For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 34


Xiao Wanqing was born in the Chinese Department. When she was studying foreign literature in her sophomore year, she became very interested in Japanese literature. Natsume Soseki can be regarded as a Japanese literary figure she is more familiar with. And this anecdote of his and this classic confession, when she heard it for the first time, she didn't understand what it meant, but because of the classic confession, she even felt a little far-fetched. Until one day a long time later, she and Yan Jia were temporarily separated from each other. At night, she stood by the window talking on the phone with Yan Jia, listening to her lover's melodious voice, and looked up at the beautiful white jade plate in the night sky. Full moon, she couldn't help being soft-hearted, and shared with her lover full of tenderness: "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight", she realized that this is indeed a very beautiful and touching implicit confession-I, want to share it with you , all good things, all the mood of beautiful scenery.

But at this time, this sentence that was supposed to be pleasant and thought-provoking fell into Xiao Wanqing's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt. She was so shocked that she couldn't believe it. He kept his expression of extreme surprise, astonishment, and disbelief.

But soon, she reacted and restrained her surprise. She unconsciously clenched the ice cream with both hands, biting her lower lip tightly with her upper teeth, silently looking at Lin Xian, waiting for the girl's possible unfinished text.

Perhaps, Lin Xian didn't know the implication of this sentence. After all, she has also felt in her heart that the moonlight is so beautiful tonight when she came by riding all the way. That's right, how old is Lin Xian? He doesn't know much about the world and has a pure mind. How could he know...

Not to mention... not to mention...

Heh... Impossible.

Sure enough, the girl did not live up to her expectations.

After Lin Xian finished speaking, she was silent for two seconds, then naturally withdrew her hand that was holding on to the spoon, and stared at the ice cream in front of her eyes slightly. After a pause for a few seconds, she raised her hand to scoop up another scoop of ice cream, and this time, she put it directly into her mouth. After a while, she raised her head, looked at the moon in the sky, and suddenly said to Xiao Wanqing: "Today is the sixteenth day of the lunar calendar, and it really is the fifteenth day of the moon..." With ice in her mouth, she said vaguely, But Xiao Wanqing could hear it very clearly.

The smoke drifted out with the opening and closing of her lips and teeth. Lin Xian took advantage of the thin mist and blinked his eyes quickly twice to cover up the water vapor that was about to rise from his eye sockets.

Xiao Wanqing, she looks so scared...

She turned her back awkwardly, pointed to a stall selling specialty sea oyster fried not far away, raised her voice deliberately, pretending to be extremely surprised and interested, and said to Xiao Wanqing: "Aunt Xiao, let's eat that."

After all, she seemed to want to eat it impatiently, and ran towards the crowded stall without waiting for Xiao Wanqing to answer her.

Xiao Wanqing felt at ease when she heard Lin Xian's innocent and casual tone, "When the moon is sixteen on the fifteenth day", she felt a little relieved. After she looked carefully and confirmed that Lin Xian really had a calm and ignorant expression , she finally completely stretched her brows.

What is she thinking

I'm still a child, I really...

Ha ha…

She watched Lin Xian's figure running happily and disappearing in the crowd, and while quickly following her, she couldn't help but licked the corners of her lips. In her expression, there is obvious relaxation, trust and pampering.

Lin Xian ran so fast that Xiao Wanqing didn't catch her raising her hand and rubbing her eyes fiercely a few seconds after running out.

The two wandered around Xiangnan Road for a long time, and under Lin Xian's curiosity, they bought various snacks to fill their stomachs. As it was approaching eleven o'clock, Xiao Wanqing thought that Lin Xian would have to go to class tomorrow, fearing that she would not be able to get up, so she urged her gently, and Lin Xian reluctantly embarked on the return journey.

On the way back, Xiao Wanqing saw that the night was getting late, and the sea breeze was getting tighter, so she refused to let Lin Xian put on her hard hat no matter what. Holding the hat in both hands, she softened her voice and negotiated with Lin Xian: "You wear the hat, I hide behind you, you help me to cover the wind, and I'm not cold at all, can't you have the best of both worlds?"

Lin Xian looked at Xiao Wanqing with dark eyes, stubbornly refusing to nod.

Xiao Wanqing stared at the dignified appearance of the girl, pondered for a while, and persuaded her from another angle: "Xianxian, look, if you are sick, I will work hard too, remember last time? Say, you are Don't you want to protect yourself?"

