For Love of the Game

Chapter 82: Hospital


Fengyue does not have a legal profession, but this does not mean that she has never had one, and Sun Yuan is one of them.

Speaking of Sun Yuan, he is also an old member of the Maple Moon team. It can probably be traced back to the period of Zhou Ning and Fan Jingming, which is longer than Song Xueyang's joining the team.

After the end of the playoffs last year, Fengyue scored the best result in history, and the two older regular players retired, and Sun Yuan also left the team at this time.

Jumping from a top four team to a top eight team, it is obvious that Supper has offered better conditions.

This is indeed the case, Sun Yuan directly parachuted into the Supper team and became the vice-captain.

He thought that his departure would bring a heavy blow to Fengyue. After all, it was no joke to lose three regular players at the same time in a year, and he considered himself to be a powerful faction.

However, it didn't. The fact that he left the team seemed to have only caused a shallow splash in the team, which soon disappeared.

"Huh? I remember that this year's group B only had the top eight teams from the Supper family. How could they still play second in the group?" Fan Jingming asked in confusion.

Shi Yi watched the game, "The first team in Group B is a new team called Dream Team. It is said to be a team built in an Internet cafe. The average age of the players is 17 years old. They are all high school students. The captain is a sophomore this year. After defeating Niu Niu, I was reluctant to bring in sponsorship, and it seems that I haven’t dropped out of school, because I ran away from home for the professional game, and my parents went to the door of the Group B group stage to make trouble.”

Fengyue Zhong: "..."

How can there be such a miserable team.

Shi Yi said again, "However, this year's group stage is concentrated, and there is only one top eight team in Group B, Supper, and they have successfully advanced to the top eight."

Fan Jingming asked, "How did they beat Supper? No matter how bad Supper is, he's still not weak enough to lose to a newcomer, right?"

Hai Xing rolled his eyes at him, "Can you take a snack to watch the game, because Captain Fan Hao and Sun Yuan of Supper didn't play in that game."


Song Xueyang snorted, "Isn't Sun Yuan always so temperamental? If he doesn't follow him, he will strike."

Everyone shut their mouths one after another, for fear of making the captain unhappy.

Seeing the atmosphere, Shen Huai knew that Sun Yuan and Song Xueyang were not very good at dealing with them, "But I watched the Dream Team audition game, the players have great potential, they will lose to the Xinghai team in the audition, and they will play abnormally. The factor is half of it.”

Everyone was a little surprised, because few people watched the video of the audition.

"You still watched the audition video?"

"Well, because their captain is an assassin."

What happened here? Another captain is an assassin. Do newcomers like to play assassins so much

"However, the next opponent of the Dream Team is the God of War. I'm afraid they will be beaten to pieces, right?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and it was a bit miserable to meet the runner-up team in the first game of the playoffs after playing first in the group.

In any case, for Fengyue, it is a good thing to be able to draw Group B. As long as everyone plays steadily, it is not difficult to win Supper.

The poor thing is Si Qianjin. He just led the team to win the first place in Group D from the Loser Resurrection Tournament. As a result, the first game of the playoffs went directly to WG.

Everyone pretended to feel distressed for Lei Ting for a while and then started training again. Shen Huai and Zhou Ning went to make coffee together.

Shen Huai asked, "Sun Yuan doesn't have a good relationship with the captain?"

"It's more than that." Thinking of the past days, Zhou Ning sighed with emotion, "Sun Yuan was one of the players who joined the team with me. He was the best technical player in the team at that time. The club also wanted to support him. The captain at that time. It's an old captain who was transferred from another project team. He was 25 when he joined the team. He took us to retire after a year. We all thought that Sun Yuan would be the captain, but I didn't expect the fox to be airborne."

Shen Huai understood. Judging from the fact that he would strike when he was in a bad mood, Sun Yuan was also a stubborn and arrogant person. Song Xueyang immediately became the captain after walking out of the rookie training camp. He must be very unconvinced.

"Fox started to rectify as soon as he became the captain, kicking a lot of people in the team, Sun Yuan looked down on him, felt that he was pretentious, always quarreled with him, and from time to time would make trouble with President Jiang, and said that he was in the team. If there is no fox, there is no fox without his words."

Shen Huai couldn't think of such a scene, "What did President Jiang say?"

