Flying Ash

Chapter 56



The wind in early winter bends the branches and makes the leaves rustling.

At the end of the hospital corridor, Yi Hui was leaning against the window, looking at the bright red and dazzling words "in operation", wearing a cotton-padded jacket and holding a hot water bottle, his heart seemed to be still in the cold carriage, and he couldn't hear the beating sound.

The scene that was constantly replayed was the refrigerated truck braking suddenly, the door of the cargo box being pried open, and the scene when the light came in - Zhou Jinheng was covered in blood, his eyebrows and eyelashes were frozen, he couldn't move, and he was still holding on to it. His posture, the police and the doctor struggled together for a long time to separate them.

When he got to the ambulance, he held Zhou Jinheng's hand that was still clenching his fists, put it to his mouth and breathed, and heated it with hot water, but he didn't respond. The eyelashes also trembled, and then his eyes opened two slits. Zhou Jinheng, who was lying on the cart, struggled several times but failed to smile. He said two words in the shape of his mouth through the oxygen mask - don't cry.

Yi Hui held back his tears and didn't cry when he was sent to the operating room. He raised his hand and saw the blood that had melted from the palm of his hand.

"The knife is very long, and it went straight through the ribs into the chest cavity from the back, and it was only two centimeters away from the heart. Although there was no secondary injury, and because of the low ambient temperature, blood clotting was accelerated, but the patient had deep wounds, large wounds, and a large amount of thoracic cavity. He has accumulated blood and is still being rescued, so please prepare your family members psychologically."

After listening to this relatively easy-to-understand description, Yi Hui nodded stunned, and suddenly grabbed his arm when the doctor turned to go in again: "Please, save him."

He is only 23 years old. He just won the best actor last year. Many, many people like him. He should be greeted by a bright future covered with flowers, not a cold operating table.

These Yi Hui did not say that whoever came here did not want to live a good life, crying and crying would not bring more life to the people in the operating room. But he was so sad that he could hardly breathe.

Besides these, the more important point is that he doesn't want him to die, he wants him to live well.

He even began to regret that he didn't agree earlier, and he wanted to drag and hold it until the moment before Zhou Jinheng closed his eyes, even if this disaster might really be the fate of his and Zhou Jinheng's fate, at least there would be no regrets.

What's more, he has always loved him, from beginning to end, never stopping.

Those powerless resistances, undecided hesitations, dull pains in the dead of night, all the emotions that can be shaken are all because they still love him.

Yi Hui also had injuries on his body. In addition to the bruises left by the binding of his wrists, a film was also taken of the head hit by a blunt object. The doctor suggested that he stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. on.

In Yi Hui's world, time moves very slowly, and this time is the longest road he has traveled in his life. People come and go here, and the ears are full of noisy voices, but none of them can stay, and none of them last for a long time.

The first to arrive was Zhou Jinheng's assistant, Xiaolin. Yi Hui had dealt with him several times in the past life, please remind Zhou Jinheng to remember to go home after work. Although it didn't work, Yi Hui remembered that he solemnly agreed at that time. As a stranger who has only met once, he is kind enough.

Zhou Jinheng probably didn't tell Xiao Lin about his identity, or he didn't believe it. When Xiao Lin saw Yi Hui, his eyes were a little unpredictable. Because he had just chatted a few words on the phone, he politely stepped forward to shake hands with him. After the greeting, he asked about Zhou Jinheng's condition. Yi Hui repeated what the doctor said, and Xiao Lin frowned. , showing a worried look.

"If there are people who claim to be the crew later, don't pay attention to them. I will coordinate and deal with them. When he comes out, let him rest in peace."

Yi Hui responded.

Before leaving, Xiao Lin remembered something and turned around and said, "I'm going to buy you food, you also take good care of your health, he definitely doesn't want to see you like this."

Yi Hui didn't quite understand it, and he didn't know what he looked like now.

Xiaolin explained: "Last night, before he left, he told me to take good care of you. I must have expected that there might be danger."

Yi Hui asked, "Did he say anything else?"

