Flying Gulls Never Land

Chapter 58: Strong masculine smell


"elder brother!"

Shen Xiaoshi and I entered the court and were about to go to the court when we heard a shout not far away. Shen Xiaoshi seemed to recognize the voice, his body froze and he looked towards the source of the sound.

The round-faced boy ran over panting, looked at Shen Xiaoshi timidly, and finally said with red eyes: "Brother, I'm sorry."

He wanted to pull Shen Xiaoshi's hand, but Shen Xiaoshi pushed away a step, avoiding it, and the young man showed a hurt look on his face.

Shen Xiaoshi looked at him expressionlessly: "I'm not the person you want to say 'sorry' to, and you have nothing to be sorry for me."

Tang Zhuo's face turned pale immediately, and he was speechless.

Complicated emotions appeared in Shen Xiaoshi's eyes, and he wanted to say something more. I caught a glimpse of the Tang family approaching aggressively in the distance from the end of my eyes. Afraid of conflicts, I hurriedly tugged on his sleeves.

Shen Xiaoshi glanced at the dark crowd, sighed, and said to me: "Brother Feng, let's go." After speaking, he ignored Tang Zhuo and left.

In the middle of the journey, I looked back and saw that the young man was alone in the spot, still looking at Shen Xiaoshi, looking extremely lonely.

In this trial, Sheng Minou summoned Dr. Xu Weibo from the Mental Health Center as an expert witness for the defense to prove that Shen Xiaoshi's mother suffered from depression due to perennial domestic violence and her mental state was extremely unstable.

Faced with this move, the prosecution was well prepared and questioned the doctor's professionalism through cross-examination, trying to convince the jury and judge that the other party's assessment of Yao Jing's mental state was not credible.

The prosecutor held a stack of information and showed it to everyone: "Dr. Xu's complaint rate in the health center has remained high in the past five years. Many patients think that their condition has not improved as he promised under his diagnosis and treatment. Obviously Doctor Xu has always liked to exaggerate his own rhetoric, so as to highlight his authority."

Dr. Xu's face turned blue when he was questioned like this by the public, and his lips trembled with anger: "You are slandering!"

Sheng Minou gestured to Dr. Xu to be calm, and at the same time stood up and nodded to the judge, saying: "It is not the first time that Dr. Xu has appeared in court as a witness. No one has ever questioned Dr. Xu's professionalism before. Since the prosecution does not believe Dr. Xu , we can use the doctor he appointed, it doesn't matter, the body is not afraid of the shadow, and Ms. Yao's mental state will not change because of the doctor's change."

The judge looked at the prosecution prosecutor, frowned and said, "Prosecution, do you need to change the designated doctor? Let me remind you that when the defense submitted the application for identification, you did not make any special requirements for the doctor candidate."

I heard Shen Xiaoshi mention it before, because the case has attracted the attention of all parties, the judge does not want to cause complications, and hopes to have a result as soon as possible, so he is very disgusted with unnecessary delays.

The prosecutor didn't seem to have expected Sheng Minou to be so tough, facing the judge's stern face, he felt a little weak all of a sudden.

"No need, Your Honor." He sat down angrily.

Afterwards, the prosecution summoned Tang Zhipeng's colleagues and neighbors. They all praised Tang Zhipeng, saying that he did not believe that he was a violent person, and that he was honest and kind.

Shen Xiaoshi pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes were full of anger. If it wasn't for the court, I doubt he would immediately stand up and point at the other party's nose and yell, asking if they were blind.

In the middle of the trial, I suddenly received a call from Yi Dazhuang. I took a look at the serious atmosphere in the courtroom, tapped to reject the call, and was about to send a message to tell him that it was not convenient for me to answer the call, when the phone vibrated again.

Such perseverance seems to be in a hurry. Fearing that the other party might have a life-and-death event, I had no choice but to run outside the courtroom to answer the phone.

"What's the matter? Xiaoshi's mother is in court."