Lin Xian remembered Xiao Wanqing's sleepless night, running and wrestling in the wind and rain, and finally frowned and breathed a sigh of relief, but still worriedly told Xiao Wanqing: "Then you must really hide behind me. She suddenly remembered something, raised her hand and pulled back her fleece hat, as if she had discovered some new world: "Aunt Xiao, help me take off my hat, you wear this! Hide behind me. "

Xiao Wanqing froze for a moment, hung the helmet on the mirror of Lin Xian's car handle, and then took off the hat behind Lin Xian as she said. Lin Xian took the hat, raised his hand, and put the fluffy and long-haired hat on Xiao Wanqing's head. Regardless of Xiao Wanqing's reaction, he fastened the ropes on both sides of the hat to Xiao Wanqing. All right.

Xiao Wanqing's palm-sized beautiful face was hidden under the fluffy hair, which unexpectedly looked extraordinarily delicate. She was obviously a bit shy, raised her hands to pull the long hair of the hat, and whispered to Lin Xian uncomfortably: "Does this look too strange?"

Rare dazed, shy and cute look. Lin Xian's eyes were dim and hard to see, and the taste of love and bitterness bloomed in his heart at the same time. She narrowed her eyes, concealed those complicated emotions, pretended to be a little adult, and seriously taught Xiao Wanqing: "It's not surprising. Be obedient."

Xiao Wanqing looked at Lin Xian's serious little face, smiled lightly, and let go of the fluff of the somewhat funny but warm hat on her head. She picked up the safety helmet from the handlebars, put it on Lin Xian's head, straightened it up, poked her little face, then pulled down the windshield, and promised her softly, "Okay, I listen to you."

After straddling into the car, Lin Xian pulled Xiao Wanqing's arms domineeringly again, wrapped them around her waist, took Xiao Wanqing's hands with both hands, inserted them into the pockets on both sides of her clothes, and urged Xiao Wanqing: "Aunt Xiao , you come closer to me, lower your face and hide behind my neck."

Xiao Wanqing was dumbfounded, in order to reassure the girl, she indulged the girl and obediently obeyed one by one.

Night Breeze was indeed stronger and cooler than when it came, but Lin Xian's pockets were warm. Xiao Wanqing closed her eyes and lowered her head to hide behind Lin Xian. The tip of her nose seemed to be able to smell the faint fragrance of the girl. Surprisingly, it was Xiao Wanqing's favorite smell, which was slightly cool and refreshing. Surrounded by this fragrance, Xiao Wanqing noticed that Lin Xian in front of her was worried and helped her close the opening of her pocket again, sitting up straight and raising her body a little higher, a warmth flowed continuously from Lin Xian's warm body When it came, it went straight into Xiao Wanqing's heart.

When she was about to get home, Xiao Wanqing thought about it and asked Lin Xian: "Xianxian, how are you going to celebrate your new birthday on Friday? Do you want to go out to celebrate with your classmates and friends? Do you need my help to prepare anything?"

"I want to spend time with you." The girl hesitated a little, and replied a little embarrassed.

Xiao Wanqing was taken aback for a moment, and then, the brows and eyes buried on the back of Lin Xian's neck were suddenly filled with joyful tenderness.

Lin Xian looked at the dark road, and promised Xiao Wanqing: "Can I bring my friend home, and we will spend time together? I can buy ready-made food outside, and I will do it after celebrating the hygiene." Her tone was obvious The pleading meant that she was afraid of causing too much trouble to Xiao Wanqing.

Xiao Wanqing gently poked Lin Xian's waist with her finger in Lin Xian's waist pocket, and said angrily, "What silly words are you talking about. You are willing to bring it back and have fun with me. I am too happy to be happy." After all, she thought about it for a while, and came up with a plan, and said appropriately: "Tomorrow, you can ask your friends if there are any taboos. When you come back in the evening, we can discuss the dishes first, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Xian just wanted to spend this coming-of-age birthday with Xiao Wanqing, and was afraid that Xiao Wanqing would reject her when she went out to the entertainment venue, so she proposed to stay at home. But she also had no intention of causing trouble to Xiao Wanqing, so she tried to dispel Xiao Wanqing's thoughts: "No need to be so troublesome, just come and have fun together, we can just order a family bucket or something."

Xiao Wanqing teased her dissatisfiedly: "Then he came to the house specially to celebrate your birthday, so you have the nerve to entertain him in such a perfunctory manner?"

Lin Xian laughed nonchalantly, and completely lost the tenderness and consideration he had towards Xiao Wanqing, and said bluntly: "It would be nice to entertain some delicious food, do you dare to dislike it?"

