For Love of the Game

Chapter 77: I only care about you


Both of them slept a little late that night, Shen Huai lay in bed and couldn't sleep, thinking about what happened tonight like a movie in his mind.

For a while I think of the conversation between the two on the show, then I think of the comments from netizens, and finally I think of the kiss.

What happened that night was so amazing. Shen Huai never thought that he and Song Xueyang would come together so suddenly. They were only friends of each other when they were on the show, but now they can use the word "lover" to call them.

Shen Huai was a little happy.

He couldn't sleep, so he went to Weibo. Some netizens edited Song Xueyang's song "I Just Love You" into an mp3 version. Shen Huai couldn't hold back, downloaded one, and secretly set it as the alarm ringtone.

He went to the forum post again, and looked at the emotional posts that Xueyu Party analyzed in detail. Seeing that a group of outsiders analyzed Song Xueyang's feelings for him in a reasonable and justifiable manner, he couldn't help but wonder when Song Xueyang started liking him. of.

Shen Huai watched for a while, and the more he looked, the more he couldn't sleep. He was insomnia, Song Xueyang sent him a WeChat message.

Song Xueyang: Are you asleep

Shen Huai replied in seconds: No

Song Xueyang: Do you want to plan tomorrow's itinerary together

Shen Huai's eyes lit up.

By the way, tomorrow he and Song Xueyang will fly to Malaysia to dive in the beautiful and rich Sabah state.

Shen Huai: Good

Song Xueyang: We will transfer to Kota Kinabalu tomorrow. We will book the sea view room at Tanjung Aru Beach. We will arrive there at around 4 pm. If you go faster, you can go to the beach to watch the sunset.

Shen Huai: Good

Song Xueyang: It doesn’t matter if we don’t dare to go because the time is too tight. We can still see it when we spend a day at the beach on the second day, and go diving in Sipadan on the third day. If you like, we can spend two more days there. Before leaving, I stayed in Kota Kinabalu for a day. There are many night markets there. When you come, you always have to eat some special snacks.

It is said to be a plan, but in fact Song Xueyang has already planned it, Shen Huai is not very good at arranging these, just listening to Song Xueyang's words makes him feel at ease.

Shen Huai: Do you need an appointment for diving in Sipadan

Song Xueyang: Don't worry, I've made an appointment, as long as you don't sleep in.

The intimacy in the words made Shen Huai couldn't help laughing.

Shen Huai: I don't sleep late.

Song Xueyang: What time is it? I see you won't be able to get up tomorrow.

Shen Huai: I'm going to sleep now.

Song Xueyang: Wait a minute.

Shen Huai:

Then he heard Song Xueyang's door open, and footsteps passed through the living room and stopped in front of his door.

Shen Huai hurriedly sat up and brushed his messy hair with his hands, "Come in."

Song Xueyang pushed open the door and came in, walked to the bed under Shen Huai's gaze, and gently kissed his forehead, "Good night."

Shen Huai's hand tightly grasped the blanket, and said in a low voice, "Good night."

The next day, Shen Huai got up after Song Xueyang's repeated urging, and the two of them boarded the plane fully armed. Seeing that he was too sleepy to lift his head, Song Xueyang asked for a blanket for him.

Shen Huai slept all the way. When he got off the plane, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west. Song Xueyang took the luggage of the two and ran to the currency exchange center to exchange some ringgits, and then went to take a taxi. Shen Huai followed him sleepily, yawning when he got into the taxi.

Song Xueyang felt that his appearance was so cute, he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Shen Huai's hand.

Shen Huai suddenly looked like a frightened cat, his eyes that were still hazy just now stared straight. He wanted to break free but was afraid of being seen by the driver, so he had to secretly hide his hands between the two of them.

Considering that Shen Huai had also made many international best-selling movies, Song Xueyang rented a small two-story seaside villa alone. Although the price was a bit more expensive, it was easy for the two of them to enter and exit freely without worrying about revealing their whereabouts. It was quite worth it.

The room had already been cleaned by someone, and the location was naturally not as eye-catching as the nearby luxury hotels, but it was also facing the sea, backed by the jungle, very quiet, and Shen Huai felt satisfied when he saw it.

On the first floor of the house, there are billiard tables, a bar, and a cabinet of good wine. Shen Huai seems to have seen a picture of a fox sitting on a high chair tasting wine. Others include a small KTV room, home theater and game arcade.

There are two bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs, but the one upstairs is obviously more luxurious. Not only does it have a balcony with excellent lighting and a reclining chair, but it also has an oversized bathtub. Shen Huai was very moved when he saw it.

In the end, the two missed the sunset time, especially when they had to catch a road, where can they watch the sunset, just want to fill their stomachs quickly.

