For Love of the Game

Chapter 37: Announce the lineup


Both sides breathed a sigh of relief. Although this 6v6 only lasted for 17 minutes, they were engrossed in playing the team almost every minute. Everyone had never fought such a tiring team battle.

Zhang Jiayan posted a row of thumbs on the public screen, "Old fox, I really have you."

Maple Moon's lineup lacked large-scale group attack and control, so Song Xueyang simply abandoned the front row and formed such an all-attack team, letting Zhou Ning's epee and Fan Jingming's Berserker take turns to control, and Zhou Jing for the rest. The white magician of the core erupted in seconds and retreated collectively. It was a good guerrilla attack!

Broken Snow: "You're welcome~ Don't forget to add training on New Year's Day."

Zhang Jiayan: "…"

WG crowd: QAQ

New Year's Day once a year! Can't they give them a good rest? Why do you want us to accompany you in training with your team?

Zhang Jiayan coughed, "Additional training on New Year's Day."

"team leader!!!"

"Captain, I want to go home on New Year's Day! My mother promised to make braised pork for me!"

"Captain, I'm going home for a blind date on New Year's Day! I'm not alone! You let these single dogs stay for more training!"

Zhang Jiayan said in a deep voice, "Shut up."

His words were not loud, but they were quite majestic, and the training room was silent for a while.

"Xiao Lin, you just returned home this month, what are you going to return on New Year's Day? You are not afraid of getting fat every day with braised pork! And you, what is the slogan of our team?"

The man sullenly said, "There is no girlfriend in e-sports, when will you retire and when will there be."

"That's right," Zhang Jiayan said solemnly when he saw everyone's listlessness like eggplants beaten by Shuang, "Don't think that if we win Fengyue today, we will be able to win in next year's game. Let's not talk about the head of state. Battle is our team's best mode, and Fengyue has added 3 new recruits this year, and they can complete such a complex cooperation in just a few days, can you guarantee that you will win next time?"

"It's the first time we saw Fengyue's style of play. It's understandable to be caught off guard, but don't forget, Song Xueyang hasn't played yet."

This sentence suddenly woke everyone up. In the official arena, the assassin profession must be playing in the 1v1 and 2v2 arenas that are easier to play. The most troublesome thing in Fengyue's team battle is Song Xueyang's elusive sniper!

Thinking of how difficult it was for them to win today when Song Xueyang didn't play, the players immediately felt a sense of crisis.

Zhang Jiayan slowed down, "Fengyue is indeed a team that cannot be underestimated, but our WG has always been a strong team standing at the top. Now we sweat, we will not cry next year! Come on, you are all the strongest players!"

The team members were moved to tears by his remarks, and an idea emerged in their minds - with such a good captain, they will have no regrets in their careers!

In the next second, Zhang Jiayan stood up and raised his fist above his head, "Come on! Teammates! Next year's champions must be us! Next year's WG will be even more brilliant! Next year's arena chapter will be written by us!"

WG public: "… "

If only he hadn't been so hot-blooded.

In the game, Zhang Jiayan sent Shen Huai a private chat.

WeGo! : Cang Yu?

Shen Huai politely replied, "Yan team."

Zhang Jiayan was not very happy. Every time Cang Yu was broadcasting live, he would trumpet to invite him, and he could say a few words at ordinary times.

WeGo! : Why are you so outspoken?

He really misunderstood Shen Huai, and even Song Xueyang was called Team Song by Shen Huai for three years.

Shen Huai just wanted to express his respect for the professional players. Since the other party was not happy, he had to change his words, "Zhang Jiayan."

Zhang Jiayan felt much better, "I didn't expect you to really join Fengyue. You didn't come when I invited you so much before. How did the old fox hook you up?"

Shen Huai: "..."

He can't handle such a straightforward type...

Just as he didn't know how to answer, a pair of hands rubbed the tip of his ear, and his slender fingers pressed lightly on the keyboard. The arm of God, known as the number one sniper, was holding him in the center from left to right. As soon as he looked up, his hair could touch the tip of the man's chin.

Shen Huai's heart tightened, Song Xueyang bent over and stood behind him, putting his hands on the keyboard, as if wrapping him in his arms.

Those hands quickly typed two words in the chat box, "Beauty."

Zhang Jiayan fell into contemplation, his eyes circled around the bad guys in the training room, and finally fell on Jia Yunge.

Jia Yunge blinked suspiciously, the simple tied wig and carefully made assassin makeup made him look androgynous, with the heroic appearance unique to the second dimension, Zhang Jiayan quickly turned away.

