For The Rest of Our Life

Chapter 7


It was close to one o'clock in the morning, and Lin Xian gradually became sleepy. He turned off the computer and went back to bed, fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

When she was at home, due to Zhou Qin's strict control, her work and rest had always been relatively regular, and she seldom stayed up until such a time. Therefore, she was sleepy after all, but this time she slept soundly and dreamily.

It was approaching seven o'clock in the morning, and the sun had already quietly climbed up the hill, and the warm light slanted into Lin Xian's bedroom from the large glass window, half covering Lin Xian's bed.

Lin Xian turned his body slightly, with his mouth slightly open, still sleeping soundly, unaware of the light.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, Xiao Wanqing helped Lin Xian set the alarm clock yesterday, and started to work dutifully, singing cheerfully, "The sun is shining brightly, and the rooster sings three times..."

Lin Xian's delicate eyebrows were slightly gathered, and she muttered in a daze of dissatisfaction: "It's so noisy..." She still closed her eyes, but instinctively stretched out her hand, groping around the bedside. When she touched a hard square object, she reflexively raised her hand and patted it...

Sure enough, the singing disappeared... Lin Xian heaved a sigh of relief, a childish satisfied smile appeared on his lips, and fell asleep again.

Xiao Wanqing got up at 6:30, and after washing, she started busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

At 7:05, Xiao Wanqing got everything ready, but there was still silence outside the kitchen. She looked towards Lin Xian's room, with a somewhat clear and gentle look on her face.

She thoughtfully put the oatmeal and millet porridge for breakfast into a porcelain bowl, put it on the dining table to cool, then took off her apron and hung it up, and walked briskly to Lin Xian's room.

When she reached the door of Lin Xian's room, she stopped, stood still, raised her hand, knocked on the door three times at intervals, and called softly: "Lin Xian...Lin Xian..."

However, inside the door, there was no sound...

Xiao Wanqing smiled helplessly, had no choice but to raise her hand to hold the doorknob, turned it lightly, and opened the door.

As expected, with his back facing the sun, Lin Xian still slept unconsciously, and the air conditioner had already slipped onto his calf. Her small mouth opened slightly unconsciously, and her long hair was spread messily on the pillow, obviously sleeping soundly.

Looking at Lin Xian's clean and well-behaved sleeping face, Xiao Wanqing couldn't help softening her eyes. She sat down beside Lin Xian's bed, stretched out her hand to help Lin Xian pull up the air conditioner that had slipped off, and covered her body. Then, she took the remote control of the air conditioner from the bedside table and turned it off. Finally, she stretched out her hand, lightly poked Lin Xian's fair little cheek, and called her softly: "Lin Xian, Lin Xian, wake up..."

Lin Xian first bulged his cheeks in dissatisfaction, then frowned, and slowly opened his big black eyes.

She seemed to be in a daze for a moment, looking at Xiao Wanqing's gentle and beautiful face, her eyes were as cute and dazed as a deer. She was still not sober, looked at Xiao Wanqing and murmured in a daze: "I seem to have seen you..."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wanqing burst out laughing with a "puchi". She pinched Lin Xian's nose, followed her words to tease her: "Is it in a dream?"

When Lin Xian heard Xiao Wanqing's laughter, she lost most of her sleepiness. When she heard Xiao Wanqing's question, she was completely awake. After realizing what she said stupidly, Lin Xian let out an "ah" and covered her eyes, not daring to look at Xiao Wanqing, very shy and embarrassed to explain: "I'm sorry, Aunt Xiao, when I just woke up, I would A little unresponsive."

Xiao Wanqing smoothed her messy bangs and comforted her: "It's okay, it's cute." After finishing speaking, she stood up and motioned: "Get up quickly, it's ten past seven, be careful not to be late."

Lin Xian looked at the alarm clock when she heard the words, and sure enough, she sat up hurriedly, and said to Xiao Wanqing, "Okay, I'll get up right away."

At 7:25, Lin Xian finished washing and combing, and sat down at the dining table with Xiao Wanqing.

Breakfast is oatmeal and millet porridge, egg soup, shredded pork with vegetables, and fruit salad. Lin Xian saw Xiao Wanqing's exquisite cooking skills and exquisite life yesterday. Today, she looked at the beautifully decorated breakfast on the dining table and the elegant Xiao Wanqing sitting opposite her. If you want to eat them, decorate them so beautifully, and there are no outsiders around, will it be a bit troublesome to eat them hastily in the end?"

Xiao Wanqing's slender fingers were helping her peel eggs. Hearing that she looked up at Lin Xian, without thinking, she smiled and replied, "Everyone thinks differently. I don't think it's troublesome, after all, life is your own."

Lin Xian tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and couldn't help repeating "after all, life is his own" in his heart, with a half-knowledge.

Xiao Wanqing helped her peel the egg, and gently put it into Lin Xian's millet porridge, reminding: "Eat quickly, the porridge should be almost cold."

Only then did Lin Xian notice that Xiao Wanqing peeled the eggs for her, so she hurriedly said "Thank you" embarrassingly, and said: "Aunt Xiao, you can eat quickly, and I will come by myself next time."

