Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 4: Stomach disease


Probably the physical torture will also be reflected in the spirit, Bai Qing also had a very painful dream.

In the dream, she was chased by beasts, she ran away desperately, her muscles were sore from running, and even her internal organs were tumbling. She wants to throw up.

A black car was parked not far away, the door was opened, and a hand stretched out and beckoned to her. She jumped into the car as if she had found a life-saving straw, and urged the driver to drive quickly.

The driver turned his head and actually had her own face. The driver laughed so strangely that the corners of his mouth were almost split behind his ears, and he said, "I got into my car, can I still get off?"

Bai Qing was also startled by "himself" and wanted to open the car door.

As a result, the driver said: "The door has been welded, give it up."

Bai Qing also:…

The terrifying dream developed to the end, and it turned out to be a bit funny. Under such a contrast, Bai Qing also woke up.

Then he opened his eyes and saw his face again.

She was lying on the soft bed of Gu Zhihan's house, while Gu Zhihan was sitting not far away, looking down at the notebook.

Bai Qingyi: "Is the door really welded?"

Gu Zhihan: "..."

Gu Zhihan said, "Are you confused?"

Although it was a question, the tone was firm. Bai Qing also felt that she was disliked by her superior boss again. When she was depressed, she remembered that this was not the first time, and it was good to get used to it.

Bai Qing was also inexplicably optimistic and said, "I just had a dream about you."

She didn't admit that the grinning monster was herself, so it must be Gu Zhihan who occupied her body.

Gu Zhihan lowered her head again and continued to process the documents. Just when Bai Qing thought she had entered the workaholic mode again, Gu Zhihan asked, "What did you dream about?"

Bai Qing was stunned for a moment, but couldn't say, "I dreamed that you welded the car door to death", so she could only say half of it and half of it: "I dreamed that I was being chased by a beast, and then you saved me."

Gu Zhihan: "En."

With no lights on, the room was enveloped in a reassuring darkness. Only Gu Zhihan had a small lamp above his head, and the warm yellow light sprinkled over it, covering half of his face, and it was too beautiful.

Bai Qing also thought: I am so narcissistic.

But although it is the same body, it is a completely different soul inside. Bai Qing was also attracted by "self"'s focused demeanor. So, is the beauty in her own skin or Gu Zhihan's soul

Bai Qing also said, "What's the matter with your stomach problem?"

Gu Zhihan put down the notebook, looked at Bai Qingyi attentively and said, "Sorry, I didn't take into account the objective difference in physical fitness and handed over the pain to you. Due to the current situation, this situation cannot be resolved, so I will find a way to compensate. "

Bai Qing also shook her head and asked, "How long has it been?"

Gu Zhihan thought for a second and said, "In order to return things to their original owners in the future, I will try my best to eat on time during this time, so as not to make your body sick."

She thought that Bai Qing was also worried about this.

Bai Qingyi sat up from the bed with difficulty, clutching her stomach and saying, "I didn't mean it that way, it's just that the stomach pain is so fierce. When I think that you may have been sick for a long time, I realize that it's not easy for the president."

Gu Zhihan was stunned.

When she was studying abroad before, her schedule was very irregular, and no one told her. Later, when she returned to China to take over the company, Zhong Ying often persuaded her to eat on time, but the task was too heavy, and she didn't care about anything when she was busy. Stomach pain is stomach pain, anyway, it has been in pain for so long.

Besides, what's the use of having an occasional meal on time, and the stomach problem will not get better because of it.

But when her body was taken over by others, she suddenly felt uneasy. Especially this "other" seems to be caring about himself.

Bai Qing also smiled and said, "Let's eat on time in the future, I will remind you."

Gu Zhihan didn't speak.

Bai Qing also said: "If you have been sitting for a long time, remember to stand up and move around. Drinking more water is good for your health."

Gu Zhihan was silent for a while and said, "Okay, I will take good care of your body."

"It's our body," Bai Qingyi said. "My stomach pain has healed. You should go back to your room to sleep. You can do your work tomorrow, but staying up late becomes a habit."

Our... body.

Gu Zhihan nodded and put away the notebook. Turning off the small light, I can't see my fingers all of a sudden. Gu Zhihan walked towards the door lightly, and Bai Qing also heard the rustling voice, and suddenly felt a little gentle.

The footsteps stopped, and Gu Zhihan stood at the door and said softly, "Good night."

"Good night."

Gu Zhihan closed the door.

When I woke up, I didn't know what time it was. Anyway, Bai Qing also opened the curtains and saw the bright and somewhat dazzling sunlight.

Fortunately, Gu Zhihan had foresight and asked for leave in advance, so he didn't have to go to work today. Otherwise, he might cause Gu Zhihan to be late for the first time in his career.

Bai Qing also walked out of the room and smelled the fragrance of the porridge. She was attracted to the restaurant by the fragrance, but saw Gu Zhihan sitting in the same seat last night, drinking porridge with her head down.

Gu Zhihan said, "Morning."

Bai Qing also said, "Morning... Did you cook porridge?"

"The nanny cooked it, it tastes good."

Bai Qing also secretly embarrassed, yes, Gu Zhihan is so busy, how can he cook porridge by himself. Which nerve am I getting wrong, I have to ask...

Bai Qing also nodded and said, "I'll come after brushing my teeth."

In the bathroom, two red and blue toothbrushes are placed side by side. You can easily tell from the brush head that the red is brand new and the blue has been used for a while.

