For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 53


After New Year's Day, Lin Xian's school final exam was approaching. Therefore, Lin Xian used to have regular weekly fitness activities. Lin Xian excused that she needed to hurry up to review, so she decided not to go with Xiao Wanqing for the time being. She wanted to work hard at home alone.

In fact, the exam is not difficult for Lin Xian. Although she is not a master at university, she is still able to handle it with ease. The truth is, when she returned home on New Year's Eve night, she thought of the vague turbulent dark waves when she and Wen Tong's eyes met at that time, and Wen Tong was a little unpredictable, but she finally understood a little bit. At that time, she was indeed frivolous and arrogant, intending to intimidate her love rival, but she thought about it afterward, but she didn't want to let her love rival tell her sweetheart what she wanted. It's hazy, like looking at a flower in a fog, but it's hard to determine its shape when you see it. Probably, it's the best measure at this moment.

She decided to avoid Wen Tong for the time being, lest she disrupt her rhythm.

Sure enough, her decision can be regarded as wise.

On the first Saturday after New Year's Day, Wen Tong arrived at the gym early. She walked slowly on the treadmill carelessly, waiting for Xiao Wanqing's arrival while exercising, with misty eyes in her deep eyebrows.

Was she overthinking that day? Or, Lin Xian, does that really mean that? She has never been a person who believes in intuition, but this time, she still tends to believe in her heart that she did not receive wrong information that day. The girl's calm and indifferent eyes seemed to see through her thoughts on Xiao Wanqing, and, she With a gesture of intimacy with Xiao Wanqing, she declared a challenge to herself.

However, she changed her mind and thought carefully about the few times they met in the gym on weekdays, Lin Xian didn't do anything out of the ordinary towards Xiao Wanqing, her eyes were clean. Even if she has some intimate behavior with Xiao Wanqing, it is just a normal interaction between the elders and the younger generation, right

For a while, the idea was a little wavering.

She stretched out her hand to speed up the treadmill "didi didi", and secretly made a decision to take a closer look tonight.

If she didn't think too much about it on weekdays, so she made some omissions, then if she looked at it carefully today with a purpose, she would be able to see something.

A person who likes another person's eyes cannot be deceived.

Especially, when that person likes the same person as you.

However, her idea ultimately fell through. Wen Tong looked at Xiao Wanqing's slender figure walking into her field of vision with a loose, casual yet charming ponytail, and was stunned for a moment. She subconsciously turned off the treadmill and got off, stared at Xiao Wanqing, frowned, and blurted out asking her, "Where's Lin Xian?"

Xiao Wanqing was doing warm-up exercises leisurely beside her, and said with a gentle smile indifferently: "Xianxian has to prepare for the final exam, and I may not have time to come here for two weeks."

Wen Tong's sharp eyebrows and eyes were suddenly gloomy, and the line of her lips was tightly drawn, which made her feel depressed and intimidating. Lin Xian didn't come, which made all her preparations in vain, as if she had hit the cotton with a fist, weak and depressed.

Xiao Wanqing had known her for many years, so she immediately noticed her depression. She stopped warming up, and asked Wen Tong with concern in her eyes: "What's wrong? Your face looks so ugly all of a sudden."

Wen Tong took a deep look at Xiao Wanqing, thought about his words, and asked Xiao Wanqing hesitantly: "Lin Xian and are you lately?"

Xiao Wanqing was a little baffled, nodded without thinking, and answered her: "It's pretty good, um, it should be said, it's even better." She smiled, and there was an intimate and doting smile on her gentle and quiet face: "Actually Frankly speaking, I am quite grateful to Sister Zhou Qin." She paused, her tone was lowered, and she said softly: "Maybe it is the children who brought vitality, and occasionally I feel that my life seems to be slowly getting better." There is some vitality." Her gaze gradually faded away: "Wen Tong, you know how precious this is to me."

Wen Tong's heart sank suddenly.

She opened her mouth, wanting to tell Xiao Wanqing: "Lin envy her..." The way you look at me seems wrong.

Xiao Wanqing stared at her with crooked eyebrows, waiting for the next sentence.

