For Love of the Game

Chapter 9: apprentice


Shen Huai immediately thought of Song Xueyang. His snipers were elusive in the arena. There were almost no dead ends that he couldn't hit, and no heads that he couldn't harvest.

Among the current professional powerhouses, those who had fought against the Maple Moon team in a team battle were all deeply impressed by Song Xueyang's snipers. This season, "City of Despair" officially canceled the talent fatal blow, largely because Song Xueyang's sniper was too scary, as long as the crispy profession with less than 50% vigor and blood could not escape the fate of being instantly killed by him.

Shen Huai quickly ran up Luoyun Peak. This was the only place that was most suitable for sniping after he had just observed the terrain. Although it was 1,200 meters away from the battlefield just now, if it was Song Xueyang, he would definitely be able to hit it!

Sure enough, there was a sniper lying on a rock on the top of Luoyun Peak, Shen Huai typed on the current channel,

[Currently] [Mu Wange]: Song Xueyang!

The sniper lying on the stone turned around, but it was a female gunslinger named "Yuxue Feifei".

Shen Huai was stunned for a moment, and some couldn't react.

Song Xueyang was also stunned for a moment. In his memory, Cang Yu always called him "Song Team" in a straight-forward manner. This was the first time calling him his full name, which made him inexplicably feel that the relationship between the two was much closer, and this feeling was not bad.

However, he responded quickly, and quickly typed and asked, "Snow God? Where is the Snow God?"

The female gunman sent a series of question marks, and the man fell off the rock in excitement, and a dog gnawed at the mud.

Yu Xue Feifei searched around the top of the mountain but couldn't find a second person, and asked uncertainly, "Are you calling me?"

"… "

Shen Huai blushed. For some reason, when he saw the flying bullet knocking down the fast-moving Heavenly General, his first reaction was Song Xueyang, except for him, there would be no other person with such accurate marksmanship.

"You killed that day just now?"

Yuxue Feifei was very surprised, "I killed someone? I just saw the scenery here, so I just found a screenshot of a rock!"

Shen Huai looked suspiciously at this female gunslinger named Yu Xue Feifei. This is a full-level account with tattered equipment and she has not joined the guild. If this is not a trumpet, then just like herself, she just bought it. number back.

Seemingly out of curiosity that his screenshots can also kill people, Yu Xue Feifei made an aiming action on the spot.

"Yeah! Why can't I get out!"

Shen Huaiguang heard the sound and knew that she had not loaded the bullet, and couldn't help reminding, "Press the bullet first."

The small gunman drummed for a while before he fired a shot, which landed on the tree trunk less than 100 meters away.

"Yeah! How could it be blocked by a tree!"

"… "

Most of the skills in the game can penetrate obstacles. Only the sniper's ultra-long-range sniping skills will be blocked by the terrain. This design is also to neutralize the advantage of long-range shooting. Otherwise, there is Song Xueyang who is very good at long-range sniper prediction. The players are here, other people really don't need to play.

Shen Huai really couldn't connect the game Xiaobai in front of him with Song Xueyang, who was sniping at the head by a thousand meters. It seems that this Yuxue Feifei accidentally accumulated his skills during the screenshot, and happened to hit the heavenly general

Shen Huai felt that his guess was not unreasonable. Even if Song Xueyang really wanted to open a trumpet to approach him, there was no need to choose his own sniper, right

It is true that ordinary people would not do this, but for Song Xueyang, who was well versed in ordinary people's thinking patterns and proficient in reverse thinking, this was simply a routine operation.

Song Xueyang manipulated the little gunman to act cute in front of Shen Huai.

Yu Xue Feifei: "Miss, you are playing an assassin! You are so handsome. I heard that the operation of an assassin is very complicated, so I dare not play it."

Shen Huai corrected, "It's my brother."

Yu Xue Feifei didn't seem to see it at all, "Miss, you play Assassin, do you know Cang Yu? He is very good at Assassin! I'm his fan!"

Shen Huai didn't speak, turned his head and left, but Yu Xue Feifei chased after him, "Miss, please PK with me! I want to see the assassin's skills!"

Shen Huai stopped, "You can't beat me."

"I just tried it. I really wanted to play Assassin, but my friend said that Assassin was too difficult and not suitable for me, so I bought this gunman number. Please, play with me!"

The character setting of the little gunman is a loli body shape. There is no Shen Huai assassin's legs in the game, and a long sniper rifle is on his back, as if it will overwhelm her at any time. .

System: Yuxue Feifei sent a PK application, do you accept it

Shen Huai looked at the little gunman who was circling around him, and agreed with a soft heart.

The two quickly loaded the arena map, Shen Huai rolled over and jumped onto the ring, Yu Xue Feifei spun around in place with a gun, and couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, north and west.

Shen Huai couldn't help but teach her, "Don't use the double mirror mode in the arena PK, the field of view will be narrowed."

"oh oh."

Yu Xue Feifei immediately re-aimed, and the gun head directly stuck to Shen Huai's chest, a good long-range stun was played by her into a melee.