Xiaolin recalled forward, remembering the topics he had talked about while drinking, and said, "He also said that he will have a good life with you in the future, and will no longer make you feel wronged."

Later, several waves of people came, and a few friends put down the flowers, said a few scenes and left.

Zhou Jinheng's father, Zhou Huarong, stayed for a while longer. He heard that people were still resuscitating. He scolded the medical level here. .

Yi Hui hadn't seen this former father-in-law in name for a long time. He only remembered that the middle-aged man used to be kind when facing him, but now most of them have to be superficial because they have to rely on the Yi family. Zhou Jinheng hated Zhou Huarong, but he was very similar to him, so he hated him even more. Back then, he even used himself to disobey him and find him unhappy.

Zhou Huarong naturally saw how similar the person in front of him was to Yi Hui in the past, and his aura was a bit shorter. Knowing that the police had come to make a record, the three gangsters were also caught, and they were looking for the mastermind behind the scenes. Zhou Huarong nodded, and seemed to be satisfied with Yi Hui's handling.

The operating light went out, and Zhou Jinheng was pushed out of the operating room and entered the ICU directly. The doctor said that the operation was successful, but the patient was still in a coma after losing too much blood, and was not out of danger for the time being.

Yi Hui was the first to go in, changed into his isolation gown, put on a mask, and went in to make sure that the knife stuck in Zhou Jinheng's back was gone. He touched his wrist and felt a weak and steady pulse before he breathed a sigh of relief.

When I came out, I met an unexpected person.

Ye Qin rushed up first and checked his shoulders back and forth, up and down. He didn't see any serious injuries, but his palms were extremely cold.

Yi Hui refused to go to the ward to rest and had to stay here. Ye Qin put the heat preservation bucket brought by the windowsill and opened it, filled a bowl of hot soup, Yi Hui took it obediently, scooped a mouthful with a spoon, and said, "Delicious, thank you sister-in-law."

Ye Qin was slightly stunned, then smiled, looked back at Cheng Feichi, and then put his eyes back on Yi Hui.

"You... let me tell you what's good about you." Ye Qin raised his hand and pinched the flesh of his cheek, his mouth was angry, but tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

I didn't have time to have a good chat with my brother and sister-in-law. First, Cheng Feichi was pulled aside by Zhou Huarong to talk, and then the aunt at home came. Only then did Yi Hui know that it was dawn outside.

"It was fine when I went out yesterday morning. Why did it end up like this overnight?" Auntie took Yi Hui's hand and wiped away her tears, "I'll go burn incense for Mr. Zhou, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless him from danger as soon as possible."

This reminded Yi Hui that Zhou Jinheng had made a wish for him to come true. He hurriedly closed his eyes and put his hands together. After meditating for a few words, he opened his eyes just to meet Ye Qin's gaze at him.

"Forgive him?" Ye Qin asked bluntly.

Just as Yi Hui was about to answer, Ye Qin took the lead and said, "Forget it, it's your business if you don't forgive, and we are not qualified to intervene."

Cheng Feichi came over, and Yi Hui called out "brother" in a nonchalant manner, in which there was both grievance and guilt.

He guessed that his brother was angry, angry that he was alive but did not come back to recognize him, angry that he could avoid the tragedy but always go his own way.

He was also angry at himself for being useless, and he said that he would never look back, but he still chose the old road at the fork in the road, giving up the fresh scenery in front of him, and made so many people feel sad for him.

Who knew that Cheng Feichi didn't blame him, he just raised his hand and touched the top of his hair as before, and said, "If he still dares to treat you badly, he must tell my brother and stop protecting him."


In his two lifetimes, Yi Hui realized for the first time how tiring it was to receive visitors.

On the afternoon of the day when he was transferred from the ICU to the general ward, Yi Hui sent another group of visitors from the crew to the ward where Tang Wenxi was. Tang Wenxi's mother said that he woke up for a while at noon, and then went back to sleep after eating. Unfortunately, every time Yi Hui came over, he was sleeping.

