Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 70: Weibo


In the marriage certificate that Gu Zhihan po came out, only the relevant identity information was coded, and the photos were clearly identifiable, and anyone could see that Gu Zhihan and Bai Qingyi were both.

… Even if there are people with different minds trying to deny it, the two names on the marriage certificate cannot be refuted.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, the Weibo was stuck for two minutes, and everyone couldn't open Gu Zhihan's comment area.

The bald programmer touched his smooth little head and quickly solved the problem. He is also eating melons.

The comments section is weird-

"Both of them look so good!"

"So Gu Xiongzhi is making a list for his daughter-in-law?! What about the person who said that his account was hacked??!"

"Gu Zhihan has money, looks and ability, and her father-in-law is so supportive. Is Bai Qing the best married in the entertainment industry?"

"Wait... I'm the only one who noticed that He Baiqing also made a public appearance, but Aite Chen Lili??? What is this operation???"

All kinds of netizens, all kinds of concerns. Gu Zhihan asked his assistant to delete and block those accounts that made rude remarks, but he was responding to Bai Qingyi's questioning.

"Why did you post the marriage certificate online!" Bai Qing never expected that Gu Zhihan would announce the marriage news in such a high-profile manner, and she called when she saw Weibo.

Gu Zhihan said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone, "I miss you."

"?" Bai Qingyi said: "I'm calling you now, I'm questioning you, don't make excuses!"

Bai Qing may also be too shocked, the volume is very loud. The assistant who helped Gu Zhihan delete Weibo comments didn't dare to move, and stared at the phone screen with his neck shrunk.

Is the proprietress so fierce... Even President Gu dares to scold...

With a smile on Gu Zhihan's lips, he lowered his eyebrows and listened, and finally said, "I didn't make excuses, I really miss you."

Gu Zhihan spoke very seriously, and serious women were the most attractive. Bai Qingyi was still aggressive just now, but after hearing these words, she instantly softened, almost forgetting why she made this call.

… No, she hadn't forgotten. Bai Qing also coughed, and when he took out the questioning style again, his momentum was much weaker, like a bulging balloon, which burst with a poke.

Bai Qing also pretended to be angry and said, "So why did you post the marriage certificate online? Did you get my approval?"

If it was in the past, Gu Zhihan might look ahead and look back. Before today, Gu Zhihan always thought that Bai Qing also avoided this marriage relationship like a snake and scorpion, and was unwilling to mention it to anyone. But after today, Gu Zhihan had an inexplicable confidence.

Bai Qing has also accepted herself as her wife.

So Gu Zhihan smiled lightly, and when the laughter was transmitted to Bai Qingyi's ears through the electric current, Bai Qingyi felt itchy, as if Gu Zhihan was talking in his ear. The warm wind, the touch beyond a millimeter...

Bai Qing also scratched his ears.

Gu Zhihan said: "Because they guessed wrong, they said that you are Le Duo's lover, I'm not happy."

"What does this have to do with Le Duo!" Bai Qing also raised the volume, startling Le Duo who was not far away. Le Duo looked at him eagerly, the desire for survival in his eyes was particularly obvious, and he was about to hold a sign on it. Write "Qingqing save me".

Gu Zhihan said, "I'm jealous."

Bai Qingyi: "?"

Gu Zhihan said, "As your legal partner, netizens insist on putting you with another man. Can't I be jealous? If I'm jealous, can't I refute them?"

What he said seemed to make sense, but Bai Qing also pondered for a while, but still felt that something was wrong.

After a while, she finally found the problem. That majestic momentum returned, because Bai Qingyi now thought of the second thing that surprised her and required a confrontation.

"If you refute, refute, but the Weibo of the public marriage is Aite Chen Lili, what is the operation?" Bai Qing also thought of this, and became angry, "I read the comments on your Weibo, and they thought you were with him. Chen Lili has made it public!"

Bai Qing was also puffed up, feeling that the whole person had become a puffer fish.

Gu Zhihan heard the tone from the other side and asked, "Are you jealous?"

Bai Qingyi: "...I didn't."

How can a jealous person say that he is jealous!

Gu Zhihan said again, "I'm not very good at people's hearts."

Bai Qingyi: "?"

Gu Zhihan: "So if you don't say that you're jealous, it's impossible for me to know that you're jealous."

Bai Qing also: ? ?

I don't know why, although Gu Zhihan said that he was wronged, Bai Qing also had a feeling that the other party was designing him. But thinking about it in combination with Gu Zhihan's character, what the other party said seemed to be the truth.

Gu Zhihan was frank, and said something. If I miss you, I will say I miss you, if I am jealous, I will say I am jealous, and I dare to spread it out and look at it.

But why am I twitching

Is being jealous a shameful thing

Thinking of this, Bai Qing also reluctantly said, "...Of course I'm jealous."

"You made it public and went to Aite to go to Chen Lili. Can't I be jealous?" Bai Qing said angrily, and at the same time there was a strange feeling of being forced to be a prostitute...

No, she still felt that she was being tricked by Gu Zhihan.

Gu Zhihan said, "You can refute them."