Xiao Wanqing smiled, not knowing if she really listened to her heart, and replied: "En."

At 7:50, the two finally went out together, got into the car, and drove to Jingnan University.

On the way, Lin Xian sat in the passenger seat, chatting with Xiao Wanqing from time to time. When approaching Jingnan University, Lin Xian suddenly asked Xiao Wanqing on a whim: "Aunt Xiao, which school did you go to?"

Xiao Wanqing glanced sideways at her, then asked with a slight smile, "Didn't your mother tell you?"

Lin Xian thought about it for a while, Zhou Qin only mentioned that Xiao Wanqing had good grades, but did not say which school she was from. But... His grades are very good, so he must have entered a key university, right? Later, she was admitted to the graduate student of her grandfather who was also in this city... She was so blessed that she blurted out: "Aunt Xiao, you also graduated from Jingnan, right?"

Xiao Wanqing glanced at her approvingly: "Well, my undergraduate degree is from Jingnan Chinese Department. Speaking of which, you can be regarded as my junior, but I am a little older."

Lin Xian immediately retorted seriously: "Nonsense, Aunt Xiao, you don't look old at all, you are in your early twenties at most, if you wear the same T-shirt and shorts as me to school today, people will definitely think you and I It's the same as a newborn."

No matter what Lin Xian said was true or not, good words always sounded comfortable, and the curvature of Xiao Wanqing's lips involuntarily rose. She turned a corner, looked at Lin Xian, and said softly and angrily, "You are the only one who can talk."

Lin Xian vowed to justify her name: "I'm telling the truth." She turned her eyes, her gossiping thoughts became lively, and she began to ask Xiao Wanqing: "Aunt Xiao, you are so beautiful and have good grades. When you are studying, you must She is a man of the school, a goddess in the hearts of boys, can she receive a basketful of love letters?"

Xiao Wanqing smiled slightly, breaking her fantasy: "At that time, whoever wrote a love letter to whom, the whole department would know at once. When I first entered college, Jingnan just changed a principal, and the style of study suddenly changed. Strict. At Christmas time, a boy placed heart-shaped candles under the dormitory building to confess, but was caught by the security department, and the whole school issued a notice of criticism, and he was also punished for self-criticism at the departmental annual meeting."

Lin Xian said disapprovingly: "If you can catch up with the person you like, it's okay to be criticized by the notice. If you lose the whole world, you can win the hearts of the people, be a bear in the eyes of insignificant people, and be a hero in the eyes of your sweetheart , It’s worth it. What’s the point? Those who dare not do it are cowards, if it were me, I wouldn’t be afraid.”

When Xiao Wanqing heard this, her ten fingers holding the steering wheel stiffened almost imperceptibly.

She was startled, and turned the steering wheel to the right to enter the school. After a while, she sighed softly, her tone seemed to be envious, but also seemed to be disappointed: "Children..."

Lin Xian frowned slightly, and just about to say something, the next moment Xiao Wanqing turned off the ignition, stopped the car, and reminded her: "We're here, get out of the car."

Lin Xian turned to look at the car window, only to realize that at some point, they had already entered the campus. There are special signs directing vehicles to enter the temporarily designated temporary parking lot. Xiao Wanqing just followed the traffic flow and parked the car in the temporary parking lot.

The campus is full of bustling crowds, including freshmen chatting with their parents, senior volunteers running back and forth to guide the freshmen, and senior students selling daily necessities loudly. University students generally live on campus. The freshmen and their parents who come from afar have mostly large and small luggage in their hands, and only a few of them have empty hands.

Although Xiao Wanqing has graduated for many years, the school has not had any major changes over the years. She got out of the car, opened the sun umbrella to cover the scorching sun that was already high in the sky, and led Lin Xian to the area of the School of Finance and Economics in a familiar way. As she walked, she also introduced to Lin Xian the artificial lakes and buildings that passed by, and occasionally interspersed with some anecdotes about school history and famous alumni. Lin Xian hid under the shadow of the sun umbrella, listening to the beautiful stories in his ears, full of interest. Seeing the two of them empty-handed and in a relaxed posture, the welcome volunteers probably thought they were not freshmen, and none of the volunteers came forward to guide them along the way.

Entering the five group group area, Xiao Wanqing saw from a distance in front of a certain building in front of him a huge welcome banner of the School of Finance and Economics. Under the banner were tents with the word chair and tables and chairs. people. A little further to the side is a long bulletin board, where there are several layers of people inside and outside.

There was a faint smile on Xiao Wanqing's lips. After so many years, this place has not changed at all.

She turned her head, pointed to the place where the crowds were crowded in the distance, and said to Lin Xian: "The class placement notice should be there, let's go and have a look, and then find the class registration point."

Lin Xian followed Xiao Wanqing's side and said, "Okay."

When they got to the bulletin board, Lin Xian and Xiao Wanqing realized that there were far more people than they had imagined. The class placement notices and dormitory arrangements for several majors in the entire school of finance and economics were posted on the same bulletin board. They were excluded from several layers of crowds, so they could only stretch their necks and look into the bulletin board.

