Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 26: name record


"No! I won't allow it!"

Before Gu Zhihan could finish speaking, Gu Jingxuan suddenly shouted. Then, he hugged Bai Qingyi's waist almost instinctively, and said it again in a crying tone: "I don't allow it!"

The two women in front of them, one is a half-sister, and although they get along a bit awkwardly, they are definitely "harmonious"; But people are gentle and tolerant.

More importantly, Bai Qing also had almost no resistance to the child Gu Jingxuan.

Bai Qing also raised her hands stiffly and asked Gu Zhihan for help with a very helpless look.

Gu Zhihan said, "Gu Jingxuan, hand."

The aura of the original ruthless old lady is different. Gu Zhihan used only four words to make Gu Jingxuan stunned, and immediately let go of Bai Qingyi's waist. To some extent, this behavior is indeed not so appropriate. .

Gu Zhihan is a person with outstanding action, which is manifested in two points in life: one is to make decisions quickly, and the other is to implement decisions quickly.

Take today as an example, when she woke up and found that she had exchanged it, Gu Zhihan didn't actually think about getting divorced so much, she just thought about "Wandering in the World", and the biggest shadow entrenched in her heart finally dissipated like this. But when Bai Qing also asked about "divorce", she instantly reacted that this proposal is related to interests and realistic. So she made a decision right away.

Divorce is inevitable, and leaving sooner or later will not affect anything. Under this premise, Gu Zhihan's character was decided, she would choose the day, the instant, and the moment.

This is a very self-consistent logical chain, based on Gu Zhihan's past so many years. She almost habitually pushed her forward, and the confusing emotions that occurred during the process, although Gu Zhihan had noticed, were not enough to change anything.

Gu Jingxuan asked, "Why do you want a divorce..."

The tone was like that of a child who learned that his parents were divorced. People who didn't know thought he had much affection for them both. Bai Qing also wanted to laugh a little.

But at this time, Gu Zhihan brought disaster to the east and said lightly, "Ask her."

Gu Jingxuan immediately looked at Bai Qingyi: "I'm about to get a divorce, but I'm still smiling so happily... Sister-in-law, are you really pissed off by your sister's unromantic behavior? Can you not divorce, she can't be romantic, I can teach you. Give it to her. Just a chance."

Bai Qingyi: "…"

Suddenly jumped to the humble brother who asked the school to take back the punishment of expulsion. Bai Qing also wanted to laugh even more. She suddenly realized that if the Gu family didn't mind, maybe Gu Jingxuan could step into the entertainment industry and become a young actor

Gu Zhihan: "Gu Jingxuan."

This time, Gu Jingxuan did not succumb to his elder sister's coercion, but spit back angrily: "Shut up! You useless elder sister!"

As soon as the words came out, Gu Jingxuan reacted. He widened his eyes, hid behind Bai Qingyi, and whispered, "Sister-in-law, save me..."

Gu Zhihan took a step forward, and Bai Qing also stopped Gu Jingxuan behind him and said, "The child is ignorant, don't bother with him."

The script has changed again. Bai Qing, who unconsciously took on the role of "Parent who apologizes and pleads for the child in trouble", also thought to himself: Gu Jingxuan is clearly more suitable for a screenwriter! I don't know if Mu Guang accepts assistants

Gu Zhihan turned to look at Bai Qingyi. Her eyes are very dark, and there is an unpredictable sense of distance. She said, "So, are you still divorced?"

Bai Qing also:…

The two Gu family members, one big and one small, looked at Bai Qingyi, whose head was a little big. She didn't know what to say.

Gu Zhihan handed back the document bag in his hand to Bai Qingyi and said, "The choice is yours."

Wait, why do you make it seem like you have to get a divorce? Isn't the divorce for Gu Zhihan's benefit

Bai Qing also had a bigger head.

Just then, the door to the first floor opened. The three stood at the handrail, looked down, and found Shu Jingli.

Shu Jingli looked tired, looked at the three of them and paused for a second, then asked, "What are you doing?"

Gu Zhihan called out, "Hello, stepmother."

Bai Qing also witnessed the thrilling moment called "stepmother", and suddenly didn't know what to call her.

Gu Jingxuan didn't have so many worries, he quickly climbed down the stairs, because the step was too big, he almost fell and was supported by Shu Jingli.

Gu Jingxuan complained to Shu Jingli: "Mom, my sister and sister-in-law are going to divorce!"

Hearing this, Shu Jingli looked at Gu Zhihan and Bai Qingyi. Gu Zhihan also looked at Bai Qingyi, who suddenly Alexander.

Shu Jingli's aura was too strong. Unlike Gu Xiongzhi and Gu Zhihan's exposed domineering, Shu Jingli was more like a calm mountain. This may have something to do with her profession. She wants to record everything objectively and impartially, so she can only be an eternal mountain, not even an endless river.

Shu Jingli smiled at Bai Qingyi and said, "Miss Bai, hello. I didn't have time to formally introduce myself yesterday. I hope Miss Bai will not blame her."

Bai Qing also said quickly, "No, no, Shu... Hello, Auntie."

Shu Jingli glanced at Gu Zhihan with understanding, and then said, "Zhihan, Miss Bai, are you sure you want to get a divorce? The Civil Affairs Bureau works from Monday to Friday, and this Saturday, if you really want to get a divorce, I'm afraid you can only do it. Consider going back in two days."

Ah... Bai Qing was also slightly annoyed, but he forgot about this. Gu Jingxuan only had a holiday yesterday.

