For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 51


Lin Xian took a few mouthfuls of the sandwich delicately, feeling quite satisfied with his craftsmanship. After she drank half a cup of milk, she licked the milk froth on her lips, and satisfiedly admired Xiao Wanqing's pleasing dining manner for a while, then suddenly remembered something important, and asked Xiao Wanqing: "Aunt Xiao, you and Wen Did Auntie tell you that I want to go to Wanquan Villa with you on New Year's Day? Did Aunt Wen agree? "

Aunt Xiao just finished drinking the last bit of milk. She got up and carried the cup and saucer into the kitchen next door, and answered her: "It was too late when I remembered it last night. I was afraid that she would fall asleep, so I didn't bother her for now." She washed After washing her hands, she went back to the dining table and sat down, said with a smile, "I don't know if she's up at this time of the weekend, I'll send her a text message first, and she will get back to me when she sees it."

She took the mobile phone on the dining table, quickly opened the first one of the SMS contacts, and edited the text message to Wen Tong: "Are you up? It suddenly occurred to me that on December 31st, it might not be convenient for me to go to the hot spring." .”

She put down the phone, thinking that it would be a long time before Wen Tong would reply to her, but unexpectedly, as soon as the phone was put down, before the screen went dark, Wen Tong's reply message came in.

"Visiting by relatives? It's okay, then we can go over to eat and watch the fireworks."

Lin Xian swallowed a mouthful of the sandwich, closed his eyes and said, "Aunt Wen returned so quickly."

Aunt Xiao smiled disapprovingly and said, "Maybe I just woke up, put your phone by the bed." She swayed her fingers on the screen of the phone, and asked Wen Tong, "Xianxian is not going home for New Year's Eve. I want to see the fireworks, can I invite her to go with me?"

This time, Xiao Wanqing thought that Wen Tong would reply to her soon, so instead of putting down her phone, she took the phone and opened today's news at random, waiting for Wen Tong's text message to come in.

However, she was wrong again.

Five minutes passed, the phone was still silent, and there was no response at all.

Lin Xian also finished eating, she wiped her mouth with a tissue, and asked Xiao Wanqing casually, half coquettishly, "Don't Aunt Wen want me to be your light bulb?"

Xiao Wanqing stared at the phone and frowned puzzledly, shook her head lightly to comfort Lin Xian: "It's just that I haven't seen it yet, maybe I got up and went to wash up after replying to my text message." She stood up and rubbed her hands. Rubbing Lin Xian's hair, he said angrily, "Children are always so easy to think too much. We are so cute. Aunt Wen will definitely welcome you before it's too late."

She naturally packed Lin Xian's plates and cups, walked to the kitchen, put them in the sink, and washed them together with the tableware she had just used.

Just as Lin Xian was about to keep up with Xiao Wanqing's pace, she saw Xiao Wanqing's mobile phone on the table vibrate and the screen lit up. Lin Xian took a closer look, and there was a reminder on the screen that there was a new text message.

Lin Xian grabbed the phone, ran into the kitchen in three steps at a time, and knew: "Aunt Xiao, your phone is on. Did Aunt Wen reply the text message?"

Xiao Wanqing was turning on the faucet to rinse the tableware, but she couldn't pull her hands away. She turned to look at Lin Xian when she heard the sound, and said trustingly: "It should be your Aunt Wen who replied to the text message. The screen password is 5566. You can open it and have a look."

Lin Xian was stunned for a moment, she looked at Xiao Wanqing's slender figure with her back turned to her, a bright smile gradually appeared on the corners of her lips, her eyes were like water.

People who are so guarded, already, do they trust her like this

Her heart softened and softened, and she responded softly to Xiao Wanqing: "Okay". Then, she tapped the screen with her fingertips, entered the password one by one, and unlocked the screen lock.

The first thing that caught Lin Xian's eyes was the screen, a cartoon tabletop painted on a white background, on which was a warm picture of a young couple with a little girl fluttering butterflies. Lin Xian stared at the table, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

She clicked on the text message, and sure enough, it was Wen Tong's reply.

Wen Tong said: "Okay. I can ask a friend for another ticket, but there may not be a room for overnight stay in the villa."

