Flying Ash

Chapter 34


It was late at night, and the small courtyard of the Jiang family was brightly lit.

Yi Hui logged into Weibo with a computer, and the new message in the lower right corner was reminded in real time. When he clicked on it accidentally, he saw the overwhelming questioning and abuse.

It was very difficult to find out Dora Hem's dialog box. Words like "plagiarism", "shameless", and "come out to apologize" came flooding in. Yi Hui couldn't bear it, so he subconsciously wanted to hide and cover up. Lying on the table with his eyes closed, Jiang Xuemei called out several times when he came in to deliver the sweet soup, and then he slowly raised his head.

"By the way, I still have a cell phone." Suddenly startled again, he immediately turned his head and went to the bed to fumble around.

An hour ago, Yi Hui was lying on the bed preparing to go to sleep. He opened Weibo to say good night to Dora Hem. Before he could open the dialog box, he was stunned by the more than three-digit Aite news.

Since the opening of Weibo, ① the number of fans of Xiaohui Xia has just exceeded 1,000 so far. Usually, the likes and comments of his works are up to double digits. I didn’t expect that the first time I received so many news was because of suspected plagiarism.

Jiang Yimang, who was still in S City, was too anxious to see Weibo. He said on the phone that he wanted to come back, but Yi Hui stopped him and said, "Don't, it's hard to go out, and come back when you've had enough."

"What are you playing, you are bullying my brother." Jiang Yimang gasped for breath, "Plagiarism? He couldn't be killed by empty mouths, wait for me to find someone to report him now!"

After all, it was to persuade her not to come back overnight. When Yi Hui opened Weibo on his mobile phone, he found that his hands were still shaking, and there were bursts of flowers in front of his eyes, and he missed several times. The world finally returned to silence when the private messages and comments of strangers were closed according to the order that Jiang Yimang said, and the Aite message on Weibo was blocked.

"Come on, have a drink first."

Jiang Xuemei was so distressed when she saw her son's face was pale and his forehead was covered in cold sweat. She didn't know anything about Weibo, so she couldn't help, so she had to stay by the side and feed Yi Hui soup with a spoon.

Yi Hui actually couldn't drink it, for fear that his mother was worried and forced to drink a few sips. I could only drink a few sips, and when I drank half a bowl, I vomited it all out.

Lying on the side of the toilet, physiological tears and filth fell into the sewer together, Yi Hui desperately took out paper to wipe his messy face, he was in a mess and still thought of comforting Jiang Xuemei: "I-I'm fine, the soup will wait a moment, wait a while and drink it again. … It’s not that Mom’s cooking is bad.”

Jiang Xuemei looked at him, her eyes flushed red, she stepped forward and hugged his shoulders and patted his back lightly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't drink it, it doesn't matter if you don't paint in the future, it's fine, our family is fine."

Although he had never experienced such a thing before, Yi Huiguang could guess from the malicious comments that this incident was serious enough that it might affect his reputation in the entire painting circle.

Painter A has already heard the news, and forwarded the Weibo to express his shock, saying, "I didn't expect a less mature work from last year to be plagiarized." Don't be in a hurry for quick success, it's the right way to hone your skills down-to-earth.

Painter A is also a new online painter who is on the rise. His popularity is higher than that of Yi Hui, and his fans have just reached 10,000. The comments on his Weibo were one-sided. They were all saying that he was too kind and felt worthless for him. Almost every floor had a little huixia, asking the plagiarism dog to come over and kneel down to apologize, and then get out of the way.

So shielding doesn't help, you can see all kinds of cynicism or blunt insults with a swipe of your hand. Yi Hui insisted on replying a few, hoping that netizens who don't know the truth can distinguish right from wrong, at least look at the cause and effect before making a judgment.

However, it didn't work. Aside from the fans of Painter A, most of the passersby who joined in the fun just wanted to be quick and quick, no matter if they scolded indiscriminately and dissipated their anger, they left. Who cares if you plagiarized or not.

Yi Hui's head was buzzing, and all kinds of voices coming from all directions filled his mind, some were laughing, some were scolding, and his fans who were familiar in the comment area before, always praised him for his immortal paintings, Without listening to his explanation at the moment, he threatened to lose his fans and said that he was very disappointed in him.

He wanted to reply to the comments one by one and tell them "I didn't plagiarize", but he himself felt that the explanation was weak and weak. Who would believe his one-sided words

Apart from Jiang Xuemei and Jiang Yimang, there is probably only Dora Hem.

It is set to not accept private messages from people who are not following, and the private message box of Dora Hem is always at the top, and the news has never been interrupted—

Don't read the comments, block everything except my private messages.

Don't listen to their nonsense, I know you don't, how could you plagiarize

I sorted out the cause and effect and know what to do.

The original painting of the draft was sent to me, and whoever made the draft also told me.

If you don't have a real name, you can also use a Weibo account.

still there

Don't you believe me? Our chat history is here, you can take screenshots in real time.