Wen Tong stared at the rare sincere smile on Xiao Wanqing's face when he mentioned Lin Xian, and suddenly found that, as if it was real, for some time, Xiao Wanqing's brows always had a lingering gloomy look, Really, gradually dissipated away.

Was it Lin Xian who brought her a change

Xiao Wanqing is enjoying this relationship. She clearly saw this from Xiao Wanqing's expression.

Her throat moved slightly, and her voice was gradually swallowed in her throat. Her hands hanging on both sides were slightly closed into fists, and for a moment, she had mixed feelings.

She is delighted that Xiao Wanqing was able to get out of the past and slowly try to embrace loving life again. This thing she has been working hard for is finally gradually being realized.

But she was saddened that all these changes were not brought to Xiao Wanqing by her.

But in the end, Xiao Wanqing is slowly turning back to the past, the gentle and bright girl who seems to be able to light up the world when she smiles. There was a flash of pain in her eyes, and she suddenly couldn't bear to break Xiao Wanqing's rarely happy and peaceful life because of her unsure guess.

In the end, she lowered her eyelids, smiled faintly, shook her head and denied, "It's nothing."

Xiao Wanqing saw that she was obviously hesitant to speak, so she knew that she was not telling the truth, frowned her delicate eyebrows, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Obviously there is something, Wen Tong, how can anyone say half of what they say like this."

Wen Tong suppressed all depression and melancholy, adjusted her emotions, raised her eyes, and looked confidently at Xiao Wanqing again: "It's me." She raised her eyebrows and jokingly said: "Old Xiao, you say you, Usually, he looks steady and mature, but why is he so curious, it will kill the cat, don't you know?"

When Xiao Wanqing was teased by her, she immediately lost the desire to ask questions. She glanced at Wen Tong, but it was harmless. She sorted out her things, walked away, and didn't want to pay attention to Wen Tong.

Wen Tong looked at her back, the smile on his lips gradually disappeared, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

Perhaps, she thought too much. Lin Xian is only so old this year, so what will he know? The difference between her and Xiao Wanqing is not only age, seniority, but also gender. In this world, where are there so many people who like the same gender.

Just like, before she met Xiao Wanqing, she never knew that girls can also be tempted by girls.

Lin Xian, she is still so young, how could she understand.

Xiao Wanqing, she is so defensive, if Lin Xian really has some thoughts, how could she be unaware, and how could she be defenseless

Is she thinking too much? It must be.

She quickly caught up with Xiao Wanqing, and whispered her own affairs in her ear: "Old Xiao, guess who I met that day at Wanquan Villa?"

Xiao Wanqing spoke ruthlessly in a calm and gentle manner: "I don't guess, I'm not curious, I don't want to know."

Wen Tong laughed out loud, his brows and eyes stretched out, his aura gradually dissipated and turned soft: "Do you hold grudges? No, I will tell you. Chairman Shi Xing. Hey, did you hear me? Editor-in-Chief Xiao! Old Xiao! Little Xiao! Miss Xiao..."

At home, Lin Xian stopped writing in Xiao Wanqing's study, and yawned twice inexplicably, his ears were warm.

She felt a little uneasy, Wen Tong, it should be, didn't say anything to Xiao Wanqing that shouldn't be said, right

She figured that although Wen Tong's temperament seemed casual and cheerful, in fact, he should be a cautious person. In particular, we should be even more cautious when dealing with Xiao Wanqing. Otherwise, it would not have been like this for many years, facing Xiao Wanqing, not daring to reveal the slightest when he was not sure.

That day, there was nothing to tell on the spot, and today, I probably won't have the courage to break it. That day, I didn't tell Xiao Wanqing's guess, but today, under the circumstances that she deliberately avoided, Wen Tong shouldn't dare to make a conclusion easily, right

She persuaded herself repeatedly in her heart to relax, but she couldn't concentrate on her studies after all. She lowered her head and focused on the review materials, only to realize that, at some point, the blank space on the materials that had not been printed with typeface was densely filled with Xiao Wanqing's name.

Lin Xian's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his face blushed completely. It's over, this material will be borrowed and copied tomorrow. She frantically took the transparent glue from Xiao Wanqing's pen holder, pasted it down with force, and tore it lightly... trying to stick the writing away.

However, it was too difficult, but after a few strokes, Lin Xian simply gave up.

