Forced to Become The CEO

Chapter 8: wife


At 5:58 in the morning, Gu Zhihan opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling energetically.

Waking up early in the morning and being so awake, it was natural for Gu Zhihan. But for a serious president who has to be self-disciplined to eat and go to the toilet on the hour, waking up two minutes earlier than the scheduled time is the strangest thing.

Gu Zhihan lay down for two full minutes, until the phone rang, and she sat up from the bed.

Why didn't Bai Qing appear? Mingming had told him yesterday that Bai Qingyi would wake him up at six o'clock to run.

The domineering president hates orders being ignored the most, so President Gu angrily knocked on Bai Qingyi's door, but there was no reply.

Gu Zhihan cleared his throat and said, "Bai Qingyi, I'm in."

There was still no sound in the house.

Knowing that, Gu Zhihan opened the door and entered the room.

The curtains are very good at blocking light, and the room is pitch black. Gu Zhihan took a few steps lightly—she didn't know why she was taking light steps, didn't she come here to ask her guilt

The next second, a pillow was thrown from the bed, and it just hit Gu Zhihan's head.

"Ah, there are thieves!!!"

Bai Qingyi's cry frightened the birds in the forest, and the sound broke to the horizon, enough to see her panic.

Half an hour later, the two appeared in the living room neatly dressed, face to face.

Gu Zhihan was not in a hurry, but Bai Qingyi looked very embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I was confused just now, thinking that I was in my own home and treated you as a thief..."

Gu Zhihan smoothed the corners of his clothes and said, "What do you call me?"

Bai Qing also tentatively said, "Uh... Gu Zhihan...?"

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi blankly, and Bai Qingyi knew that she had answered wrong. Not to mention whether calling the boss by his name is courting death, even if Gu Zhihan allows it, he is used to calling him at home, what should he do if he can't stop talking outside

Bai Qing also bit the bullet and thought about a few titles: "Boss? Boss? Hanhan?"

Gu Zhihan said, "Which of these titles can outsiders hear?"

Bai Qing couldn't think of it anymore, and there was a desperate expression on his face.

Gu Zhihan said, "Don't forget our relationship."

"..." Bai Qing also said, "Lao Lao Lao Lao, wife?"

"You're not that old, but it's impossible for me to call this name out," Gu Zhihan frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Let's call it dear."

Bai Qingyi: "..."

At this moment, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Gu Zhihan asked again, "What would you call your other half? The kind that won't be seen by outsiders."

Bai Qing finally understood Gu Zhihan. I just don't want to be seen by outsiders...

Only then did Bai Qing also realize that she had always had a misunderstanding. She thought that the two got married by accident and out of helplessness, so Gu Zhihan would try to hide the fact that they were married. But in fact, Gu Zhihan didn't care about exposure.

She didn't even hide it from Qin Yanjun, indicating that she planned to make it public. Compared with the fake show of affection, Gu Zhihan couldn't accept "being found wrong". Therefore, it becomes a very important thing to agree on a person and name that outsiders can accept.

After thinking about this, the faint embarrassment in Bai Qingyi's heart disappeared. She thought about her character carefully, and finally came to the answer: "Dear!"

Gu Zhihan looked up at her and said, "What's the matter?"

Bai Qing also froze for a moment and said, "I mean, I will call the other half 'Dear'..."

"Well," Gu Zhihan seemed to be in a good mood and said, "Is there anything else? If you're ready, let's go for a morning run now."

Bai Qing also stood up, followed behind Gu Zhihan, and said, "Okay, let's go."

Gu Zhihan said again, "Dear."

Bai Qingyi: "..."

Bai Qingyi staggered under her feet, and when she stood firm, she looked back and found that Gu Zhihan's face was as usual, and there was nothing wrong with it.

I'll just say it, hahaha... The tone of the artificial mental retardation just now was something that Gu Zhihan could have.

How could President Gu tease me!

Bai Qing also went out the door in a confused way, thinking: I must have woken up the wrong way...

The community where Gu Zhihan lived was quiet and upscale, with good greenery. When running in the morning breeze, Bai Qing also felt as if her heart and lungs had been washed again.

Although a little tired, it is a kind of wanton relaxation for the body.

Gu Zhihan was busy with work and had irregular work and rest, barely able to achieve health. Bai Qing also made use of a body that did not belong to her, and felt that it was very difficult.

Covering her stomach, she said with difficulty as she ran: "Gu... dear, you, your physical fitness, you can't... Ha, huh... I just ran, five hundred meters... I can't run anymore... hum, wow... it's still me. The body... is better... huh, huh... look at you, don't breathe..."

Bai Qing also listened to the sound of her heavy footsteps, and for the first time intuitively felt the ills of exchanging bodies.

It's frustrating not being able to play a character you love. But a weak body is a complete pain.

Bai Qing also didn't hear Gu Zhihan's reply, and thought that the other party was so meticulous that he didn't even chat while running. The more you talk, the more tired you get when jogging, everyone knows that.

Who knew that in the next second, Bai Qing turned his head unconsciously, but did not see Gu Zhihan's figure at all.

Bai Qingyi: ... ? ?

Bai Qingyi: "Dear, where are you?"

"President Gu?" Not far away, a pleasant female voice rang out.

Bai Qing also looked for fame and saw Miao Xiangmei.