Forget it, he wasn't too willing to let Yun Ge go.

Shen Huai saw the words on the screen, and looked up at Song Xueyang again. Song Xueyang pointed at his face with a smile, "How is it? Is it alright?"

Shen Huai was silent for a moment, "Courage is commendable."

Song Xueyang: "..."

After the game, Song Xueyang called everyone to the conference room to start the post-match review.

Shiyi was a little nervous. In the Xiaolang team, victory was the only criterion, but for any lost game, the atmosphere during the replay was very heavy. When he first came to Fengyue, he didn't know Song Xueyang's style. He just recalled the match just now.

He was worried all the way, but Song Xueyang didn't comment on everyone's performance at all. Instead, after watching the video, he carefully analyzed the enemy's playing style throughout the game.

He never knew that someone could analyze the enemy's psychology so thoroughly, and even know the playing habits one by one. The more he listened to it, the more fascinated he became. The famous commentary who has benefited a lot.

"Here," the screen freezes on the picture of the enemy fire magician releasing the blazing prairie fire, "Zhou Jing, you should give yourself immunity and leave the skill range as soon as possible, instead of using the shield to resist damage, don't think about using immunity to resist the enemy. Fang's instant skill, Raging Fire can't kill you for a while, but the damage is very considerable, our team didn't add blood, and your reluctant skill is just adding pressure to your teammates."

He not only pointed out Zhou Jing's problem, but also explained clearly what she thought.

Next, Song Xueyang repeated everyone's question. He didn't ask anyone why they made such a mistake, because after asking the question, he could accurately say why the person on the screen would do it, just like Psychoanalyst masters in general.

In the end, Song Xueyang summed up and commented, "Shi Yi played very well, to stabilize the state, Hai Xing played too hastily, the key to guerrilla play is to be calm, Shen Huai's commanding ability needs to be strengthened, not only Mark it in the game, everyone has a microphone, and the language expression is more convenient."

"Finally, on New Year's Day tomorrow, take a day off."

Everyone was stunned at first, and immediately cheered after they reacted, New Year's Day! Their long-awaited holiday is finally here!

However, this day is destined to not be able to let them pass peacefully. In the early morning of January 1st, when the people of the whole country are celebrating the New Year's Day, the official Weibo of the Maple Moon team announced the list of players who will go to the professional league this year. 9 pictures.

In the middle is the team logo of the team, and the other eight are a group photo and a solo photo of 7 people.

People who follow the professional game of "City of Despair" know that the Fengyue team has left three people, and they are naturally curious about their lineup this year. In addition to the news that Cang Yu is going to play professionally, Fengyue has become Cang Yu. One of the most likely teams to join.

Therefore, as soon as the official Weibo was posted, fans flocked to it.

[There is a girl! This year, Maple Moon has a girl! The goddess team in my heart has grown again!]

[Fuck! Is the person in the sixth picture the passerby Wang Shiyi? Planted, the Song team actually recruited this crayon into the team, I think this year's professional league is hanging.]

[The contract between Shi Yi and Xiaolang hasn't expired, right? What is the use of Fengyue spending money to dig him? Did you like the income of rotten eggs during his live broadcast?]

[Why else, for the face! Have you forgotten that Fengyue is looking to attract people?]

[It's really hard for Team Song to lead the team, I beg the club to let him win once! Don't hire this kind of frivolous player again!]

[Can you read all the pictures before talking? I really don't know what you're arguing about, doesn't anyone recognize the person in the last photo!]

Everyone really didn't click on one of them to take a closer look. When they saw Shiyi's photo, they came to complain, and some people didn't click on the comments to read directly. Now, after being reminded, everyone went back and clicked on the last picture. .

As a result, the little hand trembled, so scared that the mobile phone fell off the horse!

Even if the sky is torn apart, the sea is withered and the rocks rotten, they will never admit the wrong person!

The first vase actors in the entertainment industry - Shen and Huai!

Shen and Huai, who were just sprayed by netizens a while ago and could only retreat from the circle!

The Shen and Huai who are useless except for their faces, fighting for the top!

Maple Moon fans wailed, why! Why is this year's lineup so miserable! Shen Huai is an actor who doesn't understand even a single play, can he play e-sports? If he can play e-sports, pigs can climb trees!

There was an instant scolding on Weibo, as if no one remembered Shi Yi. After all, compared to Shen Huai, Shi Yi was still a passer-by!

[Hehe, if the entertainment industry can’t survive, and you go to the e-sports circle to gain a sense of existence, can you not harm the e-sports circle?]

