Flying Ash

Chapter 43



When Yi Hui woke up, he raised his head suddenly, the hour hand on the wall had just passed the number twelve.

He turned his head and looked behind him. It was late at night. The aunt on the next bed was sleeping. There were occasional cicadas outside the window, and no one called him.

Maybe it's because of lack of sleep these days, Yi Hui thought, it was rare to be able to sleep all night, but he was woken up by a sound from somewhere in his dream.

Sleeping on his stomach, his back was sore, he straightened his back and stretched his body, rubbed his temple with one hand, and reached over to touch Jiang Xuemei's forehead with the other. The temperature was normal, and he bent over to check the thermos next to the bed.

When I went to the hospital's water room to fetch water, I passed the infusion room. The TV hanging on the wall was replaying a certain entertainment news column. Zhou Jinheng, who was wearing a mask, was surrounded by various media. The bottom of the screen read "Zhou Jinheng strikes "Shan Hai" as liquidated damages. More than 10 million, the director scolded him for being unprofessional" with eye-catching subtitles.

The TV didn't turn on, Yi Hui didn't know what he said into the microphone.

Yi Hui quickened his pace and walked back with the thermos bottle. Returning to the ward, Jiang Xuemei still fell asleep quietly, filled the cup on the table with water, opened the notebook lightly and prepared to draw for a while, but after redrawing a line seven or eight times, he was not satisfied. With a blank screen, for the first time in days, I was in a daze.

More than ten million... a lot of money.

In the past, Yi Hui's family was well-off, but only after he became Jiang Yihui did he have a specific concept of money. He knew that having no money meant that he had to work all day to maintain food and clothing, which meant that he could not afford to even get sick.

Jiang Xuemei's surgery is scheduled for next week. The family's savings are just enough to pay for the surgery. After putting together a few passbooks and the money on the bank card, Yi Hui nervously counted the zeros on the monitor several times.

According to the doctor, the cost of surgery is just the beginning, and the continued medication and nursing care are the bulk. Yi Hui took precautions and began to prepare the money before the operation. He received a lot of manuscripts on the Internet in one breath. A netizen told him that a certain comic website was recruiting painters. The work of coloring the serial strips.

At first he was reluctant to accept the kind help from netizens. Dora Hem left an indelible shadow on him. He didn't have a see-through eye, so he couldn't know who was behind the phone. The kindness he accepted could be returned, but the feelings he paid could not be taken back.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the rope, but Yi Hui was afraid of this invisible and intangible way of communication, and did not want to experience this kind of heart-wrenching torture of suddenly learning the truth.

It felt like being caught off guard in the icy cold water in a bright and warm spring. The salty water overflowed over his head and dipped into his nose, but he couldn't even scream.

When the painting was dawn, when Jiang Xuemei woke up, Yi Hui turned on the phone's voice and was about to put it down when he received a transfer message from Tang Wenxi, a full 20,000 yuan.

Yi Hui called him and he said, "My entire net worth is here. Although it's a drop in the bucket, it's still my heart... I wish my aunt a speedy recovery!"

After Yi Hui expressed his gratitude, he said that he wanted to pay him an IOU, Tang Wenxi pretended to be stupid: "What IOU? Oh, the portrait you said you owe me, when you're done, I'll come to the door and let you paint it in person. Beautifully drawn!"

He was at a first-rate level in talking and talking, but Yi Hui couldn't tell him, and silently wrote down the account in his heart. No matter how good the relationship with you is, the debts of money and love can't be owed. This is a truth that he has learned not long ago.

The summer vacation is approaching, Jiang Yimang is about to rise to the third grade, the school arranges make-up lessons, Yi Hui sold a few paintings at a low price and paid for the tuition fee, and when he returned to the hospital, he posted a new payment slip on the bedside, the amount was staggering.

"Let's go home after the operation." Jiang Xuemei said, "It doesn't make any difference where to recuperate, it's all lying on the bed horizontally and vertically."