Tang Wenxi was injured in the back of his head, and the doctor said that the congestion was compressing the nerve, and he would have to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation. His parents are reasonable people. Not only did they not blame Yi Hui for their son's injury, but they also told him that Tang Wenxi would talk about him every time he woke up, and repeatedly asked if classmate Jiang was okay.

Tang Wenxi's family is in the capital, and the hospital in S City is inconvenient to take care of. His parents plan to transfer him to the Capital Hospital in two days.

Yi Hui was about to leave after sitting for a while, but Mother Tang pulled him aside: "Xiao Tang often calls out a name in his dreams, it seems that his surname is Yang, Xiao Jiang, do you know who this classmate Yang is?"

Yi Hui didn't expect that Tang Wenxi didn't mention anything about Yang Chengxuan in front of his parents. He thought he was insecure about this relationship and knew that it would break up at any time, so he didn't say anything to worry his parents.

Walking in the hospital's corridor full of disinfectant water, Yi Hui took out Zhou Jinheng's mobile phone, hesitated for a while, but still didn't call Yang Chengxuan.

He remembered the last sentence Tang Wenxi said to him. He said that he had lost his thoughts. Yi Hui felt that it would be a good thing if he could really stop thinking. Besides, Tang Wenxi wouldn't be happy if the person had a snack, he would come back without shouting and force him to bring him here.

Back in the ward, he wanted to put Zhou Jinheng's mobile phone on his bedside, but accidentally pressed the side button, the screen suddenly lit up, and Yi Hui was stunned when he saw a selfie of Beye facing the camera.

It's obviously not the first time he's seen it. When he dialed the phone in the refrigerated truck yesterday, he saw Zhou Jinheng picking up his phone several times at home.

It was only at that time that he chose to pretend he didn't know, and now he dared to look directly at him, and dared to openly admit that the person in the photo was himself.

He couldn't remember the mood at that time, he was probably secretly overjoyed, maybe he even imagined Zhou Jinheng's expression when he got his phone and saw this selfie.

He couldn't do it now, he couldn't imagine how Zhou Jinheng kept this lock screen wallpaper in the more than one year after he left, and the more than one year after he became Jiang Yihui, every time he opened his phone and saw this Smiley, whether it is more happy or sad.

It was as if a person who had been hungry for a long time was holding the last piece of candy, knowing that it was poisonous, but could not help but peel it off, licking it carefully and licking it one by one, willingly letting the toxin invade the body and head towards annihilation.

No one understands the taste of this drug addiction better than Yi Hui.

Yi Hui held Zhou Jinheng's hand, but in just a few days, this always strong body quickly lost weight, the blood on his face faded, and the hand that held him and gave him endless warmth became weak and weak.

"You should wake up, wake up quickly." Yi Hui put the back of his hand on his face and rubbed slowly, "If you don't wake up, I will hate you for the rest of my life."

On the fifth day of the hospitalization, the police came again, asked some questions that were missed before, and informed the progress of the case by the way.

As Yi Hui expected, only one of the masterminds behind the three gangsters was found, and it was painter A who now lives in S City. Yi Hui's people were in S City, so they thought of revenge and bribed these three people to rectify Yi Hui in private.

Tang Wenxi and Zhou Jinheng were both victims who were implicated in this case for no reason. The fat man among the gangsters explained that the reason for stabbing Zhou Jinheng with a knife was because of impulsiveness, and he did not expect to be killed.

So far the incident has been largely clarified. Zhou Jinheng is a public figure. The incident that he was attacked and injured by a gangster caused an uproar on the Internet. This case will be dealt with justly without any investigation. Yi Hui hesitated again and again, but still did not tell the police that there might be another mastermind.

The man obviously wanted to hide. The police handled the case with evidence, and it was useless to say things without evidence unless the person exposed himself.

Yi Hui imagined countless possibilities, but what he didn't expect was that Fang Youqing would walk into the ward with flowers in hand less than half an hour after the police left, his face was always gentle, and there was no shame.

"How is he?" Fang Youqing asked when he entered the door.

Yi Hui ignored him, and he wasn't annoyed. He walked over and squeezed out the roses that were on the head of the bed, and put the lilies he brought in: "Jin Heng likes white."

