For Love of the Game

Chapter 3: invite


Seeing that the assassin who was about to die suddenly launched "lurking" and disappeared from the arena.

But in the eyes of qigong masters, he was just running for his life.

[Everyone] [The Qigong Master's score is stable]: Brother, assassins are really bad, don't listen to what the Internet pits say about the beliefs of assassins.

Assassin Faiths in the Live Room:…

Brother, when you said this, I was afraid that you didn't know it was live broadcast, right? Are you very likely to be ripped off by the Assassin believers on the Internet tonight

Shen Huai didn't answer either. The invisible assassin quickly approached the qigong master, stunned with his hand, and continued with "Shadow Mark-Assassination-Blood Blade-Stab Heart-Dark Sword".

The combo effect under the shadow mark is stealth. When the stun state of the qigong master is lifted, Shen Huai's assassin just triggers the third combo, and the character disappears out of thin air. This combo actually knocked out 40% of the qigong master's attack. Blood!

The qigong master was not in a hurry, he put on an attacking stance on the spot, he still had 45% of his blood, and he would not necessarily die if he took a set of combos, and the assassin's qi and blood was already less than 10%, as long as he took another qigong cannon to kill him. certain death.

Qigong masters blindly open a trick at the right time - qigong shock.

Qigong Deterrence will shatter the ground within 3 meters of the Qigong master's feet. Although the range is small, it is enough for assassins who need melee attacks.

Shen Huai was suddenly hit by the shattered ground, and seeing that his qi and blood were only 10%, the qigong master suddenly fired a qigong cannon.

The hearts of the fans in the live broadcast room were all tightened, but they saw Cang Yu's assassin making a move from a distance of almost face to face and then rolling over. Not only did they avoid the qigong cannon, but they also turned to the back of the qigong master and made a move "Photo" soul"!

Soul Destroyer can stun the enemy, but it can only be used when the opponent's HP percentage is higher than your own.

Shen Huai's qi and blood is only 10%, this move is 100% stunned, and the assassin has an extra damage bonus when attacking from behind!

Death Mark-Assassination-Blood Blade-Scythe-Dance of Death!

The big move after the three-hit combo perfectly triggers the critical strike effect. The qigong master with 45% of his vigor and blood is left with a set of seconds, while Cang Yu's assassin still has 10% of his vigor and blood!

Everyone in the live broadcast room didn't understand what was going on at all.

[Who will tell me what happened? When did my assassin's burst damage get so high? Is the S5 season called back?]

[It is a bloody double-blade, the lower the own blood and blood, the higher the damage. But just now, the blood of the Great God Cangyu was only 10%, why did he not die after being shocked by a qigong move? ?]

[Am I the only one who noticed Cang Yu's return of blood... Before he was invisible, he had only 7% of his blood, but after breaking the invisible, he actually had 10% of his blood! Isn't the arena not allowed to take medicine? bug?]

Just as everyone was having a heated discussion, a familiar ID flashed across the screen.

V Guan He: [It is a divine blessing.]

Talent · Holy Blessing: When your HP is lower than 10%, restore 1% of your own HP every second

This skill is a must for warriors with thick skin and flesh. After all, warriors have many shields and life-saving skills that absorb damage. The output occupation will not be touched at all, because for the thin-skinned output occupation, there is no difference between 1% and 10% of qi and blood, and it is a problem that a skill will be taken away.

[right! Holy blessing! But what is the use of this talent? Even 10% blood can't support a skill, right?]

[Wait... Was that ID closed just now?]

Everyone sees it, isn't it? The ID that just sent the message is Guan He, the captain of the Xiaolang team who has been certified by the Great God of the live broadcast room!

Did the team run to watch the live broadcast? Everyone sent a barrage to Guan He to say hello.

V Zhouning: [Cang Yu's talent also points out Desperate Counterattack and Redemption. Desperate Counterattack can extend the stun time when his own blood is lower than 10%, and Salvation can be immune to damage when he takes a fatal blow.]

Holy crap, isn't this the deputy team of the Maple Moon team

But after what he said, everyone immediately understood the core of Cang Yu's extra points.

Point out "Blood Blades" on the professional skills, rely on your own low blood to cause high damage, and select all life-saving talents on the talent, use the divine blessing's less than 10% automatic blood recovery and redemption to resist a fatal one. The effect of the attack keeps his own blood and blood at 10%, which perfectly exerts the maximum damage of the bloody double-blade!