Yi Dazhuang seemed to be walking around, breathing a little short of breath: "Brother Feng, I sent you something, you received it... put it away, I'll find you to get it in a few days."

"Did you send your things to me?" I was confused, "Did you fill in the wrong address for online shopping?"

"Bad, almost. Be sure to put it away for me, brother will treat you to dinner later."

After repeated reminders, he hastily hung up the phone.

I stared at the screen of my phone that returned to the home page, feeling weird for no reason.

It's just a wrong item, why should he be so eager? Those who didn't know thought he sent me a huge sum of money.

Mao walked back to the gallery, only to find that the prosecution had summoned Tang Zhuo again. The little fat man stood on the witness stand for the second time, perhaps with more connections than the first time, and his expression was more embarrassed.

The prosecutor's question was the same as before, with little difference, but when he asked whether he had witnessed his father committing violence against his mother, Tang Zhuo was silent this time.

The young man stared down at the ground, as if there was something that attracted his attention, which made him fascinated.

The prosecutor frowned and asked again: "Tang Zhuo, have you ever witnessed your father's violence against your mother?"

The court was silent, even the typing of the reporters stopped, and there was only the slight noise of the overhead air conditioner on the court.

In such a quiet environment, the boy slowly raised his head.

"Yes." His voice was concise and powerful.

The crowd was in an uproar, and the media present looked at each other in blank dismay, typing on the keyboard with their ten fingers like the wind.

The prosecutor was stunned for a moment, and even doubted his hearing: "What?"

Tang Zhuo swallowed, and his voice became louder: "Yes, I have seen it! On my birthday, my father grabbed my mother's hair and hit the wall, punched and kicked her, I went to stop him, and he pushed me into the room He locked the door and didn't allow me to go out. He looks very different outside than at home, he treats me very well, but he is not a good husband!"

The expression on Yao Jing's face was blank for a moment, then she leaned towards Tang Zhuo excitedly, with tears in her eyes.

Tang Zhuo suddenly changed his testimony, which caught the prosecutor by surprise and hurriedly asked him to be listed as a hostile witness, and the judge agreed.

"Did you receive pressure from your mother?" The prosecutor looked at the auditorium pointingly, "That's not what you said last time."

Tang Zhuo trembled, and mumbled, "I lied last time."

Sheng Minou stood up and objected: "I object to the prosecution's unfounded malicious speculation. Now it seems that the witnesses' statements were inconsistent twice, and it seems more like they were pressured by the prosecution during the first trial." With a smile on his lips, he looked He was polite, but his words were merciless, "I really want to know if the prosecution put undue pressure on a minor in order to convict him as soon as possible?"

The prosecutor was questioned so bluntly by him, he couldn't hold back his face, and angrily reprimanded: "You are also maliciously speculating!"

"Then I take it back."

"you… "

"Enough!" The judge sounded the gavel at the right time, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

"In view of the special status of this witness and the inconsistency of the two testimony, it is hereby decided not to accept his testimony, hoping that the jury will have its own judgment." Then, he announced an hour-long adjournment, and then Proceed directly to closing arguments.

This also means that the jury will make a verdict within today, and the case will have a final conclusion.

During the adjournment, prosecutors made a final attempt to plead guilty and get three years of probation, but Yao Jing refused.

In the discussion room, Wu Yi was about to dance Chacha happily: "Victory is in sight, the jury should have formed a general opinion in this hour, and the closing statement afterward will only clarify their judgment, and the result can be reached in half an hour at most .”

Although he didn't say it clearly, but all kinds of performances have shown that he has the chance to win.

The defense advocated self-defense. If the jury declares Yao Jing not guilty, she will be released in court.

Shen Xiaoshi has been worrying about his mother all the time recently, he can't eat well and can't sleep, it's inevitable that the result will finally come out today, so he's inevitably excited.

I put my hands on the table, and after listening to Wu Yi's words, he held my wrist tightly and said excitedly, "I've troubled you all these days, no matter what the result is, I'll definitely set up a big table another day and thank you all!"