Gu Zhihan glanced at Bai Qingyi, and said softly "En".

Shu Jingli said, "If the two of you are not in a hurry, is it convenient to chat with me? This is the process that should have been carried out yesterday."

"Ah..." Bai Qing also paused briefly and said, "It should be!"

Gu Zhihan said nothing, turned around and walked towards the study. That's where the Gu family chats in earnest.

Bai Qing also hesitated and froze in place. She didn't know this little habit, so Gu Zhihan suddenly turned around and left, to her, it was like leaving her alone to face Shu Jingli. She felt a lot of pressure, but also felt that she couldn't imitate Gu Zhihan's toughness.

Gu Zhihan stopped, turned around and said expressionlessly, "The study is here."

It's still awkward, but it's an explanation.

Shu Jingli looked at the backs of the two, and her expression softened a lot. She strode gracefully towards the stairs. Gu Jingxuan hugged Shu Jingli's waist tightly and said, "Mom, I want to chat with my sister and sister-in-law too!"

Shu Jingli said: "This is a conversation between me and them. You are not allowed to participate without permission."

Gu Jingxuan said aggrievedly, "That's fine, but mom, you must stop them from getting divorced."

Shu Jingli said, "I'll just talk about things."

Gu Jingxuan became happy again and said, "But you just delayed for two days. Mom, you are awesome." Gu Jingxuan let Shu Jingli go upstairs worriedly.

When Shu Jingli walked into the study, Gu Zhihan and Bai Qing had already sat down on the sofa. The two of them sat side by side on the longer side of the sofa, instead of sitting apart. This scene alone was enough for Shu Jingli to judge many things.

Shu Jingli closed the door of the study, sat opposite the two of them, and asked in the first sentence, "So, do you know the reason for the exchange?"

Bai Qing also:! ! !

This sentence is a blockbuster, and immediately let Bai Qing also experience the sour feeling like five thunders. She subconsciously turned her head to look at Gu Zhihan, but Gu Zhihan's expression was still watertight, so even Bai Qing calmed down a little.

It's just... Does Shu Jingli know about the exchange? How did she know

The panic was just a matter of that moment, because Bai Qing also never thought that anyone would be able to see through this secret, not to mention that today, Shu Jingli has only seen both sides of herself. Bai Qing was simply shocked, but she was not disturbed by it.

Because Gu Zhihan was by his side.

Because it was Gu Zhihan's stepmother who saw through the secret.

Then Gu Zhihan can handle it well, and Bai Qing has no doubts at all.

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi, and calmly said, "It's alright, don't worry."

Bai Qing also took a deep breath and became calmer. She looked at Shu Jingli and asked curiously, "Aunt Shu, how did you know?"

Shu Jingli smiled and said, "Because Zhihan never thought of concealing it, right?"

Gu Zhihan did not speak.

Shu Jingli explained: "The first time you met me, you called me 'Auntie'; you handed me the gift that was supposed to be given to Xuanxuan; you chose brand-new slippers instead of the ones that Zhihan often used... These details are enough I have judged. More importantly, without any foreshadowing, Zhi Han married you."

Bai Qing also reacted quickly. With Gu Zhihan's character, it's hard to fall in love with anyone at first sight - then again, Bai Qing even felt that it was difficult for Gu Zhihan to fall in love with someone. Such a lonely Gu Zhihan got married without warning, and it could only be for profit. And what kind of benefits or threats can he bring to Gu Zhihan as an actor of the online drama? It's not impossible to guess this kind of thing in reverse.

As a famous writer, Shu Jingli is of course observant, quick-witted, and knowledgeable at the same time. If there is such an accident, why aren't there more cases

However, before all these qualities, there was one most important prerequisite—Shu Jingli was very familiar with Gu Zhihan.

Otherwise, Shu Jingli would not have been able to know that Gu Zhihan would buy a doll for Gu Jingxuan; it would have been impossible to know which pair of slippers Gu Zhihan usually used; let alone Gu Zhihan's temperament.

Bai Qing couldn't help but said: "Ah... It seems that you two have a good relationship!"

Shu Jingli said, "Miss Bai also responded very quickly."

After being shocked, it is not bad to be able to quickly infer this step from those few sentences.

And Gu Zhihan didn't speak the whole time, watching the two of them come and go.

Shu Jingli took out a box from her bag and said, "This is a gift I gave to Miss Bai. I hope Miss Bai will not dislike it."

Bai Qing also took it subconsciously, opened it and found it was a simple and green bracelet. Bai Qing also doesn't understand jade and jade, but he can see that the bracelet is in great condition and some years old.

Bai Qing also hurriedly said: "This... is too precious, I can't accept it! I won't be rewarded without merit, I have no position!"

Shu Jingli said: "Mother-in-law gave her daughter-in-law a gift, as it should be. I couldn't give it yesterday for some reason, so I should make it up today."

Bai Qing was also a little embarrassed and said, "We're just getting married by contract, besides... we're going to get a divorce."

Bai Qing also turned her head and glanced at Gu Zhihan, and found that Gu Zhihan's expression was indifferent, as if he was very opinionated about this gift. Bai Qing also thought: Then I can't accept it anymore.

But Shu Jingli said: "Divorce is divorce, and marriage is marriage. These are two different things, and you are still in the marriage period."

Bai Qing also said, "No..."

Shu Jingli said, "But in my opinion, you still don't know why that happened, right? Then I suggest that it is better not to get a divorce for the time being. What if we exchange it again after the divorce? Remarry?"