Zhou Ning laughed, "Mr. Jiang said 'I love you, don't stay, don't leave', and he ran back in despair. I was just outside the door at the time, and I quickly put on my headphones when I heard the movement, for fear that he would know that I heard it. , lost face."

Shen Huai laughed dumbly, "President Jiang is very partial to the captain."

"No, I think it's Sun Yuan who runs to President Jiang's office every day and annoys President Jiang."

Zhou Ning slowed down, obviously there is still a long time to say, "Fox's first year as captain, when they played Chenxi in the group stage, Sun Yuan refused to play, but the Fox still arranged for him to play 6v6, and he ended up playing. I gave a head, you know that?"

Shen Huai nodded. There were melons on the Internet back then, but Shen Huai thought they were fake melons and didn't eat them.

"After returning, the fox asked the high-level officials to deduct Sun Yuan's salary for three months. When Sun Yuan returned to the training room, he smashed the fox's computer."

Shen Huai frowned, no matter what, this behavior was too rude.

Zhou Ning laughed when he saw his worried appearance, "Who is the fox? After that, until the end of the group stage, he didn't let Sun Yuan play, and every time Sun Yuan broadcasts live, he uses the trumpet to kill and kill directly. Even after Sun Yuan's training is over, he won't dare to play the game."

Shen Huai shook his head. Sure enough, Song Xueyang was not the one to worry about at any time.

Zhou Ning wanted to say something else, but the phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and told Shen Huai to go back first. He walked to the corner of the stairs and said in a low voice, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Ning," the woman on the other end of the phone was already sobbing, "you come to the hospital to see your father, he has been talking nonsense for the past two days, I'm afraid it's a flashback..."

Zhou Ning was mentally prepared before answering the phone. He had been numb for so many years, and he just said calmly, "Okay, wait for me."

He returned to the training room and called Song Xueyang out to ask for leave. He didn't say the reason, and Zhou Jing also ran out.

"Captain, I also want to ask for leave."

Zhou Ning sternly said, "No, we are all gone, how do you train?"

Song Xueyang knew a little about Zhou Ning's situation, but he didn't make a statement, "You can discuss it yourself. Before you go, go to Brother Kun and write a request for leave, and I will hand it to you."

Zhou Ning nodded gratefully.

Song Xueyang returned to the training room and closed the door thoughtfully.

Zhou Ning took Zhou Jing aside, "Xiao Jing, you won't be able to help when you go back. When you grow up, you want to live for yourself, don't worry too much about family affairs, understand?"

Zhou Jing pursed her lower lip and took out her salary card from her pocket, "Brother, this is for you, the initial password, I haven't changed it yet, I know you don't have much money, the team gave me one million when I signed the contract, You haven't moved yet, take it."

Zhou Ning looked at the bank card, and his heart was sour for a while, "Brother earns more than you, don't think about it, keep the money as a dowry, save it for two years to buy a house is serious business. You train hard in the team, Brother use the money to call you."

He said this, but Zhou Jing understood that she would never receive this call.

Zhou Ning left at noon that day, and he left in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to drink the cup of coffee. Song Xueyang only said that he would go home, but judging from Zhou Jing's state, it was obviously not that simple.

The flight from Shanghai to Nanjing had to wait until night, and Zhou Ning's high-speed train arrived at the hospital just after 2 o'clock.

Zhou's mother stayed outside the ICU door, the tears in her eyes dried up, leaving only two red eye circles.

"Mom." Zhou Ning called out.

Seeing him, Zhou's mother immediately hugged her head and cried, and said intermittently about Zhou's father's situation in the past few days.

Zhou Ning listened calmly and asked again, "Have the doctor seen it?"

"I've seen it," Zhou's mother wiped her tears, "the result hasn't come out yet, I don't think they dare to say, your dad just can't do it..."

She cried halfway before noticing that Zhou Jing hadn't come, "Where's Xiao Jing? Why doesn't she come back? Don't answer the phone call to her?"

"The game is about to start. The team is busy with training. We can't both leave. I asked her to stay."

Zhou's mother suddenly became worried, "Will you delay training if you come out after the game? Your captain's impression of you is not good, right? Why didn't you stay by yourself and let Xiaojing come back?"

Zhou Ning frowned, "What can she do when she comes back as a girl?"