[Let's go everyone, Fengyue was originally designed to build a star team, it's not surprising to recruit Shen Huai to join the team, I was too stupid to think Cang Yu would join Fengyue, hahaha!]

[Why! Isn't Cang Yu going to be a professional? Fengyue does not dig such a great god, so what's the use of signing an actor? We are not watching the reality show when we watch the game! Shen Huai was black all his life! Damn, so angry! I'm furious!]

[Hehe, I also know that it was Fengyue who got into the market only because of Uncle Shen's shareholding. How could Fengyue have the money to dig him? Thankfully, I thought that he had finally found out in his conscience that he quit the entertainment industry before, but now, he can do enough to become famous.]

[Turn black on Shenhuai Road! No matter how bad his acting skills were before, the director was willing to invite him, and some audiences were willing to buy it. But eSports is different! E-sports players only have a few years, you ruined the entire team player's life, you know!]

[Fengyue fans support me and resolutely resist Shen Huai joining the team! Esports don't need a vase! Also our positive gaming environment!]

E-sports fans made fierce sarcastic remarks on Weibo, revealing their strong dissatisfaction with Fengyue executives between the lines.

At the same time, the news of Shen Huai joining the e-sports circle has already ranked No. 1 in Weibo's hot search. The people who eat melons include not only e-sports fans, but also all bigwigs in the entertainment circle. Shen Huai's black fans even seized this opportunity and went to the major forums to post, in detail, to popularize Shen Huai's black history for colleagues in the e-sports circle.

It doesn't matter if the circle is different! As long as we have a common enemy, we are comrades-in-arms!

When the online noise was overwhelming, Song Xueyang and Shen Huai were watching a movie in the living room. Song Xueyang specially bought a home projector, and the effect of closing the curtains was comparable to a private theater.

Shen Huai hugged the pillow, held the potato chips, and stared at the curtain intently. His eyes hidden under the 3D glasses were faintly bright, and his quiet and docile appearance made it completely impossible to understand why he had so many black fans.

He was fascinated, but he didn't notice that Song Xueyang, who was beside him, had already taken off his glasses and looked at him slantingly with his chin in one hand.

He saw Shen Huai's perfectly curved lower jaw, slender and sexy neck, like an elf sleeping quietly under the night.

He thought, what do those people know?

They don't even know what kind of person Shen Huai is, how hard he has worked for his dream, and much less how valuable his talent in e-sports is. Shen Huai is a piece of natural rough jade, which can shine without carving, and sooner or later, he will make this piece of jade a treasure sought after by thousands of people.

Song Xueyang couldn't help touching the soft hair, Shen Huai pulled down his glasses halfway and asked, "Doesn't it look good?"

Song Xueyang looked at him with a smile, "Good-looking."

Shen Huai was speechless, "I'm talking about movies."

Song Xueyang grabbed some potato chips from his arms, "I'm talking about movies too."

Shen Huai buried his head in embarrassment.

At this moment, Song Xueyang's cell phone rang, and Zhang Jiayan's angry roar could be heard without pressing the speakerphone.

"Song Xueyang! Where did you put Cang Yu? You don't even want Cang Yu to chase stars? How can Shen Huai compare to Cang Yu? I really misjudged you! No! I look down on you! Me! Zhang Jiayan, look down on you! understand, do you?"

His phone was snatched away before he finished speaking. This time it was Liang Minghui who spoke, "I'm sorry Team Song, our captain hasn't woken up yet."

After speaking, the call was also hung up.

Song Xueyang was amused by these two people, "Zhang Jiayan's IQ is really used in the game, but Liang Minghui is the quickest response."

He smiled for a while and then asked, "Do you want me to announce that you are Cang Yu?"

Shen Huai asked back, "You don't even believe Zhang Jiayan, do you think netizens will believe it?"

This makes sense. Song Xueyang doesn't agree with taking the initiative to announce this matter. The keyboard warriors don't need a reason to identify a matter. No matter how you explain it, they can twist it into a sophistry. It's better to speak with strength.

He comforted, "It won't be long before they forget about it."

Shen Huai nodded, and could only hope for this.

On the night of January 1, a day when the whole world celebrated family reunion, countless teenagers hid outside the dining table and looked down at their mobile phones.

They were either filled with righteous indignation or schadenfreude, and they couldn't put down their mobile phones even under the scolding of their elders, because they were discussing the same topic enthusiastically—Shen Huai joined the Maple Moon team!

The title of the post on the major forum posts is like this-

[Cool! This year's professional game Fengyue will miss the quarterfinals!]

