Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 15: hospitalized


Gu Zhihan's name suddenly became a hot search.

Russell's push pushed Bai Qingyi's body, Gu Zhihan's soul, down the stairs. Bai Qing also subconsciously tried to save people, but a mistake made Gu Zhihan's body hurt.

Bai Qing also sat on the hospital bed, her right hand was in a plaster cast, and her left hand was not very flexible. With apology, she said to Gu Zhihan, "I'm sorry..."

This is a private hospital owned by the Gu family. Regardless of medical level or security capabilities, it is first-class in City B. The eldest princess of the Gu family's direct line was injured, so naturally it could only be sent here.

Gu Zhihan sat at the desk, staring at the computer screen for a moment to handle official business. After Bai Qingyi spoke, she looked at Bai Qingyi and did not speak, but her eyes conveyed the meaning of doubt.

Bai Qing also explained: "It's all because I can't do things with my head that I hurt you... Your body hurts. If I react faster, it won't be like this."

Gu Zhihan stared at her for a while, and said lightly, "No need."

Bai Qing also had no bad intentions, even if the two did not exchange bodies, she would sacrifice herself for justice. No matter how unreasonable Gu Zhihan is, it is impossible for him to understand this.

What's more, although "Gu Zhihan's body" was injured, it was Bai Qingyi who suffered the pain.

Having said that, the trouble caused by this accident is not small. Gu Zhihan will go abroad for a meeting these two days to discuss a major project of transnational cooperation. The company has been rushing for this project for more than half a year, and it is only close to the door. Most of the previous temporary training camps for Bai Qingyi were for this project.

At this critical juncture, "Gu Zhihan" was injured and could not go abroad.

There are too many stakeholders involved in cross-border cooperation, and there is no uniform time difference. Gu Zhihan sat here all night "working overtime" these two days, which made Bai Qing very uneasy. She apologized for this - knowing that Gu Zhihan's body was precious, she was so reckless. Now it has caused trouble to many people, including Gu Zhihan, and she feels sorry for it.

After Gu Zhihan said "no need", he went back to replying to the email attentively.

The sudden change brought too much work. Even Gu Zhihan's godlike work efficiency was a bit too much to handle, so there was only five minutes of rest in an hour. Except for these five minutes, nothing could relieve her from work. Bai Qing also kept watch on the clock, and finally caught up with these two sentences.

Who knew that the word Gu Zhihan would send him away, and Bai Qing was also a little frustrated, but he also knew that it was all his own fault.

Bai Qing didn't dare to disturb Gu Zhihan any more, so she looked at Zhong Ying as if asking for help, and said, "It's just the injury to the right hand. It's not that serious, right? I can put on a plaster cast and go abroad for a meeting for President Gu."

Gu Zhi's cold and icy voice came: "What if something happens again."

Gu Zhihan didn't turn his head this time, and he didn't even bother to give a look. Bai Qing also felt that Gu Zhihan was angry for no reason.

Is it because you are "too disobedient"? Even the five-minute rule was broken.

Zhong Ying said in a timely manner: "Since the rest time has been arranged, let's have a good chat. Don't work for these five minutes. It's scaring Qingqing."

"How can anyone who dares to be a hero to save beauty be frightened by me." Gu Zhihan glanced at Bai Qingyi, found her expression as usual, and continued to reply to emails.

God testifies that she really meant it literally. But the tone was too harsh, and it sounded like cynicism. Seeing Bai Qingyi's suddenly tense expression, Zhong Ying knew that Gu Zhihan was misunderstood again.

Zhong Ying explained for Gu Zhihan, "She doesn't like you getting hurt."

Bai Qing also bit her lip and promised, "I will take good care of myself, and I won't hurt President Gu's body again."

Gu Zhihan was very satisfied with the first half of the sentence, but was a little unhappy with the second half. She paused for a while, and finally responded with a lukewarm "um".

Bai Qing also:…

She said this to convince Gu Zhihan to let her go abroad for a meeting, not just to get a "um" ah!

Bai Qing also glanced at the time sadly, and found that the five-minute break had passed, so she shut her mouth wisely. She knew that no matter what she said at this time, Gu Zhihan would not respond.

Bai Qing didn't dare to disturb Gu Zhihan and Zhong Ying's work, so she could only recite the lines quietly on the hospital bed.

Until now, she is still praying that the gods will show up and be able to change it back at the last second before filming starts. Even if the hope is so remote that it can be called a miracle, she is always ready to fight. Do your best to obey the destiny, but you can't just talk about it.

Just as her back was fascinated, Zhong Ying suddenly stood up. Bai Qing also looked over subconsciously, and found that Zhong Ying's expression was serious, as if she was facing a great enemy.

Zhong Ying quickly walked to Gu Zhihan's side, and after leaning over and saying a few words, Gu Zhihan's expression froze.

Bai Qing also thought to himself: Is there anything that can make Gu Zhihan show such an expression

The next second, Gu Zhihan stood up, faced Bai Qingyi, and revealed the answer. "My father is coming to visit me."

Bai Qing also:! ! !

Damn it, the big boss is here!

At the beginning of the exchange between the two, they explained their basic social relations to each other. Bai Qing also had relatives, friends, and working partners who fought side by side, but Gu Zhihan only had a few subordinates and the address book of competing companies.

Bai Qing also asked Gu Zhihan: "If your family calls, what should I do?"

Gu Zhihan said, "No."

Bai Qing was also stunned for a long time before she realized that it meant "I won't call." Thinking of Gu Zhihan's complicated wealthy family background, Bai Qing also understands it, but also feels a little distressed. At the same time, there is a subtle conflict with the legendary family that "preferences to sons" and "excludes Gu Zhihan".

But she never imagined that she would meet Gu Zhihan's father today. She wasn't ready to fight the boss.

Bai Qing was also a little flustered and asked, "What should I do?"

Gu Zhihan said solemnly, "Don't talk, I'll handle it."

Bai Qing also thought to herself: her daughter does not speak, but let a strange woman be the spokesperson, is this really good? Could it be that Gu Zhihan forgot about the temporary exchange of identities between the two

Bai Qing was about to remind Gu Zhihan when she heard footsteps coming from the door.

Da da da…

It seemed to hit Bai Qingyi's heart heavily. You can tell from the sound of footsteps that he is a very imposing person.

"Who is going to deal with me?" A voice with its own coercion rang out.