Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 36: aura


When Bai Qing also pushed the door into the conference room, it was already full of people.

According to her meticulous standards, Gu Zhihan should just click on the meeting. It's just that Gu Zhihan didn't have the habit of accommodating others, so he ignored the difference in identities between her and Bai Qingyi.

She is the president, the boss, and the decision maker, so meeting on time is a matter of course. And Bai Qing is also an actor and a collaborator. In the eyes of some people, it is even a low-end job. Therefore, according to convention, Bai Qing should arrive early.

Seeing her, Mu Guang smiled sweetly, beckoned to her, and patted the seat next to him.

When Bai Qingyi walked over, many people stared at her.

The life of this crew, which is still in the construction period, is indeed a bit bumpy. All the actors have been finalized. When the contract was being signed, the heroine Bai Qingyi suddenly gave up. The insider said that she was blocked by Gu Zhihan, the boss of Shengmei Entertainment.

Immediately afterwards, the crew rushed to find someone to save the scene, and the big-chested and brainless Russell came out to make trouble. Russell's appearance and acting skills are average, but his marketing and connections are very powerful. The agency director of Shengmei Entertainment came to put pressure on her personally, saying that Bai Qing would not be able to get up, so you can give this role to Russell.

Several forces in the crew were still fighting, and there was news that Russell had pushed Gu Zhihan down the stairs and was arrested by the police station, and the director of management had also stepped down. Bai Qingyi's agent is in the position, sounds like office politics, doesn't it? Now Bai Qing can also sit back and relax as the heroine, right

In the end, Bai Qing also fell along with Gu Zhihan. What is the rhythm

Now that the role has been determined to be Bai Qingyi's death, it depends on whether Bai Qingyi's fall can be healed. If it is not good, it is also an objective factor, and we can only wait next to the whole crew.

Fortunately, Bai Qingyi is back now and is sitting in front of everyone.

Except for Mu Guang, everyone else looked at Bai Qingyi with an inquiring look. This 18th-tier female star has disappeared for so long, but she hasn't released any rumors. It always feels like she has a lot of background.

Bai Qing also smiled and looked back one by one.

This smile is quite Gu Zhihan's imposing manner, but she has been studying closely for a few months, and this kind of expression that does not know the depth is the most suitable for sending the eyes of inquiry.

So everyone turned their heads one after another, and there was a unified conclusion in their hearts: this heroine is kind of cool!

The so-called script seminar was naturally guided by the original author and top screenwriter, Mu Guang.

"Ahem, are you all here? The meeting has officially started." Mu Guang cleared his throat, sat up straight, and said, "I won't talk anymore, let's talk about the outline and direction first, there are a few more. important time point."

Muguang opened the slideshow and showed everyone the information she had already sorted out. All of you here are familiar with this script, so this part goes by quickly.

Next is the character setting.

Muguang clicked the mouse, and the slide on the next page was empty, with only four characters written on it: The heroine Wanshi.

There was an eerie silence, completely different from the eloquent conversation just now. Everyone turned their attention to Mu Guang, but Mu Guang spread his hands innocently, turned his head to look at Bai Qingyi beside him, and said, "It's your turn."

Bai Qing also: ? ?

Muguang said playfully: "You are the heroine, it's your turn, let me introduce you, what kind of person you are."

Bai Qing is also a bit dumbfounded. She knows what Mu Guang means, that is, as the female lead, she should be the one who reads the role the most. Mu Guang does not want to interfere with her creation. relationship with fans.

It's not that Bai Qing has not experienced such a situation, so he stood up very easily.

"According to the direction of the plot, the heroine has experienced two growths. The first time was when she saw that the people in the country were struggling to make a living, and she felt sympathetic. At this time, she met the equally kind male protagonist, so she wanted to help the male protagonist to become emperor. At this stage, the heroine is still a teenager. She is not so smooth in speaking and doing things, but she is very smart. This kind of smartness has become her self-made capital. In character creation, she is cunning and lively. The pursuit of love is one of the most important kernel."

"The second time she grew up was when she broke with the male protagonist. At this time, his vision was not limited to the throne, but the real life of the people. She would take the initiative to ask how much the people under her command spent on food and accommodation, She will also ask about their ideals and pursuits, she is a good manager."

When talking about this, Bai Qing also thought of Gu Zhihan. As for her speculation about the role, she consulted Gu Zhihan from the very beginning.

The screenwriter Mu Guang is her fan, yes, even the prototype of this character is her. But Bai Qing can also see that in the first stage, Wan Shi's character is indeed like her own during the draft period, and then there is the endogenous growth of the character.

On the road to succession, there are corpses everywhere, and the heroine's behavior is not necessarily clean, so the appearance becomes more and more cold. Wan Shi's original driving force is not so much the common people in the world as it is love. It's just that Wan Shi has hidden this emotion very well, and the career line written by Mu Guang is so exciting that many people ignore it.

After growing up, the heroine seems to be indifferent and ruthless, with interests first, but her bones have changed. She holds the economic lifeline of the country, and even the hero (the emperor) needs her consent to fight. But at this time, what she thought was not all about satisfying the male protagonist's desire to expand territory, but about the joys, sorrows and sorrows of so many subordinates and ordinary people.

This is actually very similar to Gu Zhihan.