"I don't!" Bai Qingyi suddenly became self-willed, with a little bit of coquettishness, and said: "Why do you want me to refute the good things you did yourself! Can't you refute yourself, and you are willing to let them Such a misunderstanding! Do you have something to do with Chen Lili!"

Bai Qing also said this on purpose. A few days ago, someone in the crew watched the family ethics drama, and the heroine in it questioned the hero like this. Just now Gu Zhihan lied to her to tell the truth, she felt that she had been "bullied", and she naturally wanted to take revenge in a harmless way.

"I didn't, I didn't know Chen Lili before." Gu Zhihan replied conditionedly, and finally heard Bai Qingyi's chuckle, and finally realized: "Are you kidding me?"

Bai Qing also answered vaguely, neither admitting nor refuting.

Gu Zhihan said: "I really have nothing to do with Chen Lili, it was an accident. Please forgive me, or I will buy you a bag?"

Bai Qing also said with disgust: "Except for the last half sentence, the lines are too blunt, you will be scolded by the director for this."

"Look, I can't lie to you at all." Gu Zhihan said, "I want to buy you a bag, I mean it."

Bai Qing was also stunned for a moment, before feigning anger, "You still want to lie to me?!"

Gu Zhihan smiled and said, "It seems that your lines are not very good, so you still have to ask Mr. Liu to make up for it."

This time, even I can hear the feeling of being a good read. It seems that Qingqing's acting skills are limited to the camera.

Gu Zhihan was very serious again, saying word by word, "I will never lie to you."

The assistant responsible for deleting Weibo shrank in the corner, not daring to breathe, for fear that he would be noticed by the boss.

He heard the conversation between the boss and Miss Bai. It seemed to be normal questioning and explanation before, but why did it suddenly jump to the lame idol drama lines? ! (The assistant sighed here: We are all good, Mr. Gu, but when we acted, we were a little fake. Can we really cope with this?)

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Gu Zhihan began to speak sweetly and earnestly again.

The assistant stared intently at the screen, and happened to see a comment that said [The published Weibo has other people in Aite, is it a strange interest]. The assistant suddenly realized it, and thought to the vicissitudes of life: Yes, it turned out to be fun.

Are you rich and famous like this? It's bald.

Not knowing what Bai Qingyi said, the expression on Gu Zhihan's face suddenly softened. The assistant glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a faint gentle smile.

Love can really change a person.

Thinking of Mr. Gu's previous appearance, the assistant couldn't help but pray: I hope Bai Qing is also sweeter, so that my life will be much better. please please!

Gu Zhihan hung up the phone, turned to look at the assistant, and asked, "Delete this Weibo."

assistant:? ?

What does it mean to turn around and delete the public Weibo! I have blocked so many sunspots, and they are all for nothing, right? Besides, won't Miss Bai be angry? !

Gu Zhihan frowned and said, "I didn't think carefully before, and I shouldn't have Aite's person. After deleting it, I will post it again. The picture doesn't need to be changed, Aite's correct object will be fine."

"Right object" or something... that sounds very reserved and tender. When the assistant went to school, the Chinese teacher in the class and the math teacher in the next class were husband and wife. Every time the Chinese teacher called her husband "my teacher Zhang", the assistant always felt a sense of stability and happiness.

Now, the assistant actually saw this kind of stable happiness in the big boss.

The assistant hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't delete it."

Gu Zhihan didn't speak.

The assistant bit the bullet and said, "Weibo has an editing function that allows you to modify previously posted Weibo, so you don't need to delete Weibo..."

Gu Zhihan stared at him for two seconds, then took the phone and fiddled with it for a while, then said lightly, "Where?"

The assistant took the phone over nervously, looked at it for a while, sighed with relief, and said, "Mr. Gu, you don't have a membership, so you can't use this function. Can I create one for you now? Members can also pin Weibo, that is, every time Anyone who clicks on your homepage will see it."

Without hesitation, Gu Zhihan took out a black card, threw it in front of the assistant, and said, "To open a membership, first open for fifty years. Then put this Weibo to the top."

The assistant was dumbfounded. This was the first time he saw a black card! Didn't expect it to be in this situation!

He just said it casually, but he did not expect to generate so much revenue for Sina. He felt that he should go to Weibo and ask him to pay some promotion fees between Aite's comings and goings.

Fifty years or something is too exaggerated... Gu has always identified one person, so he doesn't plan to change it.

You still have to listen to what the boss says. The assistant didn't dare to object, and followed the instructions of taking care of Zhi Han.

Then the assistant heard Gu Zhihan calling Zhong Ying.

"Zhong Ying, what is Weibo's stock price now? What is the company's future?"

Zhong Ying said, "Are you interested in Weibo?"

"Well," Gu Zhihan said lightly, "some small functions are very useful."

Zhong Ying said: "It's no problem for Shengmei Entertainment to collect some scattered shares, but if you want to control, you still need to find the headquarters of the group."

Gu Zhihan pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I will mention this to Gu Xiongzhi in a few days."


Holy crap, are rich people so casual! ! !