Flying Ash

Chapter 3


The next morning, Yi Hui told Jiang Xuemei that he wanted to participate in the painting competition. Jiang Xuemei was overjoyed. She threw away her half-made breakfast and began to pack her luggage. Haze masks should also be prepared in advance." Jiang Yimang, who was unable to eat, patted the table in dissatisfaction as a reminder: "There are still a few days left, what's the hurry?"

The sun came out at noon, Yi Hui was sorting out the drawings in the studio, and heard Jiang Xuemei shouting to the neighbors outside: "Yihui is going to the capital to participate in the competition, and he will leave in two days. I will trouble you to take care of Yimang for a few days... eh, Thank you Ji Yan, I will come back to bring you some souvenirs!"

The words are full of joy.

Yi Hui guessed that the mother and son hadn't returned to the capital for a long time. This time, he agreed to participate in the competition, which is considered to be actively cooperating with the treatment and taking a positive step. As a mother, he is naturally happy.

Departing next week, tickets can be booked in advance now.

The town is located in a remote area, and there is no train that stops, so you can only take the bus to the city. After agreeing on a time with Jiang Xuemei, Yi Hui knocked on the door of Jiang Yimang's room and wanted to borrow her computer to book a train ticket online.

After waiting at the door for more than half a minute, Jiang Yimang sluggishly came to open the door. Hearing his intention, he said impatiently, "You still refuse to change your smartphone. Why don't you want me to buy it for you?"

After speaking, he turned his head and went back to the room, lying on the bed, leaving only the back of Yi Hui's head.

The first time Yi Hui entered the girls' room, he whispered "Excuse me", went straight to the desk and sat down without looking sideways, and controlled the mouse to click on the webpage.

He is not very good at using a computer. He reads Pinyin in his mouth, and stumblingly looks for letters on the keyboard. After finally entering the online ticket hall, he is dazzled by the unfamiliar interface and does not know where to press.

"Can you do it?"

Jiang Yimang couldn't stand it any longer. He rolled over from the bed and sat up, grabbed the mouse in Yi Hui's hand, and asked him the exact time of departure.

The interface jumped back to the homepage, and she asked Yi Hui again: "Okay, do you want to buy the return ticket together?"

Yi Hui shook his head: "No need, she... Mom said to buy it over there."

Guessing that Jiang Xuemei might take her brother to play in the capital for two days, Jiang Yimang's face was pulled down again.

Yi Hui stood up but didn't leave, and asked the girl who threw herself back to the bed to play with her phone: "Do you want to go together?"

Jiang Yimang turned his head when he heard the sound, the surprise on his face was fleeting, and he said with the corners of his mouth down, "Forget it, I still have class, and Mom won't let me go."

Yi Hui thought about it and said, "If you can ask for leave, I'll ask Mom."

"You?" Jiang Yimang looked at him suspiciously, as if in disbelief, "Didn't you always think I'm in the way, and suddenly you are so kind?"

Yi Hui did not expect this situation. In the past, he was the only son in the family, and he was always envious when he saw other people have siblings. Later, he had an older brother. Although he was a half-sister, he was still very excited that he finally had a peer in the family who could talk to him.

It can be seen that Jiang Yihui is indeed withdrawn and not good at words, no wonder his relationship with his own sister is so bad.

Seeing Yi Hui stunned and not refuting, Jiang Yimang realized that he was talking too much, he stretched his arms and got up from the bed again, looking for himself to go down the steps: "You better take care of yourself, you won't tie your hair, go there. And let Mom worry about you again."

Then he took out the rubber band from the small bamboo basket on the bedside table, told Yi Hui to sit down, went around behind him to comb his hair, and said, "How many good things have you eaten, your hair is longer than mine? thick."

If it was in the past, Yi Hui would only think that she was complimenting herself, and would definitely not hear the irony in her words. Now that he has changed his mind, he would rather not understand.

He asked with a wry smile, "Is there a barber shop nearby?"

"You're really boring at home, and you don't know anything nearby." After muttering, Jiang Yimang suddenly grasped the point and widened his eyes, "You want to cut your hair?"

In the evening when the sun was about to set, the Jiang family of three went out together, together with Aunt Qiu and his two children next door, crowding the small barber shop.

The population density of the town is low, but people communicate closely with each other. The gray-haired young barber finished sharpening the scissors and sharpening the razor, and asked hesitantly, "Ahui, are you sure you want to cut it?"

Yi Hui sat on the barber chair, looked at himself in the mirror with his face covered by his long hair, and nodded, "Yes."

The barber picked up a bunch of hair, shook his head and sighed, and was about to cut the first cut when Jiang Xuemei, who was watching from the side, suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

She looked at Yi Hui and persuaded politely: "Yihui, think about it again, you won't be able to renew your hair if you cut it. If you worry that your hair is too long and will easily touch the paint, Mom will comb your hair every day from now on..."

