For Love of the Game

Chapter 16: Back off the storm


There were about twenty handsome men and beautiful women sitting in the huge private room. The delicacies on the table were already cold, and the empty wine bottles were lying on the ground. Only the alcohol pot was steaming hot, slowly steaming under the dazzling chandelier.

In the noisy room, a handsome man sat quietly in the corner. He looked down at his mobile phone, and his long eyelashes were distinct under the light.

There is a photo on the screen of the mobile phone. The man is leaning lazily on the chair with his legs crossed. He wears a crooked birthday hat on his head, and in front of him is a pink birthday cake with a girl's heart. He has soft and clean facial features, and his eyes are narrowed when he smiles, just like the cute fox squatting on the cake.

There was an imperceptible smile on Shen Huai's lips. He felt that Song Xueyang and this fox were indescribably cute in the same photo.

Fingers rubbed back and forth over that photo, as if inadvertently wiping away smudges from the screen. He swiped down, and netizens and big names in the e-sports circle sent birthday wishes one after another.

[Happy Birthday Song Team!]

[Happy birthday to my husband! ! Is it really okay for you big men to order such a pink cake! The fox on the cake is good! !]

[I am relieved to see that my husband is still so handsome today! Happy birthday!]

Seeing the comments from netizens with different personalities, Shen Huai felt a little warm. Most of the comments on his Weibo are inseparable from his acting skills and his father. Every time he sees the rumors of those people, he feels that this job is meaningless.

Liu Yueran, who was chatting and laughing in the crowd, came over, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Shen Huai's eyes.

"Big star, don't you go for two more drinks?"

Seeing that it was Liu Yueran, Shen Huai's face relaxed a bit, "I've already had four drinks."

"Not much!"


"...they're really ruthless."

Liu Yueran sat beside him. He saw Shen Huai swiping Weibo and remembered that almost every important actor in the movie "The End" won an award a while ago, but Shen Huai was the only one who didn't get anything except the remuneration.

Thinking of the almost vicious comments on the Internet, Liu Yueran felt a little distressed. She didn't even understand how cruel Shen Nuo was to allow her son to be ridiculed but indifferent. With Shen Huai's status, there should be more people who flatter him, but because of Shen Nuo's strictness and Shen Huai's indifference, those who make fun of themselves become the targets of ridicule him.

"Don't take those words on the Internet to your heart, you are starting from too high, and the audience's expectations of you are so high. At the age of 21, how many actors are as old as you and nervous when they start the game. You are still growing, and you will definitely not be what you are now in a few years."

Liu Yueran said, feeling a little envious of herself. In the entertainment industry, a place where youth is eaten, youth is capital. Shen Huai entered the circle earlier than all of them. After so many years of experience, it is a precious wealth that no one can ask for.

"I'm not going to act anymore."

A low voice came softly into his ears.

Liu Yueran was stunned for two or three seconds, then turned his head slowly.

Shen Huai looked at her calmly. He acted with his father since he was a child, and most of the actors he came into contact with were actors on the set. He rarely talked to his peers. Liu Yueran could be said to be his only friend of the same age, and he didn't plan to hide it.

Liu Yueran knew Shen Huai well. This man usually speaks very quietly, and it is precisely because of this that he rarely wastes his time joking.

"My mother went early, and my dad took me with me. As long as I can remember, I grew up on the set, watching him act and acting with him. He never asked me if I liked it or not."

Shen Huai's eyes fell on the banquet in the distance, a group of young people formed gangs, drinking and singing, but the high enthusiasm seemed noisy and unreal.

Liu Yueran suddenly felt that Shen Huai was really not suitable for this place. His personality and mentality, as if every inch of his skin could not fit into this world.

"I'm 21 years old, and I don't want to waste time on meaningless things." Shen Huai said lightly.

Liu Yueran smiled happily, yes, who said that people who acted since childhood must love acting, and the father of an international actor must be good at acting

Everyone's life goals are different. How many people indulge in this false prosperity, for the sake of fame, for profit, for money, and have long forgotten their ideals.