"You, little overlord..." Xiao Wanqing was helpless.

No matter what Lin Xian said, Xiao Wanqing still made up her mind, she couldn't treat Lin Xian's adult birthday once in her life badly, and she couldn't treat Lin Xian's friends badly.

On Lin Xian's birthday on Friday, before going out after breakfast, Xiao Wanqing helped her adjust the neckline of her dress, and said to her mysteriously, "There will be a surprise today."

Lin Xian couldn't wait to find out what the surprise was, but Xiao Wanqing was tight-lipped and refused to reveal it, which made Lin Xian almost late and didn't come up with any words, which whetted Lin Xian's appetite, so that Lin Xian spent a whole day She was absent-minded in class, always wondering what the gift Xiao Wanqing was going to give her.

On Friday afternoon, there were only classes in the first and second periods. Lin Xian had already agreed with Shi Man that after class, he would take Xia Zhijin's car, together with Chen Zhi and Tang Mo, and the five of them would go to the supermarket to buy some evening celebrations. Snacks and drinks when you want to eat. Xia Zhijin also offered to propose that if she didn't mind, she could help prepare part of the dinner dishes before Xiao Wanqing came back from get off work.

However, on Thursday morning, the college temporarily notified that at 3:40 pm on Friday, all freshmen who have no classes must attend a lecture on university life and study planning, and must not be absent without reason. A note from the counselor is required.

As a last resort, Lin Xian had no choice but to abandon the original plan, full of resentment, and reluctantly followed the group to the college auditorium on the first floor after class to act as an audience.

Lin Xian didn't pay much attention to the college's announcement, so he only listened to it in general. He knew that it was a direct line senior who had graduated for many years and donated 10,000 books to the college library on the occasion of the centennial anniversary. The senior came to the donation ceremony and was invited to attend the lecture in the afternoon.

It hasn't been too long since the start of school, but Lin Xian's freshmen have already been forced to participate in many lectures. Among them, there are naturally some lectures that make people feel very rewarding after listening to them, but most of them are boring after listening to them. , Think carefully, I feel like a waste of time.

At this moment, Lin Xian felt resentful because his plan was disrupted, so he naturally put this lecture into the latter category. She had no interest in listening to the lecture at all.

When she entered, the speaker hadn't arrived yet, and the whole auditorium was in chaos. The long-awaited weekend is approaching and being cut off halfway, everyone seems to be a little impetuous, and some words of complaint can be heard from time to time. Lin Xian and Shi Man sat side by side in the middle of the auditorium, both of them lowered their heads in tacit understanding, turned on their mobile phones and started playing games.

I don't know how long it took, but the surroundings seemed to suddenly quiet down. Lin Xian noticed it, but didn't care, and was still immersed in the game world. After a while, Shi Man suddenly poked her hand with inexplicable excitement, and called her in a low voice, "Lin Xian, look!"

Lin Xian was caught off guard by her stabbing, shaking his hand, and the running villain accidentally missed the trap and fell into the red-hot magma, game over. Lin Xian pressed the keyboard fiercely, murmured "what?" in dissatisfaction, and casually looked up at the stage.

The next moment, she couldn't move her eyes...

In the middle of the stage, at the position of the speaker, stood a tall and slim woman with her head bowed and connected to a USB flash drive. The woman has an excellent figure and an excellent standing posture. She is wearing a color-block pleated long skirt with a narrow waist and a smart black suit. The shoulder-length flaxen waves are obviously carefully groomed, which complements her fair and delicate makeup. , It complements the whole person, Yujie is full of aura, capable and elegant, stable and foreign.

——This, surprisingly, is Xiao Wanqing who was still making fun of her mysteriously this morning...

The students around were all amazed in a low voice: "Today's speaker is so beautiful?"

"Fuck, this is too beautiful and too young, isn't it a senior?"

"The speaker said it was from our department. Is it a senior from our department? Was it the flower of the previous department?"

Shi Man approached Lin Xian who was still in a daze, and whispered to her ear: "What's the matter? Didn't Aunt Xiao tell you before?"

Lin Xian stared intently at Xiao Wanqing, who seemed to be shining on the stage, who had already started talking, and shook her head slightly.

No, Xiao Wanqing didn't tell her anything.

No, this... This is what she said to herself in the morning, surprise? !

Lin Xian stared at the woman on the stage with burning eyes, not wanting to miss any of her eyes and movements.

