Flying Ash

Chapter 54



On the day that Tang Wenxi, who had been silent for a long time, came out of the mountain again, Yi Hui had just put Jiang Yimang on the plane home. Hearing that he was about to arrive at the station, he rushed over without stopping.

When he arrived at the place, Zuo Zhang was expected to be invisible. He almost jumped up when he was hugged by a disgraced passerby. He recognized Tang Wenxi through his two familiar almond eyes, and Yi Hui was even more surprised: "How did you get exposed like this?"

Tang Wenxi touched his face suspiciously: "Is it that dark? Oh, it doesn't matter, as long as you can recognize me."

When I asked him what he had been doing these days, he said that he went to the mountains to collect the wind. Yi Hui touched his skin that had not tanned in a summer, but had turned whiter from suffocation. When the fake Caifeng met the real Caifeng, he couldn’t help feeling a burst of shame.

The two found a milk tea shop and sat down. Tang Wenxi took out a box from his bag: "I brought you a gift from a thousand miles away."

Yi Hui opened the box, it was a butterfly specimen.

"Purple Flash Nymph, isn't it pretty?" Tang Wenxi was very proud, "I caught it on the mountain and made a specimen overnight, so I wanted to bring it back to show you."

Yi Hui touched the intricately patterned wings of the butterfly from a distance, nodded and said, "It's beautiful." After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Want to bring it back to show me? I didn't say I wanted to see butterflies."

"Who are the two of us? You can listen to this." Tang Wenxi had no choice but to recruit after Yi Hui's scrutiny, "He said to look at it and promised to catch one for him, and now he Don't... don't dislike it."

How could Yi Hui dislike it, so he accepted the butterfly specimen and gave him a painting in return.

Tang Wenxi looked at himself smiling with his cheeks on the painting, and said in surprise, "When did you paint this?"

"I took it when you weren't paying attention, and I painted it while you were away." Yi Hui said.

Tang Wenxi scratched his head: "I'm sorry, it's not that I didn't contact you on purpose. The signal on the mountain is really poor, and nothing can be sent out."

Yi Hui knew that he had healed his emotional injury, so he wouldn't be angry with him, so he ordered a table of milk tea with different flavors: "Don't talk about those unhappy people, come here, and toast to our successful wind-collecting activity."

Drink and drink, really a little drunk.

Tang Wenxi came down from the mountain and went straight to S City. At this moment, the milk tea could not cheer him up. He put his head on Yi Hui's shoulder, hiccupped, and said, "Who said that being close to nature makes people open-minded? Fart, why am I hating him more and more?"

Yi Hui rested his head on his head: "Don't listen to their nonsense, love or hate is a thing, and 'you can still be friends after breaking up' are all lies."

Tang Wenxi chuckled: "Student Jiang, this is the most adult-like thing you have said since I met you."

Yi Hui pretended to be angry and said, "You laugh at me like a child?"

Tang Wenxi shook his head in the socket of his shoulder: "No, the feeling you give me is... You are well protected, pure and a little naive, as you can see from your works."

Yi Hui seemed to understand but didn't understand: "Are you complimenting me?"

"Of course." Tang Wenxi narrowed his eyes, "You don't even know how much I envy you, and you can still maintain enthusiasm after going through so many things, I just... full of bad ideas, I just want him to experience the guilt I suffered. "

"Who hasn't thought about it this way," Yi Hui said slowly, "But what if he tasted it? Not only will you not feel happy, but you will be even more sad."

Tang Wenxi raised his head and looked straight at Yi Hui: "There is a situation."

Yi Hui imitated him and laughed: "No, I feel it."

Tang Wenxi rolled his eyes, got close and called out a name: "Dora hum?"

Thirty kilometers away in the urban area, Zhou Jinheng, who was listening to the discussion at the company, sneezed.

At the end of the meeting, Xiao Lin came over and said, "Do you need cold medicine, or simply go to the hospital for an injection? I will join the group tomorrow, and this state is not acceptable."

Zhou Jinheng took a piece of paper to wipe his nose, and twisted his wrist by the way. The newly grown skin after the burn was red and tight, but it was not obvious and did not affect his movements.

He said: "Don't worry, I will not neglect the work that I have taken over."