Lin Xianru read it to Xiao Wanqing. Xiao Wanqing didn't turn her head back and replied softly: "You help me tell her, it's okay, I'll come back after watching the fireworks with you, and it shouldn't take long to drive."

Wen Tong replied to her after receiving the letter: "That's all right, I'll ask my friend to keep an extra ticket."

After Lin Xian finished answering the text message, he looked at the number of 386 text messages in the upper right corner of the text message interface, his eyes darkened slightly, and there was a moment of dullness. But in an instant, she regained her composure. Seeing that Wen Tong stopped sending text messages, she politely closed the interface and locked the screen.

She put down her mobile phone, ran up to Xiao Wanqing cheerfully, wrapped her arms around Xiao Wanqing's slender waist, hugged Xiao Wanqing from behind, stuck to her shoulder, and thanked tenderly: "Thank you, Auntie Xiao, you are so kind to me."

The warm breath hit Xiao Wanqing's snow-white neck, Xiao Wanqing shivered slightly, and felt that the neck was a little numb and itchy when the girl breathed in and out.

The itching seems to have penetrated into the heart along the meridian all the way...

She moved unnaturally in Lin Xian's arms, but she didn't struggle too much. In the end, she obeyed the tenderness in her heart that wanted to get close to Lin Xian, rubbed her cheek lightly on Lin Xian's forehead, and teased her: "Your Aunt Wen set the ticket. If you want to thank you, you should thank you, Aunt Wen." .”

Lin Xian lowered her head lovingly, and because Xiao Wanqing couldn't see, she almost imperceptibly touched the thin hair on the back of Xiao Wanqing's head with her thin lips, closed her eyes, and said in a calm voice, "Thank you, Aunt Wen."

Thank you, Aunt Wen. Thank you for being with her all these years.

However, love does not come first.

None of us are generous.

So, I'm also sorry, Wen Tong.

In the dark bedroom with the curtains not drawn, Wen Tong bent his knees, with disheveled hair, half leaning on the bed. With the undimmed fluorescence of her mobile phone, she looked sideways at the small lanterns that had been placed beside her bed for many days. She made them one by one and painted them one by one with her own hands. The body of the lantern is pink, and at the bottom of the lantern is a delicate fringed tassel. The center of the tassel is unusually empty, and a long strip of red paper is tied, faintly visible, with black ink on it what.

After a long while, Wen Tong dropped the phone and turned his eyes away. The gentle smile on his lips due to receiving Xiao Wanqing's text message at first has long since disappeared, replaced by a bitter smile.

Maybe, it's still too late.

She closed her eyes, comforting herself.

On December 31st, Xiao Wanqing was as inconvenient as Lin Xian expected. Since they don't soak in hot springs and only participate in evening activities, Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian didn't set off until the evening.

Wen Tong didn't go with them on the way, so they didn't come here to meet up. The three of them agreed to meet up at a dining place in the villa.

At the gate of the villa, Xiao Wanqing realized that there were many more people than expected, and there was actually a long queue at the entrance ticket office. Xiao Wanqing couldn't help being a little stunned, a fireworks show, so grand and lively

She drove the car around several times, and finally found an empty parking space in a parking lot a little far from the entrance of the villa. After parking the car, the two of them got out of the car. As soon as they were blown by the biting night wind, they felt a little cold. Xiao Wanqing unconsciously put her hands together and rubbed them together.

In the next second, her cold hand fell into Lin Xian's warm palm.

Lin Xian clasped Xiao Wanqing's soft five fingers, took her hand and reached into the warm pocket of his down jacket, tilted his head and said playfully: "It's time for the small heater to play its role again."

Xiao Wanqing's brows and eyes softened, she didn't struggle at all, she was used to it.

With her other free hand, she carefully helped Lin Xian straighten the scarf that had slipped off her neck, and said softly, "Let's go, little heater."

The small heater smiled brightly at her, not only warming her hands, but also her heart.

When they arrived at the VIP channel window, Xiao Wanqing gave Wen Tong's phone number as Wen Tong said, and the two of them took the fast track and entered the villa without any hindrance.

