For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 22


After the school bell rang, everyone went out to look for food in groups. Although it was a big class, after a while, the people almost left, and there were only a few sparse people left in the classroom.

Although the school has just started, whether they are boarding students or day students, they have already formed a small group during the two weeks of military training. Lin Xian usually walks with Chen Zhi and Tang Mo at noon and after school. During military training, Shiman also goes with them at noon, but she has already greeted them. They are together, and her sister will come to her in due time.

Lin Xian and Tang Mo were leaning against the table bored, and when Chen Zhi was slowly packing up her schoolbag, they suddenly noticed that Chen Zhi stopped arranging the textbooks and stared straight out of the window.

Tang Mo lost his temper, stretched out his hand in dissatisfaction and shook Chen Zhi's eyes, reminding her: "What are you thinking about, you're moaning, I think a bus has already passed."

Chen Zhi turned around, lifted her chin in the corridor outside the window somewhat mysteriously, lowered her voice, and explained: "Suddenly I saw a beautiful woman, look..."

When Lin Xian and Chen Zhi heard the words, they turned around at the same time and looked outside.

Sure enough, there was a girl with black hair and tall body standing in the corridor, with a delicate and cold face, calm and indifferent eyes, and the girl was quietly looking into the classroom.

"Director of the Student Union Office..." Tang Mo recognized him.

At the same time, Xia Zhijin... Lin Xian sighed in his heart.

She turned her eyes to the tables in front, and Shi Man, who was still sitting motionless, couldn't help but sighed. Shi Man stopped crying when she was in class, but Lin Xian could feel her gloomy expression and absent-mindedness throughout the class.

Until Chen Zhi packed up and the three of them were about to leave, Shi Man was the only one left in the classroom who remained motionless in his seat. When Lin Xian passed by Shiman's side, he greeted her: "Manman, we're leaving, see you tomorrow." After walking two steps, she turned her head to look at Xia Zhijin who was standing quietly outside, remembering her kindness of delivering the medicine, I still couldn't bear to add a sentence: "Senior sister is waiting for you outside..."

Shi Man didn't even look at them, and replied to her indifferently, it was difficult to discern her mood from the tone: "I know, um, see you tomorrow."

Lin Xian couldn't say anything more, so he had to follow Chen Zhi and the others. When passing by Xia Zhijin, he politely said to her, "Senior sister, I'm leaving first."

Xia Zhijin looked calm, looked down at Lin Xian, and nodded slightly: "Goodbye." The voice was clear and cold, not in a hurry...

When he was about to go downstairs, Lin Xian looked back, Xia Zhijin was still waiting quietly in place...

When I got home, Xiao Wanqing had already come back from get off work and was cooking in the kitchen.

As soon as Lin Xian came home and opened the door, he heard the crackling sound of cooking in the kitchen, inexplicably felt joy welling up in his heart. She changed her shoes and threw her schoolbag on the sofa, then happily ran to the kitchen to find Xiao Wanqing: "Aunt Xiao, I'm back."

While speaking, that slender and beautiful figure appeared in her sight.

Xiao Wanqing turned off the fire, turned around and caught sight of Lin Xian, with a slight curve on her lips, she was a little helpless: "Have you forgotten the lesson from the morning all at once? What are you doing in such a hurry, in case you slip and fall again. "

Lin Xian walked to Xiao Wanqing's side, took the pot and spatula naturally, and helped Xiao Wanqing fill out the dishes. She turned her face to look at Xiao Wanqing, her eyebrows curved: "No way, Aunt Xiao is here."

Xiao Wanqing had nothing to do with her: "You..." She took the empty pot, placed it on the star basin, and said softly, "Wash your hands, you're ready to eat, are you hungry?"

Lin Xian stretched out his hand obediently, and turned on the tap to wash his hands. She turned her head to look at Xiao Wanqing quietly, seeing her calm expression of lowering her head slightly, focusing on washing the pot, and her mind was slightly swaying.

