For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 61


On the fifth day of the fifth day, two days before the spring break, Wen Tong said that because of work transfers, he crossed half of the country and returned to Anjiang City early. As usual, it was Xiao Wanqing who drove to the airport to pick her up.

Every year, when Wen Tong goes home and returns, Xiao Wanqing acts as the driver to pick him up. Compared with sending Wen Tong away every time, Wen Tong hesitated to speak, and the air pressure was low. Xiao Wanqing preferred to pick her up when Wen Tong's eyebrows were soft and smiling. Usually, on the way back, it was the time of the year when they talked the most, looked at each other the most, and were the least overwhelmed by each other.

However, today, Wen Tong was worried about something, and when he got off the plane, his face was also grim and grim, without a hint of a smile on his face. When she saw Xiao Wanqing, she still keenly noticed that Xiao Wanqing seemed to be in a bad mood. Wen Tong is too familiar with her state, even though Xiao Wanqing's makeup is exquisite and well concealed, she can still see her tiredness from her eyes.

"I haven't been here for a few days. After a year, why do you look so listless? Do you miss me so much?" Wen Tong avoided Xiao Wanqing's hand that wanted to help her with her luggage, frowned, and raised her spirits. Teased Xiao Wanqing half-truthfully.

Xiao Wanqing listened to the familiar jokes of her friends, and the heavy fatigue that had haunted her heart for many days was slightly relieved. Her brows and eyes widened a bit, a slight smile appeared on her lips, she walked side by side with Wen Tong, glanced at Wen Tong, and said helplessly: "You are so beautiful. Do you think your complexion is so good?"

When she got to the car, she helped Wen Tong open the trunk, watched Wen Tong put the luggage in it, and explained that she was afraid that Wen Tong would be worried: "Maybe it's because there are always people setting off firecrackers and fireworks at night these days. Didn't sleep well."

Wen Tong closed the trunk, frowned, doubtful: "Aren't fireworks and firecrackers not allowed in the urban area of Anjiang City?"

Xiao Wanqing paused, closed her eyes, and gradually lost her smile. After a while, she said softly, "But I can still hear it. Maybe someone didn't follow the rules."

In the urban area of Anjiang City, setting off fireworks and firecrackers is prohibited. Except for the sound of firecrackers heard on New Year's Eve, in fact, afterwards, it was quite quiet.

However, it was too quiet.

As a result, after night fell, in the empty bedroom, she looked at the little teddy left by Lin Xian on her bed, and could always hear the sound of fireworks in her heart.

After every second of extreme splendor, what remains for a long time is the chaotic debris and blasted fuzzy flesh and blood in the atrium.

can't sleep...

On the way, Wen Tong asked Xiao Wanqing inadvertently: "Xianxian this semester is the same as last semester, won't you stay in the dormitory?" After all, she still remembered the strange sense of crisis and challenge that Lin Xian gave her at the New Year's Eve.

Xiao Wanqing's five fingers holding the steering wheel tightened a little imperceptibly, and after a while, she replied calmly to Wen Tong in her usual voice: "Well, it should be, sister Zhou Qin told me years ago that Lin Xian's Lantern Festival School starts two days ago, so maybe they will come on the 11th or 12th.”

Wen Tong pondered for a while, and was about to inquire about something more, when suddenly Xiao Wanqing hesitated, called her name, and asked her: "Wen Tong... I... I'll ask you a question." She paused, Added: "I asked for my friend."

Wen Tong's sharp brows and eyes were slightly twisted, and a sense of crisis arose in his already heavy heart, and he asked her nervously: "What friend? Do I know you?" Xiao Wanqing has any friends, she doesn't know who she doesn't know

Xiao Wanqing was stunned for a moment, bit her lip, and gave Wen Tong a dissatisfied look: "That's not the point."

Her face was so gentle that even such a sharp eye was so delicate and without imposing manner. Wen Tong hasn't seen Xiao Wanqing for more than ten days, and when he suddenly sees such an annoying and pretty look in the eyes of the person he likes, he can't help but soften his heart. She was always a little tense because of the next decision, but at this moment she softened all of a sudden, and said back to Xiao Wanqing with an unconscious coaxing tone: "Okay, I was wrong. You can ask your friend, little one All ears."

After Xiao Wanqing received Wen Tong, she was still suppressing the fact that she liked Lin Xian in her heart, and it was difficult to show a smile. Wen Tong is one of the people she trusts the most, she really can't help the worries in her heart, she wants to use the name of a friend to ask Wen Tong tactfully: If, if someone falls in love with someone who shouldn't, This person, this person is like the son of her good friend, isn't he perverted...

