Flying Ash

Chapter 5


On the day of departure, several neighbors and villagers came to see them off.

The purchased bus ticket to the city was useless. Jiang Yimang came out of the station after refunding the ticket, and saw Jiang Xuemei and Yi Hui standing on the side of the road with colorful plastic bags in their hands.

Aunt Qiu was still shoving a bag of boiled eggs into Yi Hui's hands, when she saw Jiang Yimang coming, she turned and put it into her arms: "Let's go, let's go, don't miss the train, the eggs are specially boiled. , eat on the way."

They were in Aunt Qiu's pickup truck, and they had agreed to take them to the city one day in advance, not by the way. Jiang Xuemei didn't want to bother others, so she got up early to sneak away, but when she opened the door, Aunt Qiu's car was parked at the door with its headlights on.

So there was Jiang Yimang's refund of the ticket just now.

The mother and son were sitting in a row in the back seat. Yi Hui heard the chattering from behind and couldn't help turning his head to look at the big white geese locked in the iron cage of the cargo box. Jiang Xuemei saw that he was interested and said, "Let's go to the capital. Go out to eat goose too."

Jiang Yimang was in a good mood because he was about to see his idol, so he took off his earphones and said, "He wants to keep it at home, not to eat."

Uncle Qiu, who was driving in front, laughed: "This is a bird of prey. You cultural people can't keep it. If you like it, come to our house to see it later, pick one and take it home to kill and eat."

Yi Hui pursed his lips and smiled. He has lived in a big house since he was born, and has a special nanny who sits on the back and the saddle. He has never ridden in such a car, never seen a lively geese, and never knew that neighbors could get along so well.

Because they were stuffed with a large bag of food, the mother and son spent nearly 12 hours on the train journey and only spent money on mineral water.

It was the first time for Yi Hui to take a long-distance train when he occasionally went out by plane. He had peeled boiled eggs in one hand, and a warm pig's trotters in the other, but he didn't have time to taste it. The short houses passed by, and even the ordinary sight of the sun setting was reluctant to miss.

After Jiang Yimang ate his share, he coveted the pig's trotter in Yi Hui's hand, and Yi Hui gave it to her directly. She nibbled and asked, "What's so beautiful? Be careful that your neck is stiff and you won't be able to twist it back."

Yi Hui smiled at her, proving that he was fine, then turned his head and continued to look out the window.

When he was studying painting, he often went out to sketch, and he had seen many more beautiful scenery than this, but this time it gave him a different feeling.

The train is speeding on the rails, the clouds in the sky are moving slowly, there is the cries of children in my ears, the voices of people whispering, everything seems to be telling - you are still alive.

Only by living can we perceive these good things.

Only alive, will not be abandoned.

It was dinner time when we arrived in the capital. After checking in at the booked hotel, the group of three went out to eat without stopping.

As a native born and raised, Jiang Xuemei has never stopped talking. She used to work there. There used to be a biscuits shop here. Turning the corner in front of you and two streets away is the primary school that Yihui attended... Returning to the homeland Excited beyond words.

When they moved out of the capital, Jiang Yimang was in junior high school, and he had long remembered it, not to mention that Jiang Yihui was already an adult entering college at that time.

However, Yi Hui grew up in S City, and his knowledge of the capital is limited to a few places of interest and historic sites, as well as a few local delicacies that his brother and sister-in-law took him to eat. Interject.

Jiang Yimang said that he missed the fried dumplings from a certain store in the south of the city. Jiang Xuemei felt that she owed her daughter a lot over the years, and she was willing to say no. She took a taxi and went there.

Compared with the modernization of modern buildings in S City, many streets in the capital still retain quaint and traditional buildings. There are occasionally several unique high-rise buildings among the row upon row of blue tiles and white walls, which has a unique flavor in Yi Hui's eyes.

The intersection turned a corner and entered a street called Shaoguang Road. Yi Hui felt a little familiar with the street scene under the lights. When he stopped at the red light ahead, he turned his head and looked out from the window on the other side. A Gothic building with red and white as the main color stood in the surrounding low houses, surrounded by lights, which was particularly conspicuous.

Jiang Yimang also saw it and exclaimed: "It's so beautiful here at night! Mom, do you still remember, when my brother came here to sketch, we two accompanied him. A newlywed couple got married here, and the white gauze was dragged until Under the steps…”

Yi Hui was so fascinated by it that he rarely heard his brother being called.

