Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 34: clean


This hot pot looks like it's finished happily.

After eating, Gu Xiongzhi arranged for Dad Bai to stay at home, and then explained the reason for his early return: the meeting went too smoothly, and all parties got what they wanted, entertainment companies in four countries The league will be strengthened, and the first step will be tentatively hosting talent shows in four countries simultaneously.

This is the tentacles that the four major entertainment companies have cautiously extended. Of course, everyone is happy if they succeed. If they fail, the investment is not too big. This plan had just taken shape, and the rest had to be left to Gu Zhihan.

Dad Bai didn't bring much luggage, and even lost a little after fighting with those gangsters. Gu Zhihan bought some basic daily necessities and put them in the room where Bai's father lived. She said that that room is for Papa Bai, and she will live directly in Gu's house when she comes to Beijing in the future.

Later... Where is the future? Bai Qing also thought so, and said, "This is not good, it's too far from the subway station."

Gu Zhihan said, "My family has a dedicated driver."

Bai Qingyi: "…"

I really lost, and making such a rhetoric to a rich person really has no effect at all.

Bai Qing also looked at Gu Zhihan's expression and thought: Do you want to ask clearly, what does the other party think about the divorce

Inseparable, or when to leave, for Bai Qingyi, there is no difference. But this unresolved state is really uncomfortable.

Depends... Depends on what? If two people maintain the current state, will they live on, or will they divorce by agreement after a certain period of time

People's hearts are full of flesh, although she and Gu Zhihan don't have that kind of feeling, but after getting along for a long time, there is always some affection. If you really get divorced, as Bai Qingyi, can you still get along with Gu Zhihan and Gu Jingxuan

Bai Qing was also afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

Gu Zhihan stood still, from this position, the two of them's rooms were in different directions.

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Bai Qingyi actually thought for a long time in her heart that she must figure out the matter of divorce, but at this time she hesitated for no reason. She said, "No..."

Gu Zhihan seemed to see that she was lying, and after a pause, she raised her hand stiffly and said, "Good night..."

With her erratic tone, Bai Qing also wanted to add a question mark at the end of the sentence. This kind of attitude is very rare for Gu Zhihan, she has always been straightforward, but she is hesitant to face Bai Qing.

Bai Qing also blinked and waved to Gu Zhihan, "Good night!"

The two looked at each other for another two seconds, and Bai Qingyi suddenly burst out laughing and said, "I really don't have anything to say, go back to the room!"

The corners of Gu Zhihan's mouth moved, and a faint smile was drawn. The smile was so faint that it could only be confirmed by the shadow on his lips, but Bai Qingyi captured it sensitively.

It was softer than any expression Gu Zhihan had ever made before, and it could even be called gentle.

Bai Qing was also stunned for a while, as if he only realized at this moment that the person in front of him was so vivid.

Gu Zhihan said, "Okay, let's go back to the room."

The two turned around together and walked back to their room.

Gu's house is covered with blankets, so there is no sound of footsteps when walking. Bai Qing also wanted to look back a little, but didn't dare to look back. She was afraid of being caught by Gu Zhihan.

Finally entering the room, Bai Qing also stood in the empty space. For a moment, he didn't know where he was or what he should do.

She was stunned for a while and decided to memorize her lines. According to the arrangement given by the crew, joining the group is just a matter of these days.

It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived. At this moment, Bai Qingyi's cell phone rang, and Qin Yanjun called.

"Hey, Qingqing, how is your relationship with Gu Zhihan recently?" I didn't expect Qin Yanjun's first sentence to be this.

"Ah...?" Bai Qing also thought about it and said, "It's just... normal..."

Probably about to get divorced.

Qin Yanjun said: "The "Journey to the World" crew will start in a week, can you join the crew on time?"

Speaking of this, Bai Qing is also fully responsible. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, I promise! Do you need to hold script seminars these days? Analyze characters or something?"

Generally, before the film crew starts, the main characters should be pulled into the conference room and a pair of characters should be imaged. If it is a movie, the meeting usually takes a long time. TV dramas change with the changes in production costs. Now that online dramas are in vogue, many shoddy production crews omit this link in order to catch up with the schedule, and rely on the actors to perform themselves. Bai Qing also knows that the investment in this crew is very small (she still doesn't know that in order to "keep" her heroine position, Gu Zhihan invested another sum of money, and now the crew has become a big money), but he doesn't know that the crew has No cutting corners in such necessary places.

Qin Yanjun said: "Of course, Muguang will also be there. She is the host of the meeting. Be prepared."

"What preparations?" Bai Qing was also at a loss.

"Muguang is your fanatical fan, don't you know?" Qin Yanjun said.

But what needs to be prepared for this... Bai Qing also really doesn't understand.

"Since there is no problem with joining the group, I won't say anything more. The script meeting will be the day after tomorrow. You should report to Gu Zhihan. Goodbye." Qin Yanjun hung up the phone after instructing him.

