Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 37: angry


Gu Zhihan's appearance in the conference room was something that no one thought of.

Except for Bai Qingyi, she was waiting for her at all.

Some people are even thinking, shouldn't she have gone wrong

As a result, two seconds later, Gu Zhihan had already stretched out his long legs, found a seat, and sat down by himself.

The chairs were allocated according to the head. Because of Bai Qingyi's performance and Mu Guang's excitement, only the two of them left their seats, so there were only two vacant seats. Gu Zhihan chose the one from Muguang, leaving only Bai Qingyi alone.

Muguang: …

Gu Zhihan didn't seem to notice the change in the atmosphere, so he lowered his head to pick up Bai Qingyi's script, rolled his eyes, and said, "Continue."

She also has a copy of the script, and is very familiar with it. She also called Bai Qingyi to copy an identical comment. But less than a week after the exchange, Bai Qingyi's script was densely packed with more handwriting.

The producer had dealt with Zhong Ying, and she was barely the one who knew Gu Zhihan the most. She asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Gu is here today because..."

Gu Zhihan was still rewriting the script, without raising his head: "Shengmei Entertainment is the largest investor in your production crew. I am here to exercise the right to supervise the progress."

Overwatch? Will the president of Tangtang care so much about the investment of tens of millions that he personally supervises the work? ! Are you still attending a script session? !

This statement shocked almost everyone present, and the meeting room was eerily silent again.

Bai Qingyi and Muguang stood in front of the projector and blocked the screen. However, there was nothing on the screen. There were only four characters "Wan Shi, the heroine" as the main title. Bai Qingyi, to a certain extent, is very suitable.

Gu Zhihan said, "Why didn't you speak? How far is the meeting? Go ahead."

Gu Zhihan brought the cold-faced devil's side to this conference room, and the tone of his speech was like an order to his subordinates, and he was very oppressive.

Muguang came back to his senses and said, "Now I'm analyzing the character of the heroine in detail... Oh no, the part of the heroine has been completed, and then it's the male lead's turn. Qing..."

Before he was about to say those two deadly words, Mu Guangfu gave Gu Zhihan a heartfelt glance, shrank, and avoided the minefield in a very extreme way.

Muguang said, "Please, Miss Bai, go back to your seat. Thank you very much for sharing."

The atmosphere eased up a bit.

Bai Qing also sat back in his seat, Gu Zhihan handed the script to her, Bai Qing also took it with one hand (pay attention, one hand!), and at the same time thanked her softly.

What a scene this is! Facing the cold-faced devil, Bai Qingyi didn't change her face and her heart didn't beat, and took the thing handed over by the other party with one hand! This is disrespect, this is great disrespect! And she was still able to talk to Gu Zhihan lightly! It's worthy of being my idol! White! green! as well as! !

Muguang was standing on the stage, she had no seat to go back to, so she could only complain frantically in her heart.

Muguang sticks to read: "Next is the male protagonist, this part is up to me."

The male protagonist breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Qingyi's performance was so good. When analyzing the character design, he could easily give an example of a certain detail of a scene. It made him feel like his script was read in vain.

He is also prepared, with Bai Qing and Zhuyu in front, according to the normal rhythm, his analysis is not successful, but he is a qualified male protagonist, with some shining points, but not as amazing as Bai Qing.

But that was without Gu Zhihan. With Gu Zhihan, he was afraid that he would be replaced as soon as he opened his mouth.

Now Muguang said that he didn't need to share it, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction that he was treated differently, and even wanted to give the considerate screenwriter a big slap on the leg and hand tea and shoulders.

In fact, Muguang didn't plan to let anyone other than Bai Qingyi speak for himself.

"The actor Du Xiuming is a..."

Muguang was chatting on the stage, and Bai Qing also stared at Muguang intently. The conference table is flat and long, because of the location arrangement, when Gu Zhihan stares at the projector, he will see the back of Bai Qingyi's head by the way.

Bai Qingyi's long hair spreads over her shoulders, which matches her own temperament, being obedient and gentle. Gu Zhihan stared at her hair for a while, thinking: I know what that hair smells like.

Bai Qing may also have noticed, she turned her head and glanced at Gu Zhihan without saying anything, then turned back.

After Mu Guang quickly introduced the character of the hero, he asked the hero, "Xiang Lin, do you understand?"

Xiang Lin nodded quickly.

There was sparse applause in the conference room again. Gu Zhihan was too heavy in the atmosphere. Everyone was using this method to liven up the atmosphere.

In the heart of thinking for the people, Bai Qingyi finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head to Gu Zhihan and said, "President Gu, you seem to occupy the screenwriter's seat..."

From the beginning to the end, Gu Zhihan came to participate in the script meeting, this kind of thing is very strange, isn't it!

Gu Zhihan said, "There are no extra seats, and I can't share a chair with others."

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi seriously, if it weren't for the serious negotiation, most of the people present would have thought it was flirting.

Mu Guang was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Gu Zhihan stand up and said, "I already understand the content and progress of today's meeting, please continue to work hard. I hope the crew can achieve satisfactory and proud results. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhihan stepped on her high heels and left the conference room with a tap.

Muguang blurted out: "Qingqing, have you driven Mr. Gu away?"

Bai Qing also smiled bitterly: "I didn't mean that."

She didn't really think much when she said that. It's just that Muguang felt uncomfortable after standing for a long time, changing her standing position and using different legs to support her body, that's why she said that to Gu Zhihan.

But she didn't expect that Gu Zhihan would just leave.

Bai Qingyi didn't think much about it herself, because she knew that Gu Zhihan had a lot of meetings on Monday, so she probably wouldn't be here for long. Moreover, Gu Zhihan's personality is actually the kind that is straightforward, and he won't be angry with that sentence.

