For Love of the Game

Chapter 115: a step far


Yao Jun sighed, "Xiaolang is really too strong. I didn't expect Fengyue to have Song Xueyang around, and they didn't win a game in the team battle."

Ju Zi felt sad, "Fengyue didn't play the rhythm in the first team battle, and was dominated by Xiaolang. But the second team battle improved a lot. Yushen's last shot was only a few tenths of a second away, and he really lost. What a pity."

Yao Jun didn't continue, and it looked like that, but in fact, Xiaolang won the victory by playing the team head-on, and Fengyue almost won by Song Xueyang's secret shot, which is different.

It can only be said that although the overall level of Maple Moon has improved a lot compared to last year, it is still a little worse than Xiaolang.

Niu Niu's enthusiasm continued, "But anyway, the fifth 1V1 match is coming soon! At present, Fengyue has never lost in the 1V1 arena with Yushen, and this match still has a very good chance of winning!"

When Jin An in the waiting room heard these words, he punched the armrest of the sofa. The thud made people tremble, but he seemed to be unconscious.

That's right, 1V1 is Fengyue's strength, it's all his fault for losing two 2V2 games in a row, otherwise Xiaolang would have won now!

He gritted his teeth and was so annoyed with concern.

Wu Sheng took his hand, "This sofa is not yours, I don't know if it hurts? He likes to say how he likes to say, 1V1 is Fengyue's strength, not our weakness!"

He was right.

It is impossible to win the championship trophy for two years in a row.

An Lu also leaned over, "That's right! Look at us chasing back two games in the blink of an eye! Fengyue is just like that, didn't Song Xueyang still lose two teamfights in a row?"

"An Lu." Guan He called out.

An Lu suddenly looked like she had done something wrong, and glanced from side to side, "I didn't mean that... I just wanted to comfort Brother Jin An."

Tang Wenlang pushed his glasses, "Did you comfort him? Did he listen to you?"

Jin An bent down and stared at the ground fiercely, that vicious appearance was like a vicious dog that was tied up, as long as you untied the rope, he would immediately pounce on you and bite you.

Guan He walked over, the black sneakers in sight made him look up.

Guan He said indifferently, "The second fight in the 1V1 arena, fight hard."

After speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, he went to the referee to submit the list.

The fierce light in Jin An's eyes was instantly replaced by a daze, he pointed to himself, "Me?"

Wu Sheng slapped him on the back, but Jin An almost didn't roll to the ground because he slapped it so hard, "What are you doing, Captain, this is a chance for you to make up for your mistakes!"

Jin An opened his mouth, he remembered that Fengyue's second fight was that little thing Shiyi? This time he won't lose to him!

The in-ring list on Fengyue's side is also the same as usual. In previous games, changing the lineup may be able to win by surprise, but the finals are different. Everyone is already under great psychological pressure.

Song Xueyang called everyone over, "This is the last match tonight, success or failure is here. Xiaolang's 1v1 arena has always been a three swordsman. I'm not good at professional restraint, so it's up to you to win the championship. You must be careful and careful, don't think about whether you will win the next fight, and play your own fight, understand?"

Everyone nodded, Shen Huai understood that Song Xueyang was reminding himself, so that he should not think about the next fight and let it go.

But even if Song Xueyang didn't say so, Shen Huai would do it.

The first time he PKed with Guan He was when he got into the Wolf Guild in the game. At that time, it was just a few tricks, and the two did not split up. Shen Huai knew that Guan He was a very powerful enemy. 100% of the strength may not be able to win, naturally will not preserve the strength.

Song Xueyang helped Shen Huai tidy up his collar, and said in a low voice, "I said before that I would take the championship trophy to apologize to you, but in the end I still have to pin my hopes on you."

Shen Huai pulled the corner of his mouth, "I'm happy to be able to get the trophy for you."

Song Xueyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Shen Huai's words were teasing him.

The first fight started soon. The two players entered the soundproof room to mobilize their talents. The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense. Everyone was excited just seeing the two people sitting in the soundproof room.

"Team Guan and Yushen! This is really the duel of the century. Yushen has followed the team all the way. Except for Team Yan who was unable to participate due to unexpected accidents, he has already defeated a number of great god-level players one after another. Today is Yushen after all. Continuing the myth, or shutting down the team to end his beheading, I'm really looking forward to it."