Jiang Yimang felt bored when he didn't get a response, so he raised his elbow and touched him: "I painted so many times, but I still haven't seen enough? Or..." As he rolled his eyes, he leaned into Yi Hui's ear and lowered his voice. asked, "Do you want to get married here too?"

The word "marriage" touched a chord deep in Yi Hui's heart, and he shook his head reflexively: "No, no."

Jiang Yimang laughed: "Anyway, you must have started a family in front of me, and you will have a wedding here. Our mother will definitely agree, right?"

Jiang Xuemei, who was in the co-pilot, repeatedly said yes, and the mother and daughter chatted again on this topic.

Yi Hui turned his attention to the church again.

Half of the denial just now was a lie.

He didn't want to get married, because he was married, and the place where the wedding took place was the church in front of him.

At nearly 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Jinheng was driving on Shaoguang Road. This road was not congested, but the red lights were dense. He often had to brake soon after starting, which was very crowded.

Hurry up and get to the restaurant before the appointed time. Zhou Jinheng ordered the dishes first, and when the second dish was on the table, Fang Youqing arrived late.

He sat down and said, "Sorry, the traffic jam on the road, has it been a long wait?"

Zhou Jinheng was in a trance for a moment, and wanted to answer "yes", but then he felt that he was inexplicable, and people didn't know that he was waiting for him.

"No, I just arrived." After all, he chose the most common answer. Zhou Jinheng looked at Fang Youqing for a while, making the face in front of him overlap with the memory, as if to confirm that he was no different from before.

That day, Zhou Jinheng rushed back to the capital from S City, mixed with the crowd at the exit of the airport, and watched Fang Youqing in a trench coat come out, a long-established impulse made him take two steps forward, and then he was caught by the already trending. Yu's calm heartbeat stopped, and he returned to the spot.

He watched the familiar figure approach, hugged the relatives and friends who came to pick up the plane, and watched the back figure go away.

Right now, Fang Youqing, who was sitting opposite, smiled and raised his glass: "I heard that you are very popular now, congratulations on getting what you want."

The words "get what you want" sounded unprovoked with a bit of irony. Zhou Jinheng should have been flustered, but for some reason, he was calmer than ever before, raised his glass, and raised his mouth: "What else did you hear?"

Fang Youqing still looked like a light cloud and wind, and said with a gentle smile: "I also heard that you are married."

For no reason, a trace of impatience rose in Zhou Jinheng's heart, he lowered his eyes to play with the cup in his hand, and said "um" unsavoury.

But he still looked forward to seeing Fang Youqing's reaction. For three years, he would imagine this scene, whether the person who left him and left without looking back really never regretted it.

"Congratulations." Fang Youqing said congratulations again, his voice sounded sincere.

It was as if the stone hanging in the air was slowly falling to the ground, and at the same time, Zhou Jinheng felt a sense of relief after a long absence.

"Thank you." He replied, "I heard that you got into the school of your choice, congratulations."

This three-year-overdue dinner should have maintained such an atmosphere of alienation, and finally ended with an exchange of contact information, even though it was clear that this string of numbers would lie in the address book and collect dust.

It's a pity that things backfired. I don't know who started, and another bottle of wine was opened on the table.

Fang Youqing was incapable of drinking, and Zhou Jinheng admitted that he had no position to persuade him to drink less. The topics during the banquet gradually became richer, from the dishes on the table to the work, and the alma mater. The floodgate of memory was opened, and the surging tide came out.

"You're married, you're really married." Fang Youqing's cheeks were flushed, and her speech became unclear. She raised a pair of watery eyes to look at Zhou Jinheng, "You... are you happy?"

Zhou Jinheng laughed dryly: "Guess what?"

Fang Youqing really drank too much, shook his head dully, and affirmed: "You are not happy."

Zhou Jinheng didn't want to speak, he slumped on the seat and looked up at the ceiling reflecting the flickering lights.

Maybe he drank too much, his thoughts were wandering, and he suddenly remembered that the wedding banquet was held here.

It was supposed to be held in S City, but later because the little fool's brother wanted to move the wedding from S City to the capital, even if he knew that he intended to supervise, the Zhou family was eager to post investment and agreed.

Zhou Jinheng is not good at memorizing things, especially these irrelevant things. He only remembered that after going through the motions in the nearby church, he was because his eldest brother was staring at him, and he led the little fool into this restaurant. As soon as the little fool entered the door, he looked up at the glittering glazed dome and uttered like a child. Sigh: "Wow, so beautiful."