Zhou Jinheng, who only ran a few casual jobs after a few months of free time, picked up a new TV series. From the investment of funds to the production team, it was ordinary. If it weren't for the fact that the strike was too big and caused him to have a bad reputation in the circle, he wouldn't have missed the previous big productions.

The company was very worried about this, but fortunately, Zhou Jinheng took the actor at a young age, and it would not be difficult to support him again. This time, the TV series arranged for him also obeyed. During the contract period, they are still happy to continue to support him. In the future, even if the wings are hardened and go out to open a studio by themselves, they can still think about the good of the former employer and help him.

Zhou Jinheng can naturally think of these things they think of, but the main reason why he took over the play without saying a word is that it was filmed in S City, and occasionally a few outdoor scenes are also in surrounding cities. .

Putting down the harsh words and raising Yi Hui for a few lifetimes is definitely not possible without a job. If you have to deal with excessive work, shooting in the surrounding area is the best choice.

In the evening, the company set up a box nearby to celebrate Zhou Jinheng's comeback. Xiaolin said that this word was inappropriate, and that he had never been there for a comeback. Zhou Jinheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

After not participating in the entertainment for a long time, everyone seized the opportunity to persuade them to drink. Zhou Jinheng said that he couldn't drink after drinking two glasses.

Everyone here who has worked with him for three or four years knows that he once had an undisclosed engagement. The agent teased: "Why, there are new people hidden in the family?"

I wanted to say it was the original one, but thinking that Yi Hui still didn't want to admit his identity, Zhou Jinheng smiled dryly and said, "Well, he doesn't like me drinking, you smokers should stay away from me, don't touch me with the smell of smoke. ."

Yi Hui is sensitive to smells. Whenever he comes home these days, whenever he meets, Yi Hui moves his nose to know if he has applied the scalding cream well. Once he forgot, afraid of being blamed for saying that he had wiped it on the car, Yi Hui grabbed his hand and felt around the wound, his face hung down immediately: "Liar, obviously I didn't wipe it."

Thinking that this is a disguised concern, Zhou Jinheng couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

"I think you want to kill the public relations department." The agent asked after teasing, "Then will you continue to hide this time or..."

When Zhou Jinheng first joined the company, he planned to take the powerful route. Who knew that his appearance was too attractive to attract a lot of girlfriend fans, so the company had already planned, and he didn't want him to hide it blindly.

Having said that, Zhou Jinheng couldn't laugh anymore. Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, the half-year deadline is getting closer and closer. Although Yi Hui has softened on the surface, he is still not sure what Yi Hui thinks, whether he is willing to give him a chance, or...

He didn't dare to ask, thinking that if he could procrastinate for one more day, he would work hard for one more day. If one day luck hits Yi Hui's heart, would he be able to leave someone behind

He didn't know how Yi Hui fell in love with him in the past, but even if he knew it, it would be useless to repeat the old tricks now that the times have changed. Zhou Jinheng sighed secretly, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Yi Hui, saying that he would go back later tonight and let him eat by himself.

Recently, I occasionally sent text messages to Yi Hui, all of which reported something that he thought was necessary. Although he never got a reply, at least Yi Hui did not object or block him.

So this time Zhou Jinheng didn't expect a reply. Half an hour later, when he saw a number "3" appearing on the screen of his mobile phone, he was stunned for a while.


It was already dark, and near Qingdai Mountain on the outskirts of the city, vans were blocked at the intersection, and in a narrow alleyway with a lot of discarded furniture, Yi Hui and Tang Wenxi were sitting back-to-back with their hands tied behind their backs.

There were three strong men in front of them, one was repairing a car at the entrance of the alley, and the other two were holding knives and sticks, sitting on the pony bar and staring at them both from the street lights outside.

Yi Hui's head was still a little dizzy. He only remembered that he and Tang Wenxi came out of the milk tea shop and turned a corner to take the bus. They were attacked from behind and woke up here.

Tang Wenxi woke up earlier than him, and after struggling for a long time, he couldn't untie the rope on Yi Hui's wrist.

As soon as it was hidden, the phone vibrated, afraid that the sound would come out, Tang Wenxi had nothing to say: "Do you smoke, brother?"

The thinner of the two hit him with the flashlight: "I warn you not to play tricks. It wasn't you who was going to be arrested. If you say a few words, you will be saved."

Yi Hui froze in his heart. He was guessing that this group of people came after him. It was not bad, but Tang Wenxi was just unlucky enough to be caught along the way.