Yi Hui was sitting on a chair peeling apples. He had just learned from his aunt recently, and now he can peel a whole apple in one breath.

Fang Youqing sat down on the chair beside him: "Do you usually do this beside him?"

Yi Hui was not stupid, and could hear the contempt in Fang Youqing's tone.

He thought, this seemingly kind man must be upset. He hated that Zhou Jinheng was blind, he first saw an idiot and then found a substitute, and he also hated that he had carefully deployed a big play but did not achieve the expected effect.

People who are too proud always think that everything in the world should revolve around them, and they should stand there and wait for him. When he is tired and wants to turn his head, he hooks his fingers, and what he wants will come back to him.

Yi Hui has seen many such people, the former Zhou Jinheng and the present Fang Youqing.

The difference is that the one named Yi Hui was stupid and stupid, so he couldn't resist the temptation and was coaxed back. But Zhou Jinheng was different. He said that the oath he made with his blood and the promise he left behind were Yi Hui's confidence.

"I don't often do this." Yi Hui said, "He asked me to accompany him and said that as long as I was under his nose, I could do anything."

Fang Youqing's expression was ferocious for a moment, and then he quickly recovered: "You may have heard my name, I am his ex-boyfriend, but there is another one after me and before you, I am afraid you have not even heard of the name. ."

Yi Hui knew that Fang Youqing was trying to intimidate himself by saying this, but unfortunately he used the wrong method. He really didn't know how to respond except for an "oh".

Five or three times of provocation failed to anger people, Fang Youqing couldn't hold back his face and got up to leave.

Yi Hui had planned to be silent until the end, cut the apple into small pieces and put it on the plate. Looking at the fruit knife in his hand, he remembered the long knife that almost pierced Zhou Jinheng's heart, and his heart also trembled.

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires regardless of the life and death of others, this kind of person is the most despised.

"I don't know if Mr. Fang believes in karma or not, but I quite believe it." Yi Hui said unhurriedly, "Also, Zhou Jinheng doesn't like lilies now, he likes roses because I gave them to him."

Fang Youqing had been gone for a long time, and Yi Hui's hands were still shaking.

In fact, he was very scared, especially when he knew that Fang Youqing was one of the masterminds, the last two sentences were the sharpest words he said under pressure, which was always timid.

He held Zhou Jinheng's hand in an attempt to relieve the tension and anxiety, his head rested on Zhou Jinheng's shoulder, for fear of touching the wound, he only dared to lean gently.

This posture was maintained for a long time, until the big dry hands were slowly clenched back, and Yi Hui, who was drowsy and could not distinguish between reality and dream, suddenly raised his head, and said nothing to Zhou Jinheng's dark pupils looking at him. Not coming out.

"I had a dream." Zhou Jinheng said weakly, "I dreamed that I was dead and my heart was gouged out."

Yi Hui's eyes widened, as if frightened by his description, he just shook his head in a daze.

Zhou Jinheng pulled the corners of his mouth and made a gentle arc: "It's okay, I got it back again."

After hearing this, Yi Hui's expression softened a little, and then he pouted in dissatisfaction, as if to say - you said that you will keep me in your heart, and you will snatch it back no matter what.

The imaginary hugs and tears, and the tears of the rest of your life, because the arrival of the medical staff did not happen in time.

Doctors and nurses came and went in a hurry, the oxygen mask was removed, Yi Hui fed Zhou Jinheng water, and when he turned to put the cup, his wrist was pulled, Zhou Jinheng continued the topic just now and said, "I still dreamed that you kissed me."

As for what he said when he woke up, Yi Hui only thought that he had lost too much blood and his brain was deprived of oxygen, and he didn't care about him: "I don't."

He denied it in his mouth, but secretly bit his lip with his back to the hospital bed, and the tip of his ear also blushed quietly.

"Oh, is that right?" Zhou Jinheng replied noncommittally, holding his hand still, a smile crept up the corners of his brows, "Then kiss me again, I'll compare it with the dream and see to the end. Is it real."