Flying Ash

Chapter 13


The word "forget" is easier said than done.

Whenever this word is mentioned, Yi Hui always thinks of the old self who was afraid of being abandoned, when his mother left, when his father ignored him, when he knew that he was dying... He was very scared. But now that he thinks about it, he is more afraid of being forgotten than being abandoned.

And he didn't want anyone to be sad for him more than to be forgotten.

At that time, when I texted my brother, I was thinking of leaving alone without a sound. Although looking back now, that text message was just a futile struggle, they will always find that they will know, but he has started a new life, and I hope they will not stop for him.

He is just a trivial passer-by in their lives. His departure may make them sigh and feel melancholy for a while, but it should never affect their beautiful life.

Dr. Liu said that reasonable talk and rational analysis can only help, and the key lies in one's own determination. So Yi Hui took active actions, starting from daily life, trying to integrate into the new life and overcome the difficulties he had been avoiding.

For example, it is not possible to draw characters with strokes.

After much deliberation, Yi Hui invited his sister Jiang Yimang to be his model.

Since the beginning of school was relatively free, Jiang Yimang used her spare time to embroider most of her figure cross stitch, just in time for the weekend Yi Hui proposed to make her a model.

At first, she was very excited, saying that after so many years, her brother finally discovered her beauty. After half an afternoon in one pose, she couldn't hold it any longer. , repeatedly asked "Okay or not".

"Not yet, wait a minute."

Yi Hui was slow to draw, the line was not finished, the more Jiang Yimang urged him to shake his hands, the more he wanted to draw a smooth and smooth arc, the easier it was to have sharp lines.

This is the "sequelae" left by the person who painted too much. At that time, in order to send him a perfect work, Yi Hui was bored in the studio all day to practice, and half of the bookshelf was filled with waste manuscript paper, and all the paintings were he.

At that time, Yi Hui had a simple mind. He only remembered that the person asked him to paint a portrait when he first met. He wanted to fulfill the agreement, but he didn't think about who the person asked him to paint. If the painting that he hid was lucky enough to see the light of day, that person would see the most contemptuous smile, and then forget about it.

His three years of being obsessed with that person was just a joke, but this time he really left, but it was a relief to that person.

Thinking of something he shouldn't have thought for no reason, Yi Hui shook his head, took a few deep breaths, and concentrated on the drawing paper in front of him.

The model sitting behind the drawing board was already falling asleep. She supported her chin with her hand and forced her face to face the artist. Her eyes were sometimes closed and sometimes open, and she muttered, "Give hour, I, I have to go and fix it. The picture."

Yi Hui was afraid that she would really fall asleep here, so he chatted with her while drawing: "What picture to fix?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Yimang regained his energy, rubbed his eyes and sat up straight: "The picture of Heng Heng, I took a lot of pictures at the last meeting, but I stayed up all night yesterday and didn't finish the selection, Heng Heng is so pretty. Now, each one is reluctant to give up.”

Which pot is not opened to mention which pot.

Yi Hui said helplessly, "Then let's fix it."

Jiang Yimang raised his head and screamed: "Then I'll be exhausted! Ah—it's all the fault of Zhou Jinheng, this man is so damn attractive, how can he smile or not smile, open his eyes or blink, whether from the front or the side, he looks so good-looking in every way. What? Even every strand of hair on the back of the head is capitalized handsome, ah—"

Yi Hui paused for a moment with the pen in his hand, and sighed inwardly in the sense of accomplishment that he had finally refreshed the model, thinking that this might be what Dr. Liu called "desensitization therapy".

Well, you have to try it to see if it works.

Just as he was about to echo Jiang Yimang, there was a knock on the door outside.

At this point, Jiang Xuemei was working outside, but Yi Hui thought it was the door next door.

Then, before he could see the face of the person coming, he was thrown up and hugged.

"Student Jiang, surprise!"

Half an hour later, the new model Tang Wenxi sat in the position where Jiang Yimang was sitting with hot tea in hand, and posed a very professional posture. Except for the movement of the mouth, all other parts remained still.

"Student Jiang, your home environment is amazing, isn't there a loquat tree in the yard?... Is it very easy to have the creative impulse to live in this kind of place, and the inspiration comes from the mountains and tsunamis?... Alas, if my parents were not in the capital , I also came here to settle down... How is the painting? Remember to draw me more handsome... Can I take this painting back?... Ah, no, then I will take a picture and take it back to show them. "

Yi Hui liked to be quiet when he was painting. Just barely chatting with Jiang Yimang was the limit. I didn't expect this classmate Tang Wenxi to be even more noisy. Since he sat down, he kept talking like a machine gun fire. It was easy to argue. Hui's head hurts.

He suddenly regretted giving the address to this old classmate. At that time, he agreed in the text message to send him a picture album. Who knew that it would be delivered in person

Yi Hui pressed his forehead with his left hand and said, "It's just for practice drawing. If it doesn't look good, don't take pictures."