"What's the matter with the girl?" Mother Zhou glared at him, "Who is more delicate than a girl? When I was her age, I was pregnant with you and had to work in a factory. You are just too used to her, she will sooner or later. You are going to get married, you are the Zhou family..."

"Mom," Zhou Ning stood up, "I'll go ask the doctor for the result."

Mother Zhou sat in the chair and did not dare to say a word.

Zhou Ning walked downstairs slowly. His mother was a serious patriarch with little education. When she was young, she was beautiful and married to his father. The first child was a son, which gave the family enough face. Later, he made a bet with the people in the factory that he would have another son, and he gave birth to Zhou Jing. He lost 100 yuan for this matter. Those who could bet 100 yuan casually in those days were already rich.

His father was fine, he felt that a son and a daughter were auspicious, this was a blessing from heaven.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. When Zhou Ning was in high school, his father was seriously ill and went to the hospital, spending all the family's savings. Not long after they were brought home, they fell ill again. The small hospital in the county town was unable to cure them, so they were advised to transfer to another hospital. The family hurriedly sent them to Suzhou City.

Zhou's mother stopped working after giving birth to her child, and had to free up her hands to take care of Zhou's father. The family owed a lot of money, and they couldn't even pay for their two children's studies. After weighing the two factors, Zhou's mother chose her son between her son and her daughter, and she asked Zhou Jing to drop out of school.

That year, Zhou Ning was the third year of high school, and Zhou Jing was only the second year of junior high school. She was forced to go out to work before she even finished junior high school.

Zhou's mother did not dare to tell Zhou's father who was hospitalized, but she could not hide it from Zhou Ning, and Zhou Ning ran away in a fit of anger.

He left for three days, holding the bank card and ID card that he had saved. Zhou's mother cried so hard at the public security bureau that she almost blinded her eyes. At this time, Zhou Ning came back and gave her back a million.

No one knew what happened to him in those days. Zhou Ning came back with a wound on his face, changed his clothes and trousers, and was still carrying his luggage.

He said two sentences, the first sentence was, "I'm not going to study anymore, I'm going to make money."

The second sentence is, "Let Xiaojing finish high school."

Zhou's mother cried and wiped away tears and refused to let him go, but Zhou Ning still ran away. He stuffed Zhou Jing with a bank card to pay her tuition fees.

After a long time, Zhou's mother knew that he was playing e-sports, but it was never known where he got the one million in the first three days.

Zhou Ning worked for two years. His father's condition deteriorated again and he had to be transferred to the ICU for treatment. He then transferred his father to a hospital in Nanjing and helped Zhou's mother rent a house near the hospital.

In addition to going to school, Zhou Jing also has to take care of her father. Her grades in the college entrance examination are not very good. Zhou's mother is thinking of letting her get married as soon as possible, and wants to order more money for betrothal gifts while she is young. She knew that her son's salary had been emptied by the family, and she wanted to save some money for her son's wife.

Mother Zhou was devoted to her son, but unfortunately Zhou Ning couldn't bear the love. He took Zhou Jing away after he knew about it. The child was very good. He walked out of the training camp in two years, and he never played. The person who played the game became a professional player.

Zhou Ning found a doctor, the doctor was already very familiar with him, and said, "Your dad's physical condition is relatively stable, but his mental state is not very optimistic. After staying in the ICU for a long time, the psychological pressure is too great, and you have ICU syndrome. you know?"

Zhou Ning understands that ICU syndrome is a mental disorder that occurs in patients during the monitoring process, which basically stems from fear and anxiety about death.

His father has been living in the ICU for two years, and this problem has only occurred now, which is already considered a relatively good psychological quality.

"what do I do?"

"I suggest letting your dad go to a separate ICU ward. Living with other patients is easy to be affected. Last month, a young guy in their room passed away, and he was sick with him. Your dad's condition is not very good."

Zhou Ning understood, "How much does it cost?"

The doctor calculated in his heart, "The ward, medicine, dialysis, etc... You should prepare 500,000 first."

Zhou Ning pursed his lower lip, "Is there no suitable kidney source yet?"

The doctor sighed, "It's hard to find a thousand dollars."

Zhou Ning told Zhou's mother what the doctor said, and Zhou's mother's eyes narrowed, "500,000?! Why is it so expensive?"