Trust me, I'll handle it for you.

still there? Feel free to reply to me if you are here. If you don't want to speak, just press an expression. I'm very worried.

For some unknown reason, Yi Hui didn't cry when faced with verbal scolding, and even when he was held in his arms by his mother, he held back from crying. Now he has received support and help from a person he has never met, but he wants to cry.

His nose was sore, Yi Hui opened his eyes wide and raised his head, desperately trying to hold back the tears, he clicked the input box with difficulty in his blurred vision, and chose an expression to send.

Seeing the [ok] expression in the dialog box, Zhou Jinheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost called Yi Hui, but fortunately he received a reply at the last minute, otherwise he would be impulsive, and it is still unclear which is more serious between plagiarism and overturning.

Not long after, ① Xiao Hui sent the original manuscript and the Weibo account of the contributor. When things have fermented to this point, he still protects others: the person who made the draft is also a victim, don't put his name on it

During the waiting period, Zhou Jinheng had thoroughly researched the matter and compared the two paintings suspected of plagiarism. At this moment, he sneered confidently and replied: Victim? The perpetrators are almost the same.

Yi Hui's reply was very slow, and he seemed to be thinking: Why did he want to harm me

Zhou Jinheng hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't tell Yi Hui the cruel rules he had seen since he entered the society. He only said: There are many bad people in this world. Some bad guys don't change their lives, some don't shed tears until they see the coffin, and some are so stupid that they regret doing a lot of things.

Yi Hui digested it for a long time, and replied solemnly: Knowing mistakes and correcting them is a good person

Seeing this sentence, Zhou Jinheng laughed, laughing at the little fool who changed "good boy" to "good man" without authorization, and laughing at himself always carrying private goods with Dora Hem's wallet.

Zhou Jinheng, who was issued a good person card, was very motivated and rushed home immediately after returning to S City.

All of Yi Hui's works were kept in his studio, and he came back to see it after finishing it a few days ago, so he found the painting he wanted very smoothly.

Before leaving, he watered the pot of white snowflakes at the door. Zhou Jinheng imitated Yi Hui, squatted in front of the flowerpot, and poked its leaves: "Wait, your master will be back soon."

In the early morning of the next day, within eight hours of the plagiarism incident, a Weibo user named "Dora Heng Hen" posted a long text Aite ① Xiao Hui Xia, painter A, and the one who released the plagiarism testimonial last night. small.

The article starts with the incident last night, first analyzes the differences in composition and color of the two paintings, and then cites legal provisions to prove that the so-called "high local similarity" is not true.

In order to block the mouths of netizens, there are many similar works in the back. One of the paintings signed Mr. Yi is particularly representative. When comparing the three paintings together, it can only be said that they are quite similar in terms of painting habits and composition skills. , and other aspects have their own merits, which does not constitute plagiarism at all.

Next is the chat log. Judging from the timeline, ①Little Huixia received this proposal last month. The other party asked him to draw a kind grandma. In addition to stipulating the appearance of the characters, they also required the characters to sit by the window and go west. The setting sun just slanted down on him.

Such a composition would have something in common with Painter A's work anyway, not to mention the requester also made a request for the background, and asked the painter to draw a pot of white flowers on the short table next to it.

This pot of white flowers was the focus of discussion last night by passers-by. Many people thought that the elderly who passed their sixtieth year tended to be more colorful, and could not like the white flowers that were more unlucky in the traditional sense. Wearing a brightly colored Tang suit, no matter how you look at it, the white flowers next to her are abrupt.

When artist A published this painting, he explained that his grandmother raised this flower when she was a child in the south, so she had a special preference for it. , and it happens to be the same species as Painter A, a white snowflake that is not common in China

In this regard, in addition to giving the chat record to prove that the original blogger was requested by the inviter, Yuan Bo also posted several photos of white snowflakes, saying: "Coordinates S city, our family raised. This flower is not unusual at all, I have not seen it myself. No one else is allowed to paint, what kind of rule is this? Has your painter A decided it?"

The whole article lays out facts and reasoning, but this sentence is mixed with personal feelings, as if the prepared public relations draft was temporarily blocked by someone. It is precisely because of this sarcasm that the whole official manuscript has a bit of fresh popularity.

After all, when something like this happens, no one can calm down.

Because the clarification was timely enough, the impact was contained before it expanded. Many people who went to bed early and woke up early saw the whole process of Pengci plagiarism being quickly countered. Then, it was retweeted by a few big names in the circle, and everyone was eating melons for a while, and there was a lot of noise in the circle, and outside the circle also came to join in the fun to watch jokes.

But these have nothing to do with Yi Hui. He clicked on Weibo and watched his fan count rise steadily. Not only those who scold him yesterday came back and apologized, but also many new faces came, flipping through his Weibo like archaeology, and all of them praised him for his paintings. Well, some people asked him if he would accept the manuscript, and they said that they wanted to pay extra money to join the queue for a New Year picture.