"That won't work, I have to take it back to show them." Tang Wenxi's eyes widened, "Your paintings were the most popular in our class back then. Many classmates paid you to paint portraits, but you wouldn't."

"Really... I don't even remember."

Tang Wenxi said that his nobles were forgetful, and told him Jiang Yihui's deeds in the school, including the love letter delivered by the department flower in the next class, and the incident of being chased by the boys from the next-door science university to the class to send flowers. .

Even if it wasn't Yi Hui himself, Yi Hui still blushed and told him to stop talking.

Tang Wenxi had never seen him look shy before, and continued with a hilarious smile: "You are good-looking, plus you are a tall and cold artist, you are most suitable for both men and women, don't tell me you don't know... Otherwise, Yang Chengxuan's color The embryo can strike up a conversation with you at the first sight of you, saying 'it looks like a person I know', che, I don't rarely use such an old-fashioned method."

Yi Hui was originally a sensitive temperament, coupled with good observation skills, and now he has a smart brain, and immediately heard the sourness in Tang Wenxi's tone.

He thought about it and asked, "Are you and Yang... that classmate Yang Chengxuan, are you friends?"

Tang Wenxi rolled his eyes: "Who is his friend? It's just a junior. He calls me by my name all day long. I hate it very much."

Yi Hui was a little relieved: "Oh..."

"If you see him again in the future, remember to stay away." Tang Wenxi was not at ease and reminded, "He is a famous playboy, relying on how much money he has at home, he plays with all the beautiful and handsome guys in our Academy of Fine Arts. Over and over, you must not follow his way."

Yi Hui responded dumbfoundedly, thinking that he was that person's friend, and it was too late for me to hide.

There are few visitors at home, Jiang Xuemei is very happy, she bought a lot of dishes after get off work, and took Jiang Yimang into the kitchen with her. DC.

"Anyway, my tutor has gone on a business trip abroad, and I will definitely be able to do my homework after I go back for three days and three nights." He slapped his thigh, gritted his teeth and made a decision. God, do you mind, classmate Jiang?"

Of course Yi Hui didn't mind, Jiang Xuemei also applauded and supported, and by the way, I asked him to accompany Yi Hui to talk more these days.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. This room had just made arrangements for the next few days. In order to go to the beach, they even borrowed a pickup from Aunt Qiu's house next door. Yi Hui's room suddenly received a call.

It was the Capital Fine Arts Association who called to inform him that the painting he participated in last time had won the gold medal, and asked him to come to the scene three days later to receive the award.

After asking whether it could be mailed or received by someone else was rejected, the requirement that he must receive the award himself made Yi Hui difficult, and he even wanted to give up this unexpected award.

The one who reacted the most to this was Tang Wenxi: "Give up? Classmate Jiang, are you crazy? Although it's not a big competition, it's a gold award anyway. If you don't want it, don't want it?"

Jiang Yimang agreed: "Yeah, what if there is a bonus? I'm still waiting for you to buy me a camera."

After thinking seriously, Jiang Xuemei, the most rational among them, gave the most pertinent opinion as an elder: "I personally still hope that you will win the award. After all, this is a kind of affirmation for you. When you encounter difficulties and want to give up, it will will give you strength."

Yi Hui was persuaded and hesitated: "But I'm going to the capital..."

Tang Wenxi immediately raised his hand: "I'll accompany you! Let's go to the beach ahead of schedule tomorrow, let's hurry up, when you win the prize, I'll go home!"

Two nights later, red signal lights flashed in the night sky, and a plane landed slowly at the Capital Airport.

Zhou Jinheng was the last to get off the plane. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Xiaolin, who was waiting below, handed him glasses and a mask: "There are more than a dozen fans outside to pick up the plane, let's go faster and try not to cause a commotion. ."

Zhou Jinheng didn't wear makeup today, her eyes were sunken and darkened, and her tired face was especially obvious. He didn't speak, just nodded.

After returning from his vacation on the island, Zhou Jinheng plunged into his work, not only making up for the work that was left due to the leave, but also accepting all the notices that the company had to consider before, and also signed a film that will start next month. TV dramas, more than 80 episodes of historical dramas, at least it will take three months to shoot, and the rest of the year is packed all of a sudden.

At first, Xiaolin thought that this ancestor was enlightened and wanted to work hard in his career while he was young, but after a few days of observation, he found that this was not the case.

Except for sleeping and eating, Zhou Jinheng was busy almost all the rest of the time. In the past, he was often seen listening to music and drinking coffee with his legs crossed in the lounge. Now, apart from work, he rarely has time to rest after filming. He spreads Xiaolin's pillows and blankets for him, but he just sits down and reads the script. , focused, as if nothing could disturb him.