Forget it, you will see it when you see it. She likes Xiao Wanqing, and she didn't deliberately cover it up. Shi Man made fun of her if she wanted to, and made fun of her if she wanted to. If it's possible, if Xiao Wanqing doesn't mind, she actually wants to tell people all over the world, wants to announce to the whole world that Xiao Wanqing is hers, and no one is allowed to covet it!

When she thought of Xiao Wanqing, her heart softened and softened. She took out her phone and sent Xiao Wanqing a text message with a smile on her face.

Xiao Wanqing finished her workout as usual, parted ways with Wen Tong at the parking lot, and drove home alone.

During this period of time, she has gradually gotten used to having Lin Xian by her side. Lin Xian is still young, with a pure mind, showing emotions and anger. Through these few months of understanding, Xiao Wanqing felt that he could roughly grasp her mood. When the girl is in a good mood, she will curl her lips, shake her head slightly, and hum a little tune to her car music. When she was in a bad mood, her eyes were dark, her head was slightly tilted, and she looked at the lights of Wanjia outside the car window without moving. She never told Lin Xian, in fact, she has always been curious, in Lin Xian's eyes, what kind of scenery does she see? Why, every time she watched the night scene, she could always dispel the sadness in an instant, and when she looked sideways, she could show herself a gorgeous smile again.

When the red light came on, she looked towards the empty passenger seat, and looked out of the window through the thick glass window, trying, from Lin Xian's perspective, to see the brightly lit car at night. world.

Her gaze, from the back to the front, scanned the row upon row of tall buildings bit by bit, the electric cars dangling by men and women hugging and hugging outside the car window, and the low and bright small building not far ahead. shop. There, stood a huge rice cooker.

Xiao Wanqing's heartstrings twitched slightly, and dimples appeared on her cheeks, faintly visible.

When the green light came on, she started steadily and approached the shop bit by bit. She parked the car in a temporary parking space on the side of the road, got out of the car and walked slowly towards the small shop.

She still remembered that Lin Xian liked the corn here very much.

Standing outside the store, she asked the boss for a piece of corn. After the boss packed it, she took it with both hands and went into the store to pay.

Standing in front of the counter, when she opened it to withdraw money, she saw all kinds of cigarettes neatly arranged on the cabinet behind the counter, and the smile on her lips was slightly suppressed, and she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

That time, when the drizzle was misty, she was standing here, how was she feeling

After going back that day, she hid in the bathroom and smoked a small half pack of cigarettes one by one. What was it like

It seems that there is something all of a sudden, and I can't remember it.

Seeing her staring at the cigarette cabinet, the boss thought he was considerate and kindly asked: "Is it still esse?" The boss remembered that that day, this woman did the same thing. She bought corn, and then, staring closely at the cigarette cabinet, bought a pack of green esse. .

However, he remembered it very clearly after meeting him once. It was just because there were not many women who came to buy cigarettes, and there were not many women who looked gentle, soft and beautiful like this. The most important thing is that that day, his friends who came to the store saw that she was not wearing an umbrella, her delicate and pretty face was covered with water, and she looked weak and weak even though she was wearing smart sportswear. He took the initiative to lend her an umbrella, and took advantage of the situation to ask for a contact information so that she could return the umbrella, but the woman ruthlessly refused. For this reason, he still couldn't forget it for several days.

Unexpectedly, to the surprise of the boss, Xiao Wanqing withdrew her eyes when she heard the words, and paid for the corn, as if thinking of something, with a soft curve on her lips, she replied quietly: "No, I won't smoke anymore."

As soon as she walked out of the small shop, the mobile phone in her bag vibrated slightly.

Open it and take it out, unlock the screen, it is an unread text message.

Lin Xian asked her: Aunt Xiao, are you coming back soon? Xianxian waits for you until the flowers fall t^t. Be careful on the road.

Xiao Wanqing's eyes, as deep as an ancient pond, gradually became clear and tender. She held the corn in her arms, waving her fingers lightly, and replied to Lin Xian: "I'm almost home."

She put away her mobile phone, put the corn tightly in her arms, and walked towards the car with light steps.

The heart, like the pace, jumps briskly and can't wait.

At home, someone is waiting for her.