Xiao Wanqing herself is not short, and she wears high heels, so it is not difficult to check the class notice. Lin Xian couldn't do it, so he could only stand on tiptoe and look inside with difficulty.

Xiao Wanqing put away her umbrella, seeing Lin Xian looking around with her feet in mind, shaking her head and looking around, she was so cute, she couldn't help teasing her and said: "Lin Xian, let's compete and see who can find your class information first, the loser, How about taking charge of the CD tonight and eating all the food?"

Lin Xian frowned, looked at Xiao Wanqing who was now half a head taller than her, and looked at the dark and surging heads in front of her, protested dissatisfiedly: "No, it's not fair, you are so much taller than me..."

Xiao Wanqing chuckled: "Otherwise I'll lend you my shoes to wear?"

Lin Xian pouted, snorted softly, and said in disbelief: "Huh, just compare, the mountain people have their own tricks." After speaking, she was like a loach, and she started to squeeze in front of the crowd.

After Xiao Wanqing was slightly surprised, she burst out laughing, this little clever ghost.

Three minutes later, Xiao Wanqing moved her position a few times, and finally found Lin Xian's name on the placement list of Class 3 of Finance. With a frown, she searched for Lin Xian in the crowd. At the same time, Lin Xian stood on tiptoe, turned around and looked at Xiao Wanqing who was outside the crowd.

Then, Xiao Wanqing saw a high ponytail in front of her turn around flexibly, and Lin Xian's young, immature and bright pretty face appeared. The eyes of the two collided, and almost at the same time, they slightly parted their lips, and said a few words: "The third class of finance."

The next second, the two looked at each other in unison and laughed softly.

Lin Xian squeezed out of the crowd, his eyebrows were beaming, and he said proudly: "It's a tie, but I think I'm better."

Xiao Wanqing pampered her: "Yes, Xianxian is the most powerful." It was like coaxing a child.

According to their class, they found the registration booth of Class 3 of Finance, lined up for a while, followed the instructions of the senior sister in charge of registration, handed in the bank receipt for payment, and received their campus card. I thought this registration trip could end here, but the senior sister heard that Lin Xian was a day student and did not apply for accommodation. After being a little surprised, she gave new instructions—go to the office building of the college to talk to the counselor, and then go to Receive military training clothing at the Life Service Center.

Lin Xian didn't know how long the trip would take, let alone whether the journey was far away. It was almost noon, and the sun was getting hotter and hotter. When she looked up, she saw Xiao Wan's bluish-white forehead covered with fine layers of sweat. Lin Xian looked at the senior sister who was assigned to lead her, then looked at Xiao Wanqing, and suggested: "Aunt Xiao, otherwise I will follow the senior sister to the college to find a counselor, and then go to get the clothes. You can wait for me here." Is it? It's also closer to the parking place, so you can walk a little less later."

Xiao Wanqing didn't care if she walked more or less, but she looked at the young girl next to Lin Xian, thinking that maybe she was not there, Lin Xian could communicate with her senior without any scruples, so she nodded and agreed.

She handed the parasol to Lin Xian, and promised, "Okay, you go, I'll wait for you here."

Lin Xian declined: "Auntie Xiao, you keep the umbrella. Actually, I'm not very afraid of the sun."

Xiao Wanqing smiled, glanced at Lin Xian, and then at the girl waiting beside her, jokingly said: "You are not afraid, the young lady next to you may not be afraid, let's cover it together."

The senior in the red uniform of the Volunteer Department had actually been secretly looking at this beautiful and elegant sister. When she was called out suddenly, she hurriedly waved her hands: "I... I'm not afraid either."

Xiao Wanqing still insisted, she handed the umbrella to Lin Xian, and said with relief: "It's okay, if I'm too hot, I can find a cooler place to hide, it will be different when you walk on the road. Take Let's go, follow senior sister."

In the end, Lin Xian still couldn't hold back Xiao Wanqing, and was persuaded, so he had to tell Xiao Wanqing again and again that if it was too hot, he could go anywhere to enjoy the cool, and she would just go find her when the time came.

Xiao Wanqing thought of it when she heard this, and asked Lin Xian, "Your mother said she bought you a mobile phone, but I don't know your number yet."

Lin Xian pouted, hummed in a low voice, and said dissatisfiedly, "But I know your 134637929xx, xx929736431. Aunt Xiao, you haven't done enough homework."

Xiao Wanqing couldn't help but be astonished, Lin Xian actually knew everything by heart? She smiled softly and sincerely admitted her mistake: "Yes, yes, I was wrong."

Lin Xian accepted it graciously, took out the phone from his trouser pocket, unlocked it, and then moved his fingers. Three seconds later, Xiao Wanqing's phone rang. Lin Xian smiled and said: "Just write the remarks, super invincible girl."

Xiao Wanqing couldn't help laughing, and typed the note "little guy" on the phone, and urged her with a smile: "Go, senior sister has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Xian waved to her, and said goodbye: "Okay, the super invincible girl will excuse me first."

Xiao Wanqing looked at her back and smiled helplessly and gently.