"Oh mother, he finally made up his mind, don't talk about it." Jiang Yimang urged.

Aunt Qiu quickly echoed: "Young man, short hair is the only way to be energetic. What do you say, 'cut the three thousand trouble threads'? Maybe with such a cut, Ah Hui's illness will be completely cured."

The Jiang family has settled in the town for nearly three years, and all the neighbors and villagers know that Jiang Yihui has a heart disease.

Jiang Xuemei bumped Aunt Qiu's arm and motioned her with her eyes not to say this in front of the child. Aunt Qiu understood, and her voice was much lower: "Hey, what are we talking about, let him decide for himself."

Yi Hui still wanted to cut it, and looked at the uncle who was at the door with a cigarette to join in the fun: "Just cut it like that, is it okay?"

In the end, I didn't cut it into a flat head, and got a half-length hair inch. The barber said that it would look better with a perm.

Yi Hui closed his eyes the whole time, and only shook his head when he heard the sound. After removing the dust cloth from his body, he shook his eyelashes and opened his eyes.

There is no mirror in Jiang Yihui's room, and the one in the bathroom has been broken and has not been refurbished. In the past week or so, even when Yi Hui went out, his hair was disheveled, and he never had a chance to see this face clearly.

Now that the hair is no longer covered, the entire face is copied in the mirror in front of him. Following his mental activity, he first opens his mouth, and then slowly opens his eyes.

"Let's just say, short hair is much more handsome." Jiang Yimang gave a rare smile, stepped forward to pat the broken hair on his shoulder, and looked at the mirror with him.

Yi Hui sat motionless, his gaze from bottom to top, swept across his sharp jaw, his pale skin that had not been exposed to the sun for a long time, and his slightly twitching nose. The moment he looked at the person in the mirror, his entire body trembled violently. a moment.

Jiang Yimang put his arm on his shoulder and shivered, laughing at him: "Why, you are so handsome?"

Yi Hui's lips moved again, but he didn't say anything, and there were a few meaningless shattering sounds from his throat.

Rao was because he had prepared enough mentally in these ten days, and also persuaded himself to accept Jiang Yihui to survive in this world, but the face in front of him that was 89% similar to the former Yi Hui still gave him a shock. Earth-like impact.

Two thousand kilometers away, the backstage of the Golden Flower Awards ceremony at the Capital International Convention and Exhibition Center.

After opening and closing the phone for several days, a familiar face suddenly caught his eye. It was the type that he liked.

Zhou Jinheng pulled the corners of his mouth, but he didn't laugh. He swiped his fingers across the short hair on the screen and across the dark pupils, without stopping for a moment, he unlocked it directly.

The wallpaper was not set to be a selfie, it was a grinning Doraemon with four squiggly characters next to it - waiting for you to go home.

I can't count the number of times that as long as I went home, I forgot my phone in my pocket or left it on the sofa, and I took it out the next day to look at it, and there must be more of these strange things.

Even the address book remarks have been changed. The little fool looks stupid, but he actually knows the alphabetical order. He added an "a" to the top of his name and changed it to "a gray gray".

From this, it can be seen that he is indeed not very smart. Until now, he didn't know that calling him "Grey" was making fun of him.

After saving a few useful phone numbers in the new phone, Zhou Jinheng did not hesitate to close the old phone that he had just opened, and threw it to the assistant next to him: "Find a place to throw it away."

Assistant Xiao Lin took the phone as if he had picked up a hot potato: "Do you throw it anywhere?"

Zhou Jinheng looked at him from the corner of his eyes: "Just don't let the paparazzi pick it up."

The assistant director knocked on the door and informed him that he was ready to enter the venue. Xiaolin watched Zhou Jinheng drinking coffee without haste, with his long legs resting on the dressing table and shaking with the beat of the music. Seeing that time was running out, he relaxed. Put down your legs and stand up: "Where's the clothes?"

Xiaolin hurriedly presented the suit hanging on the side with both hands.

Fortunately, changing clothes was a breeze. Zhou Jinheng pulled the curtain from the dressing room and strode out. When he passed by his side, it was like a typhoon passing by, blowing Xiaolin almost to lose his stability.

After hurriedly following, Xiaolin reminded with a memo: "The party ends at ten o'clock, and I have already booked you a ticket to S city at 11:30..."

Hearing the keyword S City, Zhou Jinheng stopped in his steps, turned his head sideways, and there was faint anger in his frowning brows: "Who said I was going to S City?"

Xiao Lin was nervous and stammered: "On the itinerary, it was half a month ago..." Then he lowered his head and turned violently, "It seems that Mr. Yi wrote it, and it says next to it... I will wait for you at home."

Zhou Jinheng chuckled: "Mr. Yi?"

He turned to face Xiaolin, behind the stage entrance, a few beams of light overflowed from the crack of the door, and the backlit position made his knife-like face more three-dimensional, and more and more cold and sharp.