Before contacting Gu Zhihan, outsiders thought she was a businessman whose interests came first. She kills decisively, and the most famous gossip is to severely punish a collaborator who broke the contract and drive the other party to death. But the other party has done a good job in public opinion, crying and selling miserably in hot searches and major forums, trying to use this to put pressure on them. Gu Zhihan did not explain or hesitate, and still executed the plan perfectly. Afterwards, Gu Zhihan did not explain, so outsiders' impression of her was "ruthless" and "reasonable and unforgiving".

But after a while of contact, Bai Qing also knew that Gu Zhihan was a very decent person. If you don't break the contract, it should be a very comfortable thing to cooperate with her.

After the exchange of souls, Gu Zhihan will experience what is happening in the company through his identity as an artist, so he scrapes his bones and heals the poison. Gu Zhihan would also ask her what an artist wants most and what role they want to play.

Bai Qing is also very grateful to such a boss and trusts him. And the heroine of "Journey to the World" is such a boss.

Therefore, in the details of character creation, she referred to Gu Zhihan's habits and tone, and also simulated Gu Zhihan's reaction when encountering the plot.

Bai Qing is also an actor, many things cannot be explained clearly by language alone. As she talks about her characters, she steps aside and demonstrates several iconic scenes.

With no costumes, no background, and no opponents, Bai Qing also relied on acting skills to bring out the three stages of the characters vividly and clearly distinguish them.

This is an unexpected joy for the director. Even during the audition, Bai Qing did not show such strong acting skills, especially at the stage of becoming famous, he was a little lacking in momentum. But Bai Qingyi has done a good job in the first half of her life - nonsense, she is the prototype of the heroine in the first half of her life, plus the support of the screenwriter, and the lack of funds, that's why she was decided.

But this time it can be said to be alive and well. Those eyes swept over people and made people dare not move, she really had the momentum of the number one businesswoman in the world! What's more important is the truth. Although the aura is so strong that people want to cry, it somehow makes people feel that this person lives by his side.

The director couldn't help but applaud: "Good! Beautiful!"

Under the leadership of the director, there was a burst of applause in the conference room. This made Bai Qing also embarrassed, and his momentum suddenly relaxed, stuck out his tongue, and said, "I'm laughing."

This time the comparison is more obvious. It's amazing that such a cute and soft actor in life can play such a powerful role! In this period of time, the progress has been too great. Did it suddenly dawn on me

Bai Qing was also ashamed. She probably knew why she reacted so strongly—because she had just been domineering and stunned everyone.

But the problem is that she "borrowed" that domineering from Gu Zhihan, and she was playing Wanshi in the same way as Gu Zhihan. She felt guilty.

Others didn't have high expectations for Bai Qing, but Mu Guang was different. As soon as Bai Qingyi started explaining, her eyes began to shine. By the time Bai Qingyi had finished her analysis with her speech and performance, the admiration in her eyes had already overflowed.

Muguang jumped up from his seat, ran to Bai Qingyi's side suddenly, picked up Bai Qingyi and turned around.

Bai Qing also didn't expect this, and was so frightened that she quickly supported Mu Guang's neck.

Muguang's strength was unexpectedly strong, holding Bai Qingyi while turning in circles and saying, "Ah, I knew you could do it! You are my idol! I have been watching you since your debut! You are so amazing to me. I knew you were the right choice! You can get the actress! You must sign me!"

He even said the words "the queen of the movie", which shows that Mu Guang was really overexcited. Bai Qing has also made a cameo appearance in one movie after so many years of debut, and is still a character with only two minutes of play. Now I have the first leading role, or a web drama... How do I get the actress? Take it with your face

Bai Qing was also a little embarrassed, and everyone else in the conference room had expressions they couldn't bear to look directly at.

No wonder they didn't think of it. Muguang is a matter of Bai Qingyi's die-hard fans, and everyone here knows it. But Muguang's performance has always been quite rational, even if he speaks for idols, he is coherent. Who would have thought that she just hid the crazy side deep after all? This frenzied tone. And illogical compliments, only a veteran brainless fan will have it!

But no one was disgusted, because Bai Qingyi's performance just now was really good. They can understand the reaction of die-hard fans.

This show can be popular.

It can make even calm die-hard fans get excited like this, and make everyone here feel that this scene is not abrupt... It's enough to explain the surprise brought by Bai Qingyi.

You look at me, I look at you, and you see more confidence in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door of the conference room opened.

A cold female voice sounded: "What are you doing?"

Everyone looked at the door subconsciously and saw a woman who would never appear here.

Gu Zhihan? ! This face is the president of Shengmei Entertainment, right? !

"That's how you guys have a meeting?" Gu Zhihan asked, his tone was not turbulent, but he somehow made his clothes tightly wrapped.

Why is Gu Zhihan here... This aura is too powerful...

… Wait, this aura is inexplicably familiar

Some people came over and looked at Bai Qingyi.

At this time, Mu Guang had put Bai Qingyi down, and stood aside with his head.

Bai Qing also glanced at the clock and was a little surprised: I said it's been half an hour, but it's only twenty-nine minutes now. Gu Zhihan, what happened

The author has something to say: Although it has been written for so long, it has only been about a month since the story was written! ! ! Alas, when will this be finished...

So add more =. = Praise me quickly! ! !