Xiaolin also heard about Mr. Yi's death. He thought that according to Zhou Jinheng's attitude towards him, without Mr. Yi's control, life should be much better in the future. Xiaolin, who was in confusion, even had the most unrealistic idea that Zhou Jinheng was so depressed because of Mr. Yi's death, and ended up using work to relieve his grief and fill the emptiness in his heart.

After thinking about it, it felt impossible. Zhou Jinheng's disgust for Mr. Yi, even his assistant who had just taken office, knew how could he be so sad about Mr. Yi's death

I dare not ask, Zhou Jinheng's bad temper is well known, so Xiaolin advised himself to do his job well, not to gossip and gossip, and to keep this well-paying job is serious.

For him, it's a good thing to indulge in work with other artists. At least he has less time to play temper and he is more obedient.

If it was in the past, Zhou Jinheng would have to wear glasses at most, and he would never wear a mask, because he was too bored. At this moment, I only frowned, and I took the two things and put them on, zipping the open jacket as I walked, so as not to be too conspicuous.

However, this did not work, and it was discovered by sharp-eyed fans.

This is a non-public itinerary. The company only arranged for two staff to pick up the plane to help carry things, and there are three people in total including Kobayashi. It was already late at night, and the security guards on duty at the airport had not had time to dispatch. The group of four was surrounded by a group of people, and the crowd was very lively.

Zhou Jinheng was surrounded at the very center, he wanted to bury his head and walk forward, but there were too many people, far more than the "hundreds and ten" that Xiaolin said.

I chose to take a late-night flight to avoid fans, but I didn't expect to encounter this situation. The expression concealed by the sunglasses and mask gradually became impatient. Zhou Jinheng raised his head to look at the road ahead. Xiaolin, who was about to block him, stepped aside and let him go by himself. figure.

The man was wearing a coffee-colored knitted tunic with a blue sweater underneath, ankle-length jeans, and a pair of white sneakers.

A set that could not even be called a harmonious match caught Zhou Jinheng's attention inexplicably.

He saw the man standing in the corner of the hall, taking off the bag he was carrying, then raising one leg to support the backpack, and reaching in with both hands to rummage for something.

Due to the unsteady center of gravity on one leg, the man jumped against the wall a few times. After a while, he took out a piece of tissue paper, put his raised foot back on the ground, and buried his head to wipe his nose with the paper.

It was a very ordinary action, but Zhou Jinheng was stunned. After reacting, he pushed aside the crowd and strode forward.

"Give it up... Please let it go."

While talking, he squeezed out of the crowd with difficulty. On the way, he accidentally bumped into a fan. The little girl dropped her excited phone on the ground and screamed in fright. It fell right next to Zhou Jinheng's feet, so he bent down and picked it up and put it back in her hand. .

The whole process only took a few seconds, and when he looked up again, the man was gone.

Zhou Jinheng didn't give up, he squeezed out of the crowd regardless, and ran to the corner.

Stopping at the place where the man had stood just now, he took off his obstructing sunglasses and looked around several times before being forced to accept the fact that the man was indeed gone.

When Xiao Lin chased after carrying a large bag and a small bag, he was about to ask his ancestors what were you doing with a sad face, when Zhou Jinheng raised his head and looked around the sky over the hall, and ordered, "Go to adjust the monitoring."

Xiao Lin was inexplicable: "Huh?"

Zhou Jinheng was still breathing heavily, staring at his eyes and raising the volume, he almost shouted, "Go adjust the surveillance here, hurry up!"

In the late-night airport lobby, there were few passengers. Behind a stone pillar in the corner, Yi Hui leaned back against the wall and held his schoolbag in his arms.

After going to the bathroom, Tang Wenxi walked around the neighborhood several times, and finally found Yi Hui in this corner. Seeing that he was covered in cold sweat and the knuckles of his fingers were turning blue and white while holding the schoolbag, he was also taken aback: "What's the matter with you? …Is the cold that serious? Or is the fear of flying delayed?”

In order to save money and time, the two gave up the high-speed rail and bought a late-night discounted ticket. Before getting on the plane, Yi Hui told Tang Wenxi that he was a little afraid of flying, and told him that he would work hard to overcome it.

Seeing that it was Tang Wenxi, Yi Hui breathed a sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and said, "I was a little scared when I recalled the moment I took off."

"Then don't think about it, the more afraid you are, the more you have to think about it, aren't you looking for abuse?"

Tang Wenxi stayed there for a while with Yi Hui.

After taking a few deep breaths and opening his eyes, Yi Hui's expression relaxed a bit, and the sweat on his forehead also subsided.

"It's all right." He shook his head and said, "Thank you."

Tang Wenxi was suspicious: "Really?"

Yi Hui put the schoolbag back on his shoulder, patted Tang Wenxi's shoulder, and said in a relaxed tone, "Really, let's go, there will be no more cars later."