Sheng Minou was sitting across from us. Hearing this, he raised his head from the phone, smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome."

As if a conditioned reflex had been generated, I felt as if my hand had been cut by a knife, I quickly wrestled out of Shen Xiaoshi's hand, and moved the chair a long distance away.

Shen Xiaoshi was immersed in his emotions and didn't care, but Wu Yi suddenly broke out a series of coughs, turned his head to the side, and his ears were red from coughing.

"Lawyer Wu, are you okay?" Seeing that he was coughing badly, Shen Xiaoshi asked in concern.

Wu Yi didn't look back, she raised her hand and waved it, indicating that she was fine.

After the adjournment ended, everyone sat down again in order.

Both the prosecution and the defense have to make a closing statement. This is the final opportunity to win the trust of the jury, which can be said to be crucial.

This is the first time I have heard this link. Compared with the serious trial procedure, this link is more like a demonstration of the prosecution and defense's own speech skills.

Clear, easy to understand, but also exciting.

"I was an orphan. When I was three years old, I was adopted by my adoptive parents." Sheng Minou walked slowly in the open space of the court with a pen in his hand, "When I was fourteen, my adoptive father died in a car accident. He was run over by a truck from behind. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor saw his wound and put the sheet back on, saying that there was no need for any rescue. My brother cried badly that day, and we I've never seen him cry like that."

He paused for a moment, then continued: "Questioning why Ms. Yao didn't leave her husband and why she didn't call the police at that time is like questioning why my adoptive father didn't avoid that car back then."

"Can't he hear the car coming?"

"Can't she see that the other party is already drunk?"

"If a stranger rushed up on the street and used violence against you, would you fight back? The answer is yes. Then why change to a husband, and everyone wonders why the wife fights back? In this two-choice In the proposition, it's either you die or I die. As long as Ms. Yao is a normal human being, she will try her best to save her own life out of biological instinct. But this is not murder, nor is it deliberate, it is just out of legitimate and reasonable self-defense. "

After the prosecution and the defense finished speaking, the judge gave the jury ten minutes to agree.

For ten minutes, Shen Xiaoshi was extremely nervous and kept rubbing his hands, which made me nervous too.

I went to see Sheng Minou, but he was very calm, with half-closed eyes, sitting motionless on the defense bench. If you didn't look carefully, you would think he was asleep.

Ten minutes later, the jury representative stood up and bowed to the judge.

All eyes were on him, waiting for the jury to decide.

Time seemed to stand still and everyone held their breath.

The other party cleared his throat and said: "After the jury unanimously found that the murder charge was not established, the self-defense was established, and Yao Jing... was acquitted."

As soon as the word "innocent" came out, it was as if a bell hammer hit my heart, and my whole soul shook twice.

The first time I went to see Sheng Minou, I happened to see him raise his eyelids, and a controlled smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

I don't know who started it first, applause gradually broke out in the auditorium, and finally joined together.

Shen Xiaoshi hugged me all at once, and wept with joy: "We won, we won, brother Feng!"

My eyes were all glued to Sheng Minou's body, if it wasn't for everyone watching, I wish I could pounce on him and hug him in circles.

Sheng Min'ou stood up at this moment, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and glanced at the auditorium, intertwined with mine.

I grinned at him stupidly, the smile on his face was fleeting, and he quickly looked away, shaking hands with Yao Jing beside him to express his congratulations.

Huh? His eyes are wrong.

Shen Xiaoshi jumped and screamed while hugging me, I suddenly came back to my senses, my whole body shivered as if being blown by the cold January wind, I hurriedly pushed him away.

It's over, it's over, why do I feel like a cheating husband all day long, worrying about being caught by my wife all the time.

I seem to have made a big death of myself. The trap I set up to force the flying gull to fall, is useful, but there are a lot of sequelae, and now it has become a burden. So much so that whatever I do now, I feel that I exude a strong smell of a scumbag.