But after Muguang's interpretation, it really means something like that... Bai Qing is also a little helpless, thinking that he will have to explain it later.

Waiting is a matter of waiting, and the atmosphere in the conference room at this time is heavier than before. When Gu Zhihan was there, the dullness was a suppressed ecstasy, but at this moment it was a cold winter when the wind swept through.

Bai Qing also glanced at it, and everyone's expressions were very uneasy.

Someone said, "If you offend Gu Zhihan, won't Shengmei Entertainment withdraw its capital?"

This kind of worry is normal, but being able to speak out about the worry openly shows that the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Bai Qing also smiled bitterly and said, "No."

Everyone turned their attention to Bai Qingyi.

Bai Qing also said, "I promise."

Several people's lips moved, as if trying to refute her: What's the use of your assurance? It's not as good as Mr. Gu's look.

As a result, at this time, Mu Guang, a die-hard fan of the brain, plausibly said, "I believe in you! With a word from Qingqing, even President Gu can be driven away, of course, it's guaranteed!"

The people who can be in the entertainment industry are all human beings. After recovering from the shock, their rationality will naturally return to the cage. Thinking of all the things that have happened these days, combined with the intimacy and naturalness of Mr. Gu's reading Bai Qingyi's script, they all understood: if there was no Bai Qingyi, Gu Zhihan would not have come to this small script discussion at all. meeting.

Just walking away can barely be regarded as the category of fun. As long as Bai Qing is there, they don't have to worry about the withdrawal of capital.

It's just that Bai Qing also has to pay the price for the "offensive" just now.

After the script seminar, it was already four or five in the afternoon. Bai Qing also returned to Gu's house under the escort of bodyguards.

At this time, Dad Bai had returned from the police station and was cooking in the kitchen.

Shu Jingli came out of the study and smiled apologetically to Bai Qingyi: "It's hard for your father."

Bai Qing also waved his hands again and again and said, "It must be my father who is arguing and insisting on cooking. He likes this. I don't know if you can get used to it by then."

Shu Jingli said, "I have eaten the breakfast your father made. It tastes good and has high nutritional value."

Bai Qing also said, "That's good."

Shu Jingli said, "Mr. Gu won't go home for dinner tonight, what about Zhi Han?"

Bai Qing was also not sure and said, "I don't know..."

The two of them seldom eat apart since they met. Even if there is, there is no feeling of worrying about it now.

Home is truly a magical thing that makes all behaviors cozy.

Shu Jingli said, "It doesn't matter if Zhi Han doesn't come back, it will be official if she is chatting. Only the two of us can relax a little bit."

This tone is really like a family affair between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law said oh your dad won't come back for dinner today, your husband... Oh no, is your wife coming back? My daughter-in-law said I didn't know she didn't report to me. My mother-in-law said it was good, and we chatted.

Bai Qing also shook his head desperately, throwing the weird association out of his mind.

Before the meal was ready, Shu Jingli and Bai Qingyi were sitting on the sofa and chatting. Shu Jingli has the gentle and elegant air of a high-level intellectual, but the tone of his speech is cordial—probably this is the kind of temperament that reporters can't help but want to talk about.

Shu Jingli talked about her work, saying that she wanted to do a topic on veterans recently, and it was just the right time to meet Dad Bai. Shu Jingli said it was fate.

Bai Qing is also a little absent-minded, and has been secretly watching the time.

Shu Jingli noticed it and asked her, "Qingqing, is there anything else to do?"

Bai Qing also said a little embarrassedly: "I was just thinking, it's almost time to eat..."

Papa Bai's voice came from the kitchen: "It's not ready yet, wait another 20 minutes!"

There was still a hint of worry on Bai Qingyi's face.

Shu Jingli didn't speak, just stared at her with a faint smile on her lips.

On the phone screen, the time changed from 59 to 00.

Bai Qingyi's eyes suddenly lit up, she said to Shu Jingli, "I'm sorry, I'll go make a phone call."

She hurried away about five paces and put the phone to her ear. There seemed to be a quick pick-up over there, and Bai Qing also said, "Hey, Gu... Gu Gu, are you busy? It's time to eat."

When their souls were exchanged, Gu Zhihan had ordered her like this in order to heal her stomach problems. At this moment, although the body has changed back, the stomach problem is still there. Bai Qing also thought: There is no problem with this kind of reminder.

Who knew that Gu Zhihan's voice was very cold and said, "I see."

It sounded like he wanted to hang up the phone.

Bai Qing couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although she felt that Gu Zhihan would not be angry about the seat, but Muguang's words still had an impact on her. Bai Qing also felt that it was really inappropriate to not give Gu Zhihan face in front of so many people.

She originally wanted to take advantage of the meal time to talk about it, but Gu Zhihan didn't want to come back for dinner, she didn't seem to want to talk to herself.

Bai Qing also felt a little sour in his heart.

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, I'll be busy first." Gu Zhihan said.

"Wait—" Bai Qing also interrupted her and confirmed again: "You will eat well, right?"

Gu Zhihan paused strangely for a while and said, "Yes, I will eat it."

At this point, the two were speechless, and the phone was cut off.

Shu Jingli said, "Do you want to call Zhihan?"

"Yeah." Bai Qingyi seemed to be talking to Shu Jingli, but what she was talking about was her own reasoning: "Now that she's back, she doesn't have to be responsible for my body anymore, she'll just deal with it casually. It's very suspicious, I'm afraid it's a violation of yang and yin..."

Having said that, Bai Qing also made up his mind: "Dad! After the meal is ready, serve a separate portion, and I will send it to Gu Zhihan!"


"Oh no, two! I'll go to the company to eat with her!"