Bai Qing also made a mistake: which one did Gu Zhihan use? Which one should you use

Gu Zhihan must have used blue before. Then according to the right to use your body, you should also use this blue toothbrush. But Bai Qing also always felt that "using a toothbrush that was used by others" was a bit too strange.

But if he used red and Gu Zhihan used blue, it would become "the toothbrush that Gu Zhihan used went into Bai Qingyi's mouth", wouldn't it be... an indirect kiss? !

Bai Qing also shook his head, driving this ridiculous thought out of his mind.

No, no, let's change the way of thinking. The new toothbrush that Gu Zhihan must have used just now is the red one. Otherwise why is it here? A person who can't even take care of himself will not think of taking the initiative to prepare toothbrushes for guests.

This idea perfectly persuaded Bai Qingyi, she immediately squeezed toothpaste without any psychological obstacles.

What's more, they've already used each other's body, so what's wrong with using a toothbrush

Bai Qingyi finished washing up with a lot of fun, and when she returned to the restaurant, she found that there was an extra bowl of porridge on the table. Gu Zhihan filled it for her.

Bai Qing was also flattered and said, "Ah... Actually, I can do it myself."

After Gu Zhihan drank the last mouthful of porridge, he wiped his mouth gracefully, and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

When Bai Qingyi was drinking the porridge, Gu Zhihan didn't leave, but took out a newspaper from nowhere, and slowly flipped through it.

… No, it turns out that you rich people really read the morning newspaper that morning at the dinner table

Bai Qing also felt that her worldview was refreshed again. She always thought that this kind of scene would only appear in wealthy idol dramas, but she didn't expect it to exist in reality.

But, why did Gu Zhihan see it so slowly

Noticing Bai Qingyi's gaze, Gu Zhihan looked over and asked with his eyes, "What are you looking at?"

Bai Qing also blinked and said, "Are you watching the financial edition?"

Gu Zhihan turned a page and said solemnly, "En."

Bai Qing also didn't know how serious it was, and didn't know that Gu Zhihan just watched the commercial version.

It was not until Bai Qing had finished drinking the porridge that Gu Zhihan folded the newspaper neatly and put it aside.

Gu Zhihan said, "I have something to talk to you about."

Bai Qing was also stunned for a moment, then realized that the other party was just waiting for him, so he was bored reading the newspaper.

Gu Zhihan's expression was too serious, and Bai Qing couldn't help but sit upright and said, "You say it."

Gu Zhihan opened WeChat, turned the phone 180 degrees, pushed it in front of Bai Qingyi, and said, "Your agent sent it this morning."

Bai Qing also looked at the screen.

[Qin Yanjun]: …

[Qin Yanjun]: Wan Shiyou is no longer acting? This drama has been fighting for so long, and it is not easy to settle on you. Turn it on right now, you said you won't play if you don't play? It's not your character.

[Qin Yanjun]: I know that Mr. Gu was here last night, so it is inconvenient for you to speak. Now on WeChat, you answer me seriously, why did you marry Gu Zhihan? Why did everything suddenly stop working

[Qin Yanjun]: You don't know how stagnant it is for a year now.

It was sent about half an hour ago, but Gu Zhihan still hasn't replied.

Qin Yanjun spoke bitterly, one by one, and it could be seen that he was really thinking of himself. Bai Qing was also very moved, but also very guilty.

The current situation is not something that Bai Qing can control.

Gu Zhihan said, "You have a drama appointment, why didn't you tell me?"

Bai Qing also said, "I thought you knew."

On the day of the exchange of bodies, Gu Zhihan quickly arranged everything in a mess. With one piece of Chrysostom, Bai Qing also "hidden". Even if Bai Qing said it, it was useless. Could it be that the president of Shengmei Entertainment would commit to starring in a web drama with a total investment of no more than 50 million

The careers of small people are not worth mentioning in the big picture.

Gu Zhihan said, "But that's a contract."

In a shopping mall, what Gu Zhihan cared about most was the spirit of the contract and credibility.

Bai Qing also said, "Then can you act?"

"..." Gu Zhihan was silent. Even if she wanted to, she didn't have the time.

Bai Qing also smiled bitterly and said, "Forced by the situation, we can only terminate the contract."

Gu Zhihan asked again: "Then what about your career? If you don't act like this, will it affect your route planning?"

After seeing Qin Yanjun's WeChat, Gu Zhihan realized that Bai Qing also had her own career.

She was used to being domineering and was not used to thinking about other people's lives.

Bai Qing also shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm going to retire in a year anyway, so it won't matter much."

Gu Zhihan asked subconsciously, "Why did you quit the circle?"

"Of course it's because it's not popular, and the entertainment industry is changing so fast. I haven't made it out of it for 7 years, which means that my life is not popular. I originally planned to not renew the contract after the contract expired, and to be an ordinary person. Now this is the case. It's also very good, first familiarize yourself with the feeling of sitting in the office." Bai Qing also smiled, although he was talking about bitter things, his tone and expression were very open-minded, and the whole person was very gentle.

Gu Zhihan didn't know what the artists thought. She only knew that she had seen so many cases, and there were a lot of late bloomers. She was only 7 years old and only 25 years old. She didn't understand why Bai Qingyi believed in fate. .

From Gu Zhihan's point of view, Bai Qing will one day be crowned king.

Bai Qing also said: "Besides, Mr. Gu takes care of me so much. I checked the balance, and I can open a coffee shop after paying the liquidated damages, which is very good."

Gu Zhihan was silent for a while, then pushed the phone forward and said, "You can reply to her yourself. I don't know how to say it."

The author has something to say: Humph, it's impossible to have three shifts today!