They simply packed their bags, had dinner at a nearby restaurant, and walked slowly back along the beach.

It was already dark, and the seaside was basically filled with tourists who lived nearby. The moon cast a sparkling light and shadow on the sea, the tides beat on the feet, and the air was filled with a trace of the sea's saltiness, which was dispersed in the breeze.

Song Xueyang held Shen Huai's hand, but Shen Huai did not refuse, no one knew him here, and the night was dark, so they enjoyed the tranquil sea breeze like an ordinary couple, their figures intertwined on the water.

After returning to the villa, Shen Huai went straight upstairs. He liked the room on the second floor very much. It was spacious and quiet. If you didn't draw the curtains, you could see the night sky dotted with stars on the sea when you raised your head on the bed.

Song Xueyang leaned over from behind and hugged him, "We have a room at night?"

Shen Huai was apprehensive. He and Song Xueyang had only been together for less than 24 hours, so it would be too fast to roll into the same bed.

But he had also seen the small room downstairs. It was too ordinary, just like the guest room in his house. He was embarrassed to drive Song Xueyang there.

After thinking about it, Shen Huai gritted his teeth, turned and walked out, "I sleep in the room downstairs."

It was only after he took a step that he was hugged by his waist, his feet were in the air, and Song Xueyang hugged him directly and planted him on the bed, "As beautiful as you think."

Shen Huai struggled and was tightly locked by Song Xueyang and pressed on the bed.

He got up and picked up his luggage, "I sleep in the room downstairs."

Shen Huai was a little embarrassed, but Song Xueyang blocked him when he wanted to speak, "You take a bath, I'll go downstairs to see if there is any wine, remember to come over after you've finished soaking."

Seeing that Song Xueyang was thinking about the wine in the cabinet, Shen Huai couldn't help laughing, and the guilt in his heart also dissipated, and replied, "Okay."

The bathtub in the room was big enough to accommodate three or four people. Shen Huai subconsciously thought that he and Song Xueyang were more than enough, but just as the idea came to the fore, he buried himself in the water with some contempt.

Song Xueyang just took a shower, much faster than Shen Huai. He couldn't wait to study the wine in the wine rack.

When Shen Huai went downstairs, Song Xueyang had already prepared two cups, and pushed one cup over as if offering a treasure, "Try it?"

Shen Huai knows a little bit about wine, but he is not very good at it. Unless the occasion requires it, he will not take the initiative to drink. But because it was made by Song Xueyang himself, he felt that it was particularly mellow and rich when he drank it, and it was the most refreshing wine he had ever drunk.

"It's delicious, sweet and sour."

"I'm afraid you're not used to it, so I added lemon juice and pomegranate molasses."

Shen Huai took another sip, the faint aroma of wine reverberated between his lips and teeth, and he asked again, "Where's your glass?"

The wine in Song Xueyang's cup was obviously different from Shen Huai's cup, with a touch of green. He remembered that Song Xueyang denied that he didn't like green when he was on the show, and it was a little funny.

"Try it." Song Xueyang handed him his cup again.

Shen Huai took a sip, couldn't help frowning, and quickly relaxed again.

This wine is spicy and slightly bitter in the mouth, but the aftertaste has a hint of vanilla-like fragrance, which reverberates from the stomach to the chest, making people feel refreshed.

"What kind of wine is this?"

"The main notes are Campari and brandy, with some French absinthe and soda."

The first two Shen Huai knew that the color and fragrance of this wine were mainly from absinthe.

Seeing that he was interested, Song Xueyang took it from the wine cabinet and showed it to him. The unmixed absinthe was darker and more beautiful, like an emerald gem.

Shen Huai drank a little, and Song Xueyang stopped him, "Drink less, absinthe has a narcotic effect, and drinking too much can easily lead to hallucinations."

Shen Huai put down the wine, "You know a lot."

Song Xueyang touched the wine bottle like a baby, "My dad likes it too, I had a wine cabinet at home since I was sensible, but he just liked it and didn't want to drink it, so I drank it behind his back. At that time, when I was young, I was afraid that he would beat him up after drinking it. I also secretly poured water into it."

Shen Huai burst out laughing, "Didn't your father find out?"

"He was reluctant to drink it and couldn't find it, but once a guest came to the house, my dad opened a bottle and the filling was revealed."

Shen Huai found it interesting when he heard it, and unknowingly drank a cup and swayed his head on his palm.

Song Xueyang came over and kissed him on the lips, "You are so fragrant."

"Is it the scent of wine?"

"You're more fragrant."

As he said, he picked up Shen Huai's head and kissed it heavily, biting his lips, entangled in the moist and warm mouth.

There was no one else around, and there was no need to worry about being discovered. Shen Huai simply hooked his neck and boldly went up to meet him.