He poked Tang Wenxi's arm with a few fingers that were still able to move, making him say a few words less. I don't know if he didn't receive the signal or if he understood it wrongly, but he kept saying: "I have a good pack of cigarettes on me, the two big brothers don't want to smoke, can you light one for me? This is the first time I encountered a robber. , I'm almost scared to pee."

The fat man who sat there with his legs crossed sneered, turned the handle of the knife, and the light flowing through the blade hurt his eyes: "Robbery? Do you look down on brothers like that?"

The surrounding light was dim, and the two were sitting in the back light again. Yi Hui couldn't see what they looked like, and he felt more and more that things were not good. If the gangsters were masked, it would be fine. Stay alive.

However, these people don't look like vicious outlaws, at least they are not very experienced, and the car can still be broken in the middle of the road. , the lower the probability of success.

Yi Hui forced his composure: "Then why did you bring us here?"

The fat man said, "I am entrusted by others to teach you a lesson."

Before Yi Hui had time to ask, Tang Wenxi jumped ahead and said, "Then you must be mistaken. My friend is the most kind and gentle, and has never offended anyone."

The thin man took out the photos from his pocket and compared them: "It's clearly you, Jiang Yihui, right?"

Yi Hui was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and then he knew: "I'm a painter who asked you to fix me, right?"

The fat man smiled but did not say a word, which was tantamount to default.

Tang Wenxi also remembered: "Is it the one you plagiarized from Pengci last year? Damn, it's too arrogant, you were kind enough to let him go, but he actually beat him?"

Yi Hui only felt cold. That matter was handled entirely by Zhou Jinheng at the time. Apart from those comments, he did not suffer any other harm, and only now did he realize what is sinister in people's hearts.

The car over there hasn't been repaired yet, so the fat man has time to talk nonsense with them: "You don't know who you have offended yourself?" He raised his chin and said to the thin man, "There's more than one?"

The thin man smiled crookedly: "Originally, I only wanted to teach you a lesson, but when I came, another person came and said that we wanted to increase the size. After thinking about it, we went to get two wages, why not do it."

Yi Hui was confused and didn't understand, Tang Wenxi leaned again and touched him with his shoulder: "Who else did you offend? This is to kill you."

Yi Hui is usually a very homely person, and his interpersonal relationships are so simple that people he knows can be counted on two hands. After thinking about this clue for a while, he can't help but gasp. Could it be Fang...

"Brother, since you've seen it all here, just tell us the names of these two people, and we'll be good ghosts even if we die." Tang Wenxi said.

The thin man knocked on the palm of his hand with a stick: "There are rules in our business, and you're not..."

Halfway through the words, a voice came from the alley: "Come and see for yourself, is this engine also broken?"

The fat man stood up and walked over with a knife and cursing: "What's the use of you, even a broken car can't be repaired for a long time. Fortunately, this place is remote and no one is there, otherwise I would be trapped by the two of you as soon as I came out."

"Hey, boss." The fat man walked away, and Tang Wenxi said to the thin man who was sitting on the spot, "Boss, do you really not smoke? I have a pack of imported cigarettes hidden in my pocket. I will discuss with you, you smoked this cigarette. Just throw me anywhere, it's none of my business, right?"

The skinny guy has always been controlled by others, and now he was called the boss, he couldn't help shaking his head and waving his tail in triumph, and turned his head to look at the two idiots lying on the front of the car who were playing with something, thinking that no one would know.

Tang Wenxi took advantage of this gap to turn his head and whisper to Yi Hui: "When he comes over, I stand up and hit him against the wall, so you can take the opportunity to run."

Yi Hui guessed that what Tang Wenxi just said had other purposes, but he didn't expect it was to save himself, so he hurriedly said: "No, it's too dangerous, they're coming for me, you—"

"Yeah, it's for you, so they won't do anything to me. After the car is repaired, I won't be able to run away." Tang Wenxi blinked and showed a sly smile, "There is only one chance, you Listen to me, I stand up and you run, run towards the rear of the car, hasn't the text message been sent? Go to that Doraemon, I've lost my mind, don't… "

Yi Hui still wanted to stop it, but it was too late, the thin man said "You have eyesight" and walked over. Tang Wenxi finally hooked Yi Hui's fingers with his fingers together, as if he was silently telling him to be obedient. When the thin man came to him, he suddenly let go of his hand, kicked his legs to stand up, and charged forward with his body bowed.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, Yi Hui had no choice, he gritted his teeth and stood up and ran to the alley as Tang Wenxi said. There was a muffled sound behind him, he ran halfway and turned his head to look, Tang Wenxi was knocked to the ground with a stick, and the thin man was still sitting on the ground, roaring at the top of his voice: "Run, run, quickly arrest people!"