Ju Zi also smiled, "Yes, I was the commentator of Group A during the group stage. In the finals, I felt excited when I saw the unparalleled battle between Guan and Yan. I think today's match between Guan and Yushen is just as good. Brother Jun, analyze it before the game?"

Yao Jun waved his hands again and again, "Quickly spare me! Yushen and Guan team are absolutely on the same level, I'm not surprised who wins, there's really nothing to analyze. I just hope that both of them can show the highest level. , the best state, let us all enjoy watching!"

There was a thunderous applause from the audience, and at the same time, there was a "di" sound on the field, which represented that the players on both sides were ready, and the game officially started!

Everyone invariably closed their mouths and stared at the screen tightly. Even Fengyue and Xiaolang in the waiting room stood in front of the viewing screen. This game is not only the epic confrontation between the two great gods, but also the first game of the finals of the finals. The importance is self-evident.

When the countdown was over, Shen Huai jumped onto the ring, and Guan He also ran towards the center of the ring. The two soon met in the center of the ring. The swordsman stretched out his hand to hold down the hilt of the sword and rushed towards the enemy.

Shen Huai has played so many games since the group stage, and Guan He doesn't know anything about him like he did in the game last year. He has figured out Shen Huai's routine. When he is full of blood, he consumes less than 10 blood. With a set of instant kills in the future, it is impossible for him to prevent Shen Huai from losing blood, but it can prevent him from consuming himself.

Shen Huai didn't dodge, he couldn't dodge when he was full of blood, and the distance between the two was only one meter.

Guan He actually seemed to have a good heart with him, he turned sideways and drew his sword at the same time!

The two of them predicted their positions, but they both collided with each other's knives, and the stun effects of soul capture and sword drawing were triggered at the same time, and they were stunned in place face to face!

Niu Niu was surprised, "Guan team and Yushen played control at the same time, the attack rhythm of the two was almost the same, and the speed of the shot was similar! But the control effect of drawing the sword out of the sheath is longer than the control effect of the soul capture, this wave is still close The team took advantage!"

The dizzy state of pulling the sword out of the sheath is two seconds, while the soul capture is only one second. When Guan He released the control, Shen Huai was still in the dizzy state.

When Shen Huai released the control, the soul-suppressing skill had already been CD. When he was full of blood, as long as he could consume the opponent's blood, it would be a profit.

Death Mark - Backstab - Heart Stab - Assassination - Dark Sword!

Guan He's reaction was very fast, seeing that he had no intention of running away, he directly threw out his ultimate move - Sun Moon Sword Fai!

Dozens of sword shadows are like the sun and the moon, and the sound of the sword is loud. Shen Huai never thought that Guan He would open the ultimate move. He hurriedly hit four combos and rolled over to avoid it. go up.

Shen Huai stabbed forward a short distance, but the light sword swordsman had more dash skills, and Guan He cut his back with a life-threatening sword, and then released the second wave of the wave-treading sword to sweep. Shen Huai's Soul Destroyer CD will be ready soon. He takes advantage of his movement speed to run two steps to avoid the sword. retreat!

Niu Niu exclaimed for a while, "Squad Guan is too ferocious! We all know that the third stage of the Tallangjian must be completed within 3 seconds, and except for the last stage of repelling, the first two stages are uncontrollable, and it is very easy to fight. The enemy ran away, so basically they used the sword to draw out the scabbard and hit the control, and then took the wave sword, but the team actually used the two rush skills of the life-threatening sword and a sword to seal the throat when the enemy was not under control. I hit three waves of the Wave Treading Sword!"

Ju Zi couldn't help but praise, "Team Guan's combo is really powerful, and Yushen's HP was instantly halved by him! But what I don't understand is that we all know that Yushen's explosion point is at 10% HP. Next, why would the team still waste an ultimate move?"

Yao Jun analyzed, "This is not the same. For Yushen, it is true that the game starts after the blood volume is below 10%, but from the standpoint of the Guan team, the redemption of Yushen is played within 5 minutes of the opening. The state is completely different from playing the redemption state in 10 seconds.”

