Flying Gulls Never Land

Chapter 11: A touch of sweetness


Lawyer Wu's smile froze instantly, and his expression became extremely awkward. How could he have imagined that he could vomit in front of the righteous master with just a single mouthful.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologized hastily, and stretched out his hand to me, "I'm Wu Yi, a lawyer from Jinshang Law Firm. Are you old... Are you a friend of Lawyer Sheng?"

I reached out and shook hands with him: "I am his younger brother."

He was taken aback again, his astonishment was written all over his face, and he took a long time to slowly withdraw his hand.

"Oh, yes...then you, you can wait for him in the reception room first, he should be back soon."

It may be difficult for him to figure out for a while, why the younger brother sent red roses representing love on the opening day of the elder brother's office, and why we are not the same surname.

It doesn't matter, he will see more unthinkable things in the future.

After I thanked him, I went into the reception room with flowers. After sitting there for a while, the girl at the front desk came in to deliver water.

"Have a cup of tea first. I'll call you when Lawyer Sheng comes back."

There is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window in the reception room, and the lighting and view are quite good.

There are three red and black decorative paintings hanging on the wall, each of which is a mass of intense red sunk in the darkness. It's just that the first picture is a relatively regular red dot, the second picture begins to distort and become larger, and the third picture explodes in the painting like a rotten tomato.

I asked the front desk if she knew what it was, she turned her head to look at the paintings in confusion, and shook her head at me.

"It's a gift from a customer. Maybe Lawyer Sheng knows."

After she left the reception room, I was idle and bored, and watched the painting carefully for a while, trying to understand what the author was trying to express, but all failed.

It seems that I am not a person with artistic cells by nature, no matter how you look at it, I look like Rotten Tomatoes.

"Sir... don't do this..."

There was a sudden noise outside the reception room. It seemed that the front desk had a dispute with someone.

I got up to find out, but just as I reached the doorknob, there was the sound of glass shattering and screams from the front desk.

I opened the door and rushed out. The front desk stood at the gate with a pale face, and a middle-aged man in sloppy clothes stood at the entrance.

There were brown shards of glass scattered around his feet, and he held a half broken wine bottle in his right hand, and he smelled heavily of alcohol.

"Why did you accept that woman's commission!" He roared emotionally, "I already have nothing, and you still want to help her take away my paintings! Are you trying to force me to death? Then everyone don't want to live! "

Wu Yi tried hard to control the other party's emotions, with sweat dripping from his forehead: "Mr. Liu, please don't be like this, just speak up if you have something to say. Ms. Sun entrusts someone to represent her in the divorce lawsuit. This is her personal freedom. We are not the ones who will take this case." , it could be someone else..."

"Fart!" Mr. Sun was furious, "She tricked me into signing a prenuptial agreement when I got married, just waiting for this day! How much have I helped her in my career over the years? How could she treat me like this if she didn't even give it to me and even robbed my painting?"

His hand holding the wine bottle trembled, the front desk gasped in horror, stepped back quietly, and picked up the phone to make a call.

"Put down your phone!" Mr. Liu shouted loudly when he saw the movement of the front desk and rushed over.

The front desk screamed, lost the phone and crouched on the ground reflexively covering his head.

Seeing that Mr. Liu kept on talking, I felt something was wrong, so I rushed over and covered the girl's head and face with my hands. Almost in the next moment, the sharp edge of the wine bottle cut through the sleeve, pierced into the flesh, and the blood dripped onto the white marble tiles, forming splashed dots one by one.

I suddenly thought inopportunely—the ex-prisoners have acted bravely in the face of injustice, and this can be regarded as positive news in society.

"Ah... I... I..." Mr. Liu was full of alcohol and ran amok, and now he was really bleeding, but he was sober and frightened, "I didn't mean it!"

His lips trembled slightly, and he grasped the mouth of the bottle in panic and pulled out all the pieces inserted into the flesh.