After Yi Hui checked the payment slip, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Why doesn't it make a difference? Don't worry, Mom, I still have a lot of paintings that I haven't sold yet, and I'll make money when I sell them."

In fact, there is no stock in stock. He even sells his usual practice drafts on the material website at a low price. When sorting out the folder of paintings saved in the computer, he clicks on the folder of paintings whose usage rights have not yet been sold, except for the paintings. Half of those, only a firework-themed painting remains.

The fireworks picture drawn for Dora Hem should now be in Zhou Jinheng's hands.

Now that there is no money, it is not impossible to sell it, but Yi Hui struggled for a long time and couldn't do it. Every stroke on this painting has his meticulous design, and it contains a lot of his little thoughtful thoughts. He doesn't know whether it will make the other party happy in the end, at least when he painted this painting, He put all his enthusiasm into it.

In the end, the painting remained untouched.

Barely lasted until the operation was completed, and the first week of medicine and nursing fees almost emptied the family.

The Jiang family's house is rented. Over the years, Jiang Xuemei has raised a pair of children alone, and the monthly income is not enough. After a serious illness, there is no money left.

It’s not that I didn’t think about asking others to borrow it. Neighbors lead you from 10,000 to 5,000. Those who are willing to help have taken the initiative to contribute. All these add up to the cost of follow-up treatment.

Yi Hui even wanted to go look for his brother, he knew he would definitely help him. But since he has replaced Jiang Yihui's name and became someone else's family, he has no right to go back and call him "brother".

He has caused a lot of trouble to his brother in the last life, and he should not bother him again in this life.

Yi Hui began to consider loans.

He is not a student, he has no legitimate occupation, and he cannot apply for formal loans, and the online loan amount is very small, so he cannot last for a few days.

Following the small advertisement he saw in the town, he called a private lending organization, and the other party asked him to meet him in a small remote restaurant. Yi Hui went alone and waited half an hour later for two people dressed as social.

One of them asked him to mortgage the property on a business basis. He said he didn't have a house and asked him to escort the car. He said that there was only a Wuling Hongguang that had been driven for three years at home. The two laughed and asked him, "Then what do you have?"

Yi Hui put his hands under the table and clenched his hands, summoning up his courage, "I can paint, I can paint to pay off my debts, and I'll give you an IOU, which will definitely be repaid."

The two laughed again. One of them said: "Pay it off? Little brother, I'm afraid you have misunderstood our business. If the interest can be paid on time and on time, we can greet you with a smile."

The other was even more ruthless: "Can you paint? Children's painting or what kind of painting? Are there people who borrow money and perform arts these days? Hey, I see that you look white, why don't you pack up and sell yourself, the money is quick and easy. ."

Yi Hui fled.

In his two lifetimes, most of the malice Yi Hui has received came from jealousy and hatred. They were expressed in his eyes and words. Because his family protected him very well, not only did he not suffer too much physical harm, but he was still ignorant of the world. .

Therefore, for the first time, he experienced the malicious malice that was bestowed by fate and turned into an entity, which made him panic and helpless, who was not familiar with the world.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and new difficulties were encountered at this juncture.

A piece of work that participated in the competition before was accidentally uploaded by Yi Hui when he packaged and sold the material library. Although it was withdrawn in time, since the original manuscript has been downloaded many times, the competition organizer has a good reason and issued a statement saying that Yi Hui will be held accountable. .

When the court summons was sent to the house, Yi Hui was picking up things that could be sold at home. Jiang Yimang asked him if it was serious, and he smiled and said, "It's okay to have a small matter."

He was walking on the road at night with the three hundred dollars he got from selling scraps, and suddenly there was a thunderstorm, and when the raindrops fell on his raised face, he could no longer laugh, and his eyes were red and dry due to lack of sleep. Empty.

It's really raining.

Standing in the heavy rain, he stared at the dark sky with wide eyes. He didn't have much sadness in his heart, and he was surprisingly calm.

Maybe this is the benefit of having experienced two lifetimes. After being frustrated too many times, it becomes numb.