Earlier, Xiao Wanqing had been to this place under the organization of the magazine. The so-called villa is actually more like a small leisure resort, with hot springs, swimming pools, entertainment facilities, and landscape scenery. Although the scenery is beautiful, it is not really special. In fact, she didn't have much expectation for tonight's New Year's Eve. For many years, she didn't like trouble, and never treated these holidays differently, so every time Wen Tong wanted to ask her out for a new year's Eve, she politely refused.

However, this time, Xiao Wanqing was still amazed for a moment when she walked through the first passage of the villa, turned a corner, and stepped into the boulevard of the villa.

The days are short and the nights are long in winter. At this moment, the night has already fallen. In Xiao Wanqing's impression, this section of the road should have been ordinary and quiet, with only the faint light from the high street lamps.

Now, this three-meter-wide boulevard is brightly lit, bustling with noise and bustle. On both sides of the road, under the tall king coconut trees, there are colorful, exquisitely crafted and intricately shaped arch-shaped lanterns. The lanterns radiate brilliant brilliance in the dark night, one after another, at a glance, it seems that there is no end in sight.

Under the arch, there is an endless flow of people, and many passers-by are stopping to watch carefully. Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian couldn't avoid it either, they stopped after a few steps, amazed. However, for a distance of 100 meters, the two of them walked for a full 20 minutes before leaving.

At the end of the arched lanterns, it is still not as dim as imagined, on the contrary, it is even more magnificent. Lin Xian looked at it at a glance, and as far as he could see, there were pavilions, terraces and pavilions in a patchwork order, and countless red lanterns were hung in an orderly manner, exuding a warm and dazzling light. For a moment, she felt that they seemed to have entered the world of lights by mistake, and the fire trees and silver flowers were so beautiful.

Lin Xian's heart sank involuntarily while being amazed. Today, is there just a fireworks display? If she didn't come today, Wen Tong, what have you prepared

She walked steadily along with Xiao Wanqing's leisurely footsteps, and asked Xiao Wanqing casually: "Aunt Xiao, is there just a fireworks display here today? Why are there so many lanterns?"

While admiring the rare scenery, Xiao Wanqing responded to Lin Xian with a warm voice: "I'm also thinking about this question. Today is not the Lantern Festival, why are there so many lights and festoons, and the lights are like a sea." They finally came to Wen Tong and said hello to them In the restaurant near the water, Xiao Wanqing smiled and said lightly: "We'll find out after we ask her."

Lin Xian pursed her lips, tightened the hand she held with Xiao Wanqing, nodded and said, "Okay."

Even if it is a love rival relationship, Lin Xian has to praise from the bottom of her heart, Wen Tong's looks are really outstanding. As soon as they stepped onto the second floor of the restaurant, they saw that in the semi-enclosed restaurant, every table was full of people. Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing didn't spend much effort, and they saw Wen Tong, who was outstanding among the crowd, sitting by the window and looking into the distance with his head sideways.

The two walked in front of Wen Tong, Xiao Wanqing tapped on the table lightly, and teased Wen Tong: "What beautiful scenery outside the window attracts you to look at it so seriously?"

Wen Tong just turned around and sneered. Her gaze casually swept over the smiling faces of Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian, and in the next second, her gaze moved down, and suddenly settled on Xiao Wanqing and Lin Xian's still clasped hands, which were placed in Lin Xian's pockets.

Wen Tong's throat twitched, and he couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Lin Xian.

Lin Xian looked at her calmly and steadily, and greeted her generously, "Good evening, Aunt Wen."

Wen Tong nodded and looked away.

Xiao Wanqing didn't realize it, and naturally pulled Lin Xian to sit opposite Wen Tong, and then let go of the hand she was holding with Lin Xian, and placed her hands on the table.

Wen Tong couldn't help but stared at Xiao Wanqing's long and white hands again. After a while, she retracted her gaze, pulled the corners of her mouth to show a usual lazy smile, and said casually and jokingly: "Editor Xiao is really waiting for you."

Xiao Wanqing said with a good temper: "I wouldn't be late, but I was attracted by the lights and festoons outside." She asked questions along the way: "Is it only the fireworks display? It seems very grand." Yu Guangzhong saw , Wen Tong put a band-aid on his index finger, Xiao Wanqing immediately asked concerned: "What's wrong with your hand?"