Miao Xiangmei, female, 26-year-old actress. Three years ago, she starred in the movie "Spring Is Coming" and won the Golden Jun Award for Best Actress. Miao Xiangmei has a handsome appearance, and is even too bland for the entertainment industry. But she has a very special temperament, as if she will always live in her own world, sensitive, slender, and fragile.

Bai Qing has never really met Miao Xiangmei. After seeing it today, she realized that the peculiar temperament on the other side was not due to the director or the photographer, but her own.

But the most important question now is, how did Miao Xiangmei know Gu Zhihan? What attitude should I take to face Miao Xiangmei

What's more, could Miao Xiangmei be Gu Zhihan's confidante

As soon as this thought came up, Bai Qingyi felt awkward in her heart for no reason, and even her expression became cold.

"Looking for someone?" Miao Xiangmei looked back at Xiaodao, but did not see the third person beside her.

Bai Qing also nodded solemnly and coldly, but did not speak. This was Gu Zhihan's initial attitude towards everyone.

At the same time, she knew why she felt awkward—Miao Xiangmei was so unique, it seemed that she might leave the world to wander at any time. Anyone with such a literary temperament would feel awkward if they also had an affair with the top executives of the entertainment company

Yes, it is like that.

Miao Xiangmei said, "I'm walking, and I plan to go home and sleep in a while. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really a coincidence."

walk? Go home to sleep

Seeing Bai Qing also puzzled, Miao Xiangmei explained: "The darkness before dawn is very beautiful, you can only sleep after seeing it. Fortunately, the community is very safe, otherwise I would not dare to go out alone at three in the morning. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank President Gu for finding me such a good place to live."

! ! !

Bai Qing was also suddenly startled, and the alarm bell rang out in his heart: There is gossip!

With a calm expression on his face, he said, "It's good if you like it."

Gu Zhihan bought a house for Miao Xiangmei! Wouldn't it really be nurturing! My God, Gu Zhihan is the one who will take care of female stars! My goodness, Miao Xiangmei is actually someone who will be nurtured!

At this moment, Gu Zhihan appeared not far away panting. She clutched her stomach and waved at Bai Qing, saying, "Dear, dear..."

Miao Xiangmei saw Gu Zhihan and said to Bai Qingyi, "Have you found the person Gu is looking for?"

Miao Xiangmei's expression was calm, and Bai Qingyi was puzzled again: Could it be that Miao Xiangmei doesn't mind if Gu Zhihan has other sexual affairs

Seeing that Gu Zhihan couldn't walk anymore, Bai Qing also quickly walked to Gu Zhihan's side and gave him a hand. Bai Qing also said, "Why did you fall behind?"

Obviously his physical fitness is stronger.

Gu Zhihan glanced at her and seemed to blame her, "You are running too fast."

Gu Zhihan looked at Miao Xiangmei again and said, "Miss Miao."

Miao Xiangmei smiled gently, with a moderate amount of gossip in her eyes. "May I ask who this is?" she asked Bai Qingyi.

Gu Zhihan's face was still pale, but he was able to say a complete sentence. She said, "My name is Bai Qingyi, and we are married."

Bai Qing also:…

As soon as you come up, you announce the marriage to your lover, so exciting!

Or is there really nothing between Gu Zhihan and Miao Xiangmei

Miao Xiangmei said, "Congratulations! What gift should I give?"

Gu Zhihan said, "Let's sign the contract. My dear has been worrying about this matter. When I get married, I want you to sign with the company."

When she said the words "dear", Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi, and Bai Qingyi could see the affection in her eyes.

Miao Xiangmei immediately raised her hand and said, "Don't say that, Miss Bai, I only have a business cooperation relationship with President Gu. Besides, I like freedom and don't want to be tied down."

Gu Zhihan opened her mouth and was about to continue persuading, but was interrupted by Bai Qingyi.

Bai Qing also said: "Ms. Miao can reconsider. Since I want to sign with you, I just like your personal characteristics. Even for commercial reasons, Shengmei Entertainment will not destroy this uniqueness, nor will it Interfering with you too much. Besides, only the heart is free, how can a contract bind a person?"

Miao Xiangmei smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Gu is really good at talking, please give me some more time to think about it."

"Yes." Bai Qingyi's tone was crisp and clear.

Gu Zhihan added: "Waiting for good news."

After the greeting, Miao Xiangmei yawned and walked slowly home.

Gu Zhihan looked at Bai Qingyi and said, "You said it well just now."

It's almost the same as Gu Zhihan's thoughts. Gu Zhihan was sure that she hadn't mentioned this to Bai Qingyi, but Bai Qingyi was able to infer the situation from a few words and was clever. Gu Zhihan also looked at Bai Qing with admiration.

Bai Qing also shot back: "You did a good job just now, dear."

That look is so perfect, if it wasn't for Bai Qing's self-knowledge, he might really think that the other party fell in love with him.

Gu Zhihan had enough rest, she shook off Bai Qingyi's hand to support her, took a step and said, "Keep running."

Bai Qing also quickly followed and asked, "Does Miao Xiangmei really want to sign with our company? Which step are you talking about?"

"Are you happy?" Gu Zhihan squinted at Bai Qingyi.

"Miao Xiangmei is so aura, I like her very much! Even if I just stay in the same company, I feel that I have been sublimated!" Bai Qingyi said: "If I can play with her, I am willing to quit the circle immediately. ."

Gu Zhihan frowned and wanted to say: Don't talk about quitting the circle.

The words came to the lips, but it became: "How about letting Miao Xiangmei be your substitute?"

Substitute, substitute

Substitute what