I cursed secretly, shaking with pain. The gray woolen jacket was quickly stained red by the blood gushing from the tear, the color of the mosaic.

"Quick... call an ambulance!" Wu Yi turned pale, "Mr. Sun, you have broken the law now, please put down the murder weapon immediately!"

"I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't do it on purpose!" Mr. Liu was quite irritated, and he couldn't do anything else except this sentence.

Seeing his cowardice, I was furious, and was thinking about how to disarm him, when Mr. Liu suddenly stretched out a pair of pale hands with strong joints and broad backs, and quickly restrained Mr. Liu from holding the wine Bottle's wrist, one hand strangled his throat.

Mr. Liu only had time to let out a scream like a pig, and half of the wine bottle fell from his hand, and he was pressed to the ground with one hand behind his back.

Sheng Minou didn't know when he came, and he was brave when he made a move. Regardless of Mr. Liu's miserable howls, he put his knee against the opponent's spine, then grabbed his hair and forced him to raise his head.

"Mr. Liu, you may have one more lawsuit to deal with now." Sheng Minou whispered into his ear with a soft tone.

Mr. Liu was so frightened that he burst into tears, and could not stop sobbing: "Yes... I'm sorry... I'm not..."

Sheng Minou didn't bother to listen to the words "I didn't mean to" repeated many times, and he knocked his head to the ground without even giving Mr. Liu a chance to finish.

Everyone present could hear the muffled sound when Mr. Liu's head made close contact with the ground, which was like the sound of a drum being smashed by a mallet. Then the surroundings became quiet, and Mr. Liu passed out completely.

"Mr. Lu, how are you? You have lost a lot of blood!" The front desk hurriedly picked up the dropped mobile phone, "I will call an ambulance!"

I held her down and said, "There's no need to call an ambulance for this kind of injury, I just apply some medicine myself."

I opened my sleeves and took a look. The wound was not that big, but it was a little deep, and I don't know if there were any glass shards left. I was joking about applying the medicine myself, and I have to go to the hospital later.

"How can this work?" The front desk's eyes were red, and he said anxiously, "What if it hurts this tendon or blood vessel and affects your hand function in the future? It is still bleeding, it must have hurt a blood vessel! I'll call an ambulance right away, please hold on for a while!"

I have a little headache: "Really don't need..."

"Wu Yi, go get the medicine box." Sheng Minou took off his tie, tied Mr. Liu's hands behind him, and after confirming that the other party could not break free easily, he stood up from the ground.

His always-flat suits were inevitably wrinkled, and his hair hung down over his right eye.

Perhaps Fang Zai's movements made him a little hot, or the neat attire made him feel uncomfortable, so he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt as soon as he stood up.

In this way, his collarbone, which has always been buried under his clothes, can finally be revealed to others.

I stared at those two protruding bones for a long time, not hiding my scorching gaze.

Wu Yi quickly brought the medicine box, and Sheng Minou took it and walked towards the meeting room. After pushing open the door, he looked back at me and frowned impatiently when he saw that I was still there.

"Shall I carry you here?"

I froze for a moment, and realized that he was going to treat the wound for me, and instantly had the illusion of a pie falling from the sky.

"That's not necessary." I pressed the blood vessel and walked towards him briskly.

I sat on the chair and watched Sheng Minou take out various bandages, disinfectant spray, gauze and disposable medical gloves from the medicine cabinet.

He skillfully and quickly put on the rubber gloves, half-kneeled in front of me, clamped the gauze with tweezers, and began to clean the blood around my wound.

The floor of the conference room was covered with a round white plush carpet, which was also stained by my blood at the moment, and mottled flowers bloomed.

"Sorry for staining your rug."

He lowered his eyes, seeming to be focused on treating my wound, and had no time to talk to me.

I took a rose from the bouquet on the table and handed it to him.

"For you, to celebrate your opening."

He still didn't respond.