"You should keep your distance from me."

"oh oh."

Yu Xue Feifei stepped back a few steps, lay down ten meters away from Shen Huai, and set up her gun...

Forget it, let's just call...

The black-clad female assassin rushed forward, raised the sharp blade in her hand, and backstabbed - stabbed the heart - dark sword!

The assassin who instantly appeared in the field of vision was so frightened that the little gunman didn't have time to close the gun, so he hurriedly rolled over and ran for his life. The man got out, but the gun fell to the ground.

If the sniper's gun cannot be picked up in time after falling, it will take five seconds for it to automatically return to the owner's hand. If it is in the official arena, it will definitely be chased and beaten by the enemy, but Shen Huai watched the little gunman cautiously. He walked over and picked up the gun, but he never had the heart to shoot.

He nodded.

This is the first time Shen Huai has conceded defeat in the single-player arena since he played the game for so long.

Song Xueyang looked at the words "Victory" on the screen and calmly pressed the screenshot button, typing happily.

"Why does my gun still drop?"

Shen Huai patiently said, "The character can't move in the sniper state. You must get up and put away the gun before you can use it and then roll over."

But in fact, it is very easy to miss the best opportunity to avoid. The situation in the professional arena is changing rapidly, even if it is 0.1 second slower, it is enough to cause an irreversible gap.

In the match between Fengyue and Thunder in the S4 season, when Song Xueyang successfully killed the swordsman who was attacking him with a back roll and sniper, everyone was shocked by this unprecedented operation. If it weren't for the slow-motion replay of the arena, No one even saw what was going on.

Thinking of Song Xueyang's brilliant attack on the field, Shen Huai clicked on the leaderboard, and sure enough, Song Xueyang's ID was still gray.

"That's it!" The little gunman was full of energy again, "Miss, your assassin is so powerful, you should accept me as your apprentice!"

"I don't accept apprentices."

Yu Xue Feifei held on to him, "I like assassins very much. My friends say that assassins are too weak to play, but I think assassins are very powerful. I want to learn a powerful operation, and then play as an assassin. Tell them that assassins are not weak at all."

These remarks really hit Shen Huai's soft underbelly, and he couldn't refuse this reason for apprenticeship.

System: Yuxue Feifei wants to worship you as a teacher, are you willing to accept her as a disciple

Shen Huai clicked the confirmation button, and Yu Xue Feifei's name was added to the apprentice column in the friend list.

Song Xueyang looked at the words "Master - Mu Wange" in the list, and tapped his index finger on the table leisurely.

The year he met Cang Yu, he had just joined the Maple Moon team. One night, he accidentally clicked into a live broadcast room. It was an anchor who played assassins. The professional version of the assassins in the S2 season was very strong. An anchor who neither showed his face nor sounded. No one cares at all in the live broadcast room.

He looked bored for a while, and when he saw the assassin instantly kill the blood-filled magician with a set of extremely gorgeous combos, his eyes suddenly changed.

As a strong version of the profession, the assassin profession in the arena is not uncommon, but it is the first time he has seen an assassin with such high burst damage and fast combo speed! His skill and talent points are completely different from other assassins. The swordsmanship is one-dimensional, and the equipment with full attack speed can kill almost all crispy professions in one set!

This assassin was too terrifying. At this moment, Song Xueyang felt that all the assassins he had seen were eclipsed, and even the Assassin player of the Xiaolang team, Sirius, was not so dazzling.

Song Xueyang decisively clicked Follow, and at the same time remembered the anchor's name - Cang Yu.

It's just that Cang Yu really rarely broadcasts live broadcasts. It's like opening the live broadcast room on a whim. It has been two months since Song Xueyang saw him live broadcast for the second time, and at seven o'clock in the morning, Song Xueyang became his live broadcast room. the only audience.

But Cang Yu didn't seem to care at all, he still played with his little assassin as usual, and the two blades that flashed coldly were sharper than the last time they saw him.

Song Xueyang recommended Cang Yu on Weibo, and the fans who heard the news were all shocked by the assassin's style of play by this little-known anchor.

Cang Yu has more and more fans, and his assassins are getting better and better.

Song Xueyang created a trumpet account on the Throne of Secco, and finally added Cang Yu's friend after three months of squatting. At that time, Cang Yu was already a popular anchor with more than one million fans, but he still rarely broadcasts live broadcasts. , and never showed his face, mysteriously like an expert outside the world.

Song Xueyang didn't care about this, he just admired Cang Yu's strength very much, and he didn't care what the other party looked like. He sent an invitation to Cang Yu to join the team, but was rejected by the other party. This made Song Xueyang very surprised. He did not give up chasing Cang Yu. Although he became friends with Cang Yu in the process of getting along slowly, the other party never agreed to his proposal to join Fengyue.