She admired Shen Huai's free and easy, and envied him for having this capital.

Liu Yueran didn't ask anything, she patted Shen Huai on the shoulder, "Go, go back and have another drink!"

Shen Huai didn't refuse, and went back to the table to drink again.

I don't know who took out the phone first and looked at it. Gradually, the eyes of the people on the table changed when they looked at Shen Huai.

Shen Huai has always been controversial in the class, and there are not a few people who dislike him. He has long been used to it, and he doesn't see the small actions of these people.

Liu Yueran got drunk but couldn't stand it any longer, "It's the fate of all my classmates to get together for four years, there is nothing I can't say face-to-face, it's only a year after graduation, and in another two or three years, will I be watching it on the same set? Are you going to pretend you don't know each other?"

Liu Yueran was very prestige in the class, and when she spoke, some people couldn't sit still.

"No, Sister Ran," he took out his mobile phone and hesitantly said, "Just now, the official statement from Shen's company said that Shen Huai had terminated the contract with the company, and also said... Shen Huai is going to quit the circle."

The private room, which had been noisy just now, suddenly quieted down, and his eyes were fixed on the person involved.

In the eyes of everyone, Shen Huai opened Weibo calmly. An hour ago, the promise company officially announced that he had terminated the contract with the company due to personal reasons, and at the same time, he implicitly expressed his will not to act again.

The company that Shen Huai signed was started by his father, so it was no use for him to cancel the contract. He didn't expect the cancellation process to be completed so quickly, and the announcement was made at the most inopportune time.

Professor Xu was a little puzzled, "Shen Huai, what's going on?"

Shen Huai stood up and bowed slowly to Professor Xu, "Professor Xu, acting has never been my dream. Thank you for cultivating me. I'll see you another day."

He picked up his jacket, turned around and glanced at the classmates at the wine table one by one, "I wish you all a bright future."

The fluttering four words seemed to hit everyone's heart like a heavy stone.

They were jealous of Shen Huai's resources, jealous that he had a father of an actor, and that he had stood at a height beyond their reach from his debut.

How can he have the best resources and strong background? It's not like being hacked by netizens every day, or even being trampled under their feet in the not too distant future, this kind of feeling is much more enjoyable than to curry favor with him.

It's just that they never thought that Shen Huai would quit the entertainment industry early. Everything they envied and envied was something that he never cherished.

Shen Huai put on his coat and left the hotel. Now he must hide as soon as possible to avoid being discovered by reporters, but just as he stepped out of the door, a group of people rushed out in the dark night.

"Shen Huai! Did you quit the entertainment industry because the netizens' accusations made you too stressed?"

"Shen Huai, have you really stopped acting in the future? Are you afraid your father will be disappointed by doing so?"

A series of questions were thrown one after another with the flash, Shen Huai pursed his lips tightly without saying a word, and quickly looked at the roadside for an opportunity to escape.

At this moment, the headlights of a van at the door came on, and the street lights flashed past to illuminate Song Xueyang's face.

Shen Huai ran over without a second thought, opened the car door, rushed in and closed the door with a "bang".

His stomach turned upside down, ignoring the shocked people in the car, and urged, "I'll vomit if I don't drive again."

"Don't! My newly washed car!" The man sitting in front slammed on the accelerator, and the car rushed out like an arrow.

After driving all the way out, Shen Huai was still holding the doorknob tightly, as if he was afraid that a reporter would catch up.

His head was dizzy, he drank a lot of alcohol, went out and was chased by reporters after the cold wind was blowing. He would dangle in the car, and his consciousness was a little hazy.

The driver asked, "Big star, where are you going?"

Shen Huai didn't speak, and he didn't want to say a word of his discomfort.

What's more, with Song Xueyang here, what else should he worry about

If it was Song Xueyang, he would definitely be able to settle those reporters.

