For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 111


Due to the tight schedule, there are new projects in the magazine waiting for Xiao Wanqing to go back on a business trip to decide and host. Therefore, Xiao Wanqing will return to Anjiang City the next afternoon on Qixi Festival, and there is no way to participate in the originally planned forum exchange meeting. Therefore, on the morning of the second day, she needs to make an appointment in private with a few outstanding colleagues in the industry who will participate in the exchange meeting to chat about recent related topics and grasp the industry trends.

At seven o'clock in the morning, just as the bedside phone vibrated, Xiao Wanqing woke up vigilantly. When she opened her eyes, she saw the little girl's clean sleeping face close at hand, and a smile appeared in her eyes instantly. She wanted to reach for the phone to turn off the alarm clock, and moved her body, only to find that her whole body was loosely surrounded by the girl's slender arms.

Xiao Wanqing's eyes softened more and more. Afraid of waking Lin Xian up, she carefully raised the girl's arm before turning sideways and taking the phone to turn off the alarm clock.

Unexpectedly, when she turned off the alarm clock, she turned around and saw that Lin Xian had opened her eyes in a daze.

She seemed not fully awake yet, her eyes were sleepy, her voice was hoarse, inexplicably sexy, and she asked Xiao Wanqing in a daze: "Aunt Xiao, is it dawn yet?"

Xiao Wanqing's cool hands gently covered the girl's eyes, and the girl's long eyelashes brushed slowly over her palm, as if scratching her heart. She lowered her voice and coaxed Lin Xian: "Not yet, you can sleep for a while. I have work in the morning, so I got up early."

The girl is still a little unconscious. She avoided Xiao Wanqing's hand covering her eyes, hugged her childishly, buried her little head in the crook of her neck, and said softly, "I don't want it, I want you to sleep with him for a while."

Xiao Wanqing stretched out her hand to hug the girl back, her arms were warm and soft, listening to her coquettish soft words, her whole heart became numb, full of love and compassion. She seemed to have a little understanding of what it was like to say "the king will never go to court early".

She lowered her head, kissed the top of the girl's hair, and said softly: "It's my fault, I woke you up, but if I sleep again, I will be late."

Lin Xian pouted, blinked vigorously, and tried to wake up. She kissed Xiao Wanqing's neck unhappily, and felt Xiao Wanqing's whole body tremble suddenly, so she let go of Xiao Wanqing contentedly.

She raised her head, smacked Xiao Wanqing's cheek, sat up, and said considerately while turning over the quilt and getting out of bed: "Okay, then you go wash up, and I will help you take out the porridge and egg custard and let it cool .”

Xiao Wanqing sat up, half leaning against the back of the bed, watching Lin Xian get off her bed in a large T-shirt, swaying a pair of long straight white legs, walking all the way to the table not far away. She held the spoon in one hand and the lid of the electric saucepan in the other. Against the golden morning light, she turned her head and smiled brightly at her: "Xiao Xiaowan, the porridge looks pretty good!"

For a moment, Xiao Wanqing felt that her heart was hot and humid.

In this way, it is like a dream scene.

She got out of bed, couldn't help but hugged Lin Xian's waist from behind again, and whispered affectionately in her ear: "Lin Xian, will you, will you be here all the time?"

Obviously, I no longer dare to believe in oaths and promises, but I still can't help but want to hear Lin Xian's promise. Even if she was deceiving herself, at this moment, she was happy and satisfied.

If it is a dream, please let her wake up later.

Lin Xian enjoyed Xiao Wanqing's increasingly obvious intimacy, thinking that Xiao Wanqing was referring to whether he would wait for her to come back at the hotel. She naturally raised her head and turned her face to kiss her chin, and replied: "Of course I will always be here. I want to wait for you to go home together, can I?"

Xiao Wanqing knew that Lin Xian's answer was not the same question as she asked, but she was satisfied when she heard the affirmative answer. A faint smile bloomed on her lips, and she responded, "Okay, I'll change the ticket later, and we'll go home together."

After finishing work in the morning, Xiao Wanqing politely declined the invitation to have dinner with her colleagues, and hurried back to the hotel to have lunch with Lin Xian. After dinner, Xiao Wanqing suggested whether to go out for a walk around, but Lin Xian felt sorry for Xiao Wanqing's body, so she declined, and chose to have a good lunch break with Xiao Wanqing.

In the scorching summer, the two of them had a sound sleep with the air conditioner turned on, covered with a thick quilt, and hugged each other stickily. Then, they packed their things and rushed back to Anjiang City by the high-speed train at about the same time.

After Xiao Wanqing re-booked the ticket, her seat was staggered with her colleagues, and her and Lin Xian's seats became two people on the right next to each other.

On the high-speed rail, suitcases should be placed on the shelf above the seat, Xiao Wanqing used to spend a lot of effort to put them on the top of the seat when he was on a business trip. When it came, a male colleague helped put it on. This time, before she could do anything, a well-dressed man in his thirties stood up beside him, eager to help Xiao Wanqing.

Lin Xian glanced at the man who obviously had plans for Xiao Wanqing, frowned, and before Xiao Wanqing could reply, he naturally and easily took the handle of the suitcase in her hand, and took his own suitcase, and put it away slowly. Two large suitcases were placed on it.

Xiao Wanqing blinked her eyes in a daze, looking at Lin Xianqi's long and slender body, her eyes gradually became a little hot.

She couldn't help thinking of the scene where Lin Xian lightly picked her up last night, and she whispered secretly: Are all long-distance runners so good at it? Lin Xian not only has an amazing lung capacity, but also has great strength.