"It's not hard to find Yushen's past duels when analyzing Yushen's past duels. The more times he moves in a row after his HP is lower than 10%, the more dangerous he will be. In a low HP state, it is the most ideal state to be able to kill the enemy in one set. Set kills are also within his control, but starting from the third time, he has to rely on the invincible state of redemption to continue his life. To increase the number of combos he uses when he is low in health, either, like Vice Team Jia or Hu Dui and Xiao Zhang can increase their own blood like that, or they can control their own blood volume not to be consumed, and reduce Cang Yu's blood volume early."

Ju Zi didn't expect that there are so many doorways here, and these words reminded her of the Lei Ting vs. Maple Moon in the group match, "I remember that the captain used this trick before, but it failed in the end, didn't he? After God's blood pressure reaches 10%, his blue bar will be empty."

Yao Jun said, "This is because the commander has a fire technique, and his mana consumption is high, and the single-shot burst is not as good as that of a melee swordsman. More importantly, the skill hit rate of the team is higher than that of the commander."

Si Qianjin's face in the stands is darkened, can't you watch the two big guys play? Do you have to pull me out as a negative teaching material

Shen Huai also saw Guan He's intentions, but his melee skills weren't so easy to dodge. The two of them were of the same level, so naturally he wouldn't be able to take advantage of the lower damage.

Taking advantage of Guan He's control skills on CD, he quickly played a set of death-marking combos, Guan He didn't hide, and before Shen Huai's blood volume reached the breaking point, he was not afraid of standing.

"Yu Shen still intends to exchange blood with Guan team, but his set of skills can only destroy 20% of Guan team's blood volume at most, while a set of skills of Guan team can destroy at least 30% of his blood volume, the blood exchange is actually very disadvantageous. ."

However, this time, Shen Huai played the Death Mark combo and directly started to capture the soul, Shadow Mark-Assassination-Blood Blade-Ghost Blade-Shadow Double Blade!

Yao Jun's eyes lit up, "Double combo! The last time Yushen made a double combo of Death Mark and Shadow Mark was in the arena against Supper! He took it out again today! Yushen has now successfully triggered stealth, although his The blood volume has not yet reached the breaking point, but you can use the stealth to consume the blood volume of the closing team!"

After Shen Huai disappeared, he ran around Guan He. Guan He didn't move. He stood there and pressed the hilt tightly. Time passed minute by minute. However, until the countdown ended, Shen Huai didn't make a move. The state is self-defeating without attacking, and Guan He immediately dashes forward with a sword move, pulls the sword out of the sheath, the shock sword, and the wave treading sword!

Everyone was very surprised, and Ju Zi hurriedly asked, "Why didn't Yushen take action just now!"

Niu Niu didn't understand either. The invisibility state triggered by the shadow mark lasted for ten seconds. According to Cang Yu's previous habit, he would definitely launch an attack within ten seconds, but this time he didn't do anything until the time was up!

Yao Jun didn't speak, and Hai Xing asked anxiously, "Yeah, why didn't Shen Huai fight!"

For a while, he said consciously, "Because there is no chance."


"I, I guessed it too." Shi looked at the screen, "The only skill that a light sword swordsman can test out the master's position is the sword sweep, and when the sword sweep is released, there will be a movement of turning around and drawing the sword. The blood volume can be reduced to less than 10%, he should be trying to deceive the swordsman out of the Guan team first, but the Guan team has been useless."

Shen Huai's health bar had been emptied before the two of them were talking. He only had 3% of his health left. As long as Guan He finished the third stage of the Wave Treading Sword, his redemption state would be triggered immediately.

However, at this moment, Guan He suddenly retracted his sword, jumped back two steps and threw out a long-range skill, Half Moon Slash, and at the same time turned on Yufengxing and jumped into the water!

The fans of Team Xiaolang gave a burst of cheers, because Shen Huai had already been triggered by this half-moon slash, and Guan He was not only half a ring away from him, but also jumped into the water and disappeared!

Shen Huai's state of redemption is only for one second, his hand is fast, he can finish a set of four combos in one second, but now, no matter how fast he is, it is impossible for him to find Guan He in one second and play another set Shadow Mark.

This redemption is equivalent to throwing it away!

Niu Niu sighed, "Squad Guan's move is so beautiful! The moment he made the redemption, he distanced himself from Yushen, and the precise calculation of the damage was simply superb! He is hiding in the water now, and Yushen will definitely be killed if he jumps down to look for it. Playing one set, staying in place and waiting, lost the chance to take the lead again, and completely fell into a dead end.”