However, when Wen Tong interrupted her, her confused mind suddenly cleared up. How could it be possible for someone as smart as Wen Tong not to be able to hear what he was talking about without thinking about it.

What is there to ask? Pulling away from the standpoint of the person involved, and standing in the perspective of a bystander, she asked herself: Xiao Wanqing, even if the issue of homosexuality is not considered, if a man in his thirties covets the teenage daughter of a good friend who is not familiar with the world, what would he do to her? Is the love born of the heart and even the dirty Qisi perverted

She slapped herself hard in the heart.

Not only perverted, but also wretched and shameless.

If Lin Xian knew what was going on in his mind, he would be so disgusted that he would have to spit out his dinner overnight.

If, if Wen Tong knew about it, how would he look at himself

Xiao Wanqing's whole body trembled suddenly, her throat choked, she bit her lower lip fiercely, and stopped what she was about to say: "Suddenly I don't want to ask any more." She changed the subject in a panic: "You said on the phone earlier that Yes, what does it mean to be transferred at work?"

If it was a normal day, Wen Tong would definitely ask Xiao Wanqing's unspoken question. But when Xiao Wanqing asked her about her work, her heart sank again, so she missed to perceive Xiao Wanqing's well-disguised abnormality.

Her deep eyes looked deeply at Xiao Wanqing for a long time, and for a long while, she seemed to have some determination to break the boat, and said to Xiao Wanqing: "The company may know that I have the intention to leave, so it can be regarded as promoting me. Transfer me to I accepted the management and market development of the Changze City branch in the neighboring province, and I will leave in two days.”

Xiao Wanqing couldn't help turning her head and glanced at Wen Tong in surprise: "It's so sudden, I haven't heard you say it before? How long will it be? Then, will you be stationed there in the future?" For a moment, she forgot herself The distress in my heart is the panic and uneasiness of the new students.

I have known Wen Tong for more than ten years since I was a graduate student. People around her come and go, stop and go, only Wen Tong, who is consistent, always, not far or near, is stationed in her life. In the saddest and most embarrassing time, she never gave up and dragged her out of the quagmire. If Wen Tong hadn't taken an overdose of sleeping pills by mistake, she might not be in this world anymore. On weekdays, although she and Wen Tong are used to loathing and running on each other, in the bottom of her heart, she treats Wen Tong as a relative, a confidant, and even a benefactor.

Wen Tong, I have to leave at last...

In this huge Anjiang City, really, is he the only one left? She was in a daze.

But immediately, she realized again and was relieved.

Originally, no one could be with anyone all the time, right? There is always a banquet in the world. She's already used to it, isn't she

Wen Tong saw her expression change slightly, a little panic flickered in her watery eyes, and waves of warmth and joy flowed through her heart.

She replied to Xiao Wanqing in a calm tone: "A year ago I was still a little hesitant and didn't make a decision. If I passed, I should stay for at least two or three years. Of course, I will come back during the holidays." Seeing Xiao Wanqing vaguely getting more and more Downcast, a sly smile flashed in his eyes, and he added: "Actually, I have been hesitating between the two options of job-hopping and staying in the job. At the end of the year, a headhunter contacted me, wanting to recruit me to a new company under the Shixing Group. The general manager of a small media company said that it was Shi Jinglan of Shixing Group who knew about some of the cases I had handled, appreciated my ability, and named me personally."

Xiao Wanqing's feeling of reluctance has been suppressed rationally by herself. She cared about her friend in a warm and puzzled voice: "Then...then why didn't you choose Shi Xing?"

"Shixing's main business has always been real estate. It has only started to enter the cultural market in recent years. It has established and merged many small subsidiaries before. The Starlight Entertainment Brokerage Company, which is developing very fast, only started to slow down in the past four or five years. Slowly emerging. The newly established company is still very attractive, but the current business is very chaotic. It can be withdrawn. Relatively speaking, it seems safer to go to Nagasawa City."

After finishing speaking, she raised her eyes to stare at Xiao Wanqing, carefully examining Xiao Wanqing's expression. She hoped that on Xiao Wanqing's face, she could see a trace of reluctance that surpassed that of her friends, and she hoped to see a trace of hope. I even hope that Xiao Wanqing can open her mouth to keep her, and say, I can't bear you. With just a little bit, she was able to convince herself to stay.

But no. Xiao Wanqing smiled and said, "That's pretty good too. Didn't you just say that there is no room for development here?"

For a moment, Wen Tong even felt that Xiao Wanqing was too calm. Didn't she feel sorry for herself at all? All these years, did she really not warm up Xiao Wanqing's heart at all

She spent the last bit of anticipation in her heart, looked at Xiao Wanqing with some suppressed tenderness and pain, and told her: "Actually, the most important thing is that here in Anjiang City, there is a person who I have been secretly in love with for many years. .I think I need to put a little distance between me and her, so that both of us have more space to think."