Obviously, it's not long since such days started, but why, she felt that such days seemed to have passed for a long, long time, so long, she was so familiar with and relied on Xiao Wanqing. Scientists say that 21 days can form a habit, but Lin Xian feels that before 21 days, she is used to having Xiao Wanqing's life, and, hopefully, it can always be like this—turning her head, she can see that A gentle smile.

During the meal, Lin Xian shared today's life with Xiao Wanqing as usual, and naturally talked about the quarrel between Shi Man and Xia Zhijin who ran into him today.

Retelling the matter again is equivalent to sorting out the context of the matter again. Lin Xian took a sip of the soup, licked his lips, and belatedly said: "Their sisters seem to be different from ordinary sisters."

Xiao Wanqing's expression was always peaceful, but the watery eyes that looked at Lin Xian flickered slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then responded to Lin Xian: "Didn't Shiman say that Xia Zhijin is not her sister..."

Lin Xian's tone was light, "Hey", and asked Xiao Wanqing in surprise: "Isn't that angry? It's like... just like you said that day 'Lin Xian, I will never get along with you again'..." Said After finishing, she seemed to think of the scene at that time, and couldn't help laughing again, overjoyed and out of control.

Xiao Wanqing gave Lin Xian some soup, and immediately, blush spread over her fair and moist cheeks. She filled the soup, gently placed it in front of Lin Xian, and asked Lin Xian lightly, "Are you ticklish?"

Lin Xian smiled a little, looked up at Xiao Wanqing, and nodded.

Xiao Wanqing's brows and eyes are soft, the corners of her lips are lightly raised, looking at Lin Xian's watery eyes with a little sly smile: "Then why don't you try it too, it's very happy, enjoyable, and you want to laugh?" After finishing speaking, She leaned forward slightly, as if she was about to get up and pounce on Lin Xian.

From her tone, Lin Xian smelled a strong and dangerous atmosphere, and turned pale with fright, immediately crossed his hands and covered his waist, and surrendered before fighting, begging for mercy repeatedly: "I don't want it, I was wrong, Aunt Xiao ... Please let me go ... "

Seeing her panic-stricken and cute appearance, Xiao Wanqing felt a long-lost joy, which burst from the bottom of her heart. She sat back upright again, with an obvious smile in her voice: "I'm not kidding you anymore. Eat quickly, take a shower after eating, and I'll show you the menu for tomorrow night, see if there is anything you want to eat leaked."

Lin Xian escaped, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm fine, I love everything you cook, Aunt Xiao. You don't need to go through so much trouble."

Xiao Wanqing smiled, with a shallow pear dimple, and said seriously: "I want it." She said: "Although you don't like it, I still bought a box of mooncakes. Mid-Autumn Festival without mooncakes, I always feel that something is missing You will see if there is anything you want to eat later. I bought something with a unique taste. This is the first festival you have come to our house, and it is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Of course it is worth celebrating. This is the first One, in the future, there will be a second, a third..." She didn't tell Lin Xian that this was the first festival she had carefully prepared for after her parents left.

Her voice was gentle, her tone contained a little expectation and a little fascination, like a pair of delicate little hands, gently caressing Lin Xian's heart. Lin Xian bumped into Xiao Wanqing's eyes, as if he saw the twinkling stars in it. She also softened her eyes unconsciously, and responded: "Okay, let's go together..."

However, when Lin Xian came out of the shower, in the dimly lit living room, she bumped into Xiao Wanqing's eyes looking at her again, I don't know if it was her illusion, the starry sky that she just saw in Xiao Wanqing's eyes was like , dimmed in solitude...

Xiao Wanqing smiled at her, pointed to the opened mooncake gift box on the table as if nothing had happened, and called her over: "Come and try the taste of mooncakes." While speaking, she began to unpack the mooncakes one by one.