Yi Hui wanted to go back and see how Tang Wenxi was doing. Thinking of his advice, he was still heartbroken, turned his head and continued to run.

Approaching the alley, the two people buried in the front of the car poked their heads out after a while, and the fat man was stunned for a while before he realized what was going on.

Yi Hui couldn't run very fast, and because his hands were tied behind his back, he couldn't balance his body. He tripped over a pit on the ground as soon as he got out of the alley, and fell forward. Before he could get up, he was picked up by the fat man by the back collar.

The thin man who arrived later picked up the tape and wrapped it around his mouth, but he couldn't make a sound. Then his feet were tied, and Yi Hui was thrown into the cargo box of the car. The condenser above his head was working, and the air-conditioning was filling the car with a humming sound.

The door was not closed, Yi Hui's hands and feet were tied, and he turned over several times but couldn't sit up.

No one passed by this remote place at all, he could only stare at the night outside with wide eyes and listen to the three people discuss how to deal with him.

"It doesn't matter if it's not repaired. It should be no problem to drive to the mountain. Let's go quickly, we can't delay any longer."

"There's still a road to go later, and people will freeze to death if they are locked inside."

"Would you like to open the cargo box door?"

"Stupid, won't people find out if you open the door?"

"Then you drive faster, throw people on the mountain and we'll leave."

"Can this work..."

"Why not, let alone freezing to death in the car, do you think anyone thrown into the mountains in this weather can survive?"

"What should I do with the kid I caught?"

"Just throw it here. I'm stunned and I will wake up after a while, and I won't die."

Hearing this, Yi Hui heaved a sigh of relief, Tang Wenxi was fine.

After the three people finished their discussion, the other two opened the door and got in the car. The thin man walked around the cargo box and stepped on the ladder to close the door of the cargo box. Yi Hui struggled again. The force slammed into the door and rolled out.

The distance between the cargo box and the ground is quite high, and the moment Yi Hui's body hits the ground, his eyes are black with pain. He desperately tries to stay awake, recalling the self-defense method Zhou Jinheng taught when he was restrained. With one foot, the thin man fell to the ground with an "Ow".

However, this trick can only be used to delay time, and it is enough to deal with one person. The two people who had already boarded the car rushed over and lifted Yi Hui again and threw it into the car.

The thin man suffered several losses in front of the two unarmed people who were still tied up. He was so angry that he raised a stick to beat him, but was pulled by the car repairer: "Forget it, it's been a long delay, this generation is too late. There's a police patrol at one point, let's go."

The fat man and the repairman turned around and went back to the car. The thin man stepped on the ladder and spat at Yi Hui: "Sample, it's not like I have to die in my hands."

After the tossing just now, Yi Hui was unable to exert any strength. He reluctantly opened his eyes, watched the car door slowly close, and lay back with relief.

When this happens, it is impossible not to be afraid. He had died once on the mountain, and I wonder if the mountain they were talking about was colder than this refrigerated car.

I don't know if anyone will come to rescue him this time.

After waiting for a while, there was no sound of the door closing.

Yi Hui took a deep breath, pricked up his ears and listened intently, he could only make out the muffled sound of thumping flesh and blood, occasionally mixed with a few screams.

He thought that the three of them were fighting, and he held his head with difficulty, just in time to see the door that was about to be closed suddenly open, and a familiar figure broke into his sight surrounded by street lights.

"Huihui, are you inside?"

The moment he heard this voice, Yi Hui's heart suddenly began to beat wildly. It's not the fear of jumping in a panic, but the ease and joy that I waited for for a long time and finally arrived.

He still came.


After Zhou Jinheng made sure that Yi Hui was inside, he lifted his legs and climbed up the cargo box.

The temperature inside is very low, and you can feel the piercing chill from the edge of your hand. He was so anxious that he wanted to take Yi Hui home quickly, but he didn't notice that one of the three people behind him who was knocked down by him stood up with a knife.