Xu is because of the aroma of wine, this kiss was more intense than before, and the lips rubbed together heavily. Song Xueyang attacked the city in Shen Huai's mouth, Shen Huai raised his head, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, not to be outdone, chasing his hot tongue.

The chests of the two were heaving due to lack of oxygen, but they were reluctant to part, and the tidal wave of heat spread in the body with the kiss.

After the separation, Shen Huai felt a little hot, his face was hot, and he didn't know whether it was because of this kiss that stirred up an evil fire or the glass of wine he just drank.

He fanned with his hand, turned his head to see the billiard table beside him, picked up the club and asked, "Will you?"


There seems to be nothing in this world that Song Xueyang can't. With him, Shen Huai can always find common hobbies, and he will never stand still.

Song Xueyang regretted it after only one shot.

Shen Huai put on a gray silk bathrobe after taking a bath. The clothes and pants were separate, but the top was a little more antique, but a belt was tied around the waist, which was very loose. Now, as soon as he lays down, his neckline is more than half open. From Song Xueyang's side, he can clearly see his bumpy collarbone, white and flat chest, and the indescribably moving scenery on his chest.

However, Shen Huai didn't even realize it, he was lying on the table and aiming carefully, and when he looked up at him while pressing the club, Song Xueyang's nosebleed almost didn't come out.

Because Song Xueyang misplaced the key points, the billiard game ended quickly.

It was late before the two of them went back to their rooms to sleep. Song Xueyang sent Shen Huai upstairs with a good night kiss.

I don't know if it was this trip that made Shen Huai very satisfied, or if he was more courageous in a foreign country, Shen Huai actually took the initiative to give him a kiss, and Song Xueyang, who was kissing him, almost wanted to close the door and lock it.

The next day, the two spent a day playing by the beach. Shen Huai liked to go to the sea, and Song Xueyang accompanied him for a swim.

In the evening, we came to the viewing point to watch the sunset. Tanjung Aru has the reputation of the second most beautiful sunset in the world. Large swaths of burning clouds are galloping away by the sea breeze, dyeing the sea into a sea of red fire.

It is said that the sunset here is unique every day, and it also means that the people who are with you at this moment are unique.

Song Xueyang took a few photos of Shen Huai. Shen Huai's sense of the camera is simply natural, and any pose looks like he is shooting a promotional film.

Shen Huai was very satisfied with the arrangement of the day. It was really suitable for a snooze person like him to watch the sunset.

The two went to eat some local seafood in the evening, and then took a ride to the diving resort Sipadan the next day.

Shen Huai was very happy along the way. It had been a few years since his last dive, and when he saw the diving equipment, he felt very cordial and wanted to jump into the water immediately.

Sipadan had a limited number of diving places every day, and it was difficult to make an appointment in advance, but Song Xueyang was obviously well prepared, and the two of them boarded the speedboat without any difficulty.

In addition to the coach and diving guide, there is also a newlywed couple from Canada who are here for their honeymoon and have no diving experience.

When we arrived at the diving site, the instructor briefly explained the essentials. The dive guide took a deep breath and fell down.

The Canadian wife was frightened by the rude way of entering the water and went straight into her husband's arms.

Song Xueyang asked Shen Huai, "How about we go first?"

Shen Huai couldn't hold it any longer, he pinched his nose and plunged into the water.

The coach was explaining the movements to the Canadian couple. Seeing Shen Huai getting into the water by himself, he pointed at the spray and shouted excitedly, "Perfect! Look!"

Song Xueyang followed Shen Huai into the sea, the two adjusted the pressure gauge, and followed the dive guide to the bottom of the sea.

Flocks of fish swam by, and brightly colored coral algae grew on the bottom of the sea. A clown fish boldly swam in front of Shen Huai, its mouth opened and closed, and stared at him blankly.

Shen Huai reached out and touched its head, and the little thing not only wasn't afraid, but also took the initiative to poke Shen Huai's finger with its mouth.

After that, the little fish seemed to recognize its master. It would follow Shen Huai wherever he swam. Shen Huai would not let Song Xueyang approach him because he was afraid that others would scare it.

A few people wandered around the bottom of the sea for a while before the coach and the couple caught up.

The dive guide took them for a while, stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, thousands of fish formed a dense school of fish, like a hurricane swallowed by this blue water, the magnificent scene was deeply shocking.

The clownfish beside Shen Huai was also scared away, and they watched the most famous scene under the sea of Sipadan in groups of two.

The fish dissipated, and everyone went upstream for a while, and a few divers swam in the distance. One of them was holding a large bouquet of blue roses, which looked even more beautiful in the deep blue underwater world.