Xiao Wanqing said that the president of their magazine is from the 98th class of Jingnan Finance and Economics. Over the years, she has always missed the days of studying in Jingnan. Give back to my alma mater with my modest efforts. She said that the president originally wanted to come back in person, but unfortunately he was away on business recently and couldn't come back for a while, so he had to appoint her as a representative. Speaking of this, Xiao Wanqing smiled, and joked: "When the president was studying, he heard that he was also a grass, and he was in the limelight. He could have feasted your eyes, but it's a pity. Hey, I'm sorry, but now I can only wrong you. Look at my bland face."

This is half true. Xiao Wanqing's visit to the school was indeed entrusted by the president to attend the donation ceremony as a representative. When contacted earlier, the college leaders knew that she also graduated from Jingnan, and kindly invited her to come to the college to give a lecture. Xiao Wanqing was afraid that she was not from the same family, and the lecture on finance and economics would be wrong, so she didn't want to agree, but later, the time set for the donation ceremony happened to be Lin Xian's birthday. Xiao Wanqing thought over and over again before agreeing with selfishness.

Hearing Xiao Wanqing's humorous self-effacement, the audience immediately booed one after another, and even a bold boy confessed: "We are not wronged, you look better!"

Suddenly, there was another burst of laughter.

Lin Xian couldn't find the boy who was in the limelight. Hearing Xiao Wanqing's warm and pleasant voice on the stage, and listening to the students around him whispering praises to Xiao Wanqing, he felt proud and sour. She really wanted to tell everyone that she came for herself! No one else can covet it!

On the stage, Xiao Wanqing was calm and humorous, her words were appropriate and lively, and she knew how to mobilize the atmosphere. The students in the audience changed their usual casualness and cooperated very actively. Lin Xian stared fixedly at the stage, trying to attract Xiao Wanqing's attention and let Xiao Wanqing discover where she was.

She stared at the figure without blinking, and for a moment, she seemed to feel that Xiao Wanqing's warm and bright eyes met her own. However, just half a second after she was overjoyed, Xiao Wanqing turned away unconsciously. out of sight, and continued to interact with the students in the front row.

Didn't you see me? Maybe, it's not for me? Is it self-indulgent

Lin Xian suddenly felt as if something had been overturned in his heart, sour and lost. She lowered her head, her thin lips tightly pursed into a straight line, sullen.

Shi Man poked her again, and whispered in her ear: "Lin Xian, Aunt Xiao, are you looking at you?"

Lin Xian raised his head abruptly when he heard the words, and looked straight up the stage. This time, she bumped into Xiao Wanqing's deep and soft eyes. Then, she saw Xiao Wanqing's talking eyes seemed to blink slightly, smiling towards her.

Lin Xian swept away the depression before, and immediately sat up straight, soothed his brows and eyes, regardless of whether Xiao Wanqing was still looking at her, he hung a sweet and satisfied smile on the stage.

Shi Man witnessed the whole process of her going from distraught to radiant, and said with a surprised face: "Are you a monkey?" His face changed as soon as he said it...

Lin Xian was too lazy to focus on her, and also disliked her interrupting his serious listening state, so he casually said: "Listen to the lecture carefully."

Shiman: "..."

The one-hour lecture passed quickly because of Xiao Wanqing's humor. The students in the audience still have more to say, and the lecture has quietly come to an end. Xiao Wanqing turned to the last piece of "Thank you everyone" in the ppt, which was shown for a long time, she pulled out the USB flash drive connected to the computer, and finished it gracefully: "This is the end of my speech, thank you for listening. "

There was thunderous applause spontaneously from the audience. The teacher sent by the college also thanked Xiao Wanqing and the president of the magazine in a very polite and official tone on behalf of the school, and the students gave another warm applause.

Xiao Wanqing waited quietly for a long time, and when the applause subsided, she approached the microphone again, showing a bright smile that was completely different from the decent official smile before, and said with a little embarrassment: "Finally, at the end of the show, Now, I would like to take this podium and this opportunity to send a personal blessing..." She fixed her eyes on Lin Xian who was in the middle of the stage, her brows were gentle.

Lin Xian bit her lip and looked at her, and couldn't help but bend her eyebrows and eyes. Amidst the commotion around her, she could clearly hear her thunderous heartbeat.

"Lin Xian, happy birthday."

"Birthday gift, please come to my place to receive it after the show." The tone was gentle and light.

Xiao Wanqing's eyes sparkled. Lin Xian looked at her from afar, his cheeks were hot, his head was dizzy, and he felt as if he was going to drown in it.