Half of the word "Hui" was shouted, and it was replaced by a muffled hum. Half of Zhou Jinheng's body lay on the edge of the carriage, stomped on his foot and jumped into the cargo box, and then rolled and crawled to Yi Hui's side, supporting his body. Picking him up by the head, first remove the tape wrapped around his mouth.

"Door, door..." Yi Hui, who had just been able to speak, couldn't take his breath and shouted.

But it was too late, the moment Zhou Jinheng turned his head, the door of the cargo box was slammed shut, and the world was completely plunged into darkness.

Feeling in the dark, he untied the ropes of his hands and feet, and Yi Hui's limbs that had been tied for a long time were still stiff, so Zhou Jinheng hugged him into his arms: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, don't be afraid..."

Tears that had been endured for a long time fell silently down his cheeks at this moment, Yi Hui opened his mouth, there was a lot to say, but he couldn't say a word, so he could only shake his head desperately, telling him that he was not afraid.

Zhou Jinheng rushed all the way and fought again, but he didn't lose what he brought. He took the scarf off his shoulders and wrapped it around Yi Hui patiently: "It's a little cold, put on the scarf first."

The car started and didn't know where to go. Yi Hui sat down on his knees in embarrassment, letting Zhou Jinheng play with it. In the darkness, he seemed to be able to see his eyes looking at him, as bright and reassuring as the ones he had seen in his dreams.

"You..." Yi Hui stuttered and said, "How do you know, I'm here, calling for help."

When he woke up in the alley, Tang Wenxi's cell phone was no longer with him, and Yi Hui's was saved because it was hidden in the trousers pocket under his coat.

The moment before he was knocked out, Yi Hui had just received a text message from Zhou Jinheng, and he was walking on the road thinking about how to reply, so when he unlocked it with his back behind him, it was the text message interface. He didn't have time to switch and typed on the keyboard following his impressions, only to know that the news had been sent, but he didn't expect Zhou Jinheng to guess it so quickly and rush over so quickly.

"I didn't know you were asking for help, I thought—" Zhou Jinheng said, pulling the scarf he just tied under his mouth, holding Yi Hui's face, leaning over and placing a light kiss on his lips.

"I just sent a '3', I thought you were asking for a kiss." Zhou Jinheng said with a smile, "The opportunity is rare, I was afraid that you would regret it, so I rushed over."

There was still a lingering wetness on his lips, Yi Hui was stunned for a moment, realizing that Zhou Jinheng was joking to make him happy. He couldn't laugh under such dangerous circumstances, so he raised his hand and pushed him, and there was a sound in his ear. Suppressed pain.

Yi Hui hurriedly sat up, holding his shoulders and groping around to check: "What's wrong, where does it hurt?"

There was no light source in the cargo box, and after touching it for a long time, he couldn't touch anything. Zhou Jinheng pressed his hand accurately: "Dear, don't touch it, it's too cold here, you'll catch a cold, we'll go home and then..."

The temperature in the car is getting lower and lower, and every word I say is a hot air spraying on my face. The more Zhou Jinheng shifted his gaze so carelessly, the more frightened Yi Hui became: "What's the matter, where is the injury, let me see."

Zhou Jinheng couldn't twist him, and after sighing, he leaned over and hugged him again: "Let my husband hug him for a while, just for a while."

Yi Hui was silent, and the movements of his hands also stopped.

The chests of the two were close together, and the heartbeats of different frequencies passed through the skin. In a trance, Yi Hui seemed to have returned to a previous life. "What's there to cry about, isn't there still a husband?"

Yi Hui's throat choked, he slowly raised his arms and hugged Zhou Jinheng back.

In the airtight compartment, the smell of rust solidified and frozen as soon as it was released into the air. Zhou Jinheng seemed to be enduring great pain, and seemed to have exhausted all his strength in the fight just now, and the weight of his body was pressing down on Yi Hui little by little.

The hand resting on his broad back first touched a raised hilt-like thing, Yi Hui didn't dare to breathe, didn't dare to exert any strength, his left hand moved down slowly, and he felt a sticky hand in the trembling. of liquid.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Zhou Jinheng closed his eyes and whispered in Yi Hui's ear, "This time, I didn't come late."

The author has something to say: too long, divided into upper, middle and lower...