[Film and television actors switch to e-sports, how high is the salary of e-sports players?]

[Take a look at the reasons why we are black and Shen Huai.]

The comments of netizens are as follows-

[He is an actor who has nothing but a face to play e-sports. Isn't this a stinky fish stirring up a pot? The environment of the e-sports circle is really getting worse and worse. In a few years, everyone will be beauty pageants! What e-sports are you playing!]

[I didn’t know Shen Huai very well at first, but after seeing the photos of the players, I felt that Shen Huai really didn’t intend to play the game seriously. Look carefully at his makeup, he is completely different from the other team members. A promotional photo has Do you need to turn yourself into this?]

[Shen Huai must have a royal makeup artist, can he compare with the rest of the team? Besides, do you really think that Shen Huai is here to play? It's a curve to save the country. Seeing that our fans in the e-sports circle have a good atmosphere, they came here to attract fans.]

[After reading the words upstairs, I was really disgusted. I did not hesitate to ruin the future of others for my own benefit. I think Maple Moon is about to decline. Pity our stars.]

[Isn't my Snow God pitiful? Thinking that when Fengyue couldn't even make it to the top eight, who turned the tide and led the team to this day? Who rejected the invitation of the champion team for the team? For Fengyue to achieve today's results, my Snow God is at least half of the credit! If I were to say that Xue Shen was in the wrong team, I knew that one day I would be trapped like this by the club. Why don't I go to the God of War at the beginning, anyway, I'm also the captain of the runner-up team now!]

[The strength is distressed by the Snow God, and Fengyue's achievements were brought out by him! We can all see his hard work! In the interview after the national finals this year, he said that he was very satisfied with the team's strength to achieve this result, and also said that if everyone continues to support Fengyue next year, they will definitely win the championship. Now that I think about it, I really cry! I hate Shen Huai! He ruined my male god dream!]

The "City of Despair Gossip Group" on Song Xueyang's Wechat also kept flashing. At first, no one dared to mention the situation, but there was no movement until the evening, and some daring people took the lead in opening the conversation. , and then everyone started to make fun of you and me.

There are many people who guessed that Shen Huai is Cang Yu, such as the WG team members and Guan He who played against Shen Huai, but everyone tacitly did not mention it.

Some people started to coax Song Xueyang to pull Shen Huai into the group, which was understandable, because almost all the members of the top eight teams in this group were there.

Song Xueyang was rude, and simply pulled Shen Huai in, and the group immediately exploded.

Lu Zhichao: Good star! Don't forget to give me an autograph when you meet at the arena!

Zhuo Yuan: Song Team 666

Fan Hao: Mom! I actually have a WeChat account of a big star!

Si Qianjin: Your father is here, what did you call your mother to do?

Fan Hao: Si Laoqiu, am I fucking you?

A group of people arguing about the topic was quickly diverted.

This also gave Shen Huai a sigh of relief, otherwise he really didn't know what to say to everyone.

The night seemed to pass peacefully, and everyone ignored those angry netizens. After all, who hasn't been questioned? Even Song Xueyang was ridiculed by netizens for several days when he became the captain. They have long been used to such things.

It's just that when the fans of the Maple Moon team blocked the club's door to protest the next day, no one dared to take this as a trivial matter.

At 8:30 in the morning, there were fifty or sixty people at the entrance of the club, with banners on their bodies and signs in their hands, shouting and protesting emotionally.

"Shen Huai leaves the Maple Moon team!"

"Esports don't need a vase!"

"Shen Huai get out of the gaming circle!"

The organized and disciplined shouts not only attracted the onlookers of passers-by, but also attracted the police who arrived after hearing the news.

Fengyue's public relations department was dispatched urgently to appease fans on the spot, served tea and water, and provided warm babies. All kinds of human care were used up, and the scene could not be controlled.

This group of fans are all elites selected from the fan groups of various Maple Moon teams last night. Most of them have their own destiny players. The players they don't like are so spoiled by Shen Huai, I don't know who will take the lead first. Everyone hit it off and blocked the door.

A fan sat on the ground crying, and threw the warm baby that the club gave her into the tree pit, "You can just fire Shen Huai, let's fire Xue Shen, my name of Xue Shen I can't be ruined by him! "

"Miss, we assure you that Shen Huai definitely entered the team based on his strength, and it has nothing to do with his appearance."

The fans suddenly raised their heads, "Do you think Shen Huai is good-looking?"

The man was stunned, "It doesn't look good."