Obviously it was time to leave the venue, but no one got up or left, and everyone was looking for who Lin Xian was. The classmates who are familiar with Lin Xian have already exclaimed, and Shi Man even yelled loudly, finding out the protagonist for everyone, and sending blessings: "Lin Xian, I also use this lecture to send blessings, happy birthday !"

Now, everyone in the audience finally found their line of sight. All of a sudden, it seemed that everyone was focused.

Lin Xian, who has never been shy, and was always ridiculed by Zhou Qin for his thick skin like a city wall, suddenly, his fair face was a little blush, and his small ears were so red that they looked like they were about to bleed. She lowered her head in embarrassment, and softly stopped Shiman in a soft voice: "Manman, don't make trouble..." She was about to say something, with a coquettish and shy appearance.

It's rare for Shi Man to see her so shy, and she doesn't want to let her go. She narrowed her peachy eyes, smiled smirk and "yo yo yo..." again.

Lin Xian stood up shyly and angrily, and said softly, "I'm ignoring you, I'll go find Aunt Xiao." As he spoke, he ran to the Having already stepped off the stage, beside Xiao Wanqing who was talking with the teacher of the academy, she turned her head as if there was no one else around, and bumped into Xiao Wanqing's arms with shame and joy.

Xiao Wanqing pampered the girl's head while saying goodbye to the college teacher: "Mr. Wang, then I have something to do, so I'll go first." The female teacher looked at the little head in her arms, nodded Zhiqu, and said goodbye. After a few polite words with her, he left.

Lin Xian just came out of Xiao Wanqing's arms, raised his head, looked at Xiao Wanqing, and asked her with bright eyes: "Aunt Xiao, why are you here?"

Xiao Wanqing blinked playfully, and asked her back: "I am also an excellent alumnus, why can't I be here."

Lin Xian pouted in embarrassment: "You know that's not what I meant."

Xiao Wanqing flicked the hair scattered around her ears, lightly scratched Lin Xian's nose with her index finger, and said with a smile, "I'm here to give you a present." Then, she opened the bag and took out the A box-shaped, beautifully packaged gift was handed to Lin Xian: "Open it and have a look, do you like it?"

The onlookers hadn't run out of students yet, and everyone was more curious than the protagonist Lin Xian, staring closely at the gift in Lin Xian's hand, looking forward to it. Lin Xian was beyond their expectations. She just took the gift and held it tightly in her arms. Then, she stared at Xiao Wanqing with burning eyes, bent her eyebrows and curled her lips, and replied softly: "I like it, I like it very much." She lowered her head, who was in her eyes? I also didn't see clearly the young and beautiful tenderness of the young girl.

Xiao Wanqing laughed and said, "You haven't seen what it is yet?"

Lin Xian stroked the packaging of the gift gently with both hands, and whispered: "You gave it, I like it..."

Her voice was too soft, and the onlookers standing a little far away, including Shi Man, couldn't hear what Lin Xian answered clearly.

They only saw, not far ahead, a girl with a beautiful appearance, raised a bright and moving smile, stretched out her hand towards a gentle and beautiful woman a few steps away, and said sweetly and softly: "Aunt Xiao, We go home."

The woman looked at the girl with a smile, stretched out her hand to touch the girl's slender jade fingers, and answered her softly: "Okay."

The clasped hands are as shiny as jade, the departing figure, the black hair fluttering, the corners of the skirt fluttering...

The picture is as beautiful as a close-up shot of a movie.

Shiman stared at his friend's sweet, joyful and shy expression for a moment, and gradually moved his gaze down to the hands they clasped, thoughtfully...

Gradually, a playful smile appeared in her fox-like sly eyes.


The author has something to say: Two days ago, Xia Zhaza cutie said that she was picked up by Lin Xian "Aunt Xiao, dare you (sit) to be my little sheep", hahaha, the author laughed for a long time.

Lin Xian: The first way to raise lambs in captivity is to retreat and boil frogs in warm water.

Shi Man: Come on, I don't know who will be the first to get acquainted.

The first time I confessed, I couldn't help it without preparation, and Lin Xian didn't have any expectations at all, and I knew from Xiao Wanqing's reaction that piercing the window paper would only make Xiao Wanqing completely push herself away again. So, aggrieved, she retreated rationally.

Aunt Xiao doesn't cherish the little milk dog now, in the future, emmm... everyone can look forward to the second confession. o(n_n)o