Bai Qingyi's words stuck in her throat, and no one listened to her words, and she couldn't swallow it. In the end, she could only defend against the air: "I wasn't kidnapped by Gu Zhihan, what do I need to report..."

The words hadn't landed yet, but Bai Qingyi had already opened the door and trotted out.

She felt that she should tell Gu Zhihan the news. Not a report, um, really not a report.

Bai Qing also knocked on Gu Zhihan's door.

"Here." Five seconds later, Gu Zhihan appeared behind the door.

Gu Zhihan was a little surprised, looked at her and said, "What's wrong?"

What I didn't say in the corridor before, I thought about it again and again, and decided to say it...

Gu Zhihan couldn't help frowning, looking a little serious. She probably knew what Bai Qing also wanted to say, but for some reason, she didn't want the other party to say it. Maintaining this state, Gu Zhihan felt very satisfied.

Bai Qing also froze for a moment and said, "Did you disturb your work?"

Gu Zhihan said, "No."

Bai Qing also said: "That's good... I just want to tell you something. The "Journey to the World" crew is going to start in a week, and the script meeting is going to be held the day after tomorrow, so I need to get out of here."

Speaking of this, Bai Qingyi suddenly became inexplicable: what is the relationship between herself and Gu Zhihan, why do you say this... She added: "No other meaning, just to tell you."

Gu Zhihan asked, "Qin Yanjun asked you to tell me?"

Bai Qingyi: "How do you know?"

Gu Zhihan said, "She should be worried about your safety, but I'm arranging bodyguards."

Bai Qing was also stunned for a moment, thinking that what Gu Zhihan said was very reasonable.

It is said that the paparazzi are still blocking the downstairs of the company. Yesterday, he went to the amusement park and experienced such an accident again. Of course Qin Yanjun is not at ease. Now that she is married to Gu Zhihan and lives in Gu Zhihan's house, it is only natural to seek help from the Gu family.

After figuring out this layer, Bai Qingyi's little awkwardness in his heart disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, he felt ashamed for the series of psychological activities he had just done.

Gu Zhihan said: "Okay, when you are leaving, let me know at any time. Do you need me to accompany you?"

Bai Qing also said in surprise: "Why do you want to accompany you!"

Gu Zhihan said, "I heard that there may be workplace bullying in the crew. My identity is rather special, so I might be able to help you."

Is this because he is afraid of being sexually harassed, or being bullied by other female stars... Bai Qing also couldn't help laughing and laughing, and said, "No, no strange things should happen."

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi a little worriedly, and said, "Okay, you can make up your own mind. If my reputation can be useful, then you can disclose anything you want."

Bai Qing also said with a smile: "Why does it sound like a fox and a tiger. You are a mighty tiger, and I am a cunning fox. But now the fox has been authorized by the tiger, and it is a fox with authority!"

"Well," Gu Zhihan said lightly, "I will support you, you don't have to be afraid of anything. If you meet someone you don't like, tell me directly."

"..." Bai Qing was also a little flustered, she felt that Gu Zhihan took the wrong script.

She subconsciously said: "You don't have to support it... This sounds a bit like workplace bullying to other actors... "

Gu Zhihan's eyes darkened a little.

She didn't want to bully and oppress others, she just wanted Bai Qing not to be bullied.

The next morning, there was no one at home.

Gu Xiongzhi had already left for work, and when the weekend was over, it was time for Gu Jingxuan to go back to school.

Bai's father was also missing, and Bai Qing also sent him a WeChat message. Bai's father said that he was going out for a walk, and his in-laws took him out. He also called Bai Qingyi to get along well with Gu Zhihan. He made breakfast. Remember to call Gu Zhihan for breakfast.

Bai Qingyi: "…"

It's me who sent you WeChat greetings to be safe. It's fine if you don't remind me to have breakfast. You are also concerned about whether other people's daughters have breakfast. Who is it

When you are angry, people still have to scream. Bai Qing also went to Gu Zhihan's room to look for her, but found that the room was neat and tidy, but no one was there.

Bai Qing also looked for someone in the house and saw Shu Jingli when passing by the study. Shu Jingli took off her glasses and smiled at her, "Looking for Gu Zhihan? She should be in the room at the end of the second floor."

Bai Qing also said quickly, "Thank you... Have you had breakfast?"

"I've already eaten, your father's craftsmanship is very good, thank you." Shu Jingli replied.

Following Shu Jingli's instructions, Bai Qing also walked to the end of the corridor on the second floor.

It was an empty room, with thick cloths stacked in every corner of the room, apparently covered with furniture before but now being lifted. There is a row of large bookshelves in the room, as well as a piano.

Gu Zhihan was not there.

The whole room exuded a unique taste of peerless independence. Bai Qing did not dare to move, but just stood at the door, clinging to the door frame, looking inside eagerly.