Fans immediately grabbed his collar, "It's not good, you still recruited him into the team, and said he didn't go through the back door?"

"… "

There were more and more people blocking the door of the club. There were reporters who came to hear the news, policemen who received calls, city officials who were called, citizens watching the excitement, small vendors who came to sell water, and people who came to pick up water bottles. Uncle and aunt.

The team members in the training were able to ignore it at first, but the noise became louder and louder. Fan Jingming glanced out inadvertently and immediately shouted, "No, no, the stars are back! He collided with the demonstrators! "

Hai Xing's home is in the local area. He went home for the holiday yesterday. This morning, he took another leave due to traffic jams. He just bumped into the fans at the gate of the club.

Hai Xing usually likes Shen Huai very much, and he was the most angry person in the group last night. He has a straightforward personality and a low boiling point, and he knows that he will definitely quarrel with fans.

Shen Huai looked at Song Xueyang, who naturally knew Hai Xing very well, "I'll pick him up and make it clear by the way."

Shen Huai followed and got up, "I'll go too."

Song Xueyang glanced at him and did not refuse.

Everyone is making troubles at the house, and they will be a bit embarrassed to be an ostrich from here.

"Wait, I'll go too." Zhou Ning got up and put on his coat.

Shi Yi and Zhou Jing also raised their heads, Song Xueyang immediately blocked what they were going to say, "You two are not suitable to go, Xiao Ming, stay and watch them."

Hai Xing spent half the night with the keyboard warriors last night. He was still confused when he got in the taxi. He heard the driver ask him if he was going to protest at the gate of the club. He was still a little puzzled. Understood.

He was unconvinced and reasoned with the fans that Shen Huai didn't enter the team through the back door, he was the ace that he and the captain dug up with great difficulty. people!

But he couldn't speak to fifty or sixty people with one mouth. He was so angry that he wanted to buy a loudspeaker. At this moment, Song Xueyang appeared.

Song Xueyang has the most fans among the team members. As soon as he appeared, the fans immediately screamed.

He waved his hand and said loudly, "Shen Huai's joining the team is a joint decision of all members of our team and the club, without any water mixed in, his personal strength is stronger than you think, this year's Fengyue will definitely not let you disappointment!"

Fans gradually quieted down, as if to determine the credibility of the remarks.

Zhou Ning also assured, "Shen Huai's strength is obvious to all members of our team. Because it involves the secrets of the team, it cannot be disclosed for the time being, but please believe in Fengyue and me. I can assure you with my reputation."

Shen Huai looked at him unconsciously, and he could feel that Zhou Ning's concern for him was even more meticulous after Zhou Jing joined the team. Just like now, the firm trust in his eyes made Shen Huai's heart vivid.

Suddenly someone asked, "No matter how powerful Shen Huai is, can he surpass Cang Yu? Why don't you dig Cang Yu and let Shen Huai occupy the spot?"

Hai Xing was angry, "Shen Huai, he is..."

"Sea Star!" Shen Huai gave him a serious look, and Sea Xing remembered what Song Xueyang said in the group last night and immediately shut his mouth.

But this picture changed in the eyes of some people, and some fans immediately questioned, "Why are you threatening him!"

"That's right! Are there any shameful things that you dare not let us know? He also said that he entered the team based on his strength, and he dared to frighten his teammates in front of us.

"Did Fengyue run it by your family? It's a bit stinky money. Are you in charge of the club now?"

"It's not like that!" Hai Xing stomped his feet in a hurry, but no one paid attention to him at all. The e-sports reporters had already rushed past the security guard's interception circle and came straight to Shen Huai, throwing sharp questions mercilessly. .

The scene was chaotic for a while. E-sports reporters were not like reporters in the entertainment industry who would worry that Shen Huai had a father like Shen Nuo. I don't know the scale, I just know that this is big news enough to affect their careers, and they all squeezed Shen Huai with all their strength.

Song Xueyang motioned for Shen Huai to go first, but Shen Huai just turned around when a reporter suddenly grabbed his hand, but he didn't shake it away.

The reporter didn't realize what he was doing wrong at all. He thought that if Shen Huai slipped out of today's first news, he would be ruined, so he squeezed Shen Huai's fingers tightly.

Shen Huai frowned in pain, if he didn't want to cause more trouble for the team, he would have turned his face long ago.

At this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed the reporter's wrist and forcefully separated the hand he was holding onto his own.

Song Xueyang had the same smile on his face, but there was a chill like frost in his eyes, and the reporter couldn't help shivering.

"Mr. Reporter," he said in a low voice, his voice was no different from before, but he seemed to be suppressing something, "Is it too much?"