Wen Tong lightly rubbed his index finger, thinking of the lantern that could not be given away, which had been stored in a dim box now, and the words that could not be uttered for many years, his eyes dimmed imperceptibly .

"It's okay, I accidentally scratched it with a staple nail two days ago."

She turned on the oven and hot pot, and answered Xiao Wanqing's doubts: "I didn't know until I came here that there will be a lantern festival today. It seems to be an intangible cultural promotion activity in cooperation with the city's Ministry of Culture. Let’s warm up first, if the effect is good, this year’s Lantern Festival will be held on a larger scale.”

Xiao Wanqing was relieved when she heard that there was nothing wrong, so she responded: "No wonder." She turned her head and teased Lin Xian, "Xianxian really has eyesight."

Lin Xian's eyes flickered, and he smiled at Wen Tong and said, "It's Aunt Tuo Wen's blessing, thank you Aunt Wen."

Wen Tong tested the temperature of the oven, stood up and flicked Lin Xian's forehead mischievously, and said with a smile: "You are welcome. Let's go and see what we want to eat together, and let your Auntie Xiao guard the table."

Lin Xian readily agreed.

After the ingredients were brought back, Wen Tong and Xiao Wanqing tacitly turned over the barbecue in the oven together, and chatted a few words from time to time. Lin Xian listened silently, and occasionally could insert a sentence or two, but his mouth was not idle. .

Xiao Wanqing, every time the meat is roasted, the first thing to do is to put it into Lin Xian's bowl naturally, so that Lin Xian doesn't need to put his chopsticks into the oven by himself.

Until the prawns in the hot pot were fished out, Xiao Wanqing lowered her snow-white neck, carefully peeled a few prawns with slender fingers and put them into Lin Xian's bowl, and gently said to Lin Xian, "Try to see if it's too old." Tong finally couldn't hold back his voice, and half-truthfully said: "Didn't you always think that peeling shrimp shells is troublesome, so you always stay away from this kind of food that needs to be peeled?"

Before Xiao Wanqing could speak, Lin Xian looked sideways at Xiao Wanqing and smiled sweetly. She also fished out a prawn from the hot pot, and said softly, "I'll help Aunt Xiao peel the prawns from now on, I'm good at peeling prawns." While talking, she really peeled a prawn quickly and well. put a shrimp into Xiao Wanqing's bowl, and said triumphantly: "Look, its tail is still intact."

Xiao Wanqing looked at it seriously with downcast eyes, a sweet smile bloomed on her lips, teasing Lin Xian and said: "It seems that the hands of the small heater are not only warm, but also very clever."

Lin Xian blinked shyly.

Wen Tong stared at them, bit his lip, and muttered half-jokingly: "Aunt Xiao, I also want to eat shrimp..."

Lin Xian responded to Wen Tong with a quick smile and said, "Aunt Wen, let me peel it for you."

In just two or three seconds, a fresh and tender shrimp fell into Wen Tong's bowl. "Aunt Wen, you eat."

Wen Tong's five fingers placed on the edge of the bowl slightly gathered, pulled out a smile, and lowered his eyes and said: "Thank you, Lin Xiaoxian." She picked up the shrimp and put it in her tongue, chewing slowly.

Xu was restless, so it was dull...

For one meal, they ate from dinner time to supper time. Near ten o'clock, the three people walked out of the restaurant with their chubby bellies, and began to visit the garden to enjoy the lanterns.

Walking slowly all the way, Lin Xian realized that the lantern they saw at the door just now was just the tip of the iceberg. Walking to the front of Liuyan Lake in the villa, it is really like entering the ocean of lights and the world of light and shadow.

On both sides of the lake shore, there are thousands of lanterns of all kinds and in different poses. They dance in the night wind and are more dazzling than the stars in the dark night...

Wen Tong, Xiao Wanqing, and Lin Xian walked side by side, lingering in front of the lifelike Chinese zodiac lanterns, the exquisitely painted and elegant palace lanterns, and the tall architectural lanterns representing the city's business cards.

