Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 5: Have a meeting


After taking two days off, Gu Zhihan could no longer hide at home, because there was an important meeting that she needed to attend.

Fortunately, Bai Qing also urgently "tutored" for two days, and was able to learn Gu Zhihan's demeanor. Due to experience and knowledge, I can't speak very much.

This is mainly due to Gu Zhihan's meticulous personality, and there are three main expressions: expressionless, thinking, and concentration.

In order to prevent the contents from being exposed, Gu Zhihan, Zhong Ying and Bai Qing also thought of a way to declare that Gu Zhihan had a cold, and Bai Qing also wore a mask to attend the meeting, which happened to be in line with the situation of asking for leave a few days ago.

Gu Zhihan sat in his private office and watched the live broadcast of the meeting through the camera. Any comments are recorded and communicated by email after the meeting.

And Bai Qing also only needs to sit on the seat and be paralyzed on the ground.

Also known as - pretense.

Bai Qing also entered the role very quickly. As soon as he left the villa that day, he already had the style of a domineering president. She got into the car before Gu Zhihan and Zhong Ying, and when she looked ahead, there was a high-pressure aura surrounding her.

Zhong Ying and Gu Zhihan looked at each other with a surprised expression. Gu Zhihan thought more: Bai Qing's acting skills are also good, and Zhou Zheng's appearance is also very pleasing, why has there been no splash for so many years

Is it simply luck, or is there something wrong with the management of the artist agency

Bai Qing also didn't know that Gu Zhihan saw Xiao Zhi Da, and when the three of them got into the car, he nodded and instructed the driver to start the car.

Just like Gu Zhihan always.

The meeting started at 9:00 in the morning, and the three people took their places as agreed. In order to improve Fan'er, Bai Qing also specially wore a trench coat. After walking into the conference room, he flicked the corner of his clothes, and he was so handsome that he stunned all the directors at once.

What's wrong with Mr. Gu today? He seems to be in a very bad mood...

And Gu Zhihan himself sat in the office with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In Bai Qingyi's eyes, is he such an exaggerated existence

It's quite interesting.

Bai Qing also passed through a group of company executives and sat in the most powerful place. Zhong Ying followed behind her, as silent and reliable as standing beside the real Gu Zhihan.

When the two exchanged bodies, Gu Zhihan was attending a meeting. Bai Qingyi came through and fell to the ground, startling everyone, thinking that the workaholic finally had a problem with his body.

The next few days were in chaos, and Gu Zhihan and Zhong Ying were busy dealing with a series of effects brought about by changing their bodies, so they didn't have time to restart the meeting. When the dust finally settled on time these days, the meeting could no longer be delayed.

Today's meeting is a continuation of the last "Gu Zhihan fainted". Shengmei Entertainment is about to establish alliances with companies in other three countries to realize resource sharing and exchange. Before that, a large-scale integration is required within the company.

Bai Qing also sat upright on the chair, coughed a little, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Let's talk about it last time."

Zhong Ying reminded: "Director Huang, it's your turn."

Huang Hong is the agency director of Shengmei Entertainment and Qin Yanjun's immediate boss. After the end of "The Glory of Dreams" that year, the champion was handed over to Huang Hongdai, and the runner-up Bai Qing was also assigned to Qin Yanjun.

At that time, Huang Hong and Qin Yanjun had the same status, and they were both competing for the position of brokerage director. Later, when Huang Hong's artists flew into the sky, Qin Yanjun officially failed in the seizure of power.

Director Huang projected the PPT and reported: "Our company currently has a total of 126 artists and 38 managers. Most of the top artists are one-on-one, and artists with limited commercial value are divided into groups, with experienced managers. Bring them together. Among the 126 artists, 56 are musicians, and the rest of the artists are biased towards film and television dramas."

"The company's music resources are distributed evenly, while the resources for film and television dramas are far from enough. If other countries' cinema films enter the mainland market, the company's singers can create and sing promotion songs, and make reasonable use of the company's artists' popularity and popularity. However, the film and television drama is a shortcoming. , our company has fewer plays, and it is difficult to output in this regard."

Although Bai Qing also doesn't understand business, as a low-level artist, she is very aware of the situation of artist brokerage. Musicians who can write and sing are self-sufficient and do not need too much investment except for financial and venue support. The good-looking actors are in an embarrassing situation. There are too many resources for film and television dramas, and there are many appointments for top artists. The bottom artists can only be packed and stuffed into the crew.

It is also very difficult for the crew to do it. There are investors who are plugging in people, there are directors and screenwriters who are friendly, and there are actors who fit the character's temperament. At the end, there are only five or six episodes left, with no characters and a separate story line. Super supporting characters.

In the past seven years, Bai Qing also said that he has acted in 7 dramas, but except for one star girl, the rest are all seven. Fire is a ghost.

Qin Yanjun finally decided to let Bai Qing also act in a web drama. Being able to play the heroine of this web drama also has some origins with Bai Qingyi's talent experience.

The screenwriter and original author of this web drama is a fan of Bai Qingyi, who has been following it since the draft. As soon as I heard that Bai Qing could also play the role, I immediately became a director.