At this moment, Gu Zhihan appeared with a bucket and a mop, and his sleeves were pulled up to his elbows, looking like he was going to clean up.

Bai Qing also said, "Ah... what are you doing here?"

Gu Zhihan said, "This is my mother's room before she died."

With just such a sentence, everything Bai Qingyi wanted to say was blocked.

Judging from the furnishings of the room, Gu's mother is a very gentle person.

Gu Zhihan said, "The room is a little dirty. You can find a clean place to sit."

With Gu Zhihan's permission, Bai Qingyi carefully stepped into the room.

Gu Zhihan was sweeping the floor. When the broom passed by Bai Qingyi's feet, Gu Zhihan said, "Let me go."

Bai Qing also stepped aside quickly, and felt embarrassed just standing there, so she said, "Can I help you?"

Gu Zhihan didn't stop, just nodded.

Bai Qing also walked towards the bucket and found a clean rag floating in the clear water.

This is... Did you plan to let two people work from the beginning

However, Bai Qingyi did not feel the unpleasantness of being "called", but a little warmth floated in her heart.

This meant that Gu Zhihan had already treated her as a friend.

When Gu Zhihan got it halfway through, the sleeve on his elbow fell off. She stopped in front of Bai Qingyi and said, "I'm sorry, can you help me roll up my sleeves?"

Of course Bai Qing couldn't refuse this request, but Gu Zhihan was so close that she seemed to smell his breath.

The touch of the fingertips is very delicate, and no one has touched the skin of the forearm, showing some kind of intimacy.

As soon as the contact was touched, Bai Qing blurted out, "You are so white!"

Gu Zhihan said, "You are whiter."

Bai Qing also looked at her tightly wrapped arms and said, "How do you know..."

Gu Zhihan said: "I have seen it. I also know that your legs are very white and beautiful."

Bai Qingyi: "???"

What the hell, why did I forget about this... But Gu Zhihan said such a serious thing, it's a bit too much...

Gu Zhihan had no other intentions, she couldn't have other intentions, how could someone of her character have other intentions? Bai Qing also kept reciting this sentence, and then suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

After cleaning, nothing happened.

The room is not big, and the two of them joined hands, but it took two hours to get it done. Looking at the brand-new room, Bai Qing also let out a light breath and said, "It's finally done."

Gu Zhihan looked a little lonely and said, "Thank you."

Bai Qing also said, "It should be."

Gu Zhihan turned her head and stared at her with dark eyes for a while before she said, "Well, I'll take you to see my mother. After cleaning, let's go."

After saying this, Gu Zhihan left the room without looking back. The room was so missed by her that she locked it without hesitation, then stuffed the key into her pocket.

Bai Qing also said, "Now I can finally have breakfast."

Gu Zhihan didn't speak, but looked back at the room and sighed softly.

Bai Qing also knew that today's Gu Zhihan was different from usual. In the past, Gu Zhihan was silent, confident, and focused, but today's Gu Zhihan is melancholy, lonely, and weak.

She needs to talk. Bai Qing also suddenly thought so.

Bai Qing also said, "Have you always cleaned this room yourself?"

Gu Zhihan said, "Since she died, this room has been sealed. Only when I get home will I come in to clean it."

Gu Zhihan's tone was particularly flat. After losing the halo of a domineering president, she was just an ordinary daughter.

Gu Zhihan continued: "She passed away due to illness. She did not undergo chemotherapy in the last year, but traveled abroad. She died on the top of Mount Huashan at sunrise. Gu Xiongzhi carried her on her back. She gave birth to a daughter, He suffered a serious illness and walked away in pain and happiness."

Bai Qingyi: "Wait, Uncle Gu?!"

Gu Xiongzhi should be a romantic and brave person who can climb Mount Huashan with his wife who gave up treatment on his back. It's not the same impression it gives people now.

Gu Zhihan said: "Mother is a literary soldier, they know each other in the army."

Bai Qing also remembered Shu Jingli's cold temperament, and suddenly wanted to ask Shu Jingli's origin. She hesitated for a moment and didn't ask. I always feel that it is not appropriate to ask such a question in such an atmosphere.

Gu Zhihan seemed to see through her, and explained, "Ji... Aunt Shu didn't know Gu Xiongzhi until after my mother passed away. She is a reporter and Gu Xiongzhi is an outstanding entrepreneur. The combination of them is very natural, and I too Never got angry about this."

Gu Zhihan's tone was clear and light, and he spoke eloquently. Bai Qing could also conclude that what she said was the truth.

But Bai Qing also thought of Gu Xiongzhi's sentence, "If I were like you, it might be better", and her eyebrows suddenly twitched.

"Have you told Uncle Gu about this?"

"whats the matter?"

"That's it... You don't care about his marriage?"

Sure enough, Gu Zhihan paused and said, "No."