Thinking of this, Shen Huai let go of the hand holding the door with peace of mind.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Song Xueyang gently patted his shoulder, "Shen Huai? You're going..."

Before he could finish speaking, the man's body softened and he planted himself directly. Song Xueyang hurriedly stretched out his hand, and was caught off guard by being hit.

The head with the cold air was knocked on his chest, the fluffy hair almost merged with the black fur collar on his down jacket, and the street lamps that quickly receded from the window swept across his face, like a scorpion that was unbearable. disturbing sleeping elf.

Song Xueyang's heart seemed to be softened. He saw the white air exhaled from Shen Huai's nose, and said in a low voice, "Brother Kun, turn on the air conditioner a little higher."

"Oh." The manager glanced in the rearview mirror, "Where are we going?"

"Back to the club."

He turned his head, three small heads were placed side by side on the seat, and his bright eyes were staring at the man in his arms.

Song Xueyang slapped the three of them on the head in a funny way, "What are you looking at, you're sober up?"

A few people just fell back.

Song Xueyang lowered his head, Shen Huai's hairy head was close at hand, and his soft hair looked very soft. He resisted the urge to raise his hand and adjusted Shen Huai's comfortable posture.

Shen Huai slept soundly, as if he was unguarded by himself, his muscles were relaxed, and he was completely different from when he just got into the car, pulling the door tightly for fear of reporters rushing up.

Song Xueyang has learned a lot of psychology knowledge since he was a child. He knows that every subconscious reaction of human beings has an inner meaning. Shen Huai can sleep so peacefully, which proves that he not only believes that he will not hurt him, but also believes that he can solve those pursuits. Reluctant reporter.

Song Xueyang raised the corners of his mouth, this feeling of being trusted by people who have no connection is really very interesting.

Of course, if he couldn't get rid of even a few reporters, he wouldn't be a headache for many professional teams.

The car was parked downstairs in the club's dormitory, and the team manager helped the three brothers in the back row to get out of the car, and came over to help Song Xueyang drag Shen Huai, who was drowsy, out of the car.

I don't know if it was because he was touched or it was too cold outside, Shen Huai suddenly woke up.

He saw a stranger holding his arms, his sleepy eyes widened and he pushed him away. This push made his body a little unstable. He was supported by the person on the other side. He turned his head sharply and grabbed the person's arm tightly, with such strength that he was about to use a grab technique.

But when he recognized that the person was Song Xueyang, he gently released his hand as if someone had flipped a switch.

The team manager who was pushed away: Ugly people have no human rights

Song Xueyang was also a little surprised. He saw Shen Huai slowly closing his eyes, and took the initiative to reach out and let him support him, letting him lead him. That way is really obedient and obedient, and a little soft.

He sent a few people back to the room, and then took Shen Huai back to his dormitory.

The team manager was a little worried, "What are you going to do with him?"

Song Xueyang supported Shen Huai's falling body, "Let him sleep with me for the night, and talk about the rest tomorrow."

The manager nodded, Song Xueyang was smarter than an adult in his thirties, and nothing would happen to him.

"Brother Kun, it's getting late, you can go back and rest."

"Okay, feel free to contact me anytime."

The dormitory conditions of the Maple Moon team are not bad. There are two people in each dormitory, and the layout of two rooms and one living room.

Song Xueyang's roommate just retired this year, and it's still empty. It's just that no one cleans the room, and the bedding has been thrown away, so no one can sleep on the bed.

He put Shen Huai on the sofa and went back to the bedroom to take a shower.

The manager picked them up tonight in the team car. Although they got rid of those reporters, they could find Fengyue with a little snack. The reporters in the entertainment circle are not as fooled as the reporters in the e-sports circle. Song Xueyang had a hunch that he would definitely be on the news tomorrow morning.

There was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open, and Shen Huai threw himself on the toilet beside him and vomited.

Naked Song Xueyang:…

It seems that it is too early to think about tomorrow.