Everyone who reacted couldn't help but swiped 666 on the screen.

Keeping one's own blood and blood at 10%, and facing the situation of being instantly killed by one move at any time, the Jedi counterattack requires very subtle positioning and anticipation of the enemy's skills, and only Cang Yu, who has a deep understanding of assassins, can Make it happen!

Thinking of Cang Yu's sentence before the game, "Of course assassins can still fight, but the lower limit has been raised", and everyone felt desperate for a while.

This is where the lower limit is raised, this is simply a god-level operation! They can't learn at all!

V Zhang Jiayan: 6666666! PS: Vice-team Zhou, what about Team Song

V Zhou Ning: He is brushing bazooka.

V Song Xueyang presents Bazooka X100

It was only then that everyone discovered that the IDs of many professional players had been sneaked into the audience without knowing it, and even some well-known anchors of the platform came over to reward them.

[Speaker] [V Zhang Jiayan]: Cang Yu, join the WG team! Next year's champion must be WG!

Everyone: ... Team Yan, you are here again! I have to come here every year, how many times do I have to be rejected before I give up!

[Team Zhang, don't waste your time, God Cangyu hasn't played e-sports for so many years... It's definitely not just your WG family who poached him!]

V Guan He: Yes

[Why doesn't the Great God Cangyu play a career? I want to see the male god's face! I want to lick the face of the male god!]

[Great God Cangyu doesn't even have a fixed time for the live broadcast... How could it be possible to play professionally? But if the Great God goes to a career, I can watch the Great God operate on the spot! Suddenly good chicken!]

[I admit that Cang Yu is very powerful, but assassins are just like that. How many assassins do you see in the professional arena? Which assassin came out and didn't get beaten down? Cang Yu is the anchor for everyone to watch a live broadcast, but I really want to play professional e-sports. I am afraid that your dreams will be disillusioned.]

[Speaker] [V Zhang Jiayan]: Cang Yu, join the WG team! Next year's champion must be WG!

Shen Huai looked at the messages on the live broadcast room, no one thought which team he was really considering joining. It's December, and until the end of the month is the "City of Despair" transfer period, and he has to make a choice during this period.

Just thinking about it, a private chat message pops up at the bottom of the screen.

[Friends] [It's not difficult to name a trumpet]: DiDi!

Fans in the live broadcast room also noticed this ID, because Cang Yu gave him a note: power leveling.

[Is this the power leveling boss that Yushen said we couldn't invite?]

[Big guy! Cang Yu, how much money you give, I will pay ten times!]

Seeing this ID, Shen Huai immediately typed "Today's live broadcast is temporarily over" on the public screen, and then exited the live broadcast room.

Everyone who found the screen suddenly black in the live broadcast room: ? ?

After 3 months and 7 days of waiting for God Cangyu to broadcast a live broadcast, it ended after only one round of the single-player arena? Should it be so short

Unfinished fans swiped the screen angrily in the live broadcast room, and players inspired by this arena have modified their skills and talents to click into the arena, and the data emperors have climbed to the post bar forum to discuss the playability of the live assassin. .

Shen Huai didn't know anything about these, he clicked on the dialog box "It's not difficult to name a trumpet" and replied.

- Song team.

The owner of this trumpet and his power trainer is the captain of the Maple Moon team, Song Xueyang.

Shen Huai and Song Xueyang have known each other for several years in the game. To say that Shen Huai has so many fans on the live broadcast platform is because Song Xueyang once recommended him on Weibo.

[Friends] [It's not difficult to name a trumpet]: 2v2

Shen Huai sent a word, "Okay."

Song Xueyang was the first professional player he knew. When he first met, he was just an unknown ordinary player. The purpose of the live broadcast was simply to facilitate screen recording. At that time, Song Xueyang had just become the captain of the Maple Moon team. Still a rookie.

By chance, Song Xueyang clicked into his live broadcast room and became his first fan.

Now, Shen Huai is already a big assassin with three million fans. He is rarely online due to work reasons, but Song Xueyang will definitely pull him to play the two-player arena every time he plays the game.