Everyone in Fengyue looked nervous for a while, but Shen Huai just thought for a moment. He suddenly ran to the edge of the ring and jumped into the water without thinking.

The three commentators exclaimed in unison, this is simply a death sentence!

However, they found that the moment Shen Huai jumped into the water, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't even see it on the viewing screen like magic.

Yao Jun was the first to react, "He's invisible!"

Everyone looks at it, isn't it? It's not that he disappeared, but the color of the shadow in the invisible state and the water flow are too close to merge into one. Assassin's general skills are hidden, and it can actively stealth even in combat, but the skill CD is longer.

Guan He didn't react for a while, he watched Shen Huai jump down, and the moment he entered the water, his vision would disappear, but this moment seemed to last longer than usual.

Just as this thought came to his mind, he was suddenly stabbed in the back - Soul Destroyer!

Maple Moon fans screamed wildly.

The double blades of the assassin danced quickly, Shadow Mark - Backstab - Blood Blade - Heart Stab - Blade Flurry!



Several commentators shouted out, "Why did Yushen make a big move under the shadow mark, Blade Flurry? Isn't it better to use the death mark to hit the crit?"

Yao Jun's brows furrowed, and he suddenly became enlightened, "Unless he is still holding the ultimate ultimate move Death Dance!"

Everyone immediately understood that the Blood Assassin's ultimate move, Dance of the God of Death, and the Ninjutsu type's ultimate move, Mysterious Shadow, cannot coexist. Shen Huai usually chooses different ways to add points according to the style of play in this round, but he usually plays this kind of single. When a high-level career breaks out, he will always click on the shadow clone, and he will only click on the dance of death when playing team battles or legal professions, so Yushen has clicked on the dance of death this time

Guan He noticed this problem in an instant. His current HP is 45%. It seems that Cang Yu is planning to win the next blow!

He immediately swept out the sword in all directions. Shen Huai had been waiting for this skill, and when he saw that he was empty, he immediately shot - capture the soul!

Guan He also suddenly opened at the same time - Sword Dance Setting Sun!

Shen Huai's reaction was extremely fast, and he jumped to dodge quickly. Although he wasn't hurt, the soul capture was empty.

Yao Jun shouted excitedly, "Beautiful! Guan team first used the sword to sweep the Quartet to test, it is good to be able to hit Cang Yu, but if he can't hit Cang Yu, he will definitely attack immediately! Sword Dance Setting Sun, although the blindly opened Sword Dance Setting Sun was empty, it successfully interrupted Cang Yu's combo! With Cang Yu's current HP, Guan team can kill him as long as they can touch him, even if it was a big waste of money It's okay to trick!"

Shen Huai knew that Guan He's ultimate move was his own death, so he turned on his swift run and ran away. Guan He's Yufengxing had been used before, and he couldn't catch up with him. Shen Huai ran away in the water in a flash.

Guan He frowned slightly, there are two options here, Shen Huai may jump on the shore after running out of his sight, or he may squat him at some corner in front.

After thinking about it, he suddenly ran in the opposite direction.

The 1V1 arena is square. The two run against the direction and quickly collide. They suddenly meet at the corner. When Guan Hecai sees the figure, he suddenly pulls out his long sword—draws the sword out of its sheath!

However, Shen Huai's hand speed was faster this time, and he hit him with a move to capture the soul!

Death Mark - Backstab - Heart Stab - Ghost Blade - Dance of Death!

The damage of the ultimate ultimate move under the crit bonus is astonishingly high, and Guan He's health bar is directly bottomed out.

- Cang Yu killed Sirius!

With this system prompt, the members of the Xiaolang team were dumbfounded. They never thought that their own high level, symbolizing the highest level of solo captain in the domestic e-sports circle, actually lost to Cang Yu in the single-player arena!

And the whole audience cheered!

The ancestor of the assassin, who has won 1V1 solo winning streak in the group stage until now, still maintained his winning streak record with a super high burst in the finals!

Niu Niu shouted excitedly, "Feather God! We didn't use any fancy tactics, we narrowly won by relying on super-high technology and strength! The number one duel king in the country, we are not convinced to fight!"

The fans in the live room were frantically swiping the barrage, and the content was only one word - service!