At a very young age, it always gives people a sense of security that does not match their age.

Lin Xian didn't realize that he secretly scored a little more points with Xiao Wanqing. She was sitting on the seat by the window, looking sideways at the gradually receding scene outside the window, with a faint smile on her lips.

On the way here, she was full of thoughts about Xiao Wanqing, but she didn't take a serious look at the scene along the way.

Xiao Wanqing followed her gaze and looked out the window with her: "Is this the first time Xianxian has come here?"

Lin Xian turned back to look at Xiao Wanqing, and said in response: "Well, I went to the next door to it before, but I went there by plane. I don't know that it looks like this from the ground."

"I'm sorry, it's a rare time for you to come here. I didn't have time to take you out to have fun and see the scenery, so I hurried back again." Xiao Wanqing apologized.

Hearing this, Lin Xian grabbed Xiao Wanqing's hand and put it in his palm, and said disapprovingly: "Who said I haven't seen the beautiful scenery?" She looked at Xiao Wanqing, pressed Xiao Wanqing's hand to her chest, and said in a soft and sincere voice : "You are the best scenery I have seen here."

"And, in fact, I've always imagined that one day we can sit side by side on the high-speed rail and see the thousands of mountains and rivers on the road." She took out her mobile phone, connected the earphones, and stuffed them in her ears while Putting it into Xiao Wanqing's ear, leaning her head on Xiao Wanqing's shoulder, she said with a smile, "Like this, it's the scene that I secretly imagined countless times in my dreams."

The corners of her brows and eyes were full of tenderness, and she recalled the thoughts she had thought about countless times while listening to the song when she returned to the city from the countryside alone that day.

"Xiao Xiaowan, if I listen to the songs you have heard, walk the road you have traveled, and see the scenery you have seen, will I be able to get closer to you and understand you a little bit?" She stared devoutly. Xiao Wanqing asked her: "Would you like to cooperate with me and give me a little more chance like this?"

She always wanted to untie Xiao Wanqing's heart knot, and wanted to completely liberate Xiao Wanqing from the past. But Xiao Wanqing never told her about the past in detail, it was like Xiao Wanqing's restricted area. Lin Xian was startled to realize that he had never really touched there.

But she knew that Xiao Wanqing was a little loose. Just like that day, she mentioned to herself that Uncle Xiao picked stars for her. But she still wants to know more.

Xiao Wanqing's heart trembled when she heard the girl's gentle words. But between people, there may always be a little distance and a little fantasy in order to get along better. Without fantasy, perhaps, it is easy to be nostalgic, right

Like, Yan Jia used to be bravely obsessed with and pursued herself, and when she was not together, she seemed to be perfectly like a goddess in her eyes. But after being together, she let go of all her defenses to face Yan Jia, but Yan Jia reprimanded the real her more than once, just like the sentence she had memorized for many years, let her mature. The bottom line is that Yan Jia left her because she didn't love herself so much after she really got to know her, and she lost the motivation to persevere when she was tired

She lowered her voice and confessed her doubts to Lin Xian: "Xianxian, maybe one day when you get to know me better, you will find that I am not what you like in your imagination."

Lin Xian's eyes darkened for a moment, and he smiled disapprovingly.

She sat up straight, stretched out her hand to lift Xiao Wanqing's chin, and answered her seriously: "Xiao Wanqing, I like you, not as a goddess, but as a girl."

Goddesses are looked up with a halo, so there are unrealistic expectations. Girls are just ordinary people with advantages and disadvantages.

Lin Xian has always looked at Xiao Wanqing with a level eye.

She was hurt by Xiao Wanqing's weakness and hesitation, and she clearly saw that her Xiao Xiaowan had imperfections. But she still thinks that Xiao Wanqing is perfect, just because she likes her, so even her shortcomings are perfect.

She hugged Xiao Wanqing, put her cheek on her heart, and whispered: "Xiao Wanqing, whatever you look like, that's what I like. So, let me know all about you, okay?"

Xiao Wanqing felt that she was going to melt into Lin Xian's embrace.

Back in Anjiang City, it was almost time for dinner.

Without Lin Xian, Xiao Wanqing's refrigerator was always empty. Lin Xian looked through the refrigerator, feeling angry and distressed. She told Zhou Qin to go home tomorrow morning, fearing that it would be too late tomorrow. So, regardless of the tiredness of the boat and the car, she cooked light porridge with ease, asked Xiao Wanqing to clean up and take a bath to rest, and took the key by herself to go to the supermarket to help Xiao Wanqing buy ingredients.

How could Xiao Wanqing be willing to let Lin Xian go alone. During the summer vacation, every minute and every second they met seemed to be stolen. Even though Xiao Wanqing never told Lin Xian, even occasionally when Lin Xian sneaked over, she was worried that Lin Xian would go back too late and the road would be unsafe, so she would urge her to leave early.

But in fact, every time, she cherishes it very much in her heart.

Lin Xian couldn't resist Xiao Wanqing, so she agreed to go together, but asked her to drive the car, and Xiao Wanqing could just be the hands-free shopkeeper.

As usual, the two entered the supermarket holding hands, talking and laughing along the way.

Until, Lin Xian hugged Xiao Wanqing and acted affectionately, with a casual glance, he saw the complex eyes of the beautiful woman holding the little girl who had met in the next door not far away, staring straight at Xiao Wanqing's back.

Lin Xian's smile suddenly froze on his face.