Yi Hui spent the whole night thinking about the escape route, thinking to himself, is this what Jiang Yimang called "hype"

With excitement and anxiety, Yi Hui asked Dora Heng: Hen, are you doing marketing work

Dora Hem: It's about the same, usually others market me.

Yi Hui gasped: No wonder it's so powerful [Doraemon surprised]

Recalling how scared he was by the sudden situation last night, Yi Hui retracted his head from the blanket, revealing only two red eyes from crying: Thank you! Was that article written by your team? How much is the manuscript fee, I will call you!

He asked sincerely, but Zhou Jinheng, who saw this while holding his phone, almost laughed out loud.

The little fool actually still understands the "team", so you should be more careful when chatting with him in the future.

After replying that there was no team, Zhou Jinheng opened the car door and got out of the car. He looked up and saw Xiwei Chengguang floating on the low roof, making the characters "XX service area" gleaming golden, and wanted to laugh even more.

After collecting the evidence from City S, he didn't think about anything, got in the car and asked the driver to drive to the southern town where Yi Hui was. At that time, he only had one goal, which was to hurry up and hold him in his arms, so that he would not be afraid.

He knew that flying was fast, but the plane was not in Zhou Jinheng's consideration at all. He had to accompany the little fool all the time. What if he looked for himself during the flight and couldn't find it and cried

The whole process from communication, drafting, to publishing was carried out in the car. Looking at the unfamiliar scenery around and the vehicles passing by on the highway, Zhou Jinheng realized in a trance that he had been sitting in the car all night. car. Back pain came mercilessly after stretching his body, he rubbed the back of his neck to open the positioning, and found that the southern town was still hundreds of kilometers away.

Could it be funny? By the time the car got there, the paintings Yi Hui gave him might be finished.

After rubbing the tingling spine, Zhou Jinheng moved his muscles and bones. He first went to buy food and drink for the driver who drove the car all night, and then took off his mask and went to the sink to wash his face with cold water.

When he looked up, he saw himself in a suit and leather shoes in the mirror, and suddenly remembered that he had set off on a journey from the awards ceremony yesterday, and he didn't have time to attend the celebration banquet, and Xiao Lin's phone was also blocked by him decisively.

Really anxious and stupid, anxious and stunned, thinking only about his little fool, and he can't care about everything else.

When Yi Hui asked him if he really kept a pot of white snowflakes at home, Zhou Jinheng leaned against the car door and just lit a cigarette.

He replied: No, from a friend's house.

①Little hui knight: Is that so... In fact, this flower is really uncommon

Slowly exhaling a string of smoke rings, Zhou Jinheng typed with one hand: Yes, but I like it very much.

People who like flowers and prefer to grow flowers.

After learning that the painting for comparison was also found by a friend in the exhibition gallery of a painting competition in S City, Yi Hui seemed to dispel his concerns, and his tone became light: He Hen's friend told Hen Humph, you can find it all! [awesome]

The tense nerves were loosened, and the sluggish exhaustion spread in his body. Zhou Jinheng took another puff of cigarette, recalling the surprised expression on Yi Hui's face when he saw him smoking in the tent that day.

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth raised again. The little fool also denied that he was Yi Hui, with the words "When did you learn to smoke" written all over his face, he almost pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it out.

From the front, acting like an older person, the little fool admits that he has clear rewards and punishments, and he does these things a lot.

I remember when I got home from the Best Newcomer Award last year, the little fool was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, so he still stood at the door with a bunch of flowers to greet him. When you return to the house and put the flowers down, you will receive a rewarding kiss as soon as you turn around.

Yi Hui stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "Husband is awesome."

There was a heavy sleepiness in his soft and glutinous voice, and his words were not clear, but he cherished it in his heart to this day.

I'd love to hear it again.

Zhou Jinheng picked up the phone, considered it over and over again, and said, "I won an award yesterday, and it's quite an award. The whole company will only have one for the next year."

After sending the message, he held the phone and waited for a reply. Yi Hui responded quickly and lived up to his expectations: Humph! [like][like][like]

Zhou Jinheng made up his own voice and transformed it a little. "Hengheng is awesome" not only makes people's hearts sway, but also seems to be instantly injected with energy, no need to smoke cigarettes, and can win eight best actor in one breath.

The best actor for the little fool alone.

When he threw the extinguished cigarette into the trash can, he received another message from Yi Hui: Humph, you are so nice, why are you being so nice to me

The one on the left is so good and the other is so good, Zhou Jinheng was almost surrounded by him, he typed a few words with a smile, deleted them, and typed a line again, but he still felt it was inappropriate.

because I like you.

Because I said that I won't let you be wronged again in the future.

Zhou Jinheng stroked a handful of black hair that had lost its shape and became messy with some embarrassment. When he tilted his head, the sun was over the roof, and the warm radiance passed through the fine hair and gently sprinkled on his face.

Delete, modify, modify, and finally there are only five words left: because you are worth it.

The author has something to say: first give Xiao Zhou some opportunities to perform, and then you can…