The director has another candidate in mind, which is more popular and cheaper. It was not until the original author said that the novel was written with Bai Qingyi as the prototype, and the director finally let go.

The opportunity was not easy to come by, Bai Qing also liked it after reading the original work, and of course he didn't want to give it up. But she also knew that she was completely unqualified to ask Gu Zhihan to "play" herself.

Don't talk about the past, go back to the present. Director Huang said a lot, but in summary, there is only one meaning: I have done a great job, and I still lack film and television resources.

Bai Qing also nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "Next."

Director Huang sat down, feeling up and down. There is no emotion on Mr. Gu's face. Is he satisfied or dissatisfied

Each subsequent department reported step by step, Bai Qing also pretended to be forceful, and Zhong Ying dutifully recorded.

Gu Zhihan was thinking behind the computer screen. She took out the company's financial report for the first half of the year and was studying the relationship between the data when the phone rang. Gu Zhihan paused for a while, seeing that the call was Qin Yanjun, and then he picked it up.

Qin Yanjun is an agent, and this is Bai Qingyi's working relationship. If it's a personal relationship, she won't go overboard.


Qin Yanjun's personality is straight and straight, and immediately said: ""The Journey of the World" is going to change the heroine, what do you think? It's too late to regret it, and I don't advise you to divorce Gu Zhihan, I just beg you, don't spoil your reputation like this . This time I broke the contract for no reason. Will there be a crew looking for you next time?"

Gu Zhihan was too lazy to guess and adapt to the original relationship between the two, so she said in her own cold to the South Pole: "My attitude has been notified to you by WeChat."

After Bai Qing also returned to WeChat, Gu Zhihan didn't check it. But she felt that Bai Qing would definitely explain things clearly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yanjun was even more blown up when he said this: "I asked you why you stopped all work, and you sent me a wedding photo?! It's okay if you really fall in love with Gu Zhihan, she obviously doesn't like you. Ah! What are you going to do when she has had enough fun to divorce you?"

Gu Zhihan frowned, pulled the phone away, went through the WeChat chat records, and found that Bai Qingyi had really returned a photo of the marriage certificate and a message.

[Qing Yi]: Don't worry, she's a good person, we get along very happily

Gu Zhihan has always advocated a simple and efficient way of communication, but the emoji Bai Qing also chose is so expressive that she seemed to be able to make up for the other party's squinting and cute expression, so she couldn't help but smile softly.

"You still laugh! You can still laugh!" Qin Yanjun hated that iron was not steel, and said, "How did you tell me before signing the contract? You said that this character is very similar to you, and it is worth it for an actor to meet such a character in his life. But now you give up when you say give up, are you changing, or are you going to lose your former self?"

Gu Zhihan was silent for a moment, then said, "A character like me..."

"The screenwriter also modified the character and plot for you. Are you worthy of the screenwriter?" Qin Yanjun became more and more angry. After a strange silence, Qin Yanjun sighed melancholy and said, "You want to pursue love, forget it. , as you like. I'm too lazy to care."

Qin Yanjun was so disappointed that he hung up the phone abruptly.

Gu Zhihan had never been treated like this, but she forgot to be angry and thought about another question: what does a play mean to an actor

Is it just a role and a salary

So what does a role mean

Gu Zhihan listened to the rest of the meeting absentmindedly, seeing that everyone had left after the end, Bai Qing also loosened her shoulders, stuck her tongue out to Zhong Ying, and made a relieved expression.

High-spirited, playful and lively.

Zhong Ying took Bai Qingyi back to the office and said to Gu Zhihan, "President Gu."

Bai Qing also said: "Successfully completed the task."

His expression was calm and restrained, no waves could be seen.

Zhong Ying praised: "Miss Bai's performance is very good, there is no flaw."

Bai Qing also pulled her hair behind her ears and smiled softly: "Thank you."

Gu Zhihan looked at the two in front of her and suddenly said, "After the meeting, I saw you smiled at Zhong Ying."

Bai Qing was also stunned, the smile disappeared instantly, and it turned into a loss. "Sorry... I'll pay attention next time."

Zhong Ying said, "At that time, there were no outsiders in the conference room, so Mr. Gu didn't need to be so strict."

Gu Zhihan moved his lips, trying to say that it was not harsh, but that he just happened to notice this scene. But what's the point of telling them that they noticed it, whether it's the picture itself

Gu Zhihan thought there was no need to explain, so he stood up and said, "It's noon, let's go eat."

Zhong Ying said: "Don't you write the minutes of the meeting and respond to the email first?"

In the past, Gu Zhihan had a personality that couldn't be delayed for a moment...

Gu Zhihan said: "For health."

Gu Zhihan had already reached the door, but neither Bai Qingyi nor Zhong Ying followed. She turned around and said to Bai Qingyi impatiently, "You said you would remind me to eat on time, but you didn't."

Bai Qing also subconsciously raised her hand to look at her watch and found that it was just twelve:01.

It turns out that "reminder on time" needs to be so precise...

Gu Zhihan urged again, "It's not too late to keep up."

Bai Qing also hurried forward, Zhong Ying was the last, with a mysterious smile on her face.

Zhihan is acting like a spoiled child? It seems that this accident is not all bad.