I don't know why the reporter suddenly felt a chill running down his spine to the back of his head, so cold that he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"I just want Shen Huai to answer me a question."

"Oh," Song Xueyang seemed to nodded, "Why did he answer your question?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment. He never thought that Song Xueyang would dare to reject him so frankly. Song Xueyang's tone sounded like a simple rhetorical question, but he could see the words "You are also worthy?" from his contemptuous eyes.

He just joined the job not long ago, and he usually sees the masters chasing players like this. Even if those players are so stinky that they seem to be hitting people at any time, don't they still obediently endure them? It's the first time that something like this has been humiliated in public.

He was inexplicably frightened, but when he heard the sound of taking pictures behind him, he suddenly realized that he was not alone! There are a group of colleagues behind him, and there are fans at the door. Song Xueyang dares to move, just wait for the hot search tonight!

The reporter suddenly felt confident, "Since Shen Huai chose to be an e-sports player, he should have the consciousness of being interviewed by reporters, or does Team Song feel that Shen Huai is not qualified to be an e-sports player now?"

This reporter usually likes to flatter the leaders, and his relationship with his colleagues is not very good. Otherwise, the seniors will give him some advice.

- For example, never offend some people in the circle, there is usually a sentence behind this, especially Song Xueyang.

How could a person who became a captain at the age of 18 and led a group of teammates selected in a beauty pageant to the quarterfinals be an ordinary role?

Song Xueyang smiled, but that smile made one's heart dread.

"You misunderstood, I just want to remind you that Shen Huai is an e-sports player, and this year's Maple Moon team's main draft player, you just pulled his hand so hard, if it is found that the finger joints are dislocated, you will suffer the consequences. Can you afford it?"

The reporter was stunned for a moment. He wanted to say that he didn't exert any force, but then again, when Shen Huai threw his hand, he did seem to hear a thud.

Song Xueyang added, "If Shen Huai's regular season in March is affected by a problem with his hand, can you give these fans an explanation?"

The reporter has never seen such a brazen and upright person, and it is surprising that Shen Huai can play well at his level. Isn't this a clear reason to let him take the blame?

He shook off Shen Huai's hand as if his hands were hot, and Song Xueyang also let go of his hand, his eyes flicked over the reporters in the back row and the fans at the door, his tone was sonorous and powerful.

"Since Shen Huai joined Fengyue, he is my teammate. You slander him, and you are questioning me. I am very grateful for everyone's concern for our team, but I will not allow anyone to hurt my teammates."

Everyone who said this was stunned for a moment, and a reporter immediately asked, "Aren't you worried about losing fans when you say this, Team Song?"

Song Xueyang's smile did not change, "If my teammates are wronged just for a number, I don't deserve to have so many fans."

No one would have thought that Song Xueyang would say such a thing in public. He always gave the impression of being gentle and rational. He had never said a single word in public in the past three years. How could such a person say such reckless words?

How much benefit did Shen Huai give him, so that he would not hesitate to offend his fans but also protect him?

In this silence, Shen Huai's heart beat violently. Everything around him seemed to fade away, and only this handsome man remained in his eyes.

It is common for him to be scolded by netizens. Although it is the first time that he has been scolded in public by so many people because of the relationship between the brokerage companies and the fact that he has not cared about it.

In the past few years, he has come this way, and he has long been accustomed to facing those ridicules and abuses by himself. He was born in the entertainment industry, and since he was a child, he has understood that people are cold and warm, and those who will not get down on you are already friends. And don't expect someone to help you out.

But recently, this law seems to be invalid.

Whether it is the previous withdrawal, the scandal of plug-ins, or the current fan protests, Song Xueyang will always be the first person to reach out to him.

Zhou Ning also stood up and said, "As the vice-captain of Maple Moon, I also won't watch others insult my teammates."

Sea Star ran to him and shouted, "Me too!"

Shen Huai's eyes stayed on them one by one, and the hand beside him clenched unconsciously.

Whether it's doing what he wants to do or having friends who treat each other sincerely, after getting to know Song Xueyang and joining the Maple Moon team, these wishes have all come true.

Seeing this scene, fans were a little complicated in their hearts.

They all came to protest because they didn't want Shen Huai to drag down their idols, but what if their idols didn't care at all, or were willing to do so?

For a while, everyone didn't know what to say.

Someone snorted, "Think kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, what do they do with this kind of player fan?"

This sentence seemed to hit the hearts of all fans, and even the female fan who was sitting on the ground crying just now felt cold.