Lin Xian rubbed her hair, and sat down on the sofa beside Xiao Wanqing with some doubts: "Should I eat now? What about tomorrow?"

Xiao Wanqing's subordinates kept moving, and when she heard the words, she just smiled and explained: "Just now when you were taking a bath, your mother called. She said that your grandparents will come to your house for the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow, and she will go directly to your house after school tomorrow. The school picked you up." She gently cut a small piece of mooncake, held it to Lin Xian's mouth with a fork, and said briskly, "Try the taste and guess what the filling is."

Lin Xian couldn't be buoyant at all. She stared closely at Xiao Wanqing with her eyes, mechanically opened her mouth and took a bite of the mooncake that Xiao Wanqing handed to her mouth, feeling stuffy and uncomfortable in her heart. She looked at Xiao Wanqing's usual smiling face, her heart seemed to be aching, bluntly, not very sharp, not very painful, but it was a kind of dull discomfort that I couldn't tell where it came from.

She distinctly remembered the gleam in Xiao Wanqing's eyes when she just talked about celebrating the festival together tomorrow, she was clearly looking forward to that.

After her parents passed away, has she been alone, living these cruel festivals where everyone is reunited

She quickly swallowed the mooncake whole, before she had time to savor the taste of the filling, she hastily confessed: "I won't go back, I'll stay with you for the holidays." She promised her, obviously she gave She expected it.

Xiao Wanqing was taken aback for a moment, and then a gentle smile appeared in her eyes. She stretched out her hand and gently scratched Lin Xian's nose, and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's the first time you've been away from home for so long. They should miss you. Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin also came to see you specially. Have you not seen them for a long time?"

Lin Xian's grandparents taught in a college far away from Lin Xian's parents in the early years, so the two generations lived in two places all year round. Later, they retired, but they got used to the leisurely life of the couple, so they didn't move here on purpose. It was only on weekends or holidays that Lin Zhan would drive there with his wife and children to see the two old people.

Hearing Xiao Wanqing mention "Uncle Lin, Aunt Lin", Lin Xian was in a daze for a moment.

These days, although she has been calling Xiao Wanqing "Auntie Xiao" politely, in her heart, in the end, she does not regard Xiao Wanqing as a real elder, as someone of her mother's generation.

It turned out that there was still a generation gap between them... Lin Xian didn't know why, but he became more and more lost, and felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xiao Wanqing fixedly, and suggested with anticipation and a faint plea: "Aunt Xiao, you can go to my house too, shall we spend the holiday together?"

Xiao Wanqing just smiled lightly, shook her head and joked: "No way, look, we bought so many vegetables yesterday, if I don't eat them tomorrow, it will be ruined."

Lin Xian bit her lip, she wanted to say that if there is a refrigerator, it won't break so easily. However, the words lingered on the tip of her tongue for a few times, and after all, Xiao Wanqing forced Xiao Wanqing not to say it.

She should know that Xiao Wanqing just didn't want to go back to the sad place in the North District. Over the years, Zhou Qin had tried to invite Xiao Wanqing to her home for the New Year, but without exception, Xiao Wanqing declined them all.

She thought, maybe apart from not being willing to get involved in that sadness, there might be another thing that Xiao Wanqing didn't want to taste her own loneliness more deeply as an outsider in such a happy family atmosphere.

In the end, Lin Xian could only lower his head, staring closely at the moon cake that had been cut and missing a corner, as if looking at his broken heart, and murmured sadly: "I'm sorry..."

Xiao Wanqing closed her eyes, and there was a wry smile on her lips. She stretched out her hand to gently rub the girl's hair, and sighed softly: "Fool, what's wrong with you..."

It was her own fault.

Why is it so easy to get carried away, why should there be extravagant expectations

The expectation was not given to her by Lin Xian, but something she had hoped for. So, now that I am disappointed and sad, what is wrong with Lin Xian

What was wrong was the self who believed easily and greedily held expectations.