But I still long for someone who can help him when he is helpless, without laughing at his incompetence, without underestimating his efforts, and really out of distress or love, even if it is only a little bit, enough to support him and help him. .

The phone vibrated in his pocket for a long time before Yi Hui took it out and pressed it to answer.

There was no sound from the other end for a long time, and the opening was an inexplicable greeting: "It's raining, have you brought an umbrella?"

Yi Hui shook his head.

The other side seemed to see him shaking his head, and asked again, "I would rather get in the rain than me to help you?"

Yi Hui shook his head again, with rain falling into his eyes, he didn't know whether his action meant "don't" or "no".

He thought about it and said, "I'm not him."

The other end made a short "um", as if afraid that he didn't hear clearly, and said it again: "I know."

Yi Hui looked up like a person awaiting trial, and the heavy rain forced him to close his eyes.

"Let me help you," the man said.

It was raining all over the world, and he had nowhere to run.

Yi Hui lowered his head, then nodded, and nodded as if compromising.


Three days later, the newly hired nurses have mastered Jiang Xuemei's medication and schedule, and the ward is no longer inseparable from people. Yi Hui unplugged the laptop that had been plugged in for a long time at the bedside, and stuffed it into her backpack, explaining that Jiang Xuemei was recuperating in peace. , come back to see her when you have time.

She turned to leave with her bag on her back, but Jiang Xuemei grabbed her arm from behind: "Really... only half a year?"

Yi Hui turned his head and smiled and said, "Yeah, let's gather with the group, there are sponsors, and instead of spending money, you get paid. How many people are rushing to go."

Jiang Xuemei was still not at ease, the middle-aged woman next to the bed said: "The child is so old, it's time to let him go out alone, it's only half a year, you're nervous, and those who didn't know thought his son was going to join the army. It's over."

With this precious laughter, Yi Hui got on the high-speed train to S City.

Airfare wasn't much more expensive, because he wanted to go slower. The last time he went to S City, he was holding the cake and looking forward to it, but this time he only brought a simple bag of luggage.

As soon as the train left, he received news from Jiang Yimang, asking him what he was going to do, whether he was carrying her and his mother to sell kidneys. Yi Hui laughed, thinking how bleak my face was when I left, was it worse than going to death

He looked at the blurred figure in the window glass, and his noisy heart returned to peace.

Yes, isn't it half a year

Three years of sincerity can't be replaced with a look back, how can it be half a year

Yi Hui slept in the car, woke up and got off the bus at the station. The lights in S City were just starting to go up, so he took the bus to delay the time. After arriving at the place, he wandered around a few times.

The villa area is very large, and the roads are crisscrossed, but he is not afraid of getting lost in it.

Because this used to be his home.

When the man sent the address and password together, he was still a little confused. Now he opened the door and saw the furniture in the room that was not very different from the one before he left, which gave him a sense of familiarity. .

Yi Hui brought his own slippers, took them out of his bag and put them on. In the process of walking into the empty living room, he confirmed the fact that there was no one at home, he breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the clean floor, and began to deal with the leg bag that was bitten by the mosquitoes while wandering just now.

He smeared the mosquito bag with the cooling oil Jiang Xuemei had stuffed into his bag before he left. He didn't really like the tangy stuff, but he didn't have anything else at his disposal.

Even if he knew that there was toilet water in the second drawer of the bedside table in the upstairs master bedroom by the door.

He didn't have the guts to move things in the house, and he didn't even turn on the lights, even though many things here belonged to him.

Next to it was a small stand where the landline was placed. When Yi Hui stood up, he touched it, and the Doraemon sticker on the microphone was still there.

The expected style has changed drastically, and there is no trace at all, and none of it happened. A rough glance at the door felt almost the same, but when I got closer, it really didn't change.

This made Yi Hui a little confused. He remembered that Zhou Jinheng was about to get married, and even if he didn't want to get married, his family couldn't let him go wild.