While admiring, Wen Tong was inadvertently stopped by the crowd, a step behind Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing, and suddenly realized that at some point, Lin Xian took Xiao Wanqing's hand again and put it in the bag , as they came.


The evening wind blew past, Wen Tong slowly put his hands into his pockets, and suddenly felt a little cold...

I don't know how long it has passed. When everyone was looking up at the 13-meter-high water lantern group in the middle of the lake, a cute girl suddenly rang in Lin Xian's ear: "Lin Xian! You are here too!"

Wen Tong, Lin Xian, and Xiao Wanqing all turned around to look at the source of the sound, and saw two tall and short girls wearing snow-white down jackets that looked like lovers' outfits. Under the light, beautiful young girls were facing them come quickly.

It was Shi Man and Xia Zhijin.

When Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing saw them, their eyebrows and eyes were frowned. Lin Xian greeted them: "Manman, Sister Zhijin, what a coincidence, are you here to watch the lanterns or the fireworks?"

Shi Man and Xia Zhijin smiled obediently at Xiao Wanqing, and greeted in unison: "Hello, Aunt Xiao." Then, Shi Man replied to Lin Xian: "No, it's just that my mother asked us to come out to eat together. When we came, we found that there are lanterns here. , so we parted ways with her after dinner and came out to have a look by ourselves."

Her eyes fell on Wen Tong, and she was about to ask politely what to call her when the New Year's countdown clock sounded in the distance. The crowd began to shout the countdown in unison: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing looked at each other and smiled, and just about to countdown with the crowd, suddenly there was a loud explosion in the center of the lake, and the countdown stopped abruptly, everyone was shocked...

Startled by the sudden sound, Shi Man subconsciously took a step back and hid in Xia Zhijin's arms. Although Xia Zhijin was also shocked, she still hugged Shiman's soft body firmly with quick eyes and hands, and quickly covered Shiman's small ears with her warm hands...

Xiao Wanqing was caught off guard, and was also shocked by the sound. Lin Xian and Wen Tong walked towards Xiao Wanqing almost at the same time as the voice sounded, both of them stretched out their hands, subconsciously wanting to hug Xiao Wanqing and cover her ears to comfort her.

Everything is but in the blink of an eye.

Wen Tong took a step towards Xiao Wanqing, and Lin Xian also took a step towards Xiao Wanqing. In the next second, only Lin Xian firmly covered Xiao Wanqing's ears.

A cluster of gorgeous fireworks leaps from the water and blooms in the night sky...

Beautiful, Wen Tong has a sore nose.

She saw Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing cuddling together under the clusters of fireworks all over the sky. Lin Xian covered Xiao Wanqing's ears behind herself, Xiao Wanqing leaned in Lin Xian's arms, turned her head, her eyes were watery, her smile was like a flower, and her red lips opened and closed to talk to Lin Xian.

After a while, she turned her head and said to herself, "Wen Tong, Happy New Year!"

For a moment, she looked at Xiao Wanqing's gentle and moving face, feeling a little wronged.

Obviously, she even reached out her hand faster than Lin Xian, why, in the end, it wasn't her who could touch it...

The hand that she had already lost, slumped, little by little, and clenched it tightly. In the end, his eyes flickered, and he forced a smile back to Xiao Wanqing and said, "Happy New Year."

Because, at that moment, Xiao Wanqing walked in the direction of Lin Xian, and at the same time, took a step forward...

She looked up through the hazy night and moist eyes, and looked at the tall and tall young girl not far away. The girl, with her half arms around Xiao Wanqing, was vaguely possessive and ostentatious, and also looked at her with deep eyes.

As if, there is a dark wave surging...

After a while, Wen Tong turned around and quietly retreated from the noisy but windy area bit by bit.

She leaned against the tree trunk in a corner with few tourists, looked at the water surface with water ripples circle after circle, and silently lit a cigarette. The smoke was burning bit by bit, but she was still in a trance and didn't take a puff.

Someone approached her with a deep and melodious voice like a cello: "Can I borrow a fire?"

Wen Tong looked sideways coldly, and saw a woman with black hair, delicate face, restrained and noble temperament, standing beside her with quiet eyes.

Fireworks, in the night sky behind her, bloomed...