"It's still the doctor who gave the green light. In a separate ward, no matter how many people ask for it, they can't come."

Mother Zhou was silent, and she also knew that the hospital ward was tense, "But, the money you gave me before was less than 50,000 yuan. 500,000 yuan, where did you get so much."

"I have."

When Mother Zhou saw her son, tears rolled down her cheeks, "Xiao Ning, you are 24 years old. I know that your players will always have to retire after a few years of prosperity. , parents only hope that their children can live well in their lives, if your father really can't, really can't..."

"Mom, stop talking." Zhou Ning didn't dare to listen, "You stay here with Dad, I'll go through the formalities."

After Zhou Ning paid the money, he checked the balance in the card, and there was 200,000 left. After deducting the mortgage loan for the next six months, his living expenses were only about 100,000. The 500,000 he just paid was just 100,000 yuan. A month and a half.

He sat by the flower bed in the hospital and took a deep breath, still feeling bored.

He came out of his home at the age of 18. This year, he has been working for six years.

For six years, he had no savings, no savings, and even bought a house with a loan. I'm afraid no one will believe it, and he feels sad.

When he first joined the team, he had to pay for his father's medical treatment and tuition fees for Zhou Jing. At that time, the salary was low, and the treatment in the e-sports industry was not as good as it is now.

When I was the most tired and painful, I didn't think about it, why did he have to bear these? There are some facts that should be given up when there is no other way, right? Even his father expressed to him more than once that he wanted to give up the treatment. As long as he nodded a little, everything would be over. After so many years of tens of millions of dollars, he had done his best.

But every time this idea came to his mind, he would despise himself deeply, and a strong sense of guilt made him suffer.

He couldn't let go of this burden, and he didn't dare to let it go. Just like every time in the past, what he couldn't bear, his mother would always find it on his sister.

There are a lot of people in the circle who can make money, and the income of players with high popularity and low popularity can even be several million. Live broadcast and endorsement, for top gods, as long as they want to fight, earning tens of millions a year is not a dream.

But Zhou Ning is not the one who attracts fans through live broadcasts. He is not famous enough, and there will not be too many endorsements.

He also knows very well that his career as a professional player is short. After six years, he will play for another two years at most, and he will also leave this circle.

After they retired from this line of business, they were more powerful. They became coaches and commentators. They were good talkers. They became anchors and opened an online store.

But he can't. He's not a great god, he doesn't have such a high reputation, and he can't learn from those talkative anchors. He doesn't even have the money to open a mala shop. He can hardly see his future at all.

The only good thing is that he gritted his teeth and bought a house, and the loan could be repaid before he retired.

I bought the house in Dalian. I heard that it is a seaside city with pleasant scenery. In winter, there is heating and it will not be cold. In summer, the sea is not too hot. It is far away from home. Dalian's girlfriend.

Every time he thinks of this, he feels that he is a very selfish person. He should go back to Suzhou. The family affairs are not over yet, but he really feels very tired.

Zhou Ning sat outside for a while, called Brother Kun, and wanted to ask if the team had any endorsements recently, and if they could advance part of next year's salary. He is the general manager of this matter, and he will always advance the next year. When he retires, it is estimated that he will go out of the house.

As soon as the call was connected, Brother Kun took the initiative to say, "Your leave request Shan Xueyang has been handed over to you. If you have something to do at home, you can come back after a few days. By the way, there is an endorsement over there in Beijing. Do you have time to take a look? "

Zhou Ning pursed his lower lip, "What did the fox say to you?"

There was a pause on the phone, "Hey, what can he say to me? That kid is crazy, the spokesperson in Beijing asked you to go by name, but don't you have something to do at home? I thought if you had time, you would Go, I don't have time, I'll let others go, you can see for yourself."

"I see, I'll go."

"Sure, keep the plane ticket, and the team will reimburse you."

Zhou Ning stared at the screen for a long time and smiled.

How could it be so coincidental, he pointed out that he wanted to be himself, and it happened to be in Beijing, and the playoffs were also in Beijing.

He didn't tell anyone about his family affairs. For so many years, he had always been carefree, gentle and elegant, and no one had even thought that he had to take on so many things, but Zhou Ning thought that Song Xueyang must know.

Because his help is always so timely.