So who is that ring for

Thinking about this unsolvable confusion, Yi Hui leaned on the armrest of the sofa and fell asleep.

He didn't dare to move when he fell asleep, hugged his bag and shrunk into the smallest possible ball, as if this was not the home he had lived in for three years, but an unfamiliar territory he first set foot in.

When Zhou Jinheng opened the door, he saw such a long-lost scene.

He stood at the door for a long time, until the wall clock in the living room struck twelve times, and for a long time, the person sleeping on the edge of the sofa woke up.

Yi Hui rubbed his eyes and looked in the direction of Xuanhuan's bright light. When he looked at the black silhouette at the door, his originally chaotic brain suddenly woke up.

His actions and speech abilities were still frozen, and the distance was only a few meters, but he had the illusion of looking at the person at the door.

Yi Hui remembered that he had sat here countless times and looked at him from this angle.

Every time it was in a hurry, Zhou Jinheng was often exhausted when he came home, and he was too lazy to talk to himself, so he threw down his coat and went to take a bath and rest.

This time it was different. Just by looking at each other, Zhou Jinheng gave him at least three minutes. When he kicked his shoes and walked into the house, the first thing he did was not to take a shower, but to go to the kitchen and take out a box from the thermostat of the refrigerator. juice.

He was wearing a white shirt today, his sleeves were rolled up at some point, and the muscles of his forearm fluctuated with the movement of pouring juice. Yi Hui guessed that he was drinking, otherwise his actions would not be so gentle.

Zhou Jinheng walked to the sofa with the cup in hand and handed over the juice: "Why didn't you call me to pick you up?"

The first sentence of the second meeting was so unusual, which reminded Yi Hui of the chaos in the last meeting. He didn't take the cup and said, "The place is easy to find."

Zhou Jinheng was a little stunned, put the cup on the coffee table, and sat down on the sofa chair next to him: "Is there anything you want to ask?"

From agreeing to accept help in the rain that day, to reaching an agreement, and then coming here, Yi Hui seemed particularly calm during the whole process, seemingly resigned to giving in, only Zhou Jinheng knew that was not the case.

Yi Hui asked, "Where do I sleep?"

"This is your home." Zhou Jinheng said, "You can sleep wherever you want."

Yi Hui stood up, picked up his bag and prepared to go upstairs. Zhou Jinheng also got up, and by the way picked up the cup on the table again: "Drink before going to bed, your favorite mango juice."

Yi Hui remembered that there was no "you can drink whatever you want" in the agreement. He glanced at the cup and said, "I don't like mango juice."

At this moment, the two of them are close, and if you look up a little, you can see Zhou Jinheng's beautiful eyes and the long and narrow wound. The scar has fallen off, leaving only a faint red mark, which still lined his pupils as dark as ink in the dim light.

These eyes are both affectionate and ruthless, Yi Hui doesn't know whether he is looking at himself or looking at others through himself.

"Then what do you like to drink?" Zhou Jinheng didn't seem to care, he raised his glass and took a sip, "Watermelon juice, orange juice, strawberry juice, or pear juice?"

It seems that there are many choices, but they are all sweet.

All Yi Hui likes to drink.

Without warning, Yi Hui asked, "I was sued in court. Did you act?"

He had no basis, just suddenly thought of it and asked. He didn't expect a positive answer either. He didn't expect that Zhou Jinheng's reaction after hearing this was neither frank affirmation nor eager denial, but opened his mouth and laughed.

"You think it's me," Zhou Jinheng said confidently, "that's right."

Before going upstairs, Zhou Jinheng asked Yi Hui if there was anything else he wanted to ask. Yi Hui looked disgusted and dropped the word "despicable" coldly.

Zhou Jinheng smiled again. Holding the juice he had only drank, he swayed and turned around. When his shady face fell into darkness, the smile disappeared.

It is inevitable to be stinged, not to mention that no matter how much pain you cannot see, it is even more painful to find.

As long as I can keep you by my side, what's the point of being mean