I took the rose back bored, and pressed it to the corner of my lips: "How can your life be in danger in this line of work, why don't you consider hiring me to be your bodyguard? I'm cheap, and I can be bought completely with a kiss."

Maybe the crisis I just experienced made my adrenaline soar a lot. I was just brave, but now I am fearless.

I hooked my feet and gently rubbed the position between his legs, trying to challenge his limit.

"Hmm..." Almost a second later, there was a tearing pain in my arm, and the tweezers clamped the gauze and pressed it tightly on my wound.

I screamed in pain, my face was deformed, and I hurriedly stopped my feet.

He raised his eyes, lowered the corners of his mouth slightly, and refused very simply: "No need."

I harassed him, and he responded with violence.

Good and fair.

"I was wrong, I was wrong." I patted the back of his hand with a rose, begging for mercy, "I apologize."

He waved away the rose, quickly shook off the bandage and did a simple bandage for me.

"What do those three pictures on the wall mean?" I stopped being random and turned my attention elsewhere.

He paused and looked back at the three paintings behind his eyes.

I thought he wouldn't answer, just like many questions I have asked, but after all, it can only be reduced to my own self-entertainment. Unexpectedly, he opened his mouth.

"The drunkard outside used to be a promising young artist."

The man was trembling when he walked, and he was slurring his speech. He was obviously an alcoholic, and he was actually a painter. No wonder he kept talking about his paintings and so on...

"But he failed to seize the opportunity. He obeyed the desire in his heart, indulged himself, and indulged in the illusion and happiness brought by alcohol." Sheng Minou stood up, took off the blood-stained gloves, and threw them into the trash. Wastebasket, "This is a painting from his peak period. It is an opening gift given to me by his ex-wife. It is called "Life."

I looked at the three paintings again. After knowing their names, I felt a sense of enlightenment when I looked at them again. Birth, growth, death—the three steps that life must go through.

Sheng Minou also looked at the three paintings: "Red is the main theme of life, and black is its finale. For thousands of years, life has been explored by human beings, but it has never been able to completely solve the riddle of the century. Sometimes I can't help thinking , why are people born? If it is to experience beauty, then a life of pain is meaningless?"

My lips were pursed, and I didn't know what to say for a while, so I could only turn the flower branch in my hand and try to answer positively and sunnyly.

"Nine points of bitterness, there will always be a trace of sweetness."

"A trace of sweetness?" There was a touch of sarcasm in his words, "All the pain, just for that trace of sweetness? I don't understand."

He can't understand because he lacks empathy. He couldn't imagine how long a person could walk alone in pain just for that trace of sweetness.

Sheng Minou turned around and looked at me: "What I can't understand is... how can you pester me like an unbeatable cockroach, without getting tired and reckless. What are you doing now, and Qi Yang back then? the difference?"

He even compared me with that pervert Qi Yang... His words were like a drop of sulfuric acid, dripping on my heart, instantly sour and bitter all over my senses. And what's even more sad is that I couldn't find any words to justify or refute myself.

I am indeed no different from Qi Yang.

He is the other side of my mirror.

I moved my lips and forced a smile: "There is a difference, I call you 'brother'."

He stared at me calmly: "I'm not a toy you guys are fighting for, it's not that if you win him, I will belong to you."

It may be that my brave behavior today has lightened his favorability a little, making him want to calm down and communicate with me.

I was happy to be able to talk to him calmly, but the content of this really displeased me.

"I never used you as a toy."

Who would spend ten years of their youth for a toy? Not inlaid with gold or silver, the mouth still stinks.

"Are you not going to give up no matter how I treat you?"

Wu Yi knocked on the door, saying that the police had arrived, but Sheng Minou ignored him, still staring at me, waiting for my answer.

I don't know why he asked that, but I didn't want to lie to him.

I handed him the rose again: "Maybe I'll give up someday, but I'm still very motivated."

He looked down at the fiery red flower, and reached out to take it.

I suffocated, and saw him turn his hand away and throw it into the trash can without cherishing it, and then strode out the door.