Will she, will she finally notice a little bit

However, Xiao Wanqing just looked at her in pure shock, showing the demeanor that a normal friend should have, and said in surprise: "Huh? You... have someone you have had a crush on for a long time? Is... I know it?" A moment later, she Cautiously inquired: "So, in the past few years, have you not had a long-term relationship with someone?"

The light in Wen Tong's eyes gradually dimmed...

In the past few years, where and who has she dated. Xiao Wanqing didn't even pay attention to discover that her alternate boyfriends never actually existed.

For a while, Xiao Wanqing was nervously afraid of getting close to anyone with whom she might develop a relationship. So, in order to reassure her and show that she is safe with her, she fabricated one boyfriend after another to wear down her defenses little by little.

After all, Xiao Wanqing is still too used to being by her side, right? I'm used to her staying in the position of a safe good friend all the time, so I never realized that they can actually be one step closer, right

Wen Tong lowered her gloomy eyes, and said in a low tone: "You don't know her. She never realized that I like her. Maybe it's just my wishful thinking."

She waited too long.

It has been seven years since she saw Xiao Wanqing was drunk and heartbroken because of the breakup, and realized that she likes Xiao Wanqing.

It has been four years since she couldn't bear her parents' urging marriage, and she confessed to her parents that she liked women, and was beaten up.

But now, this Spring Festival, her parents have compromised, and they only hope that she, regardless of gender, can find someone to live with. She still hasn't waited for Xiao Wanqing.

Blame her for being too timid.

She has seen many people who hastily expressed their feelings to Xiao Wanqing, and after being rejected, Xiao Wanqing even stopped being friends with them.

Xiao Wanqing said, if you can't be a lover, then don't be a friend. If she lets the other party be her friend, it will only give others hope in vain. Even if the other party really doesn't like her in the future and has a lover, knowing that this friend of hers was once the person her lover liked, she will feel resentful and make trouble out of nothing. Therefore, long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain.

So, she learned from it and dared not act rashly.

She once dreamed that warm water could cook frogs, and that she could have a long-term relationship with her by virtue of her close friend status. But today, many years later, she found out.

It seems that if you stick to your duty too much and have been good friends for a long time, it is true that they can only be good friends.

"I think maybe keeping a distance from her is the best choice. Either she realizes that I am irreplaceable after I leave, or I forget her existence in the drama of distance and time." Wen Tong said lightly. This is what her mother suggested to her after she opened up and communicated with her mother after she accepted her orientation.

Mother said: "Wen Tong, you are thirty-one years old, how many more years can you wait? How many more years can you wait like this?"

In fact, she didn't mind waiting.

She was just afraid, waiting hopelessly like this.

Xiao Wanqing didn't hear Wen Tong's implication at all, and she didn't even think that the person in Wen Tong's words was herself. She listened to the hoarse "unreasonable thoughts" in Wen Tong's words, but she suddenly thought of her delusional thoughts about Lin Xian, felt something in her heart, empathized with her, and couldn't help but fell silent.

After a while, she asked Wen Tong in a muffled voice: "Can you really forget if you keep a distance?"

Wen Tong turned his eyes back, his deep eyes were filled with complete disappointment, and he murmured: "How will you know if you don't try?"

I don't know if I'm talking to Xiao Wanqing, or if I'm talking to myself.

"Anyway, there's never been anything that time can't do, isn't it?"

Every once unique moment, after a long time, is salvaged from the long river of time, but there are only vague impressions left.

It may only take a second to fall in love with someone.

Forgetting someone, maybe, takes a little more than a second.

But in the end, it can still be done.

Like, she used to love Yan Jia to death.

Now, after a long time, she can't even remember the moment when she fell in love with Yan Jia.

What is left will not be sensations, but impressions.

In my impression, she once loved someone, hated someone, and then forgot about this person.

That's all.

Living up to now, she is very experienced and good at forgetting, isn't she? Xiao Wanqing asked herself.

She hugged the little Teddy and gently rubbed her cheeks against the toy's soft down.

Finally, she touched the phone, smiled, and read from the first item to the last item carefully. Then, pursing her lips, from the first to the last, she deleted all the text messages Lin Xian sent her.

Finally, kiss little Teddy's big eyes with nostalgia.

Xiao Wanqing touched Zhou Qin's column in the address book, pressed the dial button, and dialed Zhou Qin's number.

The author has something to say: Next, please appreciate Aunt Xiao's magical skills that have been cultivated to the full level—

Lin Xian: I want to take back that teddy. (knife sharpening)