seeing that the person at the door didn't speak, he asked impatiently, "Is he there? I want to see him."

If he paid a little attention, he would find that the man he called eldest brother was still wearing a suit before taking it off. Obviously, he had just returned from outside. From the tiredness on his face, it could be inferred that he also hadn't slept all night.

Cheng Feichi looked up and down at Zhou Jinheng calmly, and finally set his eyes on his colorfully injured face, his eyes were as cold as a knife: "Not here."

Getting the response made Zhou Jinheng excited: "He was taken away by you, right?"

"He's dead." Cheng Feichi said mercilessly without hesitation.

The little smile that had just been raised froze on his face, and Zhou Jinheng was speechless.

Cheng Feichi didn't intend to let him go, and instead asked, "How did he die, you don't know?"

There was a continuous buzzing in my head, and many scattered fragments whizzed past before my eyes - the rainy barren hills, the low and dilapidated house, the dazzling red blood, and the smiling face blurred by the rain.

The voices in his ears were chaotic and disorganized, as if they were all from another world. They were talking about something he couldn't understand regardless of their own interests, and they cobbled together a cruel fact that he didn't want to agree with.

fact? No, it's impossible, he doesn't believe it.

With his lips moving a few times, Zhou Jinheng gritted his teeth and retorted: "He, no, dead."

Just three words seemed to have exhausted all his remaining strength. When he looked up again, the brilliance in his eyes dissipated, and his trembling voice seemed to beg: "He's not dead, please... let me see him. ."