How did he respond then

Zhou Jinheng thought back carefully, he was very impatient at the time, he just wanted to leave the process after finishing the process, led the little fool and walked straight inside, urging in a low voice: "Don't look, I'll take you to take a look next time."

Now that I have time to enjoy this dome, I have to say that it is really beautiful. A little fool who studies art, likes these bells and whistles.

Why didn't you take him to see it later

Alcohol sometimes has a wonderful catalytic effect, Zhou Jinheng remembered it, the little fool really took this matter to heart, and changed his methods every once in a while. Painting there must be very fast.” For various ironic reasons, he often shied away before he finished talking, using the excuse of being busy with work.

Zhou Jinheng snorted lightly, as if mocking, more like self-deprecating.

How could someone be so stupid, to take someone else's casual words to heart for so long

Come by yourself, drive away.

On the way back, Zhou Jinheng lay in the back seat and had a dream about that vigorous first love, about that promise that was not mentioned today.

Back then, he and Fang Youqing, like all campus couples, naively made a lifelong contract. This agreement is like a scar on his heart, and every memory is equivalent to tearing open the newly grown wound again. Now that he thinks about it, what he can't forget is the pain that has been repeated over the years, and the weight of the person himself is blurred.

So, why do you want to marry a fool

Doubt, once formed in the mind, invites countless hypotheses and speculations. It is undeniable that, apart from taking the entertainment industry as a bargaining chip, there are other places in this marriage that attract him.

Until the meal just now, Zhou Jinheng thought that Yi Hui was a bit like Fang Youqing.

The same white skin and big eyes, when looking at you, the eyes seem to be full of water, well-behaved and innocent; the same flat figure is neither tall nor short, just enough to hug from the back; the same delicate and tranquil heart, not irritating Attention, no special attention, give him a drawing paper and a pen and he can be quiet all day.

But many people have these characteristics, in addition to these

They are clearly different.

In the evening, the traffic volume surged, and the number of stops was more frequent than when it came to Shaoguang Road.

Zhou Jinheng changed his posture, his eyes fell out the window, the lights of the church at night were bright, but he was solemn and solemn.

Just like that day, when the bell rang, Yi Hui, dressed in a white suit, tried his best to restrain his smile, pressed the corners of his mouth, imitating the priest and put on a serious expression, for fear of being made fun of by the people around him, unaware of the squinted eyes and brows of laughter. Yi had already betrayed his heart completely.

Standing at the beginning of the red carpet, he stretched out his hand, blushing in the sound of the bell, and said, "You... you can take me there."

The picture played back vividly and clearly in his mind, finally allowing Zhou Jinheng to capture something he had not noticed before.

He took it casually, but Yi Hui delivered it dearly.

From the moment he took Yi Hui's hand, those eyes full of love and without a trace of impurities fell on him and never moved away.

The night was getting darker, until the church behind him was so far away that he could not see the outline and completely disappeared from sight. Zhou Jinheng was still hesitating.

Yi Hui's phone was parked on the phone interface, and he could be called back just by pressing the call.

After calling back? Yesterday, he threw his doll on the ground, and Doraemon's belly was dirty. Will he see it when he gets home

Otherwise, buy him a new one on the way back, it is exactly the same, the little fool will definitely not see it.

Besides, I promised the old man to go back to Zhou's house together on weekends. This phone call is absolutely necessary.

I finally decided, just as my finger was about to press down, the phone suddenly vibrated and a call came in.

It was an unfamiliar number. Zhou Jinheng didn't save it, but he was very familiar with this string of numbers, and the moment he saw it, his face became dark.

Picked up and said "hello", not ready to accept the question of "why change the number", a low male voice came from the other end: "Why can't I get through to Yi Hui's phone?"

Zhou Jinheng hated the most when others pressed him with the attitude of an elder, so he jumped up and said, "How do I know his phone number?"

The person on the other end didn't seem to want to talk nonsense with him: "Aren't you with him?"

Zhou Jinheng: "No, I'm in the capital."

"Is he at home in City S?"

"He's not with you?"

The two voices were almost in sync, and in the end Zhou Jinheng was the first to give in due to his uncle's arrogance: "I went back two days ago, and he wasn't at home." After a pause, he asked, "Didn't he look for you?"

The other side was silent, as if thinking, and after a while, he said, "I've been traveling abroad for the first half month, and I haven't contacted him."