The hairs on his body stood upright, and Xiao Lin couldn't help swallowing saliva. He couldn't figure it out, it was clearly the same person, why the contrast between different expressions on and off the stage was so big, and the temperament of looking down on all beings didn't look like a person in his early twenties could have it.

"Do you know how the last assistant was fired?"

Zhou Jinheng's voice was low, and he nodded condescendingly at Xiao Lin, so frightened that he didn't dare to let out the air.

The next second, his lips curled into a smile, and the sharpness in his eyes converged completely, as if the vicious person just now wasn't him at all.

"Just kidding, don't be nervous." Zhou Jinheng raised his hand and patted Xiaolin's shoulder with a kind face, "Assistant, work ability is still the first priority. But you are my assistant, not his, what should I do? You should know what to do.”

Xiao Lin, who had just been in office for less than a month, hurriedly nodded and said yes, and then hesitantly asked: "Then, what about this ticket..."

Zhou Jinheng waved his hand and said impatiently, "Keep it, if you really retire, the old thing won't bother me to death."

Xiaolin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and while he was relieved, he thought to himself, fortunately, there are more powerful people pressing down on this ancestor, otherwise he will not be flattered by both sides, and this day will be impossible.

There were only footsteps left in the dedicated passage. Approaching the entrance of the venue, Zhou Jinheng strode forward with one hand in his pocket, more relaxed and casual than returning to his own home.

Xiaolin wanted to help him take care of his hair again. He took out a mirror from his bag and looked up. Where is the shadow of his ancestors

Beyond the door is another world, with lights flashing and music roaring.

The moment Zhou Jinheng walked in, the laser light from the center of the stage swept over him, and the deep eyes under the sword eyebrows squinted uncomfortably. When he opened it again, his pupils were full of black people under the stage.

He is determined to win this award, so he doesn't need to dress modestly and restrained. He stepped into the guest seat with long legs, nodded to a few friends in the circle, and sat down in the middle, ignoring other people or being surprised or envious. eyes, and whispered whispers behind his back.

Speaking of Zhou Jinheng, in addition to his well-respected family background, it is his career development that has been like a god since he entered the circle. The open-minded person said that he was born to eat this bowl of rice, and it was difficult to think whether he was popular. The jealous person said that his strength was not in line with his reputation, and he was so crazy when he achieved a small result, and sooner or later fell into trouble.

Although acting is a matter of opinion, for the same work and the same role, someone will definitely give a unique evaluation that is very different from the mainstream reputation, but when it comes to external conditions, Zhou Jinheng has never been criticized since he entered the circle for two years.

He has straight and broad shoulders comparable to models, and his height of nearly 1.9 meters makes him taller even if he is sitting, not to mention the face that the media evaluated as "a seamless match with all male No. 1", there is no expression He was solemn and quiet at the time, and when he laughed, he brought a bit of arrogance and wickedness just right. Especially those eyes, in the words of fans, "his legs are soft when he looks at them."

However, at the moment, Zhou Jinheng doesn't care what other people say about it. He doesn't like this kind of occasion full of fake smiles, falsehoods and condescension. His willingness to come here is one of the compromises he made for his acting career.

It's a bad feeling to be stared at by many eyes in public, and you have to think twice about everything you do. Zhou Jinheng was sitting upright, staring boredly ahead. The awards ceremony was about to start. The screen was showing the situation outside the venue. The door was crowded with people. In addition to the guns and cannons of the reporters, the flowers that were spread from the red carpet to the entrance of the venue were also in sight. .

This reminded Zhou Jinheng that when he returned to City S at night, there would also be a bunch of bright flowers waiting for him.

Flowers specially prepared for him, maybe there is a newly baked cake.

The fool was terribly stupid, and occasionally clever. The last time Zhou Jinheng signed a movie with a famous director, he was in a good mood and did not refuse the flowers he sent. Since then, he has really regarded it as a task, and he has to send flowers to celebrate no matter how big or small it is.

There will also be a handwritten card, with "Congratulations to Mr. Zhou Jinheng" on the front, and so on, and on the back, a line of small words such as "Husband, I love you".

Thinking of this, Zhou Jinheng snorted lightly, not only feeling that the little fool's scheming appearance was annoying, but also inexplicably found it interesting.

Instead, he remembered that he released the little fool pigeon last time. After counting the time, he could hold back so many days without contacting him

While frowning, Zhou Jinheng made a decision for tonight's whereabouts. Anyway, the ticket is not refunded, and there is nowhere to go back to S City, why don't you go to the little fool's place, so that he won't complain to the old thing again.

But so what, as long as he hooked his finger, the little fool didn't just lean up to him and shout "husband" with a blushing face.

The lights all around fade away, and the countdown to the awards ceremony begins.

Zhou Jinheng was impatient, but the corner of his mouth hidden in the darkness brought a smile that he didn't even notice.

The author has something to say: That's right, we Xiao Zhou still don't know that the little fool is dead.