Song Xueyang's gaze fell precisely on the man, "Last year, the eight-in-four-Fengyue confrontation with the God of War, did you go to the scene?"

The boy didn't know why Song Xueyang asked this all of a sudden. He had never been to the scene, but he was hired to make things worse, and it would be even better to drag Song Xueyang into the water.

He immediately said emotionally, "Of course! Fengyue is my favorite team. It's a pity that I even bought tickets to go to the scene to cheer you on. I didn't expect that you didn't pay attention to fans at all. People like you don't even care. Not worthy of being an idol!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone beside him asking, "What did the Song team say? The eight-in-four Fengyue opponent in the playoffs is Lei Ting, right?"

"Yes, after Fengyue defeated the Thunder, the first round of the semi-finals met the champion team Xiaolang and lost, and then they competed with WG for the third place. It seems that they did not encounter the God of War in the whole process."

"Song team remembered wrong?"

"The old fox has a good memory, how could he remember it wrong?"

Everyone was talking as if they suddenly understood something, and their gazes towards that fan gradually changed.

The boy raised his head in astonishment, Song Xueyang raised the corners of his lips slightly, the sarcastic smile made his legs go weak, and he suddenly understood everything.

Song Xueyang looked at him leisurely, "It seems that before you came to set the rhythm, the preparations were not done well."

The boy blushed, "Nonsense! Why do you say I'm fake?"

"I didn't say that you are fake. If you can prove that you have been a fan of Maple Moon for more than a day, I will apologize to you on Weibo."

After Song Xueyang said this, he didn't stop any longer, and went back with the team members.

The fans who were left outside pondered for a while and suddenly understood what Song Xueyang meant. This person is not a fan of Maple Moon at all, but someone hired to incite them to make trouble!

Thinking that this person's ID in the group does not usually show his face, but this time he had the most fun, and he was the one who pulled them into a group and proposed to come to protest and demonstrate today!

When they found out that they were being used to attack their idol, the fans were very angry, they grabbed the boy to ask for explanation, and the trouble gradually dissipated for a long time.

In the office, the team manager was seriously reprimanding Song Xueyang.

"There are special people to deal with fans' troubles. What do you do when you come forward? You don't even need to come forward. How can you say such a thing! What do you want the fans to think, can you afford the loss of the team's fans?"

Song Xueyang didn't care, "Weeds should also be removed."

The manager was stuck in his chest in one breath, and didn't say a word for a long time.

In fact, he also felt that Song Xueyang's approach was really pleasing. What he said, he had never seen the team's fans so united when they were out in the surrounding area. Why did they recruit Shen Huai this time, their combat effectiveness suddenly became so fierce.

Furthermore, Song Xueyang had some credit for doing this. If he hadn't lied a few words to deceive the fake fans, even if the club knew that someone deliberately set the rhythm, they would not be able to find evidence for a while.

He thought about it for a long time, "Okay, you write a review, and I will report it to the superior."

Song Xueyang responded, opened the door, and Shen Huai was waiting outside the door.

He smiled and closed the door with a backhand, "Why are you here?"

Shen Huai frowned, "What did Brother Kun say?"

"Let me write a review."

Shen Huai chased after him, "Why should you write a review? It's obvious that someone deliberately sow discord."

Facing Song Xueyang's inquiring eyes, he immediately turned his head away, "Don't talk to me again next time, I don't care."

"I care."

Shen Huai paused suddenly. He looked at Song Xueyang's golden hair, which was illuminated by the sun. Thinking of the figure standing beside him today, he suddenly wanted to know the answer strongly in his heart.


Why are you always on my side regardless? Why do you seem to care about me more than myself?

Song Xueyang also stopped and asked lazily, "Is it important?"

Very important?

Shen Huai's breathing stagnated and choked in his throat. He tried his best to keep his expression clear of any flaws, and said calmly, "I asked you first."

Song Xueyang smiled slightly, the smile was the same as usual, but Shen Huai could see a hint of helplessness, his ears suddenly warmed, and Song Xueyang's low voice came, "If you can answer my question, I will answer you."

Of course it was impossible for Shen Huai to answer him. He didn't even know the answer to this question. He looked into Song Xueyang's eyes, and there seemed to be a pool of warm lake water in those smiling eyes, reflecting his figure.

The two looked at each other silently, but at this moment, it seemed that a seed took root in their hearts, knocking open the originally hard atrium. It seemed that as long as they gave it a little more attention, lush branches and leaves would grow.