This time was no exception. There were not many players in the Shenwei segment, and the 2V2 match took a long time. Shen Huai and Song Xueyang had not been in contact for a long time, so they simply chatted.

"I watched the finals this year, and it was very powerful. It's a pity that I didn't get the trophy."

Song Xueyang's career is actually a gunslinger, and his chosen branch is a sniper under the gunslinger. In this year's national finals, his beautiful rolling and sniper operation was included in the top 10 highlights of the professional league, and thus he became the first person in the professional ranking of gunslingers. .

Although it is a domestic ranking, as the only physical long-range DPS in the game, the gunslinger profession can be described as a gathering of masters, and the first domestic ranking is not bad when looking at the world. It's a pity that the Maple Moon team stopped in the top four, and neither won the trophy nor the place in the global competition.

Song Xueyang quickly replied, "It's not a pity, there is a huge disparity in strength, it's not bad to get the fourth place."

Shen Huai sighed, Song Xueyang is a typical individual who is quite strong but leads a weak team. Before he became the captain, the Maple Moon team couldn't even keep the top eight, and it was a surprise for everyone to get the fourth place this year. .

"Is there any change in the team members next year?" Shen Huai asked euphemistically, he sincerely hoped that Song Xueyang would have strong teammates.

"Of course, you look at Weibo."

Even if Shen Huai reads Weibo, he rarely gets news about the e-sports circle, but after hearing what Song Xueyang said, he deliberately flipped through it. Unexpectedly, after the end of this year's game, two people retired and one transferred!

Retirement sounds good, Shen Huai can see at a glance that he was fired, otherwise the two are not very old, and there is no reason to retire at all. Not to mention, they happen to be relatively weak in the team.

Without waiting for Shen Huai to think about it, the system successfully matched them with their opponents.

Different from the fixed arena of 1V1, the map of 2V2 is randomly selected from the map library of the game, and the weather day and night in the map will affect the professional skills in the game.

This time, the random map is a desert map, and the weather is wind and flame.

The wind attribute can increase the distance of all displacement skills and the duration of acceleration skills, which is very beneficial to Shen Huai's assassins. The flame attribute can increase the attack of the fire element and weaken the ice element magic, and Song Xueyang's trumpet happens to be an ice element magician.

Shen Huai sneaked to the front to explore the way. Their opponents were gunners and magicians. The good news was that they were both crispy professions. The bad news was that both of them had skills with fire damage.

Song Xueyang's magician collided with them head-on, and the two of them couldn't see the invisible assassin, thinking that the enemy's ice method had been left alone, and immediately focused their fire to attack.

Song Xueyang didn't rush, he locked the magician with the shackle of ice, and the group attack "Frostfall" slowed down the gunner. The fire magician has an ultra-long-range acceleration skill, and the general deceleration skill can't stop him, while the gunner's displacement skill is very short, as long as he keeps decelerating, he can deal with it.

Even if he was besieged by two people, Song Xueyang could accurately judge the situation immediately.

The magician who released the control resolutely started the flame crossing, and the characters moved fast and caused damage to all the enemies they collided with. With the bonus of the wind attribute of the map, the magician flew very fast, and he was about to catch up with the short legs. The ice method, an ice wall suddenly rose up, blocking his way.

At this time, he had already distanced himself from his companions. Song Xueyang created an excellent attacking opportunity for Shen Huai.

It was only then that the magician realized that there was an invisible assassin hiding around, but it was too late to escape.

The moment Shen Huai broke out of hiding, Song Xueyang tacitly used his ultimate move, Frozen Ten Thousand Miles, and then released his ultimate ultimate move, Blizzard. Frozen's double Dalian moves are basically unsolvable on the battlefield. As long as they are released, they will be corpses. The gunner who came after just happened to enter the attack range unluckily, and was instantly beaten to residual blood by these two moves.

Shen Huai fluttered with sharp blades, took two heads decisively, and two large golden characters flashed on the screen - Victory!

Playing 2v2 with Song Xueyang was very easy. Not only could he always create opportunities for himself, but he could always guess his intentions. Just like just now, if someone else was a teammate, Shen Huai would definitely mark the target of his attack, but because his teammate was Song Xueyang, he didn't need to waste this time at all.

Shen Huai gave a thumbs up, "You will definitely get the trophy next year."

There was a quick reply, "If you are willing to join Fengyue, I can win the championship."