The Canadian wife hugged her husband's arm excitedly, and Shen Huai took a second look. Almost every day, someone chooses to confess to their loved one here, and overseas confession is not too novel.

It's just that when the big handful of blue roses was handed to Song Xueyang, Shen Huai's heart couldn't help beating.

Song Xueyang sent the flower to Shen Huai's arms under the excited eyes of the Canadian wife. The delicate petals of the blue enchantress became softer and brighter under the sea, swaying gently with the ocean current, like a beautiful confession of sympathy for the world.

The staff handed him another headset, and when Shen Huai put it on, he saw the microphone extending to Song Xueyang.

Song Xueyang held a small guitar in his hand, and his fingers slowly plucked the strings. The deep and deep sound of the piano came from the earphones due to the resistance of the water. It was not as crisp and coherent as usual. The syllables are slow and vigorous, eliminating all noise, as quiet as this quiet seabed.

Shen Huai's eyes seemed to be caught by Song Xueyang.

This man not only understands his heart, understands his preferences, but also knows exactly what moved him. Carefully, step by step, breaking through his last line of psychological defense little by little. After only a few short days together, his feelings for Song Xueyang had doubled several times than before, and it seemed that they could never be separated again.

This performance is only 20 seconds long, and the melody is also half a beat slower than usual, but Shen Huai can still hear the song - "I Only Care About You".

As soon as Song Xueyang handed the guitar to the diver, Shen Huai rushed over and took off his breathing mask and kissed it.

The slightly cold lips soaked by the sea water were pressed together, and the sea water flowing in from the gap between the lips had a brackish taste. The two exchanged the oxygen in each other's mouths and were tightly entangled together.

Both the instructor and the diver were so frightened that they quickly swam over to put them on breathing apparatus when they were separated.

The Canadian lady was so excited that she couldn't even breathe. She blushed and gestured excitedly, her eyes full of envy.

Everyone came to the surface and took off their respirator. Shen Huai and Song Xueyang looked at each other and stretched out their hands to hug each other tightly.

The Canadian lady was so excited that she pinched her husband's arm and handed the flowers to the two of them as soon as possible, sending the most sincere wishes.

Shen Huai didn't expect Song Xueyang to prepare these for him. Now it seems that Song Xueyang's plan not only includes their itinerary, but also how to conquer his heart.

"How did you come up with this?"

Shen Huai was holding the flowers, and she was really happy.

Song Xueyang smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

Shen Huai didn't answer, he sniffed the flower and carefully wiped off the water droplets on the petals.

He always thought that these two men didn't use these, and even without these romances, their tacit understanding and bond were not lost to any couple.

But at that moment, he was really moved. Song Xueyang told him with practical actions that romance has nothing to do with gender and is a necessity for every love.

Song Xueyang smiled and said, "Actually, when I planned to travel, I planned to confess to you at the bottom of the sea, but we were together before we arrived."

Shen Huai also didn't expect that he had noticed that Song Xueyang was interested in him for a while. He thought that he would receive Song Xueyang's confession at a certain restaurant on a certain night, or after a certain game, or maybe he would be interested in Song Xueyang one day. Be honest.

It's just that no one expected their relationship to be determined so suddenly. There was no fantasy scene, no careful preparation, just a simple sentence, and the two throbbing hearts were tightly connected.

"Do you blame me? It's you who couldn't hold back." Shen Huai left himself clean.

Song Xueyang put his arms around his waist and leaned into his ear, "How can I blame you? I'm very happy to be with you one minute earlier, but a formal confession will always make up for you."

Shen Huai's face flushed instantly. They were still on the speedboat. Although there were no Chinese people on the boat, they couldn't understand their speech, but after the confession just now, everyone's eyes were secretly staring at them.

The Canadian couple raised their thumbs to express their most sincere wishes. Shen Huai seemed to be encouraged by the kind smile and slowly relaxed.

Returning to the villa that night, Shen Huai put a large handful of roses in a vase and placed a few in each room. The whole villa was filled with a faint fragrance of roses.

Song Xueyang helped him put up the hot water, "You take a shower first, and I'll go downstairs to watch a movie."

"it is good."

Song Xueyang found that Shen Huai was very well-behaved today. He could do whatever he wanted. Although he was usually quiet and obedient, he seemed to rely on him very much today.

He was a little distracted and wanted to go downstairs to calm down, but Shen Huai suddenly grabbed him.


Song Xueyang was stunned for a moment, but did not respond.

Shen Huai looked at him amusingly, "Don't want to?"

Song Xueyang's eyes darkened, and he pressed his entire body over, his slightly heavy breathing fell on Shen Huai's ear, causing the base of his ear to become hot.

"Then you may not be able to watch the movie tonight."

Shen Huai smiled and said, "Then leave it for tomorrow."