After a long time, Song Xueyang took the lead with a laugh and took him by the shoulder, "Let's go, if you don't practice again, you won't be able to make excuses if you don't perform well on the field."

Shen Huai was led away quietly by him. Usually Song Xueyang would put his arms around his shoulders so intimately, but today, looking at the corridor where the two walked side by side, it seemed that something was different.

At night, Shen Huai was lying on the bed and brushing Weibo as usual. As he expected, after today's incident was reported by the e-sports media, there was an uproar on the Internet.

The news of Song Xueyang defending his anger against fake fans spread rapidly, and some careful netizens even took pictures of the whole process with their mobile phones, including not only the reporter pulling him and Song Xueyang helping him, but also Song Xueyang finding out the fake fans with just a few words. video.

The fans of Fengyue were also not filled with righteous indignation at the beginning. After seeing the team members' comments, their doubts about Shen Huai were much less. After all, they don't even care about their idols themselves, so what are they worrying about? As a fan, shouldn't you support your idol at this time?

[Snow God V587! Dare to steal people from the hands of our famous protector, the snow god, is that reporter okay now?]

[Hahaha, Team Song is so insidious! He directly asked the fake fan if he had gone to the scene. No matter whether the fake fan said he had been there or not, it was exposed, because Fengyue had never fought God of War at all.]

[My husband is still so witty! ! Licking, licking, licking!]

[Am I the only one who thinks that Team Song defending Shen Huai's angry reporters can simply write a book here? Captain Domineering fell in love with me or something! Song Xueyang: "Who dares to touch me? I can only touch every inch of his skin!" (After returning to the dormitory) Song Xueyang waved his hand, "I want to erase all the marks he left on you." Shen Huai grabbed his only remaining trousers and couldn't help begging, "No, don't do this in the dormitory, others will hear..."]

Shen Huai pressed the home button expressionlessly and threw the phone aside.

This turmoil gradually faded because all the members of Fengyue team supported Shen Huai.

At the end of January, the list of all the members of the top eight teams was announced. Netizens did not find Cang Yu's name in any team. All the newcomers of each team this year have either been active in front of the audience or selected from the club training camp. The newcomer, no matter which one is like Cang Yu.

Some people suspected that Cang Yu had formed a team by himself, and some people ridiculed Cang Yu for pretending to be such a big name. In the end, he didn't even enter the top eight teams. Some even made up the story of Cang Yu being rejected by the top eight teams. Feather fans are arguing with people online every day.

In the WeChat gossip group, the team members are persistently exchanging information every day - did Cang Yu contact your team today?

To some extent, if Cang Yu really had Weibo, he would have fallen long ago.

At the end of the new year, just after the first month of the year, the official audition of "City of Despair" was ushered in.

The top eight teams from the previous year have the qualifications to be exempted from the audition and can directly participate in the regular season in March, but other teams must compete for 16 regular season tickets by participating in the national audition.

On March 10th, the national auditions ended, and all the 24 teams that will participate in the regular season of the "City of Despair" professional league to be held at the end of the month have all been determined. The captains came as representatives.

When Song Xueyang carried the suitcase and told them to step up their training, everyone finally had the feeling that the regular season was about to start. Even though they were only going to draw the group draw, everyone was a little nervous.

Zhou Ning said, "Speak in the group as soon as the group is determined."

Song Xueyang nodded, "Don't worry, wait for my news."

Fan Jingming gave him a bottle of hand sanitizer, "Captain, remember to wash your hands before drawing lots. Don't be like last year, when you drew Xiaolang in the group stage, and then you meet Xiaolang in the semi-finals."

"What are you afraid of? Even if we get Xiaolang, we should be ashamed." Song Xueyang said, but he still accepted his hand sanitizer.

Hai Xing secretly stuffed a small notebook into Song Xueyang, "Captain, can you help me give this to Sister Nana?"

"what is this?"

"Shen Huai's autograph." Hai Xing said quickly, this was the first time he met Shen Huai in a restaurant before, because he knew that Hu Nana was a fan of Shen Huai.

Song Xueyang's fox eyes rolled around the book, "Okay."

His eyes finally fell on Shen Huai, Shen Huai had nothing to say, but Song Xueyang seemed to have to wait for what he said before leaving.

So he said, "It doesn't matter which group you get."

Song Xueyang smiled and said, "Then let's draw a top eight group."

Shen Huai nodded, "Yes, it will save you the trouble of playing BO5 in the quarterfinals."

Fengyue Zhong: "..."

Can you guys stop setting up flags for the team! Be considerate of the mood of our ordinary players, is it ok to draw a fish team?