The Assassin was greatly weakened in the S3 season, and even Song Xueyang thought that the Assassin profession was really unplayable, but Cang Yu actually created an unlimited arena play style at this time! Similarly, the assassin was stabbed again in the S4 season, and Cang Yu actually came up with the method of double cultivation of poisoning method!

Cang Yu brought him one surprise after another, and Song Xueyang couldn't control his eyes from being attracted to him.

In the S5 season, the talent "Desperate Blow" relied on by the "Toxic Stream" assassin was cancelled. This time Song Xueyang was not worried at all, because he knew that Cang Yu would definitely find a way to bring the assassin back to the stage.

Song Xueyang's excitement almost reached its peak when he saw Cang Yu kill Xiao Zhang of the God of War team with 10% of his blood. It was the first time he was so eager for Cang Yu to join his team, and he became curious about this ID. What kind of person is behind him, he began to wonder what kind of face the person who can play this gorgeous operation has? What's the sound like? How many unimaginable insights does he have on assassins

Everything about Cang Yu was a mystery, so Song Xueyang couldn't help but explore.

Therefore, when he learned that Cang Yu planned to join the professional team, Song Xueyang would not miss this opportunity no matter what, he wanted to become teammates with Cang Yu, and wanted to really get to know this person named Cang Yu.

Zhou Ning passed by and saw his screen and asked, "Are you lying to Cang Yu again?"

Song Xueyang was not ashamed but proud, "This is called strategy."

"Cang Yu? Where is Cang Yu?" A young man ran over after hearing the sound. He had a pair of round eyes, and his slightly immature face looked a little cute.

Zhou Ning said, "It's this assassin. Our captain tricked him into buying a number in the professional area."

Hai Xing's eyes suddenly lit up, "Professional area? Is Cang Yu going to be a professional?"

Hai Xing is the youngest in Team Wind and Rain. He is only 17 years old this year. He has just been a year since his debut. He didn't know Cang Yu until he came to Team Maple Moon.

At first, he was not optimistic about the assassin career, thinking that an anchor who plays assassin must have poor technical skills, and he can't get along with popular careers before switching to unpopular assassins. But after watching the live broadcast a few times with the captain and the deputy captain, he found that Cang Yu is a great player with extremely high hand speed and very stable operation.

Play the weakest profession in the game with the most unbelievable operation, and slaughter many versions of the little prince. Anyone like this will be fanned by him.

Zhou Ning nodded, "The captain plans to pull him into our team."

"Great!" Hai Xing jumped up excitedly, "Only at this time do I think you are particularly reliable!"

Song Xueyang has a lot of fun, and as long as he takes action, Hai Xing really thinks that this matter is almost certain.

He happily said, "Wait a minute, pull me into the team, and I want to play with Cang Yu too!"

Song Xueyang didn't refuse. It's not a bad thing to familiarize yourself with the operation habits of his teammates in advance.

He reminded, "Open a trumpet, pretend to be a little bit better, and don't let him find out who we are."

"Okay!" Hai Xing happily returned to his seat and started the trumpet, "Do you want Vice Captain Zhou to come?"

Zhou Ning shook his head, "Forget it, I want to make a good impression on my future teammates."

He doesn't think Cang Yu is the type who doesn't resist when he is rounded or flattened.

In the game, Shen Huai received a message from Ye Bianzhou.

[Stranger] [One Leaf Bianzhou]: Dude, how are you

Shen Huai replied, "I'm fine."

One Leaf Bianzhou sent a friend request, and Shen Huai agreed.

[Friends] [One Leaf Boat]: Are you still doing the task? Me and my nanny sister are waiting for you.

Shen Huai felt that he was quite righteous, "What about the others?"

[Friends] [One Leaf Bianzhou]: I let the others go first, if you still fight, we will regroup.

[Friends] [Mu Wange]: Good.

Shen Huai turned around and asked Yu Xue Feifei, "Have you done Luo Zhiyuan this week?"

The little gunman said immediately, "No."

Shen Huai invited him to join the team, and also added Yi Ye Bianzhou and Mo Bei.

[Team] [One Leaf Boat]: Will this sniper also fight

[Team] [Yuxue Feifei]: Hello~ I am the apprentice of Miss Assassin (^_^)

Shen Huai suddenly felt that the way his new apprentice spoke was similar to Vice-Captain Zhou...

[Team] [Mobei]: He is a man... a man...

[Team] [Mu Wange]: I'm a man

[Team][Rain and Snow Fei Fei]: QAQ

[Team] [Mu Wange]: Let's go, let's call someone to continue fighting.

[Team] [Rain and Snow Feifei]: Wait a minute! I have a friend coming.

After a while, a magician named "Tianya" joined the team.

[Team] [End of the World]: Good God! !

[Team] [Mobei]: Where is the Great God

[Team] [One Leaf Boat]: He's talking about assassins.

[Team] [Mu Wange]: I am not a god.

[Team] [Yuxue Feifei]: Master is the great god, as powerful as the great god Cangyu!

The starfish in front of